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1-4笔记1、perk up 来劲儿了,精神头上来了 2、Theres nothing to + 动词 没什么可.(为自己辩解;安慰别人) 3、同事:colleague co-worker people I work with 4、come on 加油,鼓劲;得了吧,少来了。 5、go out with someone 和某人约会(=have a date with someone) 6、gotta=got to必须 Theres gotta be.肯定是有. 7、something wrong 不对劲,有问题 8、I smell a rat. 我觉得不对劲。 9、all right 用在句首,表示不耐烦、不满或恼怒的情绪。 10、be nice to sb. 对某人好11、nice:个性好的,易相处的 mean:刻薄的12、hump n.驼背13、hairpiece:n.假发套 wear a hairpiece/wig 戴假发 big wig:大人物14、go through:经历不愉快的事情 put someone through:折磨人,折腾人 get through:熬过来,撑过来15、Oh my god! Oh gee! Oh gosh!16、Im such a + 贬义名词 我真是个.17、should have done sth. 早应该做.18、catch on 人做主语:理解,明白;物做主语:流行,时髦19、I mean/ you know/ you see/well 插入语20、mess 状况不佳,一片混乱 Hes such a mess.21、go for 选择了.22、wanna=want to23、kill 痛死了,疼得让我受不了了;让人感到备受折磨24、pain-killer 止疼片 lady-killer 把女性迷得神魂颠倒的男子 middle-aged woman killer 师奶杀手25、关心人的几种说法:Are you okay?Whats the matter?Is something bothering you?Whats on your mind?26、sweetie/darling/sweetheart/pumpkin 亲爱的,甜心27、feel like doing sth. 很想做.28、grab 相当于seize;在口语中多表示匆匆地取/拿/抓一把29、up for grabs 供人竞争的(被争抢的东西 + be + up for grabs + by + 争抢者)30、stuff 可以用来只带任何名词,没有复数,等于thing或者things。动词是单数形式。31、cleanse 净化,清楚(抽象的东西,文学的说法)32、aura 灵气,气场33、leave alone 单独放在一边;不管了,不理了34、murky 黑暗的,朦胧的35、to hell with someone 去他的,让.见鬼去吧36、the hell:放在句中,强烈加强语气(疑问词 + the hell)37、back+具体时间/年份 早在.时候38、major 主要的,重要的39、have a (little/huge/major)crush on someone 表示迷恋喜爱一个人(盲目不成熟)40、I always figured 我总觉得(深思熟虑后)41、geeky adj. 书呆子的,土包子的,不善交际的42、let sth become a factor (in) 让.成为因素43、be vulnerable to 对.特别抵抗不住 vulnerability 脆弱性44、邀请某人约会的几种说法Do you think it would be okay if I asked you out?Sometime?Would you like to go out with me tonight?Are you free tonight?Do you have plans tonight?45、Thats it. 表示赞同;表示结束,完结;就这样了,没有别的了;表示反感货失望。46、稍等会的几种说法Excuse me a minute.Excuse me ,Ill be back in a minute.Would you excuse me for a minute?Im afraid I have to leave you for a minute or two.Hang on a minute.Just a minute.47、con artist 骗子48、pickup artist 泡妞高手49、youre telling me .你不是要告诉我.吧?You are telling me! 我完全赞同,百分百同意50、there is .chance that+从句 there is .chance of doing sth.+动宾结构51、没有.的可能性,可能性为零 there is no chance that. chance可能性;机会hit it off 投缘;相处融洽52、可能性微小,渺茫,但不是没有 there is a slim/slight chance that.53、可能性对半开 there is a fifty-fifty chance that.54、可能性挺大 there is a good chance that.55、start with 由.开始 to start with 首先something like that=you name it比如56、initial 首字母57、execute 处死,处决58、I dont care 我不在乎/不在意59、as if I cared 好像我多在乎似的60、保密的几种说法I wont tell anyone. I promise.Can you keep the secret?I swear I will never tell anyone about it .Its just between you and me.61、get sth. wrong 把.搞错了62、set up 陷害63、want sb. in the ground 想让某人死。64、revolve around 以.为中心65、be sentenced to death 被判处死刑66、take something well 心平气和的接受某些不好的事67、not take sth. well 难以接受.68、blame的用法If anyones to blame,.如果有人该受责备,承担责任的话。通常用于自己承担责任。Dont blame me.用于劝阻别人。blame sb for doing sth. 因为某事责怪某人Only have yourself to blame.只能怪你自己,是你自己的错。69、I dont get it.我没整明白。70、attach oneself to 把自己和.联系起来 attachment 附件 attached 形容两个人形影不离71、end up 以.告终,落得.的下场72、feel that way 那样感受的 feel the same way 同样的感受73、throw the book at sb.严厉地处罚罪犯74、想让别人做什么的几种语气最简单的 Can you do sth.?稍客气 Could/Would you .?更加客气 Could you please.?最客气 Do you mind if I ask you to do sth.?75、Weve been over this.我们已经谈论过此事了。76、Someone doesnt have a .bone in his/her body.某人骨子里就没有.特征 (只有否定形式)77、youve gotta=youve got to 你必须.78、deal with 处理;涉及到.;与.人打交道79、suffer from 遭受80、for instance 比如81、surrounding enviroment 周围环境82、sanity n.理智 keep ones sanity 保持清醒83、insane adj. 失去理智的,疯了的84、mental ilness 精神疾病 5-8笔记1、in reverse 相反,倒过来2、story 新闻报道3、引起别人注意的说法:Attention please,everyone.Or meeting is about to start.May I have your attention,please.4、Im here with sb. 谁在我身边5、Love Solutions 鹊桥公司6、boast的用法:自吹自擂:Its nothing to boast of.拥有某种特点:Our company boasts high-quality personnel.7、variable 变量 algorithm 运算法则,算法8、presto manifesto 语气词9、hey presto 像魔术师口中的“变”10、soul mate 心灵相通的伴侣11、it (not) works句型 .(不)奏效12、incredible opportunity 绝佳的机会13、nail 的用法:have sex with someone.抱着玩一玩的心态做得好,干得漂亮:You nailed it.14、be done with=be sick of 厌烦了,受够了15、one night stand 一夜情16、let it be known=make it known that.让别人知道17、cuddle 拥抱。依偎在一起的拥抱。18、Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?你想来软的,还是来硬的。19、rough someone up 粗暴对待,殴打,动粗20、toss out 扔掉,丢弃,驱逐,撵走21、toss up 扔硬币22、stomp 迈着重步子走,重踏23、plenty of fish in the sea.天涯何处无芳草24、恋爱递等式:seeing-dating-going steady-in relationships25、lesbian 女同性恋26、lgbt community :l lesbian;g gay;b bisexual 双性恋;t transgender 跨性别者27、Im straight. 我是异性恋者Im normal (X)28、You bastard! 混蛋29、make life worth living 使生活有意义30、be supposed to .人是主语:以为应该.;被期望.;相当于should;物是主语:某事本应该发生而没有发生31、happy ending 32、I was so sure. 过去我如此确信33、不同场合表达肯定、确定的意思:朋友间,比较随意的absolutely sure/certain语气庄重专业Theres no doubt in my mind.34、the one 在英文中经常表示今生唯一35、I was so devastated.崩溃,窒息36、painful 使人感到疼痛,物是主语;pain 人是主语37、Ive come out the other side a little bit stronger.我振作起来38、I wasnt born yesterday.我不是三岁小孩。39、traumatic 创伤的40、sb. has been through sth.+形容词 某人经历了.41、be there for you 站在你这边42、piss off 激怒了,惹恼了,惹毛了43、hold in 克制,压抑,抑制44、release the berserker 释放狂暴因子45、swallow ones anger 吞怒气46、throw it one someones face 怒气发泄在别人身上47、let it go 就这样过去吧48、move forward/on 继续前行49、Are you feeling any better? 向别人表关心50、你是认真的吗?你没开玩笑吧?Are you serious?Are you kidding?Are you pulling my leg?Do you mean it?51、What company is this for? 你们是哪家公司?52、first thing in the morning 一大早53、editor in chief 总编managing editor 执行主编copy editor 文字编辑54、first choice 首选55、dress+副词 穿得.,打扮得.56、before and after 化妆前后对比照57、向别人问候:Hows it going?Hows it been?Hows everything?How have you been?What have you been up to?58、brutal 比 cruel 语气强烈59、treat sb. like dirt 对待某人像灰尘一般60、treat sb. like sth. 像.一样对待某人61、bite ones head off 发火,训斥,通常是无名火62、HR human resources 人力资源部,人事部63、rumor has it that.有传言称.64、解雇的说法:He got fired.He got sacked.He got laid off. laid-off workers 下岗工人He got the boot.He got the pink slip.解雇通知书65、be temped to do sth. 被引诱做.66、let sb. down=disappoint sb. 让某人失望67、something (口语)出色的人68、I can fix this. 我可以补救69、close the book 放弃做某事,因为你办不成或找不到出路70、Im in hell. 我太煎熬了71、that (口语)那么,通常用于问句中72、不知道的表达:I dont have a clue.I have no idea.I dont know.73、junior high school 初中senior high school 高中He is a junior in high school. 他是高中三年级的学生freshman 大一学生sophomore 大二学生junior 大三学生senior 大四学生74、hateful person/place/face 令人讨厌的.75、make it 的用法成功了,做成了If you try your best,youll make it.准时到达,能够出席Im sorry I cant make it on Saturday.渡过难关The doctors think hes going to make it.76、a fresh start=a new start77、Youve got sth. on+部位78、破坏 ruin79、make ones life a misery 让别人痛苦80、karma 佛教用语,因果报应81、make sth. a thing 小题大做,大惊小怪82、so far 到目前为止=until now83、rip sth. off 把.撤掉,扔掉Just rip it off.废话少说What a rip-off!简直是宰人84、TV spot 电视栏目85、sth. is a disaster 形容某事特别糟糕sth. sucks! 某事糟透了lame 差劲lousy 烂的,差的86、add a little polish 增加亮点87、thrilled 非常激动,受宠若惊88、masthead 刊头89、sabotage 陷害,背后捅刀子90、be in the spotlight 成为焦点9-12笔记1、land on 登陆2、high fashion 高端时尚,高级时尚3、fashionista 时尚达人4、You look chic. 你穿得好时尚啊!5、tacky 老土6、the best of best 最好中的最好的7、otherwise known as 又被称为,又叫做8、coveted adj. 受人追捧的9、launch v. 起步 launch party 公司推出新品举行的发布派对 launch ones career 开展事业,事业起步10、guess what+叙述的惊讶事情11、once in a lifetime 一生只有一次12、fashion spreads 时尚杂志对折的两页13、insane 失去理智;形容某事不合常理,到了疯狂的地步14、tip-top: the best,excellent,very great15、jaw n. 下巴 jaw-dropping adj. 令人瞠目结舌,目瞪口呆的16、shun=avoid 避开回避(不喜欢或害怕)17、kind of 一点=kinda18、nerdy=geeky 不善交际,土包子19、Dont start. 不要挑事20、memorable=unforgetable21、Thats the biggest thing you can be. 最高境界22、talent scout 星探23、问他人意见:朋友之间很随意的情况:How do you feel about the dress?正式场合:Do you have any particular views on sth.?Id be grateful to have your comments on something.24、描述别人身材Shes tiny. 她很娇小,袖珍。Hes big. 他个头蛮大的。Shes slim. 她很苗条。Shes skinny. 骨瘦如材。It is chubby. 胖嘟嘟He has a beer belly. 他有啤酒肚。Shes got great curves. 她身形很优美。25、extraordinarily adv. 特别地26、a little bit 有一点27、generic adj.平凡的,普通的28、赞女孩子漂亮You are gorgeous.You look radiant.29、exactly 表示同意认可30、makeover 变身,形象改造31、go black 染黑go short 简短bang n. 刘海straight haircurly hairpony-tail 马尾辫pig-tail 猪尾辫32、snip 剪33、plain Jane 不起眼的女孩子34、blend in 和背景太相似很难找到 fit in 融入团体35、sb. has what it takes to do sth.某人有做某事的潜质或先决条件dont have what it takes to do sth. 没有做某事的潜质或先决条件36、stand out 脱颖而出,鹤立鸡群37、表示支持root for 支持(更侧重于精神方面的鼓励),为.加油(尤指比赛中);常用进行时Im rooting for you.I support you.I stand behind you.I will back you up.Im on your side.38、deserve v. 值得拥有,配得上39、law of jungle 丛林生存法则40、tough 困难,艰难,相当于difficult; be tough on sb.态度强硬的41、Lets get started. 我们开始吧。42、top business school 顶尖商学院43、A has a great advantage over B in terms of sth.A在某事上比B有优势44、street smarts 街头生存智慧45、hands-on 动手,实践操作的,实战的46、business task 商业任务business case 商业案例business partner 商业合作伙伴business is business 在商言商,公事公办its none of your business 关你什么事?Lets get down to business 我们来谈正经事吧!47、project manager 项目经理team leader 小队长,小组长team player 具有团队合作精神的人48、hold sb. responsible for sth.让某人负责某事sb. be held responsible for sth.49、partially 部分的50、boardroom 懂事会议室51、NYSE 纽约证券交易所New York Stock Exchange52、vision: 1、幻想憧憬have visions of doing sth.2、愿景corporate vision 企业愿景53、back to basic 回到最基本的东西54、seed money 本金,原始资金,创办资金55、lousy 差劲56、kick around 粗暴的对待,比喻被打得落花流水57、figure out 弄清楚,整明白58、forte 特长,强项59、cuisine 烹饪,菜肴,一般是做工精致Chinas four major cuisinesSichuan cuisine 川菜Shandong cuisine 鲁菜Cantonese cuisine 粤菜Huaiyang cuisine 淮扬菜60、cant sb. just do sth.?.人就不能只做.61、do drugs 吸毒,嗑药62、get high/get stoned 吸毒后进入恍惚,麻醉状态的情景63、change in behavior 行为上的变化change in attitude 态度变化64、warning signs 警示标志,值得引起警惕的信号65、as fresh as paint 很嫩,很新鲜66、That explains a lot. 那解释了很多。67、shut up 闭嘴68、run for 竞选 campaign for 69、the head of this household 一家之主70、I would appreciate it if+虚拟语气 如果能.我将不胜感激71、a skeleton in the closet 比喻家丑,隐情,不可告人的秘密dirty laundry 家丑,平常的come out of the closet 出柜,同性恋公开72、big deal 了不得的事情13-16笔记1、Drop Dead Diva 一语双关,alliteration押头韵2、drop dead 倒下去就死了;也可形容一个人非常漂亮3、drop dead beautiful/drop dead gorgeous 倾国倾城4、diva/prima donna n.歌剧中的首席女歌唱演员;妄自尊大耍性子的人,恃才傲物的人5、act like a diva 很高傲,爱摆架子耍性子6、wake-up call 叫醒服务;sth. is a wake-up call for sb. 某事给某人敲了警钟7、bloated adj.感觉胀胀的;泡的发胀的8、soul mate 灵魂伴侣9、vacated adj.空出来的,腾出来的vacate v. 腾出,空出 vacate the room10、vessel n.装液体的器皿;drinking vessel 樽;blood vessel 血管11、work for 对.起作用,奏效;doesnt work for sb. 对.不见效,不管用12、community college 社区学院;diploma mill 野鸡大学13、quit v.辞职;I quit! 我不干了14、look on the bright side 往好处看15、IQ:intelligence quotient 智力商数;EQ:emotion quotient 情感商数16、off the charts 超出图标范围,好的不得了,顶呱呱17、jury sytstem 陪审团制度18、grief(悲伤五阶段): denial,anger,bargaining(彷徨,纠结),depression,acceptance.19、pharmaceuticals n.医药品;pharmaceutical company 制药公司20、hallucination n.幻觉(病态的,由药物引起的)21、admit to sth. 承认某事22、pop ones pills 服药23、think twice 三思24、assess v.评估,估量25、client n. 客户,法庭指当事人26、reach a verdict 作出裁定27、your honor 在法庭指法官大人28、find for 裁决结果倾向于某一方29、民事诉讼:原告plaintiff 被告 defendant;刑事诉讼:原告prosecutor 被告the accused30、general damages 普通损害赔偿;punitive damages 惩罚性赔偿31、case closed 结案32、remain silent 保持沉默miranda warning 米兰达警告33、instruct sb. to do sth.下指示,下命令。上对下,老对少34、Thats okay.没关系,不等于okay35、I have faith in you.我相信你;很信任:have much faith in;非常非常相信:have tremendous faith in;百分百信任:have complete faith in36、statistically speaking 就统计数据而言统计数据表明:1、according to statistics.;2、statistics show that+从句 statistics indicate that +从句;3、statistically speaking 就统计数据而言37、starting salary 起薪38、micro-expression 微表情39、vary depending on the person 因人而异40、Lets leave this up. 暂时搁置41、current affair 时事42、scorn 轻蔑,不屑43、contempt 轻蔑,鄙视44、suicide bomber 自杀式炸弹袭击者,人肉炸弹45、personally,I think.我个人觉得.46、frigging:该死的,相当于damned47、carnival 嘉年华,狂欢节;carnival act 儿戏,瞎胡闹48、chin boss 下巴的颌骨部分49、talk a wild guess 大胆的猜测,胡乱猜测50、have a fling with.有一腿51、affair 不正当的男女关系全称:extramarital affair52、caste n.原指印度的种姓制度,引申为社会等级,等级制度53、slot n. 狭长的孔,如自动贩卖机的投币口;口语,某个机构、团体中所处的位置54、fall into certain slots 一个萝卜一个坑,处于特定位置55、jock 魁梧帅气的男生,又帅体育又强的男孩子56、penthouse 楼顶阁楼57、invisible 看不见的人,不起眼的,没人注意的学生58、bottom floor 底层59、sub-basement 地下室的下层60、set in stone 一成不变,板上钉钉61who they are;who I am;what I amI am what I am today because of the support from my family.62、out of ones box 原指喝酒喝醉了-out of ones mind,crazy63、follow suit 跟着做,跟风64、sign up 报名,登记或签约65、fall in line 和.一样 behave in the s


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