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Writedownthepastformofthesewords 1 watch 2 visit 3 play 4 live 5 move 6 decide 7 study 8 copy 9 cry 10 stop 11 plan 12 drop 14 am is 15 go 16 do 17 put 18 get 19 take watched visited played lived moved decided studied copied cried stopped planned dropped was went did put got took Unit8Groupwork Therulesofthepastform 1 playedworkedwantedneeded 2 decidedlivedimproved 3 carry carriedstudy studiedworry worried 5 go wenthave hadsee saweat atebuy boughttake tookwin wonhang hung 4 stop stoppedshop shoppedplan planned Unit8Howwasyourschooltrip 你的学校旅行过得如何 1 在你的上次学校旅行中2 去沙滩3 去水族馆 动物园4 吃冰淇淋5 拍照6 和 一起闲逛7 买一个纪念品8 还有什么 9 赢得一顶帽子10 获奖11 得到某人的签名 onyourlastschooltrip gotothebeach gototheaquarium zoo have eaticecream takephotos pictures hangoutwith buyasouvenir whatelse winahat winaprize getone sautograph 12 在水族馆13 过得很愉快14 参观游客中心15 观看一部关于鲨鱼的电影 16 看海豚表演17 在那之后 午饭后 旅行之后18 礼品店19 买许多的礼品20 累但却很快乐21 坐公交车回到学校 at intheaquarium haveagreat good wonderfultime visittheVisitors Center watchamovieaboutsharks watchadolphinshow afterthat afterlunch afterthetrip thegiftshop buylotsofgifts tiredbuthappy takethebusbacktoschool enjoyoneself havefun gobacktoschoolbybus 22 在 的末尾 尽头最后 终于23 睡过头 起得晚24 去开车兜风25 学生 上课 老师 上课26 在我的下一个 上一次假日里27 在雨中野营28 听起来像一个忙碌的假日29 高兴于做某事 有做某事的乐趣30 度过有趣的一天31 整天 夜32 进行庭院旧货拍卖 thewholeday night attheendof sleeplate goforadrive take haveaclass onmynext lastdayoff gocampingintherain soundlikeabusydayoff havefundoingsth haveafunday allday night long haveayardsale intheend finally atlast give haveaclass Class9 have agreattimeontheschooltrip They go toBlueWaterAquariumfortheday Firstthey visit theVisitors Centerand watch amovieaboutsharks Thenthey watch adolphinshow Afterthat they go totheOutdoorPooland see abigoctopus Afterlunch they go totheGiftShopand buy lotsofgifts Finally tiredbuthappy they take thebusbacktoschool Attheendoftheday thescienceteacher is veryhappybecausetheclassmonitor clean thebusafterthetrip had went visited watched watched went saw went bought took was cleaned SelfCheck ExerciseI Choosetherightanswer 1 Emilyatheraunt slastnight A IsB WasC Did 2 hesleeplatelastnight A IsB WasC Did 3 Whatdidyoudo yourlasttrip A onB ofC in 4 theendoftheday theywerealltired A onB inC at 5 Howwasyourday A ofB offC for B C A C B SelfCheck ExerciseI 6 myopinion thegirlinredisthemostintellectual A OnB InC For 7 Jackwanttobeascientist thefuture A inB onC for 8 Mikeputonhiscoatand A gooutB wentoutC out 9 What didyoudo Ihungoutwithmyfriendandtooksomephotos A elseB otherC more B A B A Choosetherightanswer 33 把他的一些旧物拿出放在院子里34 变湿35 我的观点是 36 在昨天的歌唱比赛中获得一等奖37 早餐 午餐 晚餐吃 38 一碗面条39 一部关于未来生活的电影40 再做某事41 从 回来 putsomeofhisoldthingsoutintheyard get bewet inmyopinion winfirstprizeinyesterday ssingingcompetition havesthforbreakfast lunch dinner abowlofnoodles amovieaboutlivinginthefuture dosthagain comebackform 适当形式填空 1 be yourmotherinBeijinglastweek 2 What you do lastnight I watch TVwithmyparents 3 Itrainedallday AndI stay athome 4 Didyougo boat onthelakeyesterday 5 Jenny read alotofbookslastyear 6 We visit theSummerPalacelastsummerholiday 7 Mike not havebreakfastathomeyesterday 8 Whatareyoudoing I look formypen 9 Ihadfun camp onmydayoff 10 Noone like acoatlikethis Was did do watched stayed boating read visited didn t amlooking camping likes 假设你是迈克 给你的朋友汤姆写一封信 叙述你的一次学校旅行 DearTom Thanksforyourletter Nowletmetellyousomethingaboutmyschooltrip Ourschooltripwasgreat Wewenttothebeach Weplayedonthebeachandswaminthesea Wesawsomesharksandsealsintheaquarium Itooksomephotosofthem Iboughtsomesouvenirs Ilikethemverymuch Iwanttogiveyouabeautifulsouvenir Itwasareallygoodschooltripforus Wewereveryhappy Unit91 出生2 一名出色的中国乒乓球运动员3 打嗝世界纪录 4 打喷嚏的世界纪录5 开始做某事6 停止做某事停下来去做 另一件事7 一个不寻常的女孩8 一个和蔼慈祥的老人 be was were bornin on e g Whenwassheborn Shewasbornin1973inBeijing ShewasbornonJuly1st 1991 agreatChineseping pongplayer hiccuppingworldrecord worldrecordforhiccupping sneezingworldrecord worldrecordforsneezing start begintodosth start begindoing stopdoingsth stoptodosth anunusualgirl alovingandkindoldman 9 太 而不能做某事10 十个月大11 作曲12 在 四岁的时候13 效力于国家队14 表演京剧15 在世界锦标赛中获得金牌16 成为一名电影明星17 学习做某事从 向 学18 做运动 notenough 反义的形容词 todosth so that 否定的句子 be too 形 副 forsb todosth tenmonthsold writemusic attheageoffour when was werefour yearsold playforthenationalteam performBeijingOpera winagoldmedalattheWorldChampionships become 过去 现在 be 将来 amoviestar learntodosth play dosports do exercise learn from 19 与某人一起度过所有的业余时间20 一个名叫 的 21 滑冰一位滑冰冠军22 看 听到某人已 常做某事看 听到某人正在做某事23 参观某地 游遍某地24 一位著名的中国钢琴家25 以 而出名26 哼唱歌曲27 一首曲子28 填写填满 入 装满 spendallthefreetimewithsb a n called mamed iceskating see watch hear feelsbdosth see watch hear feelsbdoingsth askatingchampion tour visit 地点 awell knownChinesepianist bewell known famousfor humsongs apieceofmusic fillin fillwith fillup 29 学习 拉 手风琴30 参加 加入31 第十四届肖邦国际钢琴大赛 32 获得小组第一名33 在此项比赛的70年历史里34 第一个做某事35 活着活着的 36 由于 因为 37 在演讲比赛中38 主修 专研39 女子单打第一40 在1973年6月2日 takepartin 活动 比赛 竞赛join 团体 组织 群体 in 活动 the14thChopinInternationalPianoCompetition winfirstprizeinone sgroup learntheaccordion inthe70 yearhistoryofthecompetition bethefirsttodosth bealive becauseof sth doingsthbecause 陈述句 inthespeechcompetition majorin number1women ssinglesplayer onthe2ndofJune 1973 onJune2nd living n alive n ExerciseI 1 Wespentthreehours ourhomework A doB indoingC todo 2 Theboywasborn the3rdofJuly 1989 A inB onC at 3 Wedidn tgoouttoplay thebadweather A becauseB becauseofC met 4 Thereareten intheCD A pieceofmusicB musicsC piecesofmusic 5 He allhisfreetimeinplayingthepiano A spendsB takesC costs Choosetherightanswer B B B C A ExerciseI Choosetherightanswer 6 Heisakindman LeiFeng A callB calledC name 7 Sheis oldtowalksolong A tooB soC very 8 Whendidhestart A playpianoB playingpianoC playingthepiano 9 He for69years A hiccupedB hiccuppedC hiccupping 10 youbornin1982 A DidB WereC Are B A C B B ExerciseII Rewritesentences 1 A IwanttoenterthePianoCompetition 同义句 B Iwantto thePianoCompetition 2 A ChristmasDayisonDecember25th 同义句 B ChristmasDayison 3 A Shewaslateyesterdaybecauseshewasill 同义句 B Shewaslateyesterday herillness 病 4 Hehadapartyathomeonweekend 疑问 he apartyathomeonweekend 5 Hesneezedforoneminute 提问 hesneeze takepartin the25thofDecember becauseof Didhave Howlongdid 适当形式 1 WhenMikewasthreeyearsold hestarted play soccer 2 Please notput theseclotheshere 3 Who buy anewbikeyesterday 4 It s8 00 Theboys play footballontheplayground 5 He watch TVandthenreadastorybook 6 Canyouseeadog lie behindthedoor 7 When she join thenationaltabletennisteam In1988 8 He become aprofessionalsoccerstarwhenhewastwenty two toplay playing don tput bought areplaying watched lying did join became 9 He visit theUSA whenhewasfourteen 10 Sheisgoodat Sheisagood skate 11 Theyarebusy wash theclothesallthetime 12 Tellthechild be earlytomorrow 13 Howlongdidyouspend finishwrite theletter 14 AfteralongwalkIwanttostop have arest 15 Mysisterisgoingtobean act whenshegrowsup visited skating skater washing tobe finishingwriting tohave actress Unit101 打算做某事 一般将来时 2 成长 长大你长大后打算做什么 3 你打算怎样去实现 4 电脑程序师5 计算机科学6 职业篮球运动员7 一名工程师 一位演员8 上表演课9 练习篮球练习做某事10 努力地学习 11 搬到某地12 我的梦想工作 begoingto V原形 growup Whatareyougoingtobewhenyougrowup Howareyougoingtodothat acomputerprogrammer computerscience professionalbasketballplayer anengineer anactor takeactinglessons practice playing basketball practice doing sth study hard moveto mydreamjob 13 做我所想做的14 搬到某个有趣的地方15 听起来像 听起来 16 有许多的时装表演17 一名杂志的记者18 一份兼职工作19 一或两年20 存 攒钱节约用水21 在一所艺校22 同时 dowhatIwanttodo movesomewhereinteresting soundlike n havelotsoffashionshows apart timejob ayearortwo oneortwoyears savemoney atanartschool atthesametime areporterforamagazine haveawelcomeparty keepdoingsth sound adj savewater 25 举办艺术展26 用这些钱买 27 环游全球28 在某个安静且美丽的地方安度晚年29 我还不确定 30 举办2008年奥运会31 制定新年的决心32 弹奏一种乐器33 组建足球队34 在 取得好成绩35 做大量的运动 holdartexhibitions buy withthemoney travelallovertheworld retiresomewherequietandbeautiful I mnotsureyet hostthe2008OlympicGames makeNewYear sresolutions playaninstrument makethesoccerteam getgoodgrades in get do takelotsofexercise exercisealot spend onsth spend in doingsth 36 一门外语37 1000多封来信38 收到某人的来信39 多做锻炼以保持健康40 很好地 更好地 与某人联系 42 一份作外教的工作43 从大连搬到北京44 中学毕业后45 为国际性杂志写作46 到某地旅行47 喜欢做某事48 交换生 exchangestudents enjoydoingsth travelto writeforinternationalmagazines afterhighschool movefromDaliantoBeijing ajobasaforeignlanguageteacher communicate well better withsb exercisemoretokeepfit getaletterfromsb hearfromsb receivealetterfromsb over1 000letters morethan1 000letters aforeignlanguage 词型转换 1 act 名词 2 grow 过去 3 travel 过去式 4 over 同义 5 teach 过去 6 reader 动词 7 fit 同义 8 science 表示人的名词 9 foreign 名词 10 dream 表示人的名词 11 visit 名词 12 health 形容词 acting grew traveled travelled morethan taught read healthy scientist foreigner dreamer visitor healthy 适当形式填空1 Edisonwasn tlikeothers Hewasan usual boywhenhewasyoung2 We lltake swim lessons 3 Doyouwanttobeacomputer program 4 Jimwants play footballwithus 5 Whatishegoingtodowhenhe grow up 6 MrSmithisgoingtodowhenhe teach inChinanextyear unuausl swimming programmer toplay grows teaches 7 Ihavego practice myEnglish 8 Take guitarlessonssoundsinteresting 9 What you be whenyougrowup I mgoingtobea teach 10 Lucy withherparents be goingtoleaveforshanghaisoon 11 The write oftenwritesgoodarticlesandsends they tothenewspaperoffice 12 There is abaseballmatchbetweenthesetwoteamstomorrow 13 Itravelto interest placeeveryyear 14 Yoursongssound well practicing Taking are goingtobe teacher is writer them isgoingto willbe interesting good 句型转换1 Hisfatherisgoingtobuyabighousewiththemoney 改为同义 Hisfatherisgoingto themoney abighouse 2 Janewillfindworkinherfreetime 改为同义 Janeis geta 3Mariacameintotheclassroomathalfpastseven JustthenKatehurriedin 改为同义 MariaandKatenearlycameintotheclassroom spend in buying going to part time job at the same time 4 Wegotover1 000letters faxesande mailfromourreaders 改为同义 Wegot 1 000letters faxesande mailsfromourreaders 5 Theyhavefewfriendshere 反意疑问句 6 Youmustn tsmokehere 改祈使句 here 7 Manykidsaregoingtoworkharderinschoolthisyear kidsgoingtoworkharderinschool more than do they Don t smoke When are Unit111 洗餐具2 扫地3 倒垃圾4 整理床铺5 叠衣服6 打扫客厅7 处理琐事 干家务 9 忙于做某事 8 邀请某人做某时 10 请你 好吗 do washthedishes sweep cleanthefloor takeoutthetrash makethe one sbed foldtheclothes cleanthelivingroom dochores dothehousework Couldyou please dosth please Yes sure Yes Ican No Sorry Ican t bebusydoing withsth 11 在外呆很晚12 搭车13 去开会开会14 需要做某事15 休息16 从事 忙于17 外出18 讨厌做某事19 洗衣服20 做早饭21 叫某人 不要 做某事22 买一些饮料和零食 stayoutlate getaride gotoameeting haveameeting needtodosth havearest rest goout hatetodosth hatedoing dothelaundry washtheclothes makebreakfast ask tellsb not todosth buysomedrinksandsnacks let makesb not dosth 23 向某人借某物 借进 把某物借给某人 借出 借用某物一段时间 借一段时间 24 邀请某人做某事 到某地25 好好地 照看 26 带 去散步27 喂养 28 与某人一起玩耍 玩耍某物29 忘记要做某事忘记已做的事30下周见 31 我需要一些帮助 borrowsthfromsb lendsthtosb lendsbsth invitesbto dosth 地点 take good careof lookafter well take forawalk feed playwithsb sth forgettodosth Seeyounextweek Ineedsomehelp keepsthfor 一段时间 forgetdoingsth Thanksfor mydog Couldyouplease thesethings Takehim Givehimwaterand him Then hisbowl Play him Don t hisbed Havefun younextweek 3a 适当形式 1 Letme help you make fruitsalad 2 Areyou have anEnglishclassnow Yes weare 3 Thankyoufor come here 4 Youneed wear lotsofwarmclothesinwinter 5 Couldyouplease make akiteforme 6 Today we llgoonlearningthe one lesson 7 Mymotheroftendoesthe wash onSaturdays help to make having coming towear make first washing 8 Thevisitorsallfoundithard go acrosstheriverinasmallboat 9 Tom sfatherhated travel bytrain Hesaiditalways take alotoftime 10 Couldyoupleaseturndowntheradio I talk tothepandababynow 11 LiLeiandBob sweep thefloorwhenIlefttheclassroom 12 Nothingcouldstopthemfrom take partinthesportsmeeting togo traveling totravel took amtalking aresweeping taking 句型转换 1 Sheoftenhelpshermotherdothehousework 改同义句 Sheoften hermother thehousework 2 Lucydidthewashingforherhusbandlastnight 画线部分提问 Lucy forherhusbandlastnight Wouldyoulikecoffeeortea 改同义句 wouldyoulike coffee tea 4 Icanlookafteryourbaby 改同义句 Ican yourbaby 5 Myfatherwouldliketogooutforawalk 画线提问 wouldyourfatherlike 6 MayIborrowyourknife please 改同义句 Couldyouplease yourknife me please helps todo What did do What or take care of What to do lend to 10 Shemustdoherhomeworkeveryday 改同义句 She doherhomeworkeveryday 7 Ican tdoanythingtohelpyou 改同义句 I do tohelpyou 8 ShewatchesTVsometimes 画线部分提问 shewatchTV 9 Mymotherwantsmetotakeoutthetrash 完成句子 mother to can nothing How often does What does your want you do have to 13 Idon twanttowatchTVbecauseI mverytired 改同义句 I mverytired Idon twanttowatchTV 14 Heisn tcleaningmyroomnow 改祈使句 theroomnow 15 Thereisonlyonemaponthewall 画线部分提问 thereonthewall 16 Idisliketodochores 改同义句 I chores 17 Whyareyouin 改同义句 Whyareyou 18 Themotherfeedsthebabyoncow smilk 改同义句 Themother cow smilk thebaby so Don t clean How many maps are don t at doing like home feeds to Exercise A Hey Mom couldI invitesomefriendstocome B Yes youcan Butyou dosomechoresfirst A WhatdoIhavetodo B Well couldyouplease thekitchenfloor A Noproblem Thenwhat B Thenyoucould thetrashand yourroom A Wow I mgoingtobe tired gotomyownparty Fillintheblanks haveto sweep first takeout too to please clean Unit121 最 舒适的座位2 最大的屏幕3 最友好的 糟糕的服务最友好的 糟糕的服务4 靠近 5 在城的闹市区6 电影院7 服装店8 有好 最好质量的服装9 在镇上在城里 在乡村 themost comfortableseats thebiggestscreens friendly badservice becloseto near inafunpartoftown movietheater clothingstore havegood thebestqualityclothes intown inthecity inthecountryside thefriendliest theworstservice 10 觉得 如何 11 做一个 的调查12 这就是我们所获知的 13 播放最有趣的音乐14 乘公交车10分钟的路程15 褒义词16 贬义词17 我妹妹是我所认识的人中最有趣的 18 才艺表演19 巨大的成功 Whatdo doessbthinkof about doasurveyof Thisiswhatwelearned playthemostinterestingmusic 10minutesbybus positivewords negativewords MysisteristhefunniestpersonIknow talentshow agreatsuccess 20 15个短节目21 赢得 奖项22 最出色的表演者23 弹奏一首美妙的钢琴曲24 没有某物 不做某事 25 奖颁给某人26 一起做某事27 你认为什么 谁是 28 音乐组合29 最无聊的30 更多一些 fifteenacts wintheprizefor thebestperformer playabeautifulpianopiece withoutsth doingsth dosthtogether What Whodoyouthinkis musicalgroup somemore themostboring Theprizefor goes wenttosb 31 的最佳城市32 海南省33 在中国的南部 北部34 在冬天35 的价格36 每晚320元37 冰雪节38 不经常下雨和下雪 39 降价 砍价40 足够 去做某事 HainanProvince thebestcitytodosth theProvinceofHainan insouthernChina inthesouthofChina inthesouthernpartofChina inwinter thepriceof 320yuananight anIceandSnowFestival Itdoesn toftenrainorsnow cuttheprices be adj enough todosth 解题点拨 例1 Thisquestionis formetoanswer 重庆市中考试卷 A enougheasyB easyenoughC enoughgoodD enoughhard解析 此题考查adj enough结构 故答案为B 例2 Xi anisoneof capital inChina 桂林市中考试卷 A older cityB theolder cityC oldest citiesD theoldest cities 解析 oneof 结构后接名词要用复数形式 最高级前要加the 因而答案是D 一 写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级形式 1 big 2 cheap 3 popular 4 close 5 friendly 6 expensive 7 good 8 bad 9 boring 10 hot bigger biggest cheaper cheapest morepopular mostpopular closer closest morefriendly mostfriendly friendier friendiest more most better best worse worst moreboring mostboring hotter hottest 二 用所给词的正确形式填空 1 TheYellowRiveristhesecond long riverinChina 2 Doyouhave many booksthanTom 3 Hedrank little juicethanyou 4 Tomisthe tall ofthetwoboys 5 IthinkEnglishis interesting ofallthesubjects 6 Theradiosaysit llbeeven cold tomorrow longest more less tallest themostinteresting colder 7 Whoisthe good inphysicsinyourclass 8 Allthemovietheatersaregood buttheBigScreenComplexhas comfortable seats 9 Idon twanttogoJasper sclothesstore Ithasthe bad clothesintown 10 Wh


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