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何凯文每日一句234 同意替换无处不在,好好体会出题人想法! 10.12同意替换,无处不在,中文中也很普遍,比如下面的两个表达就是一个意思啊:1)北京汽车摇号中签率创新低;2)北京汽车摇号中签难度创新高;所以一定要整体上去理解句子的含义,不能只是看到高和低的差别,而不去管两个主语的差异。送大家一句邱吉尔的名言:Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.成功不是终点,失败也不是末日;前行的勇气才最可贵!it is the courage to continue that counts.这是一个强调句,还原之后是这样的:The courage to continue counts.Sth counts= sth matters今天的句子:Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage. 这是传说中的主题句,要是能读的懂下面的题就能做的对!What would be the best title for the text?A Newspapers of the Good Old DaysB The Lost Horizon in NewspapersC Mournful Decline of JournalismD Prominent Critics in Memory体会一下替换!昨天题目的解析:The vast consolidation within the rail industry means that most shippers are served by only one rail company. Railroads typically charge such “captive” shippers 20 to 30 percent more than they do when another railroad is competing for the business. Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal governments Surface Transportation Board for rate relief, but the process is expensive, time-consuming, and will work only in truly extreme cases.It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that _.A shippers will be charged less without a rival railroad比较结果和原文相反。不选!B there will soon be only one railroad company nationwide多数客户由一家公司提供服务,不能说只有一家公司。C overcharged shippers are unlikely to appeal for rate reliefbut the process is expensive, time-consuming, and will work only in truly extreme cases.这就是出题人接受的正话反说!正确答案!D a government board ensures fair play in railway businessEnsure这个词在原文中没有对应信息。235 重要技能:来判断一下作者态度+体贴的回顾 10.13早上宜昌,中午恩施,晚上荆州,明天十堰,襄阳,后天武汉,广州;再次上演三日七城;火力全开!永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶!今天再送大家一个关于勇气的句子:Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.勇气就是不断失败,而热情仍在。今天的句子:Referendum( 全民公投)are supposed to get citizens engaged in politics and make governments responsive. If they worked, Europeans ought to be feeling particularly satisfied with their democracies. For referendums are on the rise. Not counting Switzerland, which has always run lots of them, big plebiscites are three times more common in Europe now than they were in the 1970s. Britain is preparing one on withdrawing from the European Union. Dutch campaigners have just won a referendum against the EU-Ukraine association agreement, and plan to take on EU trade treaties with Canada and America. Italians are to vote on changing their constitution, and Hungarians on the EUs refugee-sharing scheme.这是一篇文章开头的段落;要抄的同学就抄前两句!大家只需要告诉我这篇文章作者对于Referendum的看法可能是什么?昨天的句子解析:Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage. 词汇突破:1.inexorable 不可避免的=inevitable 2. art coverage 艺术报道确定主干:The most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline 其他成分: in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage. 定语 Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past quarter-century 状语参考译文:过去的25年间,发生在英文报纸上的所有变化中,影响最为深远的变化可能就是其艺术报道上的范畴和严肃性的不可避免的衰退。这是传说中的主题句,要是能读的懂下面的题就能做的对!What would be the best title for the text?A Newspapers of the Good Old DaysB The Lost Horizon in Newspapers这个选项就是正确选项;有同学问:艺术评论只是衰退了啊, 不是lost消失啊;同学们一定要好好分析选项啊!The Lost Horizon in Newspapers这里的Horizon:景象不是指“艺术评论”,应该是指“艺术评论繁荣”的景象啊。情侣间写信在过去是很常见的;现在不可避免的减少了。The lost Horizon in Love 恋爱中消失的风景线;(这并不是说情侣不写信了,而是写信很普遍的情况消失了。)C Mournful Decline of JournalismJournalism 扩大了范围!艺术评论繁荣的景象衰退了!D Prominent Critics in Memory前天的句子:Railroads typically charge such “captive” shippers 20 to 30 percent more than they do when another railroad is competing for the business. 这个句子是两个时间点的比较,因为两个时间点是相反的,所以为了简洁就省略了其中一个,很多同学就晕了,这个句子补全应该是这样的。1)Railroads typically charge such “captive” shippers 20 to 30 percent more (when 没有竞争的时候)2)than they do when another railroad is competing for the business(有竞争的时候). They=railroads; do= charge (铁路公司在没有竞争的时候会比有竞争的时候多收“被控制的”客户20%到30%。)男人通常结婚后会比结婚前胖。Men tend to be heavier than they are when not married.这个句子补全就是Men tend to be heavier when married than they are when not married. 你要是看了这个解析才懂得这个句子,你就自动包养KK一次。如果之前就懂了,那就不用了。如果还没懂也不用了。(听语音!)236 2017考研阅读热点:全民公投是好还是不好? 10.14从十堰回武汉的车上,需要开五个小时,到武汉就半夜两点了。你有什么资格说累?一起努力吧!送大家一句关于奉献精神的句子:We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.我们靠获得之物为生,但靠奉献之物书写生命。昨天的句子:Referendum( 全民公投)are supposed to get citizens engaged in politics and make governments responsive. If they worked, Europeans ought to be feeling particularly satisfied with their democracies. For referendums are on the rise. Not counting Switzerland, which has always run lots of them, big plebiscites are three times more common in Europe now than they were in the 1970s. Britain is preparing one on withdrawing from the European Union. Dutch campaigners have just won a referendum against the EU-Ukraine association agreement, and plan to take on EU trade treaties with Canada and America. Italians are to vote on changing their constitution, and Hungarians on the EUs refugee-sharing scheme.参考译文:全民公投本应让公民参与政治、让政府有效响应。如果公投起作用,那么欧洲人现在应该会对自己的民主感到特别满意。因为全民公投有增多的趋势。不算总是进行公投的瑞士,欧洲的大型公投是20世纪70年代的三倍多。英国目前正在准备退欧公投。荷兰的运动人士刚赢得了反对欧盟与乌克兰联系国协定的公投,并计划反对欧盟与加拿大和美国的贸易条约。意大利人要就改变宪法进行公投,匈牙利人要对欧盟的难民共享方案进行表决。这段的前两句我就读出了作者哀怨的语气:Referendum( 全民公投)are supposed to get citizens engaged in politics and make governments responsive.全民公投应该让公民参与政治、让政府有效响应。If they worked, Europeans ought to be feeling particularly satisfied with their democracies.如果公投起作用,那么欧洲人现在应该会对自己的民主感到特别满意。Ought to 就真的彻底暴露了作者对于全民公投的态度了!作者是持有负面评价的!大家来看下一段:Despite this direct democracy, Europeans are alienated from politics and furious with their governments. Referendum- mania has not slowed the rise of populist, Eurosceptic parties which attack the establishment as corrupt and out of touch. Plebiscites meant to settle thorny issues instead often aggravate them: after Scotlands independence referendum failed in 2014, membership of the Scottish National Party quadrupled, suggesting another confrontation is coming.Thorny issues: 棘手的问题Aggravate:恶化Populist:民粹主义的参考译文:尽管有这种直接民主,欧洲人与政治疏离,不满他们的政府。全民投票的狂热并没有减缓指责政府腐败和脱节的民粹的、疑欧党派的崛起。旨在解决棘手问题的公民投票相反往往加重了它们:苏格兰独立公投在2014年失败后,苏格兰民族党会员翻了两番,暗示着另一次对峙的来临。看到了吧!好好回去学习考研政治,中国现在走的路是历史的选择!别一味地觉得西方的所谓民主好!各有各的国情!我坚信我们的祖国会越来越强大!今天的句子:同一篇文章的最后一段:These dangers can be mitigated. Requiring minimum turnouts can guard against the tyranny of the few. But the bigger point is that referendums are a worse form of democracy than representative government. The founders of democratic states created parliaments for a reason.237 夜航广州,提前发题 10.15今天武汉一天课,晚上黄石一场讲座,现在在去机场的路上,晚上一点到广州。但是每日一句是不能懈怠的!所以提前发题了!今天的句子:今天我们把目光投向英国的授勋系统吧!这是来自英国卫报今年7月的一篇文章。很有成为考题的气质!The honours system looked stained long before this weekends leak of David Camerons nominations for his resignation awards. Questions about such decorations are age-old: no recent case has matched the scandals of David Lloyd Georges era, when their sale was blatant. But they recur almost every time a list is published. 这篇文章对于授勋系统的态度是什么?昨天的句子:1. These dangers can be mitigated. 这些危险可以被缓解。2. Requiring minimum turnouts can guard against the tyranny of the few.限制最低投票人数可以防范少数的暴政。3. But the bigger point is that plebiscites are a worse form of democracy than representative government.但更重要的一点是,公投与代议制相比是糟糕的民主形式。 4. The founders of democratic states created parliaments for a reason. 民主国家的创始人建立议会是有理由的。看完这几个句子以后你就知道作者对于全民公投是持反对态度的!238 期待明年也和你们这样相见!连续两天到住地过了半夜两点,确实疲惫,只是全力以赴,才能不负期待啊。今天上午在广州大学城讲课,下午在华农,广州的同学准备考研一向比较晚,但今年却不一样,来的2018的同学特别多,而且非常积极。今天研究生同学来的也特别多,上午来了十多个研究生同学,都是之前听我课考上的,下午在华农遇到两位博士同学,也是之前听我课考上的同学,一位来自山东,一位来自广东。期待着明年和2017的同学在你们的目标院校相聚,一张合影,一声问候,一句祝福,足以感激彼此。现在落地北京感觉到了熟悉的霾的味道。在T3航站楼找了个角落发今天的句子。昨天的句子:1.The honours system looked stained long before this weekends leak of David Camerons nominations for his resignation awards. 参考译文:授勋制度在本周末大卫卡梅伦的辞职提名泄漏的很久以前就看起来污点重重。2.Questions about such decorations are age-old: no recent case has matched the scandals of David Lloyd Georges era, when their sale was blatant. 参考译文:关于这种嘉奖的疑问由来已久:近来没有任何一例可以超过大卫劳埃德乔治时代的丑闻,那时他们公然出售头衔。3.But they recur almost every time a list is published. 参考译文:但几乎每次发布名单时疑问就会重新出现。所以从stained这个单词我们就能看出文章对于授勋系统的态度是负面的。今天的句子:In theory, awards both embody and cement a nations values. They mark our communal appreciation of an individuals service or distinction the contribution they have made to society, perhaps inspiring through an eye-catching achievement, perhaps serving tirelessly but without attracting attention.But in reality, the meritorious look more like window dressing for honours than their justification of existence. Too many awards appear to be at best irrelevant baubles, at worst exceptional favours, serving more to divide than to unite us.一个In theory, 一个 But in reality ,这就足以知道文章对于授勋系统的态度是负面的。239 又到了做模拟题的时候了!有胆你就点开! 10.17今天的题目:Men have a long history of fighting with one another for dominance, but why such duels did not leave tribal unity in tatters and warriors less capable of working together to fend off attacks from predators and hostile clans remains a mystery. One common theory is that men more readily make up after fierce physical conflicts than do women. And an experiment run recently at Harvard University, by Joyce Benenson and Richard Wrangham, and published in Current Biology, suggests this may be true. 1.It is commonly believed that men s fight can hardly lead to the tragic consequence because_(A) men have a long history for the dominant leadership in a tribal unity. (B) men are more likely to reconcile after the duels than woman.(C) men have ability to work together to fend off attacks from fierce competition .(D) men have more potential to be a warriors to unite the tribal unity.昨天的句子:In theory, awards both embody(体现) and cement(巩固) a nations values. They mark our communal(共同) appreciation of an individuals service or distinction (成就) the contribution they have made to society, perhaps inspiring through an eye-catching achievement, perhaps serving tirelessly but without attracting attention.1. an eye-catching achievement 引人注目的成就2.serving tirelessly but without attracting attention 默默无闻的不懈努力为这两个翻译点赞吧!参考译文:理论上讲,奖项既体现也巩固一个民族的价值观。它们体现了我们对个人服务或成就(对社会的贡献,也许通过一项引人注目的成就,也许默默无闻的不懈努力)的共同欣赏。But in reality, the meritorious(功勋,奖励) look more like window dressing for honours(获得功勋的人) than their justification of existence. Too many awards appear to be at best irrelevant baubles, at worst exceptional favours, serving more to divide than to unite us.At best; 顶多;说的好听at worst; 最坏;说的难听参考译文:但在现实中,那些功勋对于获得功勋的人而言更像是装点门户而不是表明他们存在的意义。太多的奖励说的好听不过是无关紧要的小装饰,说的难听则是令人震惊的恩惠。与其说它们团结了我们,不如说令我们产生隔阂。240 通往故乡最近的路人都有一种对于味觉固执,坚守故乡的味觉,维系着这份故土的乡情。我从小最爱吃的就是父亲炒制的绍子(不是臊子)。宜宾的碎米芽菜+肉末+菜籽油+猪油炒制而成。每次吃面的时候加一勺在面上,让面的热气化开凝在一起的绍子。吃完面以后,和着面汤一起喝下去,还能吃出芽菜的味道。吃馒头的时候在馒头里面夹上这样绍子,油化开以后会渗到馒头里面,特别香。这么多年还一次都没有给自己做过 ,今天在家,买到了芽菜,做了绍子,给自己和家人做了一碗面。希望把这种味觉传递给家人甚至是下一代。长大了,我也去了好多地方,以为见多识广了,以为很多地方的美食可以替代心中的那种味道了。但当这碗面做好以后才发现自己还保留着对于味道的专注,一直都没有变,那是通往故乡最近的路。考完了,我们都回家去回味那份熟悉的味道吧!加油!今天的句子:Owing to the remarkable development in masscommunications,people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas,while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above.昨天题目的解析: Men have a long history of fighting with one another for dominance, but why such duels did not leave tribal unity in tatters and warriors less capable of working together to fend off attacks from predators and hostile clans remains a mystery. One common theory is that men more readily make up after fierce physical conflicts than do women. And an experiment run recently at Harvard University, by Joyce Benenson and Richard Wrangham, and published in Current Biology, suggests this may be true. 1.It is commonly believed that men s fight can hardly lead to the tragic consequence because_(A) men have a long history for the dominant leadership in a tribal unity. (B) men are more likely to reconcile after the duels than woman.(C) men have ability to work together to fend off attacks from fierce competition .(D) men have more potential to be a warriors to unite the tribal unity.答案 (B)KK三步法K1 定位One common theory is that men more readily make up after fierce physical conflicts than do women.题干中的commonly 就可以帮助我们找到这句话!而且前一句就是题干中的结果!leave tribal unity in tatters and warriors less capable of working together=题干中的tragic consequence;好好看一下上一句的结构!Whyis a mystery. 下一句就解释原因!这样可以直接排除和,这属于典型的定位错误!K2 替换B选项中的reconcile=make up 和解,妥协;fierce physical conflicts=duel格斗;K3 排除实话说第四个选项就是我在机舱里写这个题的时候胡编的一个选项,到现在我都不知道是什么意思。我就是把文中的几个词凑在一块而已。只要定位正确就能直接排除!241 2017考研英语必考短语总结 10.19在考试中我们常常被短语干掉: a great deal of = very!这样让我们很不甘啊!1.to keep your head above water 可以用来形容某人虽然手头比较紧,但还可以勉强维持。2.to be in deep water 的意思是陷入困境。3.a big deal 常被用来形容某人或某个情况、形势非常重要。4.A wild goose chase 字面上的意思是“追逐野鹅”,形容那种花很多的时间和精力去徒劳的追求某件事情,而这样的追求不是没有方向就是方向错误。5.如果你对艺术、音乐或戏剧特别感兴趣,那么人们可能会把称为一个 a culture vulture 文化狂热分子。6.a flash in the pan 意思是昙花一现,指短时间的走红或暴热。7.a flash of inspiration 就是说一个人头脑里突然冒出一个创新或革新的想法或闪念。8.with flying colours 不是“飞起来的颜色”,而是表示某人以“优异成绩”取得成功。9.fly off the handle 的意思是大发脾气,勃然大怒。10.to get a handle on something 的意思是理解、掌握某事。11.once in a blue moon 的意思是千载难逢的,罕见的,难得的。12.the sky is the limit, 意思是没有限制,任何可能性都存在。13.如果有人叫你pull yourself together,意思就是告诉你要控制自己的情绪或行动。14.to pay lip service 意思是说得好听,没有行动,甚至言不由衷。比如你说你支持什么事情,但实际并非如此。15.To give someone some lip 的字面意思是给某人一些嘴唇,但实际表达的意思是顶嘴,出言不逊。16.face (something) head-on 的时候,也就是说我们勇敢面对并处理碰到的问题或困难。例句:Youth unemployment will continue to rise till the government decides to face thechronic lack of good schools head-on.17.如果说某事是 a long shot, 意思是实现此事的机会不大。18如果说一个人在假装地高兴或故作镇定,好像什么事情都没有,就可以说 put on a brave face 即装作若无其事的样子。19.如果你坚持做某事直到 you are blue in the face, 意思就是你花很长时间做一件事情,做到脸都发青了也没用,不会成功。20.当你拿到的是 the lions share, 这就是说你得到的那一份是最大的。21.get to grips with 的意思是认认真真地处理碰到的难题。例句:The government is having trouble getting to grips with the problem of rising unemployment.22.to flip out 意思是由于震惊而失控暴怒。例句:The flight was cancelled and lots of passengers started flipping out at the airline staff.23.The flip side 是另一个意思,表示反面,特别指物体或论点的负面,不利面。例句:The Olympics is a great event; on the flip side its very expensive to host.24.In deep water 是另一个英语短语,意思是你遇到了麻烦,很可能是棘手的大麻烦。25.当你看到一个杯子里有半杯水,你会说这个杯子是 half full 还是 half empty 呢?你的选择将显示你的性格取向和世界观。如果你说 the glass is half full, 那么你就是个乐观主义者;如果你选择 the glass is half empty, 那你应该是个相对比较悲观的人。26.当我们形容某人有 a second wind 的时候,这就是说他们恢复了精力,再次崛起或继续做什么事情。例句:Observers said Barack Obama was judged to have lost the first Presidential debate with Republican challenger Mitt Romney, but got a second wind in the second and thirddebate. 昨天的句子解析:Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above. 切分:Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications, / people everywhere are feeling new wants / and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, / while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations / for the reasons given above. 词汇突破:owing to 因为,由于mass-communications 大众通讯people everywhere 所有的人,各地的人new wants 新的需求(要求,需要)being exposed to 接触到,感受到,面对= be confronted to customs and ideas 习俗和思想introduce 推出,采取,施行innovations 革新,革新措施for the reasons given above 由于上述原因参考译文:由于大众通讯的显著发展,所有的人都不断感到有新的需求,并不断接触到新的习俗和思想,由于上述原因,各国政府不得不经常采取更进一步的革新措施。242 2017考研英语必背短语之二:看看你就知道什么叫走心! 10.20昨晚两点到烟台,明早五点去武汉。都挺住吧!我们应该掌握的短语其标准是:1. 符合考研文章类型!2. 不认识就做不对题,考点短语!看看这些例句你就知道什么叫走心!1. chasing your tail : 意思就是从早到晚忙个不停,但没有太多收获,就是我们常说的瞎忙活或无谓瞎忙。例句:Because the market is changing more dramatically than it would have 15 or 20 years ago. I think thats because there are a lot more trend- follo


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