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回溯上个世纪三四十年代的英国历史,人们津津乐道的多是爱德华八世“不爱江山爱美人”的浪漫故事。为迎娶曾有婚史的辛普森夫人,爱德华八世不惜退位,仅执政325天。退位后,他成为温莎公爵,与辛普森夫人过起了闲云野鹤的生活。他的继任者,正是从小怯懦、口吃的弟弟艾伯特王子,也就是后来的乔治六世。国王乔治六世在加冕典礼上电影国王的演讲取材于这段历史,故事主角就是乔治六世。由于拥有一个像爱德华王储这样优秀的哥哥,自小害羞、口吃的“伯蒂”(乔治六世的昵称)看起来并没有继承王位的可能。他和妻子伊丽莎白在远离公众的平静生活中逍遥度日,抚养两个女儿。随着老国王身体衰弱,日益增加的公共责任落到了伯蒂身上,也因此,他开始了与口吃的艰难抗争,并找到了“民间医生”莱纳尔罗格,两人在治疗的过程中建立了终生友谊。 爱德华逊位后,伯蒂临危受命,成为乔治六世。两年后,二战爆发。在罗格医生的帮助下,乔治六世克服了口吃,通过广播发表了一篇鼓舞人心的圣诞节演讲,号召英国人反抗法西斯,成为二战中激励英国人斗志的重要因素。所获奖项国王的演讲是由汤姆霍伯指导,科林费斯担当主演的英国电影,整部电影以叙述故事的形式,讲述了英国女王伊丽莎白二世的父亲乔治六世国王的故事。本片于第35届多伦多电影节获得了最高荣誉观众选择大奖。在2011年第83届奥斯卡提名名单上,国王的演讲获得12项提名,并最终拿到最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳男主角、最佳原创剧本四项大奖。科林费斯凭借本片获得金球奖最佳戏剧片男主角。影片还获得金球奖、美国制片人公会、导演公会和影视演员公会奖等多项提名和奖项。1934年,伯蒂(之后的英王乔治六世)的口吃依旧,看着丈夫被无能的医生捉弄,妻子莫琳外出找到语言治疗师莱昂纳尔罗格医生【伊丽莎白王后第一次匿名登门造访罗格】Berties wife: Hello. Is anyone there?Lionel: Im just in the loo. Hello Mrs Johnson, there you are. Sorry I dont have receptionist.I like to keep things simple. Poor and content is rich and rich enough.Berties wife: For?Lionel: Shakespeare. How are you?Berties wife: How do you do?Lionel: Ahh, traveling alone. Now, this is slightly awkward. But Im afraid youre late.Berties wife: Yes, Im afraid I am.Lionel: Wheres Mr Johnson?Berties wife: He doesnt know Im here.Lionel: Thats not a very promising start.Berties wife: No. My husband has seen everyone to no avail. Hes given up hope.Lionel: He hasnt seen me.Berties wife: Youre awfully sure of yourself.Lionel: Im sure of anyone who wants to be cured.Berties wife: Of course he wants to be cured. My husband is required to speak publicly.Lionel: Perhaps he should change jobs.Berties wife: He cant.Lionel: Indentured servitude?Berties wife: Something of that nature. YesLionel: Well we need to have your hubby pop by. Tuesday would be good. He can give me his personal details and Ill make a frank appraisal. And then we can take it from thereBerties wife: Doctor, forgive me. I do not have a “hubby”. We dont pop. And nor do we never talk about our private lives. You must come to us.Lionel: Sorry, Mrs J, my game, my turf, my rules. Youll have to talk over with your husband. And then you can speak to me on the telephone. Thank you very much for dropping by. Good afternoon.Berties wife: And what if my husband were the Duke of York?Lionel: The Duke of York?Berties wife: Yes the Duke of York.Lionel: I thought the appointment was for “Johnson”? Forgive me, your Royal.?Berties wife: Highness.Lionel: Your Royal Highness.Berties wife: Johnson was used during the Great War when the Navy didnt want the enemy to know he was aboard.Lionel: Am I considered the enemy?Berties wife: You will be if you remain un-obliging. Youll appreciate the need for absolutely discretion.Lionel: Of course. How did you find me? Your Royal Highness.Berties wife: The President of the Society for Speech Therapists.Lionel: Eileen McCleod? Shes a sport.Berties wife: She warned me your antipodean methods were unorthodox and controversial. I warned her.they were not my favorite words.Lionel: I can cure your husband. But for my method to work, I need trust and total equality here in the safety of my consultation room. No exceptions.Berties wife: Well then, in that case. When can you start?为丈夫治病。这天,她来到莱诺开的语言矫正诊所,想请莱诺帮助伯蒂摆脱口吃,但莱诺坚持要伯蒂来自己的诊所治疗。. 1.Poor and content is rich and rich enough: 人能安贫即是福2. to no avail: 没有什么效果,不成功,也可以说成of little avail或者without avail。3. indentured servitude: 契约缠身的苦差事。Indentured指的是“受契约束缚,必须为人干活的”, servitude则指“奴役(状况),任人差遣(的状况)”。4.my game, my turf, my rules: 用现在流行的话来说,就是“我的地盘我做主”。5. drop by: 顺便拜访。例如:My friend Mike stopped by and had dinner with us last night.(昨晚我的朋友迈克顺便来访并留下来吃了晚饭。)6.unobliging: 不近人情的。Obliging则表示“乐于助人的,热情的”。例如:The obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave.(这位有礼貌的侍者并不急着催促我们离开。)7. be a sport: 口语,(尤指在困境中)开朗大度,讲交情。也可以说be a good sport。8. antipodean: (常作幽默)澳大利亚和新西兰,澳新。 antipodean day则是指“过日界线的日期”。9. unorthodox and controversial: 这里可以译为“旁门左道,很有争议”。【罗格端坐在加冕典礼宝座上】King George VI: Logue is sitting on the coronation throne Get up! Y-you cant sit there! GET UP!Lionel Logue: Why not? Its a chair.King George VI: T-that. that is Saint Edwards chair.Lionel Logue: People have carved their names on it.乔治六世:给我起来!你不能坐哪儿!快起来莱诺罗格:为啥不行?不就是一椅子么。乔治六世:呐那那是圣爱德华的椅子。莱诺罗格:人家都随便刻了名字上去了。【两个人的争执】King George VI: L-listen to me. listen to me!Lionel Logue: Why should I waste my time listening to you?King George VI: Because I have a voice!Lionel Logue: .yes, you do.乔治六世:听听我说听我说!莱诺罗格:凭啥我要浪费时间听你说话?乔治六世:就因为我说的话举足轻重。莱诺罗格:没错,的确如此【依旧是第一次看诊】Logue: What was your earliest memory?King George VI: Im not. -here to discuss. -personal matters.Lionel Logue: Why are you here then?King George VI: Because I bloody well stammer!莱诺罗格:你最早的记忆是什么?乔治六世:我不是到这里来讨论个人隐私的。莱诺罗格:那你干嘛到这里来?乔治六世:因为我口吃得要死行了吧。【看希特勒的演说影像】Lilibet: Whats he saying? watching a clip of Hitler speakingKing George VI: I dont know but. he seems to be saying it rather well.伊丽伯特:他在说什么?乔治六世:我不知道,不过貌似说得很有煽动力。【宣战演说之前】King George VI: If I am King, where is my power? Can I declare war? Form a government? Levy a tax? No! And yet I am the seat of all authority because they think that when I speak, I speak for them.But I cant speak.乔治六世:如果我是国王,我的权力又在哪里?我能宣战么?我能组建政府?提高税收?都不行!可我还是要出面坐头把交椅,就因为整个国家都相信我的声音代表着他们。但我却说不来。【罗格禁止国王抽烟】Lionel Logue: Please dont do that.King George VI: Im sorry?Lionel Logue: I believe sucking smoke into your lungs will kill you.King George VI: My physicians say it relaxes the throat.Lionel Logue: Theyre idiots.King George VI: Theyve all been knighted.Lionel Logue: Makes it official then.莱诺罗格:请不要那样做。乔治六世:啥?莱诺罗格:抽烟吸到肺里相当于自杀。乔治六世:我的医生说那样会放松喉部。莱诺罗格:他们是白痴。乔治六世:他们都被授了爵位了。莱诺罗格:那就是官方白痴咯。副:奥斯卡


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