



1. As far as the third factor is concerned,the history of science shows many instances in which the force of authority has operated in such a manner as to build up an exceedingly powerful resistance to further investigation;in some cases centuries elapsed before this resistance was eventually broken down,as happened in cosmology,for example.译文 至于第三个因素,科学史中有许多事例表明,权威的力量起到这样一种作用:它给进一步的研究设置了一道极其牢固的障碍;在许多情况下,要花上几个世纪的时间才能最终打破这道障碍。例如,在宇宙学中就发生过这样的事。2. Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.译文 行为主义者的看法是,如果一个儿童在有许多刺激因素的环境里长大,而这些刺激因素能够开发其相应的反映能力,那么这个儿童将会有更好的智力发展。3. I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production and consumption are ends in themselves into a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialities - those of love and of reason - are the aims of all social arrangements.译文 我建议把我们的社会制度从以最大限度的生产和最大限度的消费为目的的官僚主义管理下的产业体制转变为一个充分发挥人的潜能即爱和理智的潜能为其全部社会工作之目的的人道主义产业体制。4. We may define chemistry as the science in which we deal with the chemical change in matter as a result of which it is possible to form a new substance.译文:我们客户可以说,化学式论述物质的化学变化的科学,通过这种变化可能得到一种新物质。5. The child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greatly intellectual development.6. Those individuals who possess characteristics that provide them with an advantage in the struggle for existence are more likely to survive and contribute their genes to the next generation. 7.But the movie differed significantly from those other forms of entertainment, which depended on either live performance or (in the case of the slide-and-lantern shows) the active involvement of a master of ceremonies who assembled the final program. 8. Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetaceans. 给大家一些tips, 长句子大概看过一遍之后,发现有引导词,包括关系代词:that, which, who, whom, whose, as等;关系副词:where, when, why等,就说明定语从句来了,这个时候要做的就是跳过定语从句不看,先把主干找出来,看懂主干后再去理解从句,再理解那些副词和状语等等细枝末节。 最后总结一下 1,看到定语从句先跳过去找主干,找到主干后再把定语加上去,否则定语从句很长,导致谓语很靠后,很难理清主干。 2,关于引导词的省略,that who 等等很多引导词都可以省略,而且在长句子里面常常省略,我们有时候写作文也会不知不觉省略,比如说he is the one I fell in love with .就省略了that或者who,一般在限定性定语从句里面,引导词(that who 等)作为从句里面的宾语时往往可以省略,比如上面的这个句子还有the guy you spoke to stole a gun, 还有修饰way的时候往往也省略引导词,比如说I dont like the way you speak to your mother.关于省略还是要靠大家多读培养语感,从理论上解释其实很不实用,也不太全面,比如说第三个句子连that带were一起省略了,而且还不是从句里的宾语是从句里的主语成分。 3,有时间的同学还是要多背单词,现在大家可以用字典查,但是考试的时候单词不认识句子结构又复杂肯定就死在这里了.一、分析含定语从句的长难句。 【难句1】He is referring to the upsurge of interest in mobile television, a nascent industry at the intersection of telecoms and media which offers new opportunities to device-makers, content producers and mobile-network operators. (The Economist Jan. 5, 2006) 【参考译文】他谈到了众人对移动电视的巨大兴趣,这是一个在电信和媒体领域有交叉的新兴产业,它给设备制造商、电视内容制作者以及移动网络运营商提供了新的机遇。 【难句2】Meanwhile, Apple Computer, which launched a video-capable version of its iPod portable music-player in October, is striking deals with television networks to expand the range of shows that can be purchased for viewing on the device, including Lost, Desperate Housewives and Law & Order. (The Economist Jan. 5, 2006) 【参考译文】与此同时,苹果电脑公司在10月发售了一款可以观看电视的便携式音乐播放器iPod,这个播放器大大帮助了电视网络扩大其可以供用户购买的、用于在移动终端的节目范围, 包括迷失、绝望的主妇以及法律与秩序。 【难句3】Some technologies do indeed improve at such a predictable pace that they obey simple formulae such as Moores law, which acts as a battle plan for the semiconductor industry. (The Economist Sep. 21, 2006) 【参考译文】的确,有些技术的进步是以一种可预测的节奏进行着,它们遵循摩尔定律般简单的公式,好比是半导体工业的设计图纸。 【难句4】Visit many online sites to research a car, and they will sell your name immediately to local dealerships which will then harass you in the old-fashioned way. (The Economist May 27, 2006) 【参考译文】网络销售商通过访问大量的网站去寻找一部车,然后就会把你的名字提供给当地的经销商,这又会让你重回到以前那种购车模式所带来的困扰中。 【难句5】Even Chinas population will be declining by the early 2030s, according to the UN, which projects that by 2050 populations will be lower than they are today in 50 countries. (The Economist Jun.5, 2006) 【参考译文】联合国有关报告指出,即便是中国,到2030年初期人口也将开始递减。这份报告同时还指出,到2050年,将有50个国家的人口低于今天的水平。 难句6】That is surely how history will judge modern criticism of video games, which are accused of turning young people into violent criminals. (The Economist Jun.18, 2006) 【参考译文】对于当今时代那些控诉电视游戏使年轻人变成暴力罪犯的批评者们,历史最终也将对他们作出同样的批判。 【难句7】Management and HR groups spend a lot of time talking about engagement, which comes down to getting employees excited about the work theyre doing and its contribution to the company. (Business Week Feb. 5, 2007) 【参考译文】管理和人力资源群体花费大量的时间来谈论参与,激发雇员对他们的工作和为公司做贡献的兴趣。 【难句8】To make the technology as simple as possible, Sony, HP, and other vendors are finally creating software that can be used across all their devices-be it PCs, TVs, or set-top boxes. (Business Week Jan. 29, 2007) 【参考译文】为了让科技尽可能的简单,索尼、惠普和其他销售者最终开发了可以在所有装置上使用的软件-不论是个人电脑、电视机或是数字解码器-这种软件就是机顶盒。 【难句9】On the face of it, that doesnt seem especially surprising: we feel strong emotion at important events, which are obviously more memorable than ordinary moments. (Time Jan. 18, 2007) 【参考译文】乍看起来,那似乎不会使我们特别吃惊:在重大事件上我们会感到强烈的感情冲击-重大事件显然比平常日子让人记忆深刻。 【难句10】An animal that can remember the significance of that large, nasty-looking thing with the big teeth and sharp claws will survive longer and produce more offspring. (Time Jan. 18, 2007) 【参考译文】一种动物只有记住了长相丑恶(具有巨大牙齿和锋利爪子)且身体庞大的重要性,才能生存长久并繁殖更多的后代。 【难句11】Women who live in areas of hig


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