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八年级(上)Units1-2 综合测试题I. 词汇运用。(共15小题,每小题1分)i. 同义替换。(共8小题,每小题1分)( ) 1. It all happened suddenly.A. loudly B. unexpectedlyC. slowly( ) 2. Do you realize the importance of this question?A. lead to B. get to knowC. think about( ) 3. Its raining hard. However, I still want to go there.A. So B. Nevertheless C. And( ) 4. She was carrying a large amount of cash.A. quantity B. gramC. kilogram( ) 5. It was not very wise of you to sell your house at that time.A. blind B. deafC. clever( ) 6. The boy promised I he would not waste his time in playing games.A. hoped B. thoughtC. guaranteed( ) 7. You have to answer each question correctly, or you will be kicked out.A. happily B. rightC. wrongly( ) 8. She checked all the sentences that she wrote on the blackboard.A. went over B. looked atC. wrote downii. 词汇释义。(共 3小题,每小题 1分)( ) 9. _ means that you are not sure about something.A. Perhaps B. ImpossiblyC. Certainly( ) 10. A(n) _ is the information that tells you how to do or use something.A. instruction B. questionC. answer( ) 11. The _ is an award that is given to a person who wins a race or who does very good work.A. model B. priceC. prize iii. 根据上下文线索猜词。(共4小题,每小题1分) ( ) 12. They felt very happy because the tour_ a visit to the Science Museum. A. included B. solved C. filled ( ) 13. Now I decide to walk to work _ going by car because it is healthy. A. except for B. in addition C. instead of ( ) 14. We all know_ is allowed to smoke in the library. A. somebody B. every body C. nobody ( ) 15. Class Three_ our class to a football match, as each class thought they were the best team. A. challenged B. offered C. provided II. 语法填空。(共10小题,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性 上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Once a neighbor stole one of Washingtons horses. Washington wanted his horse back. But the neighbor refused to (16) _ (give) the horse back. He said that it was his horse. (17) _ (sudden), Washington had (18) _ good idea. He put both of his hands over the eyes of the horse and said (19)_ the neighbor, If this is your horse, you can tell us in (20) _ eye the horse is blind. In the left, said the neighbor. Washington (21) _ (take) his hand from the left eye of the horse and (22) _ (show) the policeman that the horse was not blind in the left eye. Oh, I have (23) _ (make) a mistake, said the neighbor. He is blind in the right eye. Washington then showed that the horse was not blind in the night eye, (24)_. I have made another mistake, said the neighbor. Yes, said the policeman, and you have also proved that the horse isnt (25)_ (you).You must return it to Mr. Washington.III. 完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1.5分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的选项。Mr. Brown is 70 years old. One day he went to his 26 . He said he had an ache in his left 27 . The doctor looked over his leg, but couldnt 28 anything wrong. So he 29 the old man a physical examination. Then he thought he knew the answer. The doctor gave Mr. Brown some 30 and said, Im sorry. The ache in your leg is caused by old age. There is 31 I can do about it. I hope the medicine can make you feel 32 . The old man was very 33 to hear that. He cried, Thats impossible! The doctor said, Im a doctor. OK. 34 did you know it was not caused by old age? The old man answered, Im not a doctor, but I know youre wrong. My leg is fine. So what? asked the doctor. Well, they are of the same 35 ( ) 26. A. son B. doctorC. friend( ) 27. A. leg B. armC. ear( ) 28. A. find B. makeC. have( ) 29. A. bought B. didC. gave( ) 30. A. books B. medicineC. water( ) 31. A. something B. anythingC. nothing( ) 32. A. kind B. betterC. worse( ) 33. A. happy B. surprisedC. relaxed( ) 34. A. When B. WhereC. How( ) 35. A. age B. reasonC. matterIV. 阅读理解。(共20小题,每小题1.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题的四个选项中选出最佳选项。A Xiaofang has an American friend named Nina. They often talk to and help each other on the Internet. Last Thursday, Nina came to Beijing. Xiaofang picked her up at the airport. The next day, Xiaofang took her to the Palace Museum. They saw many things and learned a lot about their history. They also went to Beihai Park. They enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the fresh air there. It was Ninas first time to come to Beijing. Xiaofang took her to Wangfujing Street and they ate a lot of Chinese food, such as Beijing Duck, stinky tofu(臭豆腐)and dumplings. However, Nina didnt like stinky tofu because she didnt like the smell. But it was still a special experience for her. Nina really had a wonderful time in Beijing. When she came back to New York, she also invited Xiaofang to come to her hometown.( ) 36. Xiaofang and Nina often talk to and help each other _. A. on the phone B. on TV C. on the Internet D. on the radio( ) 37. When did Nina come to Beijing?A. Last Monday.B. Last Tuesday. C. Last Thursday. D. Last Sunday.( ) 38. Where didnt Xiaofang and Nina go? A. Beihai Park. B. The Great Wall. C. Wangfujing Street. D. The Palace Museum.( ) 39. Why didnt Nina like stinky tofu? A. Because she didnt like the smell. B. Because it was a bad experience. C. Because it was expensive. D. Because it went bad. ( ) 40. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Nina came to Beijing by train. B. Ninas hometown is Beijing. C. Nina invited Xiaofang to come to New York. D. Nina learned much about the history of Beihai Park.BWaste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for more food than what they can eat, some students forget to turn off the water taps after they finish washing, and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. They think that these things are not important, but I dont agree with them. Waste can bring a lot of problems. Though China is rich in some resources (资源), we are short of others like fresh water. It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we move? Everybody should stop wasting things as soon as possible. We can turn off the water taps when we finish washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom and try not to ask for more food than what we need. If we do our best, waste can be stopped and many natural resources can be saved.( ) 41. The first paragraph is about _. A. waste at home B. waste on the street C. waste in the school D. waste in the factory( ) 42. Which of the following waste is NOT mentioned in the first paragraph? A. Throwing things everywhere. B. Asking for more food. C. Forgetting to turn off the lights. D. Forgetting to turn off the water taps.( ) 43. What will happen in one hundred year according to the report? A. We will still have enough oil. B. We may have no coal or oil to use. C. We will still have enough coal. D. There will be no natural resources. ( ) 44. hi the last paragraph, the writer asks us _. A. stop using fresh water B. stop using coal and oil C. stop wasting resources D. stop saving resources ( ) 45. Whats the best title for the passage? A. School life. B. Resources in China. C. Resources in the future. D. Stop wasting.CWe often use Arabic numerals, so we know a lot about them. But how much do you know about Roman numerals? Actually, we still use Roman numerals today: One place where we often see Roman numerals is on the clock face. The hours are marked as I to XII. However, there is something strange about these Roman numerals. If you look at four, it is IIII instead of IV on some clock faces. I think that this is because some numerals are upside down so that they can follow the edge of the clock face round. You can easily get IV and VI muddled up when theyre the right way up. It is even worse when theyre upside down! The problem of IX and XI is different from the problem of IV and VI, because they are more or less the right way up. In fact, the Romans never had clocks like this. This type of clock was invented later. ( ) 46. When you look at four on the clock face, it is _.A. IV B. VI C. XII D. IIII ( ) 47. What time is it when the hour hand points to IX on a clock face? A. Six oclock.B. Nine oclock. C. Eleven oclock.D. Twelve oclock. ( ) 48. We use_ to show eleven oclock on the clock face. A. XI B. IX C. X D. VI ( ) 49. What do the underlined words muddled up mean? A. looked up B. took up C. stood up D. mixed up ( ) 50. Whats the passage mainly about? A. Time. B. Different clock faces. C. Arabic numerals on the clock face. D. Roman numerals on the clock face. DDo you run away when you see a bee? Many people do. A bee may hurt you. But do you know bees are very important to humans? Bees not only make honey, but also fly around and pollinate(授粉) flowers, plants and trees. Our fruits, nuts and vegetables depend on them. Bees are disappearing in many parts of the world. Most people dont know about this problem. Some North American beekeepers lost many bees. Bees in Italy and Australia are disappearing too. The disappearing of bees is a serious problem. Without bees, food prices will rise. This problem affects other food much, for example, the Haagen-Dazs ice cream. Haagen-Dazs is a famous ice cream company. Many of its flavors(风味) depend on hard-working bees. In 2008 Haagen-Dazs began raising money to solve this problem. Some scientists think bees disappear because of the climate change. Others think pesticides (杀虫剂) are killing bees. What can we do to help bees? Tell your friends and family about the problem. Tell your teachers about the disappearing of bees too. Maybe you can write a letter to the government. ( ) 51. Humans depend on bees _.A. to eat weedsB. to kill animalsC. to pollinate plantsD. to stop climate change( ) 52. Bees in _ are disappearing according to the passage. CD North America England Australia ItalyA. B. C.D.( ) 53. According to the passage, which famous company is very worried about the disappearing of bees?A. Coca-Cola.B. Microsoft.C. Haagen-Dazs.D. Nike.( ) 54. What causes the disappearing of bees according to some scientists?A. The climate change.B. The sun.C. The food.D. The rain.( ) 55. Which is th


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