A sports meeting教学设计.doc_第1页
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A sports meeting教学设计.doc_第4页




Lesson 12 A sports meeting第一课时教学设计一、教材内容:选自陕旅版小学英语第六册第十二课的第一课时。二、设计思路:本课向学生介绍关于运动会中的几种参赛项目,如个人赛跑、接力赛以及马拉松。并学会向他人加油,增进学生之间的感情。以自编的运动项目绕口令进行热身,以图片方式呈现新授单词短语,以课件游戏竞猜方式学习句型,以情境创设方式巩固练习是本节课的教学思路。三、教学目标(Teaching aims)1、“四会”词组及单词: a sports meeting , players , the relay race , running , the marathon , win .2、会说并会用句子: (1)What sport are you in ? (2) Which class will win ? (3)Come on ! / Good luck to you !3、了解一般将来时的构成及意义。四、教学重难点(Key points and difficult points)1、掌握本课的四会词组及句型。2、初步了解一般将来时的意义。3、增进同学之间的友谊,为他人加油及鼓励。五、教学准备(Preparations) 与本课内容相关的课件,单词卡片,小动物头饰,接力棒四、教学过程(Teaching Process)(一) Warming up 51.音乐You and Me(Do you know this song ? Its about Olympic Games in Beijing . My name is Maria . Im from Zhenan , Shangluo .I like doing sports ,for example ,go swimming ,play basketball , play ping-pong Do you like sports ?)T :Which sport do you like best ?Ss:I like (设计意图:师生进行初步认识,教师通过几个问题向学生渗透What are you in ? 及sports ,为本课打下基础。)2.Lets chant .(Now lets say and do sports ,OK?) 课件出示,并带领学生做动作,说教师自编的绕口令,活跃课堂气氛。run fast , jump high,and jump long . run and jump , run and jump , we will be strong ! (二) New Presentation 25 ()1、T: Whats this ? (出示图片“操场playground”)Ss: Its a playground .(教师可适当引导回答)T:What can you do on the playground ?Ss:I can T: There is a sports meeting on the playground.(出示运动会图片及短语)教师板书课题,教读,采用开火车,大小声及个别读方法。T:In the sports meeting , we can see many people run fast , jump high , jump long . Do you know who are they ? (教师出示参加各种运动比赛的运动员,教授“players ”)(Yao Ming is a basketball player . He is a football player . She is a ping-pong player .) 不可占用太多时间!2、 教师将班级每一排作为一个小组,通过players,给出小动物头饰,以sports meeting 的方式给出本节课的奖励方式,若回答问题正确,小动物头饰可以向前跑一步,带在前一个同学的头上。并通过给自己加油打气,学习“Come on !”(If you do very well , you can let your animal run . Now say Come on ! to your team.Mouse / Cow / Rabbit / Cat / Dog Team )3、 学习“relay race”“running”“marathon”A. (Now well learn three kinds of race )教师出示三种径赛的图片,个人赛跑,接力赛,马拉松。以教师引导,学生猜读的方式学习。教师出示简笔画,给学生区分三种项目的不同。running (Only one player can run by himself .)relay race(In the ralay race , therere four players in one team. )marathon (Also need one player , but it has very long distance .)B.(Can you find the right pictures of the words ? Try !)4、出示两人跑步的图片,让大家猜,两人谁会赢?引入句子“Guess , who will win ? ”并给出结果。Which class will win ?I think Class will win . Guess , who will win ? Win means NO.1 . 教师板书此句型。(教师再出示更多的图片,练习此句型。在此练习中,教师可以让自己觉得会赢的人说加油,练习Come on !)5、 A.(Xu! Please listen carefully , Class 1 and Class 2 have the relay race . Guess , which class will win ? Are you ready ?) B. neck and neck 讲解。(They havent finished the relay race . So we dont know who will win at last .)5、出示各种运动会比赛图片,创设情境。If we have the sports meeting . Youre the players ,What sport are you in ?师生做示范即可。Im in (注意动名词变化,适当引导)(三)Consolidation 81、Do a survey .What sport are


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