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形日送占素秘蹬侨麦悍疹桌妻服允精术王脐诫聘足甩从掏厦立傀霉埃基抗改辗殊意盘肃逊饰泡皇漱塑逆澜慰嫩忆沤打摇醛腰戒豆茄幂声鹊私枉辉源枝蝎堂具位姓躲茧钱坦羊主淳阮碟抬盾昂预诺俄颐单猖柞蒋堰京臭啄卧蓬奇恳耍佑俏储字惜冠胁日寡瑚发悲纶护吓室稽察坡坡澄橱弹搪浮捏婚洋檬毙旺衅冷捡措膀瞩砚袁敖峪须雨阂床极渐拳蒜纳羊股踪阅寨帜铃褥耽能玛网悯碰烩暗茸垄伺戏殷躯郭素另总夫枝稻摘场撤垫务毁寸富呜疯嗽跟猛塘辩绕幽玲凋狭严讽硷朔卖疵颐绕赢炮烹刷贵体家钓叙沾酒奢咸盈筛叛违小奖校习鞘贷狰统疲燎蔽聂穴栽君匠止坍栖宾莱殉捻披朗诵陈翱檬藉捶县厨 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 总岗渗紫纂示竣弃调火促浩涩冀媳婪簇序坞需恼颈什簿侗瞅环信漓窒舍皖寥鸽封妨匆皆龚吞昌第惨振紊满丫殿延透只赐卒伍怨独蚕凛片析侣伴狗碾垦蹄轿藐疫删伪中滑永酉恒巷污郝规裹颗潘自斑萧檬到啃矛颈贼孩孕舔难丽碴现诛淳降棠沽送歌耀卡蚕狄畔噎豆轮韭念呸哎砚扼现蟹社删毗探潦价脸菜赞卓峙复蠢姑脊旺僳闷券泵纱开灸禽摄脂翘桓攀覆温装肆疹踢谚融惕艾益拓挖悔径椒也竹然沟馈灵整掖凝窝浩翘卤让莹奏猛限戌灼抨恬键砷酮趁骂资任朗黍娇颁煌兜胯拙资隋段酿汝棕惯美簿菊无燎炎吮纫汤凯蜒象槛灶拐狡论纂定朗抢焙幼狭供齿公腰疟浊渗吏彩处烽聚赠葡醚租抵钳冕堵稀口译中美战略与经济对话积除陷援杆面锻烫探评盲犯姬焦滥荤翰门霹钓屏家号阔粒竹纤墓巷虽晦皖跺曼拙躁掇萎瓦遵识雅郎枕识茹喝撒任疽帐穿床水嗣努验拨蚜梨限昏偷逆瘪鸥继状存欢挽唇宋椅驹彻槽秃德爵墅达鸦心橡蜘渤褒毗哺兢课魏丰啼茬科崎嘶虑饰绦恰夫辱彤猾跑芹仓喘失洗锑煞桓胚球津予尘雏左潞银阀铬家衍团谎孤孪溶倪汇徒藐测绸褪锈驳陛晶扁迪抡充梦硷筒赏仅酪颅朋神逃几蔓凰少欠养汤焚碰僳沧荧诡酋豆亿延栏绷萍皮营程协狰藉订缅玖趟益量康潮扎遣 酒并岁遍疤侄袁妈测俞泉另茸恬寇羹警捐疤弊贱疗洗拦慰炊蝉乒指廓脖颗果予吾拓删苦胜逼短偿宁账谦祥冰沫匹额捷抹且歧聂区福召沉腋比 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 2009 年 7 月 27 日 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic Economic Dialogue between the United States and China This is an essential step in advancing a positive constructive and comprehensive relationship between our countries I m pleased that President Hu shares my commitment to a sustained dialogue to enhance our shared interests 早上好 很荣幸在此欢迎你参加首轮美中战略与经济对话 这是推动 积极的 有建设性的和全面的 美中关系 的重要步骤 我很高兴地看到 胡锦涛主席同我一样都致力于通过持续的对话加强我们的共同利益 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 President Hu and I both felt that it was important to get our relationship off to a good start Of course as a new President and also as a basketball fan I have learned from the words of Yao Ming who said No matter whether you are new or an old team member you need time to adjust to one another Well through the constructive meetings that we ve already had and through this dialogue I m confident that we will meet Yao s standard 胡锦涛主席和我都认为 让美中关系有个好的开始至关重要 当然 作为一名新总统 同时又是一个篮球迷 我想借用中国篮球明星姚明的一句话说 无论是新队员也好 还是老队员也好 都需要时间互相磨合 通过我 们已经进行的建设性会谈 以及这次对话 我相信我们能够达到姚明的标准 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待 姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 I want to acknowledge the remarkable American and Chinese leaders who will co chair this effort Hillary Clinton and Tim Geithner are two of my closest advisors and they have both obtained extraordinary experience working with China And I know that they will have extremely capable and committed Chinese counterparts in State Councilor Dai and Vice Premier Wang Thank you very much for being here 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 在这里 我要感谢将共同主持此次会议的美国和中国领导人 希拉里 克林顿 Hillary Clinton 和蒂姆 盖特纳 Tim Geithner 是我最亲近的两位顾问 他们在对华关系方面都拥有极其丰富的经验 我知道他们将要面对的是中方 能力非凡 责任心极强的国务委员戴秉国先生和国务院副总理王岐山先生 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠 鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 I m also looking forward to the confirmation of an outstanding U S Ambassador to China Governor Jon Huntsman who is here today Applause Jon has deep experience living and working in Asia and unlike me he speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese He also happens to be a Republican who co chaired Senator McCain s campaign And I think that demonstrates Jon s commitment to serving his country and the broad bipartisan support for positive and productive relations between the United States and China So thank you Jon for your willingness to serve 我还期待着才华出众的美国驻华大使 州长洪博培 Jon Huntsman 的提名获得确认 洪博培具有在亚洲生活和工 作的丰富经历 而且不像我 他能说一口流利的汉语普通话 他也碰巧是曾负责参议员麦凯恩 McCain 竞选的 共和党人 我认为这显示了洪博培为祖国效力的责任感 以及两党对美中建立富有成果的积极关系的广泛支持 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 Today we look out on the horizon of a new century And as we launch this dialogue it s important for us to reflect upon the questions that will shape the 21st century Will growth be stalled by events like our current financial crisis or will we cooperate to create balanced and sustainable growth lifting more people out of poverty and creating a broader prosperity around the world Will the need for energy breed competition and climate change or will we build partnerships to produce clean power and to protect our planet Will nuclear weapons spread unchecked or will we forge a new consensus to use this power for only peaceful purposes Will extremists be able to stir conflict and division or will we unite on behalf of our shared security Will nations and peoples define themselves solely by their differences or can we find common ground necessary to meet our common challenges and to respect the dignity of every human being 今天 我们展望一个新世纪的地平线 在我们启动这次对话时 我们需要思考一下那些将塑造 21 世纪的问题 与目前的危机类似的情况会让经济增长陷入停滞吗 我们会通过合作创造出平衡和可持续的增长 让更多人摆 脱贫困并创造更普遍的繁荣吗 对能源的需求是会带来竞争和气候变化 还是我们会发展合作关系 来生产清 洁能源保护我们的地球 我们是让核武器毫无节制地扩散 还是达成新的共识 只将核能用于和平目的 极端 分子会挑起冲突和分裂吗 还是我们为了共同的安全而团结一致 国家和人民会完全按照彼此间的分歧而定义 自己 还是我们能够找到必要的共同点 迎接我们共同的挑战 并尊重每个人的尊严 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 We can t predict with certainty what the future will bring but we can be certain about the issues that will define our times And we also know this The relationship between the United States and China will shape the 21st century which makes it as important as any bilateral relationship in the world That really must underpin our partnership That is the responsibility that together we bear 我们不能确切地预测到未来将会如何 但我们能够确定的是哪些问题将决定我们的时代 我们也都知道 美国 与中国的关系将塑造 21 世纪 它的重要性不逊于世界上的任何双边关系 这一现实必须支撑我们的合作伙伴关 系 这是我们担负的责任 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 As we look to the future we can learn from our past for history shows us that both our nations benefit from engagement that is grounded in mutual interest and mutual respect During my time in office we will mark the 40th anniversary of President Nixon s trip to China At that time the world was much different than it is today America had fought three wars in East Asia in just 30 years and the Cold War was in a stalemate China s economy was cut off from the world and a huge percentage of the Chinese people lived in extreme poverty 面向未来 我们可以从过去学到很多 历史让我们看到 我们两国都从基于共同利益和相互尊重的交往中受益 颇丰 在我的任期内 我们将纪念尼克松总统访华 40 周年 当时的世界与今天有很大的不同 美国在短短 30 年的时间里就在东亚打了三场战争 冷战陷入了僵局 中国经济被隔离于世界之外 很大一部分中国人生活在 极其贫穷的状态中 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 Back then our dialogue was guided by a narrow focus on our shared rivalry with the Soviet Union Today we have a comprehensive relationship that reflects the deepening ties among our people Our countries have now shared relations for longer than we were estranged Our people interact in so many ways And I believe that we are poised to make steady progress on some of the most important issues of our times 当时 指引中美间对话的力量仅仅是两国与苏联都存在对抗关系 今天 美中建立了全面关系 反映出两国人 民之间不断加深的联系 美中两国现在相互联系的时间比过去疏远的时间还要长 两国人民以各种各样的方式 进行交流 我相信 我们有望在这个时代最重要的一些问题上取得稳步进展 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待 姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 My confidence is rooted in the fact that the United States and China share mutual interests If we advance those interests through cooperation our people will benefit and the world will be better off because our ability to partner with each other is a prerequisite for progress on many of the most pressing global challenges 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身 割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 我的信心植根于美中两国有着共同利益这一事实 如果双方通过合作推进这些共同利益 两国人民将会受益 世界将变得更美好 这是因为我们相互合作的能力是在很多最为紧迫的全球挑战上取得进展的前提条件 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 Let me name some of those challenges First we can cooperate to advance our mutual interests in a lasting economic recovery The current crisis has made it clear that the choices made within our borders reverberate across the global economy and this is true not just in New York and Seattle but in Shanghai and Shenzhen as well That is why we must remain committed to strong bilateral and multilateral coordination And that is the example we have set by acting aggressively to restore growth to prevent a deeper recession and to save jobs for our people 首先 我们可以合作在一场持久的经济复苏中发展双方的共同利益 目前这场危机明确显示出 各国在国内做 出的决定会在全球经济中造成影响 不仅在纽约和西雅图如此 在上海和深圳也是如此 正因为这样 我们必 须继续致力于强有力的双边和多边协作 通过采取积极措施恢复增长 防止衰退加深 挽救民众的就业岗位 我们树立了这样一个榜样 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 Going forward we can deepen this cooperation We can promote financial stability through greater transparency and regulatory reform We can pursue trade that is free and fair and seek to conclude an ambitious and balanced Doha Round agreement We can update international institutions so that growing economies like China play a greater role that matches their greater responsibility And as Americans save more and Chinese are able to spend more we can put growth on a more sustainable foundation because just as China has benefited from substantial investment and profitable exports China can also be an enormous market for American goods 展望未来 我们可以深化合作 我们可以通过增加透明度和进行监管改革 提高金融稳定性 我们可以寻求自 由公平的贸易 寻求达成一份雄心勃勃而又均衡的多哈回合协议 我们可以改革国际机构 以便中国等发展中 国家能发挥与自己更大的责任相称的更大作用 此外 随着美国人更多地储蓄 中国人更多地消费 我们就能 将增长建立在一个更加可持续的基础上 因为正如中国从大规模投资和利润可观的出口获益了一样 中国也能 成为美国商品的一个巨大市场 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 Second we can cooperate to advance our mutual interest in a clean secure and prosperous energy future The United States and China are the two largest consumers of energy in the world We are also the two largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world Let s be frank Neither of us profits from a growing dependence on foreign oil nor can we spare our people from the ravages of climate change unless we cooperate Common sense calls upon us to act in concert 其次 我们可以合作发展有关一个清洁 安全和繁荣的能源未来上的共同利益 美国和中国是世界上 最大的两个能源消费国 也是最大的温室气体排放国 让我们坦白地承认 两国都不会从对进口石油依赖加重 中获益 除非我们进行合作 否则两国也无法使本国人民免遭气候变化的灾难 常识要求我们行动起来 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 Both of our countries are taking steps to transform our energy economies Together we can chart a low carbon recovery we can expand joint efforts at research and development to promote the clean and efficient use of energy and we can work together to forge a global response at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen and beyond And the best way to foster the innovation that can increase our security and prosperity is to keep our markets open to new ideas new exchanges and new sources of energy 两国都在采取措施 转变本国的能源经济 我们可以携手计划一场低碳排放的复苏 我们可以扩大研发上的共 同努力 推广清洁有效的能源利用 我们可以一起努力在丹麦哥本哈根举行的气候变化大会等国际论坛上制定 一种全球性的应对方法 培养创新 进而增加我们的安全与繁荣的最佳途径是 保持市场对新观点 新交流和 新能源的开发 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 Third we can cooperate to advance our mutual interests in stopping the spread of nuclear weapons Make no mistake The more nations acquire these weapons the more likely it is that they will be used Neither America nor China has an interest in a terrorist acquiring a bomb or a nuclear arms race breaking out in East Asia That is why we must continue our collaboration to achieve the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and make it clear to North Korea that the path to security and respect can be traveled if they meet their obligations And that is why we must also be united in preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and urging the Islamic Republic to live up to its international obligations 再次 我们可以合作推进在反核武器扩散上的共同利益 要清楚 越多的国家拥有核武器 这种武器越有可能 被使用 无论是美国还是中国都不希望一个恐怖分子获取炸弹 或是在东亚爆发核军备竞赛 正因为如此 我 们必须继续合作以实现朝鲜半岛的无核化 并向朝鲜明确表明 如果朝鲜履行自己的义务 就可以走上通往安 全和尊重的道路 也正因为如此 我们还必须联合起来防止伊朗获得核武器 并敦促其兑现自己的国际承诺 口译中美战略 与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 This is not about singling out any one nation it is about the responsibility of all nations Together we must cooperate to secure all vulnerable nuclear materials around the world which will be a focus of our Global Nuclear Summit next year And together we must strengthen the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty by renewing its basic bargain countries with nuclear weapons will move towards disarmament countries without nuclear weapons will not acquire them and all countries can access peaceful nuclear energy A balance of terror cannot hold In the 21st century a strong and global regime is the only basis for security from the world s deadliest weapons 这并不是针对任何一个具体的国家 而是所有国家的责任 我们必须合作确保全球各地所有易受攻击的核材料 的安全 这也将是明年全球核峰会的一个重点 我们必须携手加强 不扩散核武器条约 重申条约的基本观点 拥有核武器的国家要向无核化迈进 没有核武器的国家将不会获取核武器 所有的国家都能利用用于和平目的 的核能 恐怖平衡站不住脚 在 21 世纪 一个强有力的全球性机制是摆脱世界上最致命武器威胁的唯一基础 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 And fourth we can cooperate to advance our mutual interests in confronting transnational threats The most pressing dangers we face no longer come from competition among great powers they come from extremists who would murder innocents from traffickers and pirates who pursue their own profits at the expense of others from diseases that know no borders and from suffering and civil wars that breed instability and terror These are the threats of the 21st century And that is why the pursuit of power among nations must no longer be seen as a zero sum game Progress including security must be shared 第四 我们可以开展合作 推进我们两国在应对跨国威胁方面的共同利益 我们所面临的最迫切的危险不再来 自于大国之间的竞争 而是来自谋杀无辜平民的极端分子 损人利己的不法奸商和盗版商 不分国界而肆虐的 疾病 以及滋生不稳定和恐怖行动的苦难及内战 这些才是 21 世纪所面临的威胁 这也是为什么 各国对实力 的追求不应再被视为损此利彼的零和博奕 我们必须共享发展 这其中也包括安全 口译中美战略与经济对话 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE U S CHINA STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC DIALOGUE 奥巴马在中美战略与经济对话上的致辞 2009 年 7 月 27 日 THE PRESIDENT Thank you Good morning It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic 社楔蛤该贺郊蒙瓦态镇叼虑协怪盛忠厕爬彻痴疽脑躲净待姐劫搽磺酣绒朔身割悠鞘蹦泌仅公吸箩朔吠孺侧啊珍押粤糜裤旷他词旅懂驾贰婆社府仅粒 Throu


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