



1 舒兰市第十九中学校教学设计用纸副页舒兰市第十九中学校教学设计用纸副页 5 5 教教 学学 导导 航航 3 教 学 过 程 一 自学导航 知识剖析 1 say to sb 对某人 say to oneself 自言自语 e g He said to himself Don t be afraid 他自言自语 不要害怕 2 look for 寻找 强调找的 过程 find 找到 强调找的 结果 eg He looked for his lost key everywhere but couldn t find it 3 It was difficult to get out of bed 从床上爬起来很难 It is difficult hard to do sth 做某事很难 He found that it was difficult to learn physics well 4 be killed 被杀害 be destroyed by 被 摧毁 5 walk home together in silence 沉默着一起走回家 in silence 状语 状态 6 Not all events in history are as terrible as this 并不是所有历史上的大事件都像此事这样可怕 not all 并不是所有的 部分否定 as as 与 一样 as 与 as 之间用形容词 副词的原级 7 become the first Chinese astronaut in space 成为中国首位进入太空的 宇航员 8 His flight around the Earth Lasted about 22 hours 他环绕地球的飞 行持续了 22 个小时 9 Do you think sth good can come out of sth terrible 你认为坏事能变 为好事吗 二 内容讲解 1 精讲预设 一 小组合作完成 Self check 二 Reading 学习 1 阅读导学 People often remember what they were doing when they 2 3 教 学 过 程 heard the news of important events in history Do you remember what you were doing when Beijing held the 2008 Olympic Games 2 阅读预测 Open your book at Page 24 Look at the title and the pictures What do you think this passage will be about 3 快速阅读文章 找出每段的主题句 概括文章内容 4 再次阅读 找出细节判断下列句子的正误 独自完成下列问题 小组订正答 案 问题一 Read the passage again Find out the details to tell T or F 1 The writer writes one of the most important events as an example in Paragraph 1 2 The writer says people will forget some everyday activities when they heard the important news in Paragraph 2 3 The writer gives the event that happened in recent times in Paragraph 3 4 The writer gives out some more terrible events in Paragraph 4 2 资源延伸 三 知识反馈 3 当堂检测与辅导 基础达标 课堂练习课堂练习 一 精读课文并理解全文 补全句子 1 Although some people may not remember who murdered him they remember what they were doing when they 听说 the event 2 School closed for the day and Robert and his friends walked home together 默默地 3 Dr Martin Luther King s murder 发生 about thirty years ago before many Americans were born 4 Even the date September 11 2001 对 有意义 most Americans 5 并不是所有的 events in history are 3 3 教 学 过 程 一样可怕 this of course 能力提高 拓展练习拓展练习 一 补全对话 T teacher J Jim T What 1 you doing at 10 30 last Sunday morning J I 2 making a card in my room T 3 was your sister 4 at that time J She was 5 with the cat T 6 your parents watchin


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