



浠水县巴河镇西河中心学校“课内比教学”暨“一师一优课,一课一名师”活动章 节: Unit3 课 题: 第一课时 授课班级: 八一班 授课时间: 2015年9月30日授课教师: 唐丽 西河中心学校教务处2015年9月制Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sisterSection A第一课时授课教案教学目标1、知识与技能In this unit, students learn to talk about personal traits and how to compare people.Learn the rules of changing adjectives into comparative degree. Help to use comparative degree to compare two people. 2、过程与方法To train the students ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. To train the students ability of communicative competence. 3、情感态度价值观To have students understand people have quite different traits, but they should overcome the bad habits and keep good healthy habits. To encourage students to be brave, honest, kind people. 学情分析第一类:学习英语有一定的基础和很浓厚的兴趣.学生成绩稳定.第二类:基础差,但学习英语的热情高,方法不当.第三类:基础差,能及格,没有太大的兴趣,但尽量跟住老师.第四类:跟不上英语学科的正常的进度. 教学重点比较级的变化和用法教学难点比较级的变化和用法both的用法教学过程Step1 PresentationAsk the students to compare two objects by height /weight and so on List some adjectives and their comparatives:good-better funny-more funnier outgoing-more outgoing:and make a sentence like ,She speaks English better than me.Let the students make sentences with the words above.Step 2 1a1 Learn new words: outgoing, better loudly quietly which competition fantastic hard-working clearly win funny friendly smart lazy2.look at the picture in 1a and make a list of the adjectives.Step3.1b listen and write the number of the pairs.Listen again for the students to listen and fill in the chart.Check the answers with the classStep4: 2a 2bListening1.Listen and change the adjectives into comparatives by -er/ier/or more. 2. Listen again and say: How are Tina and tara different ?3. Pay attention to: more outgoing,as.as.Step5: 2cPairwork: Fill in the chart first and then make conversations in pairs.Step6: 2d Role-play the conversationsLet the students read the chart and find out the differences between Sam and Tom.Explain the comparatives of the adjectives1) smart-smarter2) funny-funnier3) hardworking-more hardworking3.Let the students have five minutes for the students to recite the statements.4.Role-play the conversation in pairs.Step7Test Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words given.(1).Tom is _ (friendly) than Sam(2).Jodie runs _ (fast) than Tony.(3).He works as _ (hard) as his twin brother.2.对划线部分提问(1)Tara is outgoing,Tina is also outgoing.(合并句子) Tara is _ _ _ Tina. (2). 最重要的是学到新东西且快乐。The most important is to learn something new and have fun.反思与评价本次教学设计是以训练学生英语思维、培养学生语言交际能力为中心的教学过程。课堂教学诸环节条理清晰,目标明确,层层递进。既体现出课堂标准中侧重培养学生阅读能力的要求,又兼顾了听、说、读、写全面发展的教学原则。在循序渐进的教学过程中,学生学会熟悉课文的整体篇章结构、课文内容和新的语言知识。同时,学生通过独立分析文章和理解文章,推理和判断能力增强,对词汇及语言形式的理解、积累与运用能力也增强了。这是一节常规教学课。没有华丽的多媒体做辅助,也没有黑板的挂图,给这个导入带来了比较大的困难。如何使这节导入课更加有趣,让学生容易掌握形容词的比较级。以下,我先总结一下本堂课的设计亮点。我采用了以下的一些活跃课堂的方式。第一,就地取材。请一位同学站起来。让大家用英语描述他,如高矮胖瘦。再请另一位同学,也来形容他。之后比较他们谁更高(等)。引入形容词的比较级。让学生从身边发现形容词的比较级其实就出现在身边。第二,在讲到五种规则形容词比较级的类型时,让学生根据不同的单词来判断他们的类型。之后,逐步增加难度,让学生根据五种不同类型发现生活中的形容词,并把他们分别放在不同的类别方框中。此步骤用了竞赛的方式进行。学生们情绪高涨。课堂气氛很好。第三,让学生用学过的形容词比较级来形容老师给出的例子,学以致用。但是,这堂课中也存在这一些不足之处:第一,若事先借来挂图,能够更好的集中学生的注意力。在分析图片的过程中,我发现有些学生听课状态不是很好。借助挂图的话能够更好的让学生的注意力集中在教师和教学内容上。第


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