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Unite1:ease of effortbe a breeze: 易做之事(毫不费力)such as a task, that is easy to do【非正式用语】have a green thumb: 天才;有天赋(园艺技能)an extraordinary ability to make plants grow wellbe easy as pie: 极容易【非正式用语】capable of being accomplished or done with no difficultyhave a golden touch: (在优越的条件下)做任何想做的事have two left feet: 对某事不在行(极其笨拙)have a nose for something: 探查/发现某事(物)/善于探听the ability to detect, sense, or discover as if by smell感觉能力Unite2:humanitydown to earth: 现实的think one is Gods gift to mankind: 认为某人很了不起show off: 炫耀put someone in someones place: 挫某人之锐气;给下马威put on airs: 装腔作势;自以为了不起blow ones own horn: 自吹自擂;自夸Unite3: responsibilityface up to something: 勇于正视;勇于承担point one finger at someone: 指责某人;责怪leave someone high and dry: 做错事情时老是责怪别人shoulder the responsibility: 承担责任pass the buck: 口推卸责任, 把为难的事推给别人the buck stops here: 【俚语】责任止于此worm out of something: 逃脱责任Unite4:compromiseall or nothing: not allowing for qualification or compromise; either fully or not at all要么是全部,要么一点儿也不要;没有折衷的办法meet someone halfway: you accept some of their ideas & make concessions;在半路上迎接某人;迁就某人,对某人做出让步,和某人妥协;过早担忧某事give-and-take: 妥协;互让;意见交换 middle-of-the road:中庸;中道;中间路线stick to ones guns: 固执己见,坚守立场Unite5:perseverancego through with:完成,实行;把进行到底;忍受折磨hang in there:(面对逆境)坚持不懈,坚持不屈不挠,坚持下去,拿出勇气,不泄气,不胆怯give up:stick with:和.呆在一起;继续支持、追随某人;不放弃,坚持做,继续做sweat out:辛苦工作以求达到(目的);心情焦虑地等待(或忍受);吃力地完成(或获得);艰苦地争取 费了九牛二虎之力Unite6:independencebe a copycat: One that closely imitates or mimics another 模仿者, 死板地模仿或仿效他人的人; 无主见的家伙cut the apron strings: Usually used in the plural with tied to indicate complete control or dominance 围裙带, 通常以复数形式与 tied连用指完全的控制或支配be a yes-man: 应声虫,随声附和的人have a mind of ones own: 自有主张, 性格果断be on ones own: 独处lead someone by the nose: 牵着某人的鼻子走stand on ones own two feet: 自立Unite7:control of emotionsbe cool as a cucumber: 泰然自若, 极为冷静go to pieces: 破碎, 碎裂; 身体精神垮下来; 瓦解, 崩溃be tough/ hard as nails: 身体强壮得象铁打似的; 铁石心肠的; 严峻的hold ones head up: 觉得受人尊重; 不再垂头丧气keep ones chin up: 勇敢, 坚决fall apart: 土崩瓦解; 散开; 崩溃pull oneself together: 振作起来, 冷静下来Unite8:control of angerbe hot-headed:性急鲁莽易;发怒blow up:爆发爆炸;吹气;言过其实,夸大其词count to ten:数到十,引申的意思还有放轻松、别紧张等。grit ones teeth:咬紧牙关,下定决心,忍住,磨牙reach the boiling point:hold ones temper:抑制脾气,忍住怒气Unite9:friendlinessbe cool toward someone: 冷漠地对人icy stare: 冷漠的凝视give someone the cold should: 故意冷落某人turn ones back on someone:不愿帮助别人 ; 拒绝提供帮助turn ones nose up at someone: 蔑视welcome someone with open armsUnite10:cooperationbe a loner:独来独往 brainstorm:集体讨论;集思广益以寻找 vi. 集体讨论;动脑筋;出主意join forces:团结协力pool ones resources:集中资源go it alone:单独行动;独自生活;单干 put heads together:一起商讨问题;聚在一起商量lend a hand:two heads are better than one:三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮Unite11:kindness/aidbe hard-hearted: 无情be tight-fisted: 小气be warm-hearted: 热情go to bat for someone: 援助have a heart: 心地善良have a heart of gold: 有同情心have a heart of stone: 铁石心肠Unite12:happinessbe down in the dumps: 沮丧feel blue: 情绪低落be in seventh heaven: 欢天喜地be on top of the world: 非常愉快be on cloud nine: 极其快乐walk on air: 得意洋洋, 兴高采烈be out of sorts:be tickled pink: 高兴得要命Unite13:problem-solving abilitybe off base: 与目标相差甚远be right on target: 正好达到目标get to the heart of: 理解了最重要的事情beat around the bush: 旁敲侧击hit the nail on the head: 一针见血miss the mark: 未达到原定目标Unite14:experienceBe an old hand at:擅长,老练Know.like the back of ones hand:了如指掌Be green:生手 Know the ropes:知道(或学会,向某人指出,告诉某人)事情的真相(或窍门,做法,规 则);熟悉(某种社会的)内情;懂得(某种行业的)窍门;很内行 Live-and-learn:学无止境;活到老学到老;活得长,见识多;学到新事物Not be born yesterday:Unite15:honesty/direct


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