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Literary Translation陈水平 Lecture One1. Definition of TranslationBy translation here I specrifically mean translating, the process of translation, in which something is translated, instead of the work translated.翻译是将一种文字之真义全部移至另一种文字而绝不失其风格的神韵。(吴献书,1949)翻译是用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。(张培基,1980)翻译的实质是语际的意义转换。(刘宓庆,1990)翻译是将一种语言文字所蕴含的意思用另一种语言文字表达出来的文化活动。(王克非,1997)翻译是语际之间的信息传递和语族之间的文化交流。(萧立明,2001)A good translation is one which the merit of the original work is so completely transfused into another language as to be as distinctly apprehended and as strongly felt by a native of the country to which that language belongs as it is by those who speak the language of the original work. 好的翻译应该是把原作的长处完全地移注到另一种语言,以使译人语所属国家的本地人能明白地领悟、强烈地感受,如同使用原作语言的人所领悟、所感受的一样。(泰特勒,1790)翻译就是用一种语言把另一种语言在内容与形式不可分割的统一中所业已表达出来的东西准确而完全地表达出来。(费道罗夫,1953)Translation may be defined as follows: the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL).翻译的定义也可以这样说:把一种语言(SL)中的篇章材料用另一种语言(TL)中的篇章材料来加以代替。(卡特福德,1965)Translation consists in reproducing in receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language , first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. 翻译就是在译入语中再现与原语的信息最切近的自然对等物,首先是就意义而言,其次是就文体而言。 (奈达,1974)翻译是把一种语言的言语产物在保持内容方面(也就是意义)不变的情况下改变为另外一种语言的言语产物的过程。(巴尔胡达罗夫,1985中文版)(Translating) is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way the author intended the text. 通常(虽然不能说总是如此),翻译就是把一个文本的意义按作者所意想的方式移译入另一种文字(语言)。(纽马克,1988)2. Nature of TranslationThere is also a divergence of opinion on nature of translation. Some maintain that translation is a science, since it has its own laws and methods; some advocate that translation is an art, because the translators recreate a literary work by using expressions of another language. For example:翻译是一种艺术,而非科学。 英汉翻译津指陈生保翻译不仅是一种艺术,一种技巧,还是一门科学。所谓科学,是指可以采用处理语言结构的科学途径、语义分析的途径和信息论来处理翻译问题,也就是采取语言学的、描写的方法来解释翻译过程。 奈达(美)“翻译是科学”的观点是不能成立的,翻译不是科学,翻译学才是科学。 新编奈达论翻译谭载喜教授Now there is a tendency to combine their theories into a comprehensive one. 3. Principles / Criteria of Translation1)A Brief introduction to the history of translation criteria in ChinaYan Fu “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance.” Yan Fus “faithfulness” means the full and complete conveying or transmission of the original content or though. His “expressive” demands that the version must be clear and flowing without any grammatical mistakes or confused logic and sense. So the first two words as translation criteria are acceptable. But his “elegance” is unadoptable because it refers to the use of classical Chinese before Han Dynasty. Mr. Lin Yutang proposed “faithful, flowing and beautiful” (忠实、通顺、美); Mr. Lu Xun, the greatest modern Chinese writer advocated “faithfulness” and “smoothness” as translation standards and attached importance to the original flavor. But he once said, “rather be faithful than smooth.” This was only put forward in opposition to Zhao Jingshens saying: “it is better to have a smooth version than a faithful one.” And this is, of course, understandable. Mr. Fu Lei put forward “to be alike both in spirit and appearance” (神似); Mr. Qian Zhongshu proposed “hua”(化境). Then based on the Yan Fus three characters, Liu Zhongde put forth” faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness” (信、达、切) in which faithfulness refers to be faithful to the content of the original, expressiveness refers to be as expressive as the original and closeness refers to be as close to the original style as possible.2)A Brief introduction to the translation criteria in WestFraser Tytlers three principles: 1) The translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work 2) The style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original. 3) The translation should have the ease of the original composition.(Tytler, 1790)译文应完整地再现原文的思想内容;译文的风格笔调应与原文的性质相同;译文应像原文一样流畅自然。 Nidas dynamic equivalence and functional equivalence: Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (在目标语中再现原语的思想内容和文体风格,使目标语尽量接近原语) (Nida, 1982)3)翻译标准的具体化问题“具体化”可从不同的角度出发,如可以时间、作者风格、文体、目的等为划分依据来确定所要翻译文本的最终标准。赖斯以布勒(Buhler)的三种语言功能为基础,分出三种文本类型:重内容content-focused/ informative, 重形式form-focused/expressive, 重感染appeal-focused/operative。英国文化学派的翻译理论家巴斯奈特(Susan Bassnett)提出四种不同类型的文本:Different types of texts require different translation strategies: texts to convey information, texts to entertain, texts to persuade, texts that belongs to the “cultural capital” of a given culture. 4) Criteria for BeginnersFaithfulness: 1) refers to the content of the original work 2) includes the keeping of the original style Smoothness: requires that version must be clear and distinct, flowing and easy to read without signs of the mechanical word-for-word translation, of obscure and crabbed language, of grammatical mistakes, confused structure and turbid logic. 4. Prerequisites for a Translator 1) A good knowledge of the two languages2) An acquaintance with the subject matter/ the broadening of the range and scope of our general knowledge3) A good command of translation theory and skillsExamples:1. He is easily the best student in the class. 他绝对/无疑是班上最好的学生。(他比班上别的学生要好得多。)2. The stranger robbed his wife. 那个陌生人抢了他妻子的钱(东西)。I cant agree more. 我完全同意。(我举双手赞成。)They gave the boy the lie. 他们指责男孩说谎。(他们指责男孩编造的这个谎言。)This is a very good price. 真便宜。She sighed for her mother. 他很怀念母亲。(她渴望见到母亲。)Her mother died of difficult labor.她母亲死于难产。I wont do it to save my life. 我(宁)死也不干。I dare say he is honest.我认为/我看/我觉得他是诚实的。I have no opinion of him. 我觉得他不怎么样。Their panic was their only punishment. 他们只是受了一场虚惊。(有惊无险)Do you have a family? 你有孩子吗?He was then bright in the eye.此时他已(喝得)酩酊大醉。Calculation never makes a hero. 举棋不定永远成不了英雄。He has many hot potatoes to handle every day.他每天要处理许多棘手的问题。陈先生乃中国学界泰斗,他的那本书似为汉语修辞学的嚆矢。Mr. Chen, our respected teacher, is a renowned master in the academic circles of China. The book written by him seems to be the earliest one in the Chinese rhetoric studies.那研究生英年好学,矻矻三载,终使其论文得以付梓。That graduate student at his lifes full flowering was eager to learn, worked diligently and untiringly for 3 years, and finally he had his thesis published.不少人认为“信达雅”是严复的戛戛独造,并奉之为译事圭臬。Many people hold that “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance” is Yan Fus own great original creation and regard it as the standard of translation.在旧中国,小人当道,瓦釜雷鸣的情形屡见不鲜。In old China, it was a general case that mean persons were in power and unworthy people were influential and in high places.5. Translators Workbox词典:汉英大词典新


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