



小学英语六年级下册三四单元复习课教学设计教学内容与目标:1、复习三四单元过去式的单词及四会句子。2、通过谈论“relaxing time”培养学生热爱生活的积极情感,合理安排生活、正确娱乐休闲的生活态度。教学重点、难点:能灵活运用动词过去式谈论过去发生的事情。一、热身活动1.Enjoy chanting.(P26.P41两部分合并)2.Free talk.T: Hello! I am Miss Guo. I often play games to relax myself on the weekend. What about you? Whats you name? What do you often do on the weekend? (师生问好,回答问题。热身,引出话题。)S1: I often play football on the weekend.T: I like holidays.It can make me feel happy.Do you like holidays?Ss:T:What do you often do on your holiday? S2:I often on my holiday.T:What does he often do on his holiday?Ss: He often (在副板书上板书:I often play football on the weekend. He often on the holiday.)二、整体梳理再现(一)1.梳理主要语言结构之一。T: We often do many interesting things to relax ourselves,to make ourself happy.Today lets talking about our relaxing time.(板书Relaxing time) Last weekend I went hiking to relax myself.How about you?What did you do last weekend?S3:I .(板书:What did you do last weekend?I )T:What about you? Did you ?S4:(板书:Did you?根据学生回答板书:Yes ,I did./No,I didnt.)Ask the Ss to talk about their last weekend.Then check several pairs.2.猜测教师上周末活动,梳理主要动词词组。T.You did so many interesting things.They were wonderful.I had fun last weekend.Do you know what I did last weekend?Lets guess.You only have three chances.(教师事先准备老师本人看电视/洗衣服/读书照片)(课件呈现主要语言结构之一:What did you do last weekend?I Did you ?以及教师的两三张模糊照片。)教师根据学生猜测活动,板书主要词组(watched TV,washed clothes,cleaned my room,played football,learned Chinese/English,climbed a mountain, rowed a boat, visited my grandparents,read a book)。(板书时问学生Can you spell ,让学生通过拼读回忆词组书写,板书时动词过去式-ed 部分用彩色粉笔书写)3.练习。Ask the Ss to talk about their last weekend.Then check several pairs.(二)1.讨论猜测学生假期生活,梳理主要知识结构之二和主要词组。(教师可以根据课前搜集的学生出游照片图引导学生和一个或多个学生交流)T:Weekend is corlourful.I like weekend.I like holiday better because I can go to some places of interest ,such as Look!I went to on my holiday.(教师呈现自己出游照片)Where did you go on your holiday?S1:I went to (教师板书Where did you go on your holiday?I went to )T:Really?Did you take pictures?Can we share it?S1:Yes, I did.(学生拿出自己的出游照片给教师)T:Class , went to Do you want to know more?You can ask him.其他学生提问:How did you go there?S1:I went by (教师板书此句型How did you go there? I went by )引导其他学生提问S1:What did you do?S1:You guess.其他学生猜测。(教师根据学生猜测,板书went to a park/swimming/fishing/hiking/skiing/ice-shating,sang and danced,took pictures,ate good food,saw elephant,bought presents,板书时让学生拼写这些词组,动词不定式用彩色粉笔板书)教师补充问题:Did you get to ?Did you have fun?(教师板书get/got to,have/had fun)2.练习。Talk about their trips using their pictures.(几学生带着他们的出游照片到各组,其他学生与之交流)三、归类点拨1.齐读句子(一般现在时态和一般过去时的句子),让生总结特点(注意这几种句式中动词的形式),教师补充。提醒学生要根据上文问句来确定回答时动词的形式。2.齐读动词词组,让学生总结-ed 的发音,教师补充。不规则动词的变化需要学生巧妙的记忆。3.引导学生发现不规则中中的小规则。如taketook,sing-sang3.给四组归类词让学生试变成过去式并读出来。(按春、夏、秋、冬的活动词组设计)春天:(plant treesplanted trees,fly kites,go hiking.)夏天(go swimming,eat ice cream,have a sunshine )秋天(climb mountains,see red leaves,eat fruits)冬天(go skiing.make a snowman,go skating,play in the snow)四、交际应用1.小组活动。T:So many interesting things.Here are four beautiful girls,Sping Girl,Summer Girl,Fall Gill and Winter Girl.They are very busy.They only have one season to relax. Last year they were happy.Where did they go?How did they go?What did they do during their relaxing time? ( 给四个小组分发Sping Girl,Summer Girl,Fall Gill and Winter Girl.在四个地点:West Lake , Hangzhou; Sanya Hainan; Mountain Xiang, Beijing;Harbin, 的活动图片,用本单元句子谈论四位姑娘去年的活动)2.小组交流。引导不同小组学生展开交流。先做个有关Spring girl的示范。其他组照此例子做交流。(课件依次呈现Sping Girl,Summer Girl,Fall Gill and Winter Girl.在四个地点的活动图。)五、针对练习1.补全对话。Reporter:Can I interview you?John:Sure.Reporter:Did you have fun last weekend?John:Yes,_.Reporter:Where did you go last Saturday?John:I stayed at home.In the morning I _(洗衣服) and _(打扫房间).In the afternoon I _(拜访祖父母)and _(读书).I _(学英语)_(看电视) and _(弹钢琴)in the evening.Reporter:What about your Sunday?John:I _(去公园).I_(钓鱼)and _(划船).Reporter:You had a happy weekend.Thank you.2.阅读短文,回答问题。Last summer holiday Miss Guo went to Qingdao. She went there by plane. She took many pictures, ate good food and bought presents there on the first day. On the second day she went to the zoo and saw elephants.She went swimming and had a sunshine on the third day.On the last day she climbed Mountain Lao.She had a good time in Qingdao( ) 1. Where did Miss Guo go last summer holiday?_.( ) 2. How did she go there?She _.( ) 3. What did she do there on the first day?She _.( )4.Did she go to the zoo and see elephants on the third day?_.( ) 5. Did she climb a mountain?_.六、小结。1.总结知识。齐读句子和词组。2.总结如何过有意义的假期和周末。We like weekends and holidays.We have a lot of fun on the weekends and holiday.We learn how to make our weekend/holiday corlourful and interesting.We a


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