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大学英语机考题型分析,,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解,这部分包括2篇短文,着重考察考生能否运用有效的阅读方法,了解文章大意,并快速查找到具体的信息。在阅读文章之前,考生应先熟悉所问的5个问题,并进行分析。一般情况下,阅读理解所考的题型分为:,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解,1. 要旨题,2. 观点态度题,3. 词汇题,4. 因果关系题,5. 细节题,6. 指代题,7. 推理题,8. 单句意群释义题,9. 例证题,10. 正误判断题,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(宏观题),其中,要旨题和观点态度题属于从宏观考察的题型,要求考生能够准确把握文章的中心思想;其余则属于从细节考察的题型,问题涉及文章中的具体单词、句子和上下文,要求考生能在快速阅读中准确查找所需信息。,从宏观考察的题型一般的问法有:,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读(宏观题),This article is mainly talking about _?,Which of the following is the best title?,From the text, we can learn that _?,The writer wants to tell us _?,What does the writer mean?,What is the authors attitude to _?,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(宏观题),考生应把读的重点放在文章的几个地方:文章的第一句话,各段的首末句,转折句和整篇文章的最后一句,以及反复出现的关键词。例如:,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(宏观题),What is this passage about? _.,A. France B. King Louis C. The French Revolution D. Europe,从文章的首句The French Revolution broke out in 1789. At the time France was in a crisis. The government was badly run and peoples lives were miserable.判断,正确选项应为C。,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(宏观题),What is Americans attitude towards their National Flag? _.Arbitrary Respect Happy Brave,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(宏观题),从文中的Laws have been written to govern the use of American national flag, and to ensure proper respect for the flag. Custom has also governed the common practice in regard to its use.判断,正确选项应为B。,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),针对从细节考察的题型,考生应首先明确问题问的是什么,然后在文中划出对应信息的部分,精确答案所在位置,分析所给选项,最后做出正确选择。下面就不同题型分别举例说明。,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),1.词汇题,词汇题一般的问法有:,The word “XXX” can be vest replaced by _.,The word “XXX” is closed to _.,The word “XXX” means _.,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),首先应在文中快速找到所问的单词,分析上下文句意及所给选项,再做出选择。所考查的词汇往往是生僻词汇,即便是熟悉的词汇,正确答案往往也不是该单词的基本、表面意思。有时可以用代入原文法检查词汇是否正确。,词汇题解题方法,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),Whats the meaning for the word “parchment”? _.,A. The skin of young animals.B. A kind of paper made from the skin of certain young animals.C. The paper used by European countries.D. The paper of Egypt.,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),从文中对应的这几句话中 “Europeans used parchment for many hundreds of years. Parchment was very strong; it was made from the skin of certain young animals.”可以判断正确选项为B。,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),2.因果关系题,这类题的题干中往往会出现表示用因果关系的词,如:because,in that,now that, for等,要求考生能准确说明事物之间的因果关系。考生应先在文中定位题干所问信息,然后分析上下文,再做出选择。,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),We know very little about the central Africa 200 years ago because _.,A. there was nothing worth being written down at that timeB. the people there ignored the importance of keeping a recordC. the written records were perhaps destroyed by a fireD. the people there did not know how to write,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),根据文中 “But we know almost nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in central Africa, because they had not learned to write.”判断,正确选项应为D。,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),3.事实细节题,这类题的题干一般针对文中具体的某个细节,可能包含专有名词、数字或其它具体信息。这类题目相对简单,关键是要找对相对应的位置,然后做出选择。,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),Miss Jordan decided to become a lawyer _.,before she ever started schoolwhen she was in high school C. while she was in CongressD. as soon as she finished her school,从文中In high school, Miss Jordan decided to become a lawyer.判断,正确选项应为B。,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),The United States didnt have _states until _.,thirteen;1959fifty;1959C. fifty; this land first became a nationD. fifty;1964,从文中For a long time, there were 48 stars. In 1959, however, two more stars were added to the flag, representing the new states of Alaska and Hawaii.判断,正确选项应为B。,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),6.单句意群释义题,这类题一般的问法为:The author says “” to showconveyillustrate _.,要求考生回到原文中定位,到句子前后处找答案。如果句子指代整个段落大意,则需要找该句子所在段的主旨大意;如果句子指代整篇文章大意,则需要找该文章的主旨大意(同前)。,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),例如:“The scientist, however, goes one step further”. The author says this to show _.,A. the importance of information,B. the importance of thinking,C. the difference between scientists and ordinary people,D. the difference between carpenters and people with other jobs,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),从文中What makes a person a scientist? Does he have ways or tools of learning that are different from those of others? The answer is “no”. It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses these tools that makes him a scientist.判断,正确选项应为C。,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),7.例证题,这类题的题干中往往会包含example, case, instance, cite, illustrate等表示例证的关键词。在解题时需要分析题目问的是例证文章主题,还是例证例子前后句,还是例证段落主题,从而进行不同的查读。,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),例如:The author quotes the case of Albert Einstein to illustrate _.,A. that measurements are keys to success in science,B. that accuracy of mathematics,C. that the investigations are important in science,D. that the mathematical calculations many test his investigations,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),从文中This is one reason that investigations are important in science. Albert Einstein, who developed the theory of relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics.判断,正确选项应为C。,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),8.正误判断题,这类题一般的问法有:,Which of the following is right/true/correct?,Which of the following is right/true/correct except_?,Which of the following is wrong/false?,Which of the following is wrong/false except _?,Which of the following is mentioned?,Which of the following is not mentioned?,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),在解题时首先要明确选是还是选非。需要注意的是当题干中没有关键词的时候,应用选项中的关键词进行回归定位;当题干中和选项中都有关键词的时候,应用题干和选项关键词共同进行回归定位,然后再综合运用多种解题技巧进行选择。,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),例如:Which of the following ideas is not suggested in the passage? _.,A. Where there are no written records, there is no history,B. “Remembered history”, compared with written history, is less reliable,C. A written account of our daily activities helps us to be able to answer many questions,D. Written records of the past play an important role in our learning of the human history,大学英语机考题型分析-阅读理解(细节题),从文中This we may call remembered history.Some of it has now been written down.It is not so exact or so valuable to us as written history is But if we had kept a book


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