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2011-2012学年度高三英语第一学期期中试题分析,海淀教师进修学校2011.11.04,试卷命制指导思想,依据高中英语课程标准7级和8级要求、2011年考试说明确定的考试内容和要求,旨在考查学生的英语基础知识和英语应用能力。,诊断、激励、引导 对第一学期上半时段复习现状给出客观的诊断和评价;激励学生满怀信心地投入下一阶段的高三学习;引导学生重视语言基础知识的积累和结构化;为下一阶段复习提供参考。,功能定位,调研,期中,期末,一模,二模,摸清起点,诊断与调研,预测与评估,终点冲刺,高考,激励与发展,命题功能划分,试卷命制,笔试 120分钟 150分题型和高考一致,难度略低于高考考查英语基础知识和综合语言运用能力,1. 试卷结构,2. 预期难度,平均分:94 3 得分率:0.63,一、听力理解 (9:8:3) 1013词,19分30秒,考查学生理解口头英语的能力: 1. 理解归纳话语的主旨要义; 2. 获取有助于完成听力任务的事实性信息; 3. 根据所获取的信息进行推断; 4. 理解说话者的意图、观点和态度; 5. 记录或加工所获取的信息。,难题讲解,Text 3 W: Hey, David. Youre going to pick up Mr. Bentleys science class, right? M: Yes. Id rather take a gymnastics class, but I have to take two science classes this year. W: Id like to have a geography class this year. 3. What class will the woman take? A. Gymnastics. B. Geography. C. Science.,难题讲解,Text 4 W: Wow, you have quite a lot of CDs. Could I take a look? M: Sure. They are mostly classical music because my family listens to it a lot, but I really like pop songs best. W: Can you sing? M: Yes, but Im not too good at singing foreign songs. 4. Which of the following does the man like best? A. Classical music. B. Pop songs. C. Foreign songs.,难题讲解,Text 5 W: Im having a lot of trouble with chemistry and it seems my teacher cant explain it in a way that makes sense to me. M: You know, there are tutoring services outside the school. I was about to drop math before they helped me out.5. What is the man doing? A. Offering a suggestion. B. Making an invitation. C. Asking for permission.,难题讲解,M: Oh, I see. Well, when is it given? I hope it is not on Thursdays or Fridays. W: Well, theres a class that meets on Monday evenings at 7. M: Just once a week? W: Yes. But thats almost 3 hours from 7 to 9:45. M: Oh! Well, thats all right. I could manage that.7. When is the course in computer programming given? A. On Thursdays. B. On Fridays. C. On Mondays.,难题讲解,W : Why do you believe youve been so successful?M : I always serve the freshest possible food. I guess thats the reason.W : Thank you Mr. Angelino. We wish you great success.9. Why has the mans business been successful? A. He does cooking himself. B. He has three restaurants. C. He offers fresh food.,难题讲解,Text 8M: Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?W: Sure. Have you got anywhere in mind?M: Im starving, but I havent got anywhere in mind.W: That Italian restaurant in the city centre always serves a lot of food. Do you want to go there?M: Im not really in the mood for Italian, actually. I was thinking of something a bit spicy.W: If you want spicy food, then Id recommend going to an Indian or Chinese restaurant. How about that Chinese buffet on Broadway Road?M: I really like that restaurant. But, theyve westernized their food, so its not actually that hot.W: Youre right. Most of their dishes have sweet sauces. We could try that Indian restaurant just down the road.M: They do serve very hot food, but theyre a bit expensive. W: Dont worry about the money. Ill treat you tonight.M: Are you sure? We could go Dutch.W: No, Ill pay. M: I wont argue with that! Lets go!10. What determines their final choice of restaurant? A. The amount of food. B. The cost of food. C. The taste of food.,email,u a system that allows you to send and receive messages by computer = electronic mail: contact someone by email your email address2. u and c a message that is sent from one person to another using the email system: Send me an e-mail when you have any news. I havent had time to check my email this morning. As everyone knows, I send a lot of email, but it turns out I also get a lot of email as well.,难题讲解,W: Then what kind of apartment do you prefer?M: Well, Im interested in renting a one-bedroom apartment. Do you have any available?W: No, Im sorry. None are available at this time. Could I interest you in a two-bedroom apartment? M: Mm you see. Im a student. How much more would a two-bedroom apartment cost me?W: The two-bedroom costs only 35 dollars more. Also, I should tell you that a one-bedroom doesnt have an air conditioner. All of our two-bedroom apartments do. M: In that case, I might consider a two-bedroom apartment. Is there a washer?W: You mean a washing machine? If you need it, we can supply one for you.M: Great. W: How long are you going to rent it?M: Half a year, from February to August. Martin 16 ; 17 ; Half a year, from 18 ;A 19 apartment;A 20,二、知识运用,第一节 单项填空 (6:8:1) 在单句层面上考查基础语法等主干知识在语境中的运用。,难题讲解,21. Dont bother me. I am listening to the birds _. A. singing B. sing C. to sing D. sung22. The iPhone 4S is Apples first major hardware on the market _ the Oct. 5 death of co-founder Steve Jobs. A. for B. to C. from D. since23. Whats that noise, John? Sorry, Linda. I forgot to tell you. The school library_. A. is rebuilt B. is being rebuilt C. was rebuilt D. has been rebuilt,难题讲解,24. The boy was so tired that he fell asleep _ his mother could take off his clothes. A. before B. after C. while D. when25. Im trying to find yesterdays newspaper. Have you seen it? Im afraid that I _ it away. I thought you had finished reading it. A. threw B. had thrown C. throw D. will throw26. In college, Spring Break is usually associated with the beach, parties and sleepless nights, _ about relaxation and free time. A. bring B. brought C. bringingD. to bring,一般过去时,【概念及使用范畴】A. 表示发生在过去的动作 The Police stopped us on our way home last night. B. 表示说话时已经不存在的动作 I didnt expect you were here. When did you arrive?,2011北京高考 27. - That must have been a long trip. - Yeah, it _ us a whole week to get there. A. takes B. has taken C. took D. was taking 32.- Bob has gone to California. - Oh, can you tell me when he _ ? A. has left B. left C. is leaving D. would leave,用动词的正确时态填空,1. He _ (live) in London until he was twenty-one. 2. He _ (live) in London for ten years. 3. He _ (live) in London from 2001 to 2005. 4. I _ (go) to the Great Wall twice last year. 5. During the summer vacation we _ (go) swimming everyday.,你都填写对了吗,1. He lived in London until he was twenty-one. 2. He lived (has lived) in London for ten years. 3. He lived in London from 2001 to 2005. 4. I went to the Great Wall twice last year. 5. During the summer vacation we went swimming everyday.,难题讲解,27. His father got him a job in a bank but soon it became clear _ he was not fit for that kind of work. A. why B. what C. whether D. that28. With the development of car industry, we can see far _ bicycles now. A. few B. many C. fewer D. more 29. When I came back from my 10-day holiday, I found the fish tank was broken and the fish _. A. has died B. had died C. would die D. died,过去完成时 had done,【概念及使用范畴】表示动作发生在过去的动作之前When we got home last night, we found that the window had been broken. The film had started when I got to the cinema. 【典型词语】before I arrived, by the end of last month*过去完成时 & 一般过去时 I didnt see Tom at the party yesterday. He had gone home. I saw Tom at the party yesterday, but he went home afterwards.,2011北京高考21. Experiments of this kind _ in both U.S. and Europe well before the Second World War. A. have conducted B. have been conducted C. had conducted D. had been conducted,30. Excuse me, what can I do for you? Yes. Id like to place _ advertisement for _ used car in your paper. A. the; a B. an; / C. an; a D. /; the31. When it comes to job interview, you really dont know _ you performed until you get the good-news call. A. how B. why C. where D. when32. What is an ideal team leader like? He _ be responsible, determined and creative. A. can B. may C. would D. should,should,1. right thinga) used to say what is the right or sensible thing to do: He shouldnt be so selfish. Children shouldnt be allowed to play in the street. I dont care what people think. Well, you should. Why shouldnt I smoke if I want to?b) used to say what would have been right or sensible, but was not done: They should have called the police.,should,2. adviceused to give or ask for advice: What should I do? Should I trust him? You should read his new book. I should stay in bed if I were you.3. expected thing a) used to say that you expect something to happen or be true: It should be a nice day tomorrow. Try phoning Roberthe should be home by now. b) used to say what was expected, but did not happen: It was an easy test and he should have passed, but he didnt.,should,4. correct thing used to say what is the correct amount, the correct way of doing something etc: Every sentence should start with a capital letter. What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There should be twelve. White wine, not red, should be served with fish.5. possibilityused to talk about something that may possibly happen or be true: Naturally, he was nervous in case anything should go wrong. What if I should fall sick and not be able to work?,观察下列句子中V-ing的用法,1. I dont like my sister going to such a place. 2. He is proud of his father being a professor. 3. Do you hear the telephone ringing (ring)? 4. The cat angrily watched the bird flying above its head. 5. I like to listen to the birds _(sing) when I get up early in the morning.,观察下列句子中V-ing的用法,5. I like to listen to the birds sing/singing when I get up early in the morning.,难题讲解,33. Advertising can influence consumers moods, _, in turn, can influence consumers reactions to products. A. that B. which C. where D. when 34. University of Cambridge, _ in 1209, is home to a great number of outstanding figures. A. found B. founding C. founded D. to be founded35. If people _virtual reality holidays, we _ on an around-the-world tour. A. invent; go B. invented; had gone C. invent; have gone D. invented; would go,从语篇层面上考查词汇知识在语境中的运用。能力要求:阅读理解能力;综合语言分析能力; 在语篇中准确运用词汇的能力。选 材:夹叙夹议文,内容新颖,积极向上, 语言难度适中,适合各层次学生。考点分布: 能力板块划分.doc,第二节:完形填空(6:10:4),文章主题:Dash,My poem, The Dash, is based on that little line on a tombstone, between the dates of birth and death. Ultimately, that dash is a symbol which represents every day weve spent alive on earth. Therefore, how you spend your “dash” is all that really matters. Following is an amazing story about someone whose dash truly made a difference. (原文)“Dash” is a symbol which represents every day weve spent alive on earth. Therefore, how you spend your “dash” is important.,Recently I 36 about a little girl named Hope. After learning more about her life, I couldnt help but feel it was not by 37 , nor happenstance, that she had been named “Hope”. The strong feeling of sympathy and generosity 38 in her young heart made a lasting impression on me and countless others. 39 I never had the opportunity to meet her, I wish I had. It seems as though she was wise beyond her tender years and very, very special. 36. A. heard B. thought C. cared D. talked 37. A. coincidenceB. independence C. convenience D. intelligence 38. A. lost B. carried C. expected D. housed 39. A. UntilB. Unless C. Though D. If,House用作动词,1. to provide someone with a place to livehouse in The refugees are being housed in temporary accommodation.2. if a building, place, or container houses something, it is kept therehouse in The collection is currently housed in the British Museum. the plastic case which houses the batteries,熟词新义举例,press常用义n.压力v.压,挤,施加压力特别关注:1. There are pressing calls on the resources of the government. (北京2010)v.催促,逼迫,敦促2. “Versed”, published by the Wesleyan University Press, did appear in a larger printing.(山东2010)n.出版社;新闻界,记者,新闻工作者(the press),熟词新义,重视高考词汇中多义词的第三或第四个词义比如自主招生中考过item不是表示 “项目”,而是表示 “条款”。学生可以记忆cover除了表示 “覆盖”以外,还表示 “涉及”, “报道”,“足以支付”等, charge除了表示“负责”、“收费”以外,还表示 “充电”, “冲锋”等。英语中一词多义的现象是常见的,有些多义之间彼此有关联,有些却毫不相干,学生可以着重记忆不相干的词义。,难题讲解,Hope was a twelve-year-old girl who was 40 a “wish” in early December 2010 by the “Make-A-Wish” Foundation after being 41 that she had a rare type of bone cancer. However, when she found out that more than 150 42 in her area were waiting for their wishes to be granted (实现), she unselfishly used her wish to 43 that those children have their wishes granted. She also asked that it be done 44 January 16, 2011. 40. A. expressed B. offered C. made D. sent 41. A. recognized B. informedC. reminded D. understood 42. A. children B. citizensC. villagers D. relatives 43. A. suggest B. ask C. arrange D. order 44. A. for B. toC. on D. by,难题讲解,Unfortunately, however, the organization informed her that her 45 request could not be granted as the funds (资金) were simply 46 . They calculated that they would need to raise more than one 47 dollars in thirty days in order to grant her wish. 48 , but not discouraged, she turned her disappointment into an enthusiasm that inspired caring 49 to take up helping grant the wishes of the other children, and eventually 50 as well. 45. A. final B. formalC. simpleD. noble 46. A. unbearable B. unbelievable C. unavailable D. uncomfortable 47. A. thousand B. hundredC. millionD. billion 48. A. Disappointed B. SurprisedC. Worried D. Embarrassed 49. A. committees B. individuals C. corporations D. organizations 50. A. theirs B. ours C. hers D. yours,unavailable,not before noun1. not able to be obtained: Funding for the new school is unavailable. unavailable to materials that were unavailable to researchers in the past2. not able or willing to meet someone: unavailable for Officials were unavailable for comment (=not able or willing to talk to reporters).,unbearable,too unpleasant, painful, or annoying to deal with = intolerable: The pain was almostunbearable. He was making life unbearable for his parents. unbearably adverb: an unbearably hot day,难题讲解,Newspaper columnists and reporters for radio and TV stations 51 the story of this caring young girl who had 52 the hearts of so many and as word spread, the community was challenged. Committees were formed and schools, corporations and various organizations assisted in 53 money to help make Hopes dream come true. 51. A. wrote B. read C. broadcastD. shared 52. A. touchedB. examined C. won D. opened 53. A. findingB. spending C. raisingD. borrowing,难题讲解,Her efforts were not in vain as they continue to help others, not only 54 , but spiritually and emotionally as well. At the gathering to celebrate her life, “A Celebration of Hope” on January 16, 2011, the 55 was made that they had indeed received donations totaling more than one million dollars. Her wish had been granted! 54. A. perfectly B. physically C. healthily D. thankfully 55. A. proposal B. decision C. conclusionD. announcement,三、 阅读理解 (8:9:3),共5篇 20小题 40分,阅读理解阅读量对比,考查阅读理解不同文体语篇的能力。,1. 理解归纳语篇的主旨要义2. 获取事实性信息3. 利用上下文推测词义4. 推断隐含意义5. 理解作者意图、观点和态度6. 理解句子、段落之间的逻辑关系。7. 理解语篇的基本结构高三英语试题知识、能力板块统计.doc,阅读理解涉及话题、文体,难题讲解,57. We can learn from the passage that through the event the campers _. A. become hard-working B. get moral support C. gain confidence D. set right goals 倒数第二段 The facilitators and their teammates gather around. The support is strong. One by one, they break through the barriers and grab their goals! All around us teens are laughing, crying, hugging, and holding up the broken pieces of their boards. The confidence shown on their faces is beautiful.,难题讲解,58. Which is the best title for the passage? A. The Power of WIIFM B. Whats in It for Me C. The Importance of GoalsD. Motivational Strategies,难题讲解,59. The passage is intended for _. A. teens B. parents C. campers D. tutors Para. 1 and A motivational strategy that parents can employ with their kids, is to frame tasks and responsibilities in the context of what the end benefit is for them. I call this strategy WIIFM (“Whats in it for me?”). Para. 8 While arranging such an activity in ones home is almost unrealistic for parents, the value of helping a teen break through a personal barrier simply by being there as moral support can not be overestimated. More help for parents in the form of videos and articles is available at our website, in our blo


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