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曾思伟老师推荐的教学设计模式现在我们备课,大部分老师都会采取以下的两种的备课模式:1)表格式:这种备课模式,比较直观和简单,让看的人一目了然,条理比较清晰。个人认为比较适合用于公开课,或者已经具备一个具体的课例影象在别人的脑海里时,根据这个教案可以进一步使人了解教学的具体过程和意图。但是,如果只是看教案而缺乏具体的课例,可能有些地方不能够完整和较好地体现设计者的意图,所以相对来说不够完善和详尽。2)叙述式:这种备课模式,相对上一种模式,特点就是比较详尽的对整节课的过程和具体做法、步骤以及意图,以“步步为营”的形式进行说明。虽然没有课例进行展示和回忆,但是在读完教案后,在脑海里可以想象出真实上课时的情景(因为在教案中,设计者甚至已经插入了教师的课堂用语),所以可以让读者能真正读懂执笔者的设计目的。所以,个人认为这种模式比较适合用于教学研讨中。说的不好,请拍砖此外,可以尝试在教案中加入以下一些元素:以下是两个案例:表格式:广州版小学英语口语课本第二册Unit Four Lets try 体育东路小学曾思伟教学内容分析:本节课是Unit Four 的Lets Try,学生在前面的内容中已经理解和学习了有关in, on, under, behind四个介词的用法,对一些家具的单词已经掌握。本节课主要是让学生理解,并结合所学内容去学习“Where is it?”这个新句子,能在不同的情境中学会如何表述。教学对象分析:由于本班学生并非自己所教的班级,所以与学生的配合和沟通可能会出现一定的问题。但是全体学生都已经具备一定的口语基础,并初步形成了一定的英语学习习惯。在教学过程中,教师通过给予学生大量的信息输入,让学生在不同的情景中理解、感知新语言知识,并让他们主动开口说、练语言。教学策略: 1、通过运用大量的情景、媒体和活动等教学方式让学生主动获取信息。2、结合课堂活动和游戏,加强学生对新知识的记忆。3、进行大量的信息输入,并在活动中引导学生主动地进行英语的输出。Language Focuses:Where is it? Its in/on/under/behind theTeaching Objectives:1、Enable the pupils to understand the sentences and say correctly:“Where is it? ”“Its in/on/under/behind the” 2、Enable the pupils to try to tell the storyTeaching Procedures:StepsTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPurposesPreparation1. Greeting2. Sing a song:“A picture of me”3.Review the Prep. “in, on, under, behind” by TPR 4. Play a game:Find out the furniture(Present the furniture by CAI, a bed, a closet, a chair, a toilet, a sofa and a picture will move everywhere on the TV, then make the children find them out and say out the word of the furniture.)4. Try to say the sentence and express: “Its in/on/under/behind the ” and answer the question: “Where is it?”(Make a situation by CAI, then try to repeat the question “Where is it?” and make the children try to express.)1. Greeting2. Sing a song together and warm up3. Try to do and say with the teacher to review the Prep.4. Review the words of the furniture and try to say out the word4. Try to answer the question “Where is it?” and express.1. To cheer and warm up2. Create a atmosphere of learning English3. To review the Prep.4. Review the word of the furniture4.Practise and review the sentence in the situation and try to present “Where is it?” for the first time.Presentation1. Sing the “ABC” song for creating the situation(The teacher cant find the letter “D”, then try to find it out everywhere. The teacher will create the true situation for “Where is it?”, and make the children listen again and again.)2. Create the second situation: “Where is my apple?” by CAI.(The letters “ABCD” will turn to be a big apple, then a big mouse will steal the apple, and the teacher will try to find out the apple.)3. Try to catch the mouse for the first time by CAI.(The mouse will run everywhere, then the teacher will try to catch it again and again, then input “Where is it?” again and again.)1. Listen to the teacher for repeating “Where is it?” in this situation, and try to catch the meaning.2. Listen to the teacher for repeating the sentence. Get to know the meaning of “Where is it?” in another situation.3. Just listen and watch the teacher catching the mouse. 1. Create a true situation and make a lot of input for the children.2. Go on making a lot of input to help the children to understand the meaning and the situation.3. Go on making enough input for the children to understand the meaning and the situation.PracticeTo catch the mouse by CAI with the children together.Try to tell the story with the teacher together.Have an output after a lot of input.ConsolidationRetell the story by themselves(Ask one child to act out, and the other children to retell the story together.)Tell the story together.To cultivate their ability of listening, speaking, and acting after a lot of input教学反思:1、听和说的能力是在一定的语言环境中形成的,教师应努力为学生创造一个良好的语言环境进行听说训练。本节课采用了多样的教学手段,创设生动活泼的语言情景,营造轻松愉快的课堂气氛,使每一个学生都敢于和乐于开口说英语,并努力为他们提供说英语的机会。2、本节课在所学的语言基础上,创设了几个不同环境下的真实教学情景,开展具有交际特征的语言实践活动。它虽不是完全自然的交际性活动,但与机械的语言操练相比,更贴近生活、真实自然。在这种准交际性的活动中学习英语,学生更容易理解语言的意义,掌握语言技能,帮助他们尽快地在真实的交际活动中使用英语这一交际工具。 3、本节课在大量接触真实语言的基础上,要求学生进行真实的交流,靠大量重复模仿,强化记忆,养成习惯。从视听说入手,注重听说训练,着重培养学生初步的语感,由浅入深、由易到难、循序渐进、不断复现。 本课教学特色:(彭雪红点评)一、“Meaning goes first”。根据低年段儿童学习外语的特征,尽量以“Meaning goes first”为指导思想。通过创设多个不同的情景来呈现新知识,帮助学生理解、感知语言知识的意义,利用生动的情景很好地帮助学生准确理解知识的内容。并且在情景中,为学生提供足够的语言输入,让学生可以听到老师不断在重复语言,让他们有足够的时间去感知。学生的任务是听、看和理解,而生动有趣的情景带给学生的是轻松,愉悦的心境,消除了要学生马上进行尝试语言输出的压力。二、“Storytelling teaching method”。教师可以把教学内容稍做改动,以适合儿童的形式呈现语言,例如可以用故事的形式串讲呈现,不但可以丰富教学内容,而且还可以创设出较真实的语言情景,增添了课堂教学的趣味性,很好地吸引儿童的学习兴趣,实现了低段英语口语教学的兴趣培养为主要目的教学目标。同时也可以利用故事教学中自然重复语言知识的特点,让学生很好地理解与学习新知识。三、“Variety of activities”。根据学生的年龄特点,可以设计大量的形式各异,轻松活泼的活动。如采取TPR,chant,guessing game等方法进行学习,此外还可以采用CAI课件游戏来进行意义的语言操练。在实际的教学中,只要老师有技巧地采用和处理活动内容,真正地做到让学生“Meaning goes first”,就能让学生学得轻松愉快,扎实地掌握语言的学习目标,很好地稳住学生的无意识注意学习,同时有效地管理了原本较难管理的低年段课堂教学。叙述式:作者:广东省顺德市大良实验小学 田湘军 一、授课内容Id like an apple. Jim:Would you like a pear, Mike?Mike:No, thanks. Id like an apple.Jim:OK. Here you are.Mike:Thanks. Jim:What about you, Nancy?Nancy:Id like an orange.Jim:Look! Heres a big orange for you.Nancy:Thank you very much.Jim:You are welcome! 二、教学目标1、语言知识目标1)Words-复习巩固与水果有关的单词;2)Sentences-熟练掌握下列句子,并能熟练运用。a.Would you like a pear? Yes, please./ No, thanks.b.Id like an apple.c.What about you?d.Heres a big orange for you.3)Function-掌握向他人提供物品时的具体表达方法。2、情感、文化目标1)在教学过程中培养学生学习兴趣,帮助他们树立信心。2)使学生在学习过程中能够注意并理解他人情感。3)体会婉拒他人的礼貌的表达方法,并在实际生活中运用。三、重难点1、充分了解并掌握下列句子。Would you like ? Yes, please. No, thanks.Id like What about ?Heres a/an for somebody.2、了解英语语言文化习惯。当对方向你提供某种物品或帮助时,如何进行委婉地拒绝。No, thanks.四、教学辅助手段1、水果、饮料和食物等物品的实物和图片;2、一个用于游戏的小布袋;3、多媒体教学课件-Flash版五、教学过程 Warming-up1.Draw a picture of the teacher with fruits. - Apple in the mouth.2.Sing English songs.a)An apple a day. b)Bingo.c)Head, shoulders, knees and toes.d)Teddy bear.e)1-2-3-4-5.3.Lets play a game. Simon says.Simon says: Touch your head. Touch your nose. Snap your fingers. Clap your hands. Wave your arms. Shake your body. Stand up. Turn around. Come to the front. Touch the floor. Show me your apple/orange/banana.Preparation1.Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down, please.2.Greetingsa)Im Mr. Tian. Whats your name, please? Nice to meet you.b)Look at the pictures. Here are the boys. And here are the girls. This is a hill. Just now you did a very good job. So you can get a tree.Presentation1.Id like an apple.a.I have two trees here, an apple tree and a pear tree. What would you like, an apple tree or a pear tree? An apple tree. OK. Id like an apple tree. Id like an apple. ( Put Id like an apple. On the whiteboard. Show the topic.)b.Read the topic twice. 2.Would you like ? Yes, please.a.Show some fruits and ask them how to read these things in English. (Look. I have many fruits here. Whats this in English? Its a pear. -Put a tree on the hill. Whats this in English? Its an orange. Thats right. Put a tree on the hill again. )(Put apple, orange, bananas-实物 onto the whiteboard.) b.Put a pear in a bag and ask a pupil come to the front. Touch and guess: Whats in the bag? A pear. Thats right. Hey, would you like a pear, ? Yes. If you want to say yes, please say: Yes, please. Would you like a pear ? Yes, please. Excellent. Heres a pear for you. Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome. Bye. Go back to your seat.(Put the sentence Would you like ? Yes, please. on the whiteboard.Reading practice. (Would you like, would you like, would you like a pear? Yes, please. Yes, please. Yes, please. Here you are. Here you are. Here you are. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.) 3.Would you like ? No, thanks.a.Put a bad apple in the bag and ask a pupil to come to the front. Touch and guess: Hey. Whats in the bag? Touch and guess. A banana. Yes, youre right. Would you like an apple? No, thanks. What would you like? Id like Heres an orange for you. Here you are. Thanks. Youre welcome.(Put Would you like ? No, thanks. on the whiteboard. )Reading practice. Would you like, would you like, would you like an apple? No, thanks. No thanks. Id like an orange.Continue the game one more time.b.Practice in groups with the objects or pictures on their desks.c.Act it out. 4.What about ?a)The teacher asks a pupil: Id like an apple. What would you like? Would you like a banana? Yes, please. Heres a banana for you. Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome. Point to another pupil. Hey, what about you? What would you like? Id like Very good. Then put What about ? on the whiteboard.b)Reading practice. What about, what about, what about you? IIId like a banana.c)Continue the question. Id like a pear. What about you?d)Let pupils practice with the pictures on their desks.e)Chain game. Id like an apple. What about you? 5.Show the movie.a)Now look at the screen. Whos this man? Its Mr. Tian. Yes. Whos this girl? Is this Lin Xinru? Is this Wangfei? Is this Snowwhite. Yes, this is Snowwhite. Shes at home. And look! The seven dwarfs are working there. Now lets see whats happening.b)Give the task(questions)-What would the dwarfs like, a pear, an apple or an orange?c)Show the movie for the second time.d)The teacher asks pupils the question.What would the dwarfs like, a pear, an apple or an orange?An apple and an orange. Thats right. Consolidation1.Reading practicea)In chorus after the tapeb)In chorus after the teacherc)Read in chorus by themselves.d)Lets chant. (Would you like, would you like, would you like a pear? Enough reading practice of the chant. Act the chant.)2.Practice in groups. (Show pictures of fruits, food and drinks. Let pupils practice in groups. )3.Act with the pictures on their desks. Developmenta.Boys and girls, now its time to do our information s


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