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,初中英语阅读回答问题命题特点与指导方法交流2009年3月,一、选材文体:论说文为主,pleasure reading(04)human-powered bicycle(05)video operation(06)in the future (07)Chico(08),二、命题特点,一般问句、选择问句、特殊问句 1. 一般问句,字面题,事实判断 Was Chico born in Brazil?(08)原文: Chico was born near the Amazon town, Brazil ,二、命题特点,2.选择问句,字面题,判断事实信息(04、05、07) Did Jason stop his car safely or was he badly hurt?(05)原文: Jason was frightened, but he managed to stop the bike safely.,3.特殊问句,字面题,获取事实信息 How did young Chico get money? (08) 原文: Like the rest of his family, the boy got the money by taking a little rubber from the trees in the forest.,4.特殊问句,归纳题,归纳所列事实 How many things did Chico do after the forest was burned?(08)原文:He talked to the government workers,so Chico held group meetingsLater he traveled to many other countries for,5. 特殊问句,提炼题,提炼主旨大意或事实性信息Whats the greatest advantage of pleasure reading? (04) We can learn what we need.原文(2段):Pleasure reading makes it possible for each student to learn what he or she needs. Choose your own books,not have to remember everything,no tests, help you learn,Whats the best vehicle for daily travel like according to the writer? (05)Its fast, safe, comfortable and human-powered. 原文:(一段)Maybe youre surprised that these bikes go so quickly, but is it useful? It could be. Cars are becoming more and more popular, and they are very safe, comfortable and easy to drive, but they also pollute the air in our cities. Scientists and engineers are learning from fast racing bikes how to make human-powered vehicles(车辆)that might be useful for daily travel.,Whats the advantage of the new science? (06)Doctors can do operations easily and patients can get well quickly. 原文(两段):With the help of , the doctor knew exactly what to do when he was making the repairs.Simmons started walking five days after her operation. Simmons can do everything she did before her injury.,What will life be like in the future? (07) It will be healthier, safer, easier and more modern.原文:整篇文章 Body and health, Where to work, On lineall the time, Modern homes More brain power?,What did Chico achieve in his life? What did Chico achieve in his life? (08)He protected the forest and changed the worlds idea. 原文:(后两段).The government of Brazil started making plans to protect large areas of the Amazon rainforest. , but his brave new ideas continued in other people. One man changed the worlds ideas.,三、解题方法:,(阅读回答问题)1. 通读(首句,预测), 思考(读者?目的?)2. 读题干,找关键词语3. 关键词语定位(第一次出现)4. 细读关键处信息,回答问题,回答问题注意事项:,(1)部分照抄原文 (改写:名代互替、修饰语) (2)尽量使用短语(3)时态、主谓一致(4)顺序与喜新厌旧,中考答案给我们的启示,1.一般问句用“Yes.” 或 “No.”回答


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