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Lesson 1,Performance,Unit 5 Rhythm,Have you ever watched a concert “live”, on TV or on video? Tell the class about it using the Key Words to help you.,extremely good, attractive, enjoyable,Alanis Morissette阿兰妮斯莫里塞特,- A Canadian rock singer and song writer, who has won Grammy Awards for Best Rock Song and Best Rock Performance,What do you think Alanis live concert?,Reading:,Read the concert review quickly and then match the four paragraphs with the titles:,Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4,The end of the concertHow the audience reactedThe songs playedThe start of the concert,Reading:,Read the concert review again and then find words in the text with the following meanings:,The people who watch a concertrecordsveryFrom the beginning to the endSomeone who loves and supports a famous person,_,audience,album,extremely,throughout,fan,Reading:,Read the concert review again and then make some notes:,Name: _ Year to be born:_Nationality:_Most famous album: _Time to come out: _Time to become famous: _Award: _Something about her songs:Everything but_ _Uninvited: _Utopia: full of feeling, such as _Heartache: _,Alanis Morissette,In 1974,Canada,Jagged Little Pill,In 1995,In 1995,Grammy Award,Tells the story of someone looking for love in the wrong places,the best rock song,anger, love and joy,about the life of a superstar,Something about the performance in EnglandTime: _Where: _Hours: _,Disadvantage:_ _The reaction of the audience: 1._2._3._ _,On a Thursday night in 2004,At the Corn Exchange in Cambridge, England,3 hours,The concert hall was cold.,The sound system caused a few problems.,There was not an empty seat anywhere in the hall.,They enjoyed the concert.,They knew the words and sang along to nearly every song.,Discussion,Why are pop music and rock n roll loved by many young people?Which performers would you like to hear at a live concert? Why?,Language points1. Have you ever watched a concert “live” on TV or on video ? live adj.活的,有生命的,实况播出的,现场直播的,a live fishIs it a live broadcast or a recorded one ?我喜欢看现场演出. I like watching live show.,2. be used to 习惯于 used to do sth 过去常常I used to get up very late.There used to be a shop near the school, and now a tall building is standing there. ( 强调今昔对比),be/get used to + n. / doing sth.I am used to the climate here.The pilot is used to flying in all sorts of weather .Youll soon get used to the life here.,1. He _ the life here.2. Im not _ English in the class.3. I _ in small town when I was a child.,is used to,used to speaking,used to live,Test,3. come out : a) to appear in the sky b) to be produced and become available for people to buy c) to become known,come out with sth.: to say sth. suddenly or unexpectedly 突然说出或想出,1) It was getting dark and the stars were coming out.2) Whens your new book coming out ?3) It has now come out that many people suffered severe side effect from the drug. 他突然说了几个新的想法。He came out with some new ideas.,a,b,c,4.It sold 15 million copies and made her world famous. It 指的是前面的唱片 sold 用做不及物动词, 用主动形式表达被动意义. 其后跟有表销售数量或销售情况好坏的状语.This kind of dictionary sells well in the bookstore.,5. She has continued giving great performances on stage. continue vi. / vt.eg. He continued his work. continue to do sth. = continue doing sth. = continue with sth.,give a performance = put on a performance(上演节目),eg. 1) The fighting _for two days . 2) He _ his painting though he was tired. 3) She _ look at us in silence.,continued with,continued,continued to,-continuous adj. -continuously adv.大脑需要不断供血。The brain needs _ blood. 雨一刻不停地下。It rained_.,a continuous supply of,continuously,6.caused a few problems.cause sth. ; cause someone to do sth. ; cause someone sth.1) 是什么引起了那次事故? What _ that accident ?2) 他的病使他错过了那场比赛. His illness _ the game.,caused,caused him to miss,3) 这场火灾是由计划不周所造成的. The disaster _ poor planning.4) 这些老照片使她很伤心。 The old photos _.,was caused by,caused her sadness,cause VS. reason,cause指导致某种行为、产生某种结果的或事物, 通常与介词of 连用 reason指通过逻辑判断推出来得理由,指发生某事的缘由或借口, 常与介词for连用,ex. Heat is the _ the expansion of matter. Give your _ changing the plan.,cause of,reason for,7.Throughout the concert, the atmosphere inside the concert hall was extremely exciting. throughout prep. : from the beginning to the end; all over a place,eg. throughout the year / season / month. throughout the country / city 1) All the listeners were excited by his speech throughout the meeting.(会议期间)2) He was popular with the students all over the country.(全国上下),8. Everyone agreed that they were greatly impressed by Morissettes brilliant music and singing. impress vt. :to fill someone with admiration or respect 使感动, 使钦佩,impress on 把印在上impress sth. on sb.impress sb. with sth. be impressed by/at/with被所感动, 印入脑海,使某人牢记某事,1) 我父亲对我强调了努力工作的重要性. My father_ of hard work.2) “中国制造”的字样印在一块金属板上. The words “ Made in China ” was _ a metal plate.3) 他的事迹使我们深受感动. We _by his deeds.,impressed on me the value,impressed on,were deeply impressed,4)他那天说的话深深的印在我的脑海里.What he said that day _my memory.impression n.印象.leave or make an impression on sb.All that left ( made ) a lasting _him.,was deeply impressed on,impression on,9. although ;though 是连词 ,引导让步状语从句,它们可以互换,但用了although ; though 就不能用 but; and 可以用副词 yet; still.e.g. Although it was raining hard, (yet) they still went on marching.,如果though 相当于 as 并且处于第二个单词的位置时,这时就不能用althoughe.g. Child though/as he is, he knows a lot. though 还可以作副词,放在句末。e.g. He said he would phone me; he didnt though.,Practice:1.她习惯于睡觉前喝一杯牛奶。2.我毕业后继续致力于教育。(continue, dedicate)3.干旱(the drought)使得蔬菜价格上涨。4.校长让我们明白了学习英语的重要性。 (impress sth. on sb.),The answers:1. She is used to having a glass of milk before going to bed.2. After I had graduated I continued to dedicate myself to education. 3. The drought caused the vegetable prices to go up.,4. The headmaster impressed the importance of learning English on us.,Listening:,Listen to a telephone conversation carefully and try to find out who decides to pick up the tickets:,Sue decided to pick up the tickets.,Listen again and find out who said these things, Sue or Ricky?,Ill pick up the tickets at lunchtime tomorrow.Ill go and pick them up as soon as school finishes.Ill ask her when she gets back tonight.Ill go and get them now, before I go to the dentist.,SueRicky,Listen again and answer the following questions:,Why cant Ricky pick the tickets up at lunchtime tomorrow?Why cant he pick them up after school tomorrow?Where does Rickys mum work?Where is Sue going after shes got the tickets?,Because hes got choir practice.,Because the ticket office will be closed.,Near the ticket office.,To the dentist.,Sue: Hello.Ricky: Hi, its me. Are we still _on Saturday?Sue: Yeah, fine.Ricky: Ill pick up the tickets _tomorrow. No I cant. Ive got choir practice. I know. Ill go and pick them up as soon as_.Sue: You cant tomorrow. Its early closing. The _closes early.Ricky: Youre right. Maybe my mum can get them. She works near the ticket office. Ill ask her when she _ tonight.Sue: Ive got a better idea, Ricky. Ill go and get them now, before I _ _.Ricky: Oh, all right but I said Sue: I have to rush, _ I wont have time. Bye.,going to the concert,at lunchtime,school finishes,ticket office,the dentist,go to,otherwise,gets back,Listen again and complete the following with proper words or phrases:,Ill pick up the tickets at lunchtime tomorrow.Ill go and pick them up as soon as school finishes.Ill ask her when she gets back tonight.Ill go and get them now, before I go to the dentist.,Adverbial of time时间状语,Adverbial Clause of time时间状语从句,as soon as,when,before,Linking words引导词,finishes,gets,go,The present simple (not will)一般现在时,The future将来时,when, as soon as, while, as, after, before, the moment, immediately, each time, every time,There was not an empty seat anywhere in the concert hall at last Thursdays event, although it was an extremely cold night.Although the concert hall was cold and the sound system caused a few problems, the audience could still enjoy the concert.,Adverbial Clause of concession让步状语从句,although,Although,Linking words引导词,although, though,even if, even though,no matter who / whom / when / where / what / how (+adj. / adv.) whenever, wherever, however (+adj ./ adv.), whatever, whoever, whomever,Make your decision according to each situation:,Example:Your younger sister is worrying about a maths test tomorrow.Dont worry. Ill help you. 2. Youre very hungry and you see a caf on the other side of the street.3. Youre passing a flower shop when you remember that its your friends birthday today.4.


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