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.新版英语4B单词归纳U1hard soft thick thinU2grape strawberry watermelonU3evening night moonU4Chinese English Maths Art Music Science PEU5play basketball/football/volleyballU6play the guitar/piano/violinU7get up brush my teeth wash my face have breakfast have lunch have dinnerU8Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday U9January February March April May June July August September October November DecemberU10leaf plantU11cinema museum zooLearn the soundsU1chick chair U2ship shop U3photo whale U4clock rock U5small tall wall U6classroom glassU7turn off take off U8clothes plant gloves U9blue flower slowly新版英语4B句型归纳U1How does it feel? Its soft.U2Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice? Youre right. Its yummy! Wait a minute.U3The sun rises in the morning.U4What lessons do we have today? We haveU5Does Alice like playing football? Yes, she does.No, she doesnt. Would you like to come with us?Sure.How about Kitty?U6Whose guitar is it? Its Joes guitar.U7Kitty goes to school at a quarter to eight.What time is it?U8Peter goes to the school library on Monday afternoon.U9Hows the weather in Decemberin Sydney? Its sunny and hot. Merry Christmas!U11 How are you? Fine, thanks.Happy Childrens Day!新版英语4B知识点总结1、Touch this, Alice. How does it feel? Its hard/soft/thick/thin/long/short/tall/big/small/hot/cold.2、有关What开头的句型总结: What is it? Whats this? Whats that? Its a/an. What are they? Whats these? Whats those? They are. What about you?=How about you? (what about=how about +V原) What colour is it/are they? It is/They are+表颜色的形容词 Whats the matter? I cant find my ball. What can you hear? I can hear a/an. I can hear+可数名词复数 What can you see? I can see a/an. I can see+可数名词复数 What do you like? I like+可数名词的复数/不可数名词/V-ing I like reading and listening to music. Whats your/his/her/its name? My/His/Her/Its name is+名字 What does she/he do? She/He is +职业的名词 What do you do? I am/Im +职业的名词 What do they do? What would you like? Id like+可数名词的复数/不可数名词 What do you need? I need some+可数名词的复数/不可数名词3、Four men are under a tree. They are blind. They cant see. Some drinks are hot, some drinks are cold. I like eating and drinking and playing in my yard.4、Charlie has a chick. Look, Joe. I have some juice here. Smell this, Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice? Is it strawberry juice? Its strawberry juice.5、What nice grapes!These grapes are very sweet.Those grapes are sour. They are not sweet.6、 The sun rises in the morning. The sun goes down in the evening. Henry the dog takes a walk in the morning. He sees a black shape behind him. Henry runs/stops, the black shape runs/stops too. Henry likes his new friend.7、 Lets play together.8、 What lessons do we have today? We have. What subjects do you like? I like.From 11:20 a.m. to 1 p.m., we have a lunch break.Jack is sitting on a rock.9、 Does Alice like playing football?Yes, she does./No, she doesnt. Alice likes playing football. I like playing football too. Lets tell Alice about Alice the football club.Would you like to come with us?-Sure.10、 Whose guitar is it? Its Joes guitar. My guitar is at home.11、 There are many mice in the city.The people give the man his gold. The children come home.12、 时间的表达法:1.在表达整点时,我们通常说:.oclock或直接读出数字。2.在表达半点时,我们通常说:half past+整点或直接读出数字。3.在表达一刻钟时,我们通常说:a quarter, 或直接读出数字。4.分钟30分钟,“分+past+时”;分钟30分钟,“(60-现分钟数)+to+时(下一个点钟)”。“分past时 ” 几点过几分 “分to时” 差几分几点 6:25 twenty-five past six 7:43 seventeen to eight13、Hows the fish? Its wonderful.14、At eight oclock, they start to work. They catch a lot of mice.15、Turn off the light. Its too bright. Take off the coat. Its too hot. Wheres the fan? Please turn it on.16、Peter goes to the school library on Monday afternoon. He plays basketball(plays chess/play games)with his friends on Tuesday afternoon.17、What day is it today? Its+星期18、What time is it now? Its+几点几分 Tom runs out. He doesnt have breakfast. Tom is not late for school. Its Saturday.19、Hows the weather in December? Its+描述天气的形容词What season is it? Its +spring/summer/autumn/winter.On Christmas Day, we can say“ Merry Christmas!”I go to beach with my family on Christmas Day every year.Here is a photo of my family.This is Father Christmas. He wears shorts in Australia! In Australia, Christmas is in summer. Please tell me about your New Year.20、I water them every day, the plant grow and grow.21、We like the sun.22、Our classroom looks beautiful.23、In the morning, we have a party.24、On Childrens Day, I can ride a bike with my brother. I can go to the park with him. We can fly kites too.介绍儿童节一天25、In China, Childrens Day is in June. In India, Childrens Day is also in November.26、Do you


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