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1、英语初三补全对话专题英语冲刺(1)完成对话专项练习话题包括:打电话, 就医, 购物, 问路,就餐,问候,介绍, 感谢, 告别, 道歉, 邀请, 请求允许,祝愿和祝贺, 提供帮助,接受或拒绝, 建议,约会, 谈论天气, 劝告, 综合类等。 第一部分 背诵有关各种话题的句子一 打电话的常用语. c/ma i pea to eer, plea? 我能找彼得接电话吗?/我能与彼得通话吗?2 his ot hre gh nw它现在不在这儿。 3. wo is tht?/whos cllig, lease? 你是谁?4. oldn, ease. 请别挂线。/请稍等。.tis is peter spekng

2、. /speakin. 我是彼得。正在说话的人是彼得。6 can /cld tke msage foryou? 我能为你传话吗?我能为你捎口信吗? 7. ill give herthe sages son as e os back她一回来,我就告诉她此消息。.could yu ak her/hmtoal me back?你要他/她给我回电吗,好吗? 二问路的常用语1.excs m, eeis theearestostofic? 2. cuseme, cldyou pese ellme h way o theneares postie? 3. excuseme, howan igt the tv

3、stin? . do yo o hrethe tv stion i? 5so, i ot no. i sager ee.i w in tow. 6. why ntak he ieman ove te?7. -s f from here? -ys, tisn. ts qie near.8.how a isit (fro hre)? -itsabot 1 inuts walk / it aut 00meeaa foere.9.tslttl fa fro her. you btr tak a bus/taxi.10.-ho ogdoesittakeo ge hre? -t tkesabout 20

4、nute.1.-c i goherey s./can i tak usthee? -yes, you an/of crso can?12 -which bus shal can i ake? -yocan ta te no 4 b /the no 42 bu will ak yu tere13 -wreith bus op? -loo! t e. 14. gal this treet untlyou cme o th end 15.alonghis stret andtur lft t the scd crssin 16. down hongs rod and turnright wyou s

5、ea biguperarket ten walk alongente sreet, y ca ee henyour ght is next t a. 1. you cntmiss . 你不可能错过它.三.就餐的常用语1.this wy,lese.请往这边走。2 cai stat t al by the window?我能坐在靠窗户的那个桌子吗? 3 y i a your ordr n?现在可以点东西了吗?4.-whatae o goingo he?/ hat woul yo iketo ? 你想吃什么? -id like some italian fod today.我今天想要一些意大利食物。

6、5. -do yu wnt smething o drik? - cpo mlk,peas. -你想喝东西吗? -请来一杯牛奶。6. iel like hving oke. 我想喝一瓶可乐。. -wo o lieytielse?-no,hnk.你想要其他的东西吗?不,谢了。8. ma v the bill, plese? 请把帐单给我好吗? (买单:ay the bil)zv上海育路教育网 9. hlp yrselfto somfih. 请随便吃些鱼。0please make orlf el at hom.请弄得你自己感觉像在家里一样。 1.tankor inme. 谢谢你邀请我。12 hts

7、 wha yo orred, please tk yortie.那是你点的(东西),请慢用。四.购物的常用语1.can ihep ou? 2. whatize d you want? 3 haveyu gny othe colors?4. ca t it on? 5. imlokng fora gft rmy fathe. 6.ho muh sit? /how much des itcost? 7. iwl take it. 8.hw about gvn yor fahr a nw walet? can you giv m ahp rice? 0 i hi shl likeit. 11. do

8、 yo hve anyhngarer thn tis oe? 12.it fis oerwel五. 看病的常用语 1.hs wongw o? /htsthematr wih ? wt hppend? 2.holong hve you been le? 3.when id it srt? 4.i vea headch. 5can i t yor empate? 6. is i erios?/ t nothing erious. 7. ho ofte should i takhe medicie? .te t edicine three times a ay. 9.oe yu get better

9、 soon 六 聊天的常用语1. may i skyour ome questons? 2. where are you fr? /wher weryon? owd yu like your ew school? wat o you thinkof. have yuot any hoes? ae ou bn to nn? . ha do yo ow about jack chn? 7what oie tr wod ou most liketo meet? 8wo you favrie ares? 9. is s one ofhe bes-sellers this yer. 10 thi bok

10、iswell worth readn. 1. can wat treadit. wha are thestr about? 1 mak twainis m favorite forign write. 七.约定的常用语1re u fre h? 2.what re you going to this wekend? othng much 4. shal we go o e ew museu? . woldyou ke to ce it me? 6. hen andwr shal we e?7.lts mkei al patou. 8 whydont we make it a littleearl

11、ie? 9. lookig forard o seeing u. 10. how abut tomorow? 11 eschngeanohe ay. 八.谈论天气的常用语询问天气情况:watsthe weather lik tody? howstheweather in bijig? ()陈述天气情况: ht a cldhot ay today! its nice/ne/eatifu/oible dy toay. it sny/cloudy/windy/rain/snowy/ogysettin coolcold/wrm/ho! 第三部分 实战演练打电话(一): elo, maispak o o

12、hn, e?b: _. illse i e s c: hello! jo here.a: llo, john!thisis bill.i snday trrow. what ae ugoig to do?c: _. d you aveany id?: i earany old thingil e shnn te history muse tomrrw. _.c: godide. _a: lets et outside heschool ge at halfpastgt in t mnin.c:ow shalwe go hre?: _.c: sory, my bike is boen.let g

13、o ybs, ?a: l riht se yu.! c: se you!问路(一)a: xcuse m,_? i have cl thesdy.:yes, ther is. godownhis stret and en tr rigt then o gbridge stret youl fnd te hopital yu rightit next t inhu booksore.a:_?: is abut 20 minutes wa.:_?b: y, you can.:_?b: yo c tae theno.3bus r the n. s.:_?b: oo!he bsstop iacrossf

14、rm the:strt.a:i ee thank yo vey much.b: _就餐(一)打电话订餐 a: hell, isthat white restunt? b: yes. _? a:i want o now ifyou end taeaay foo. b: sur._? : id like t orderso ee wih potatoesd a hot r lun b: _? a: o, tats al. b: _? : around 1:0am b: _? a: room502 insring building. : ok! ill se hfood o you aout 11:

15、30 a: thk ou b: its yleasure.谈论电影a:i am gig tse a mvie. canyou givee someadice?b:ure._?a:ilike aci movieb: ha you eve senh movs on fupnda?a: _. bt iheard t isgrat.:i saw it yeterday.:_?b:i tink ts the best move i have seea: _?: it lsts abut on hl ua:_?:achng i in d osts¥120 购物一a:_?b: i wat buy a pi

16、f shoes.a:_?b: size igtr ninea: k! how aout thpair?: sorry,ionte blck _?: oh,es ev ot l,witnd bown onsb: i likthose bue oes. _?a: fry-sx yuan: _.here is the ona:tnk ou.谈论假日计划a: hll, may!:hello, ike!: the winter holiday is coming. _?b: im gong to trvel to beijingdurgthe olidaya:ous rea. _?b: m gin o

17、visit the gratwll,thefriden ciy,e summer palace and other aces of intrst.a:_?:for ffteen ays _?a: im ing to vist m uncle chongqing.:w reou ong with?a:my aets. w are eavng onjaua 10th.: _?a: by train.b: hvea ootime.a: the ame to ou. 谈论假日情况:hi, saly._?b: t was grea.:_?b: i went to tokyo wt y family.a:

18、raly? _?: wll,we wenta otofmseums ed limbd ujimoutain.a: oh, _?b: te werver frendy.a:_?b: y, i d. ibought lt othings采访一a: marepter fromzuo dal _?b:sr, pase:_?b: lan ren.: _?:m rm lono.a: _?b: heretre days .a: _?b: ys, jut litle.ibea aning chne two monthgo.a:_-?b:it very beatiful i lit very muha: thak you for anwerin quetios. _.b:tha you.看病或就医a: _b:god mrnig, jak.oudon ook wl. _?a:i ave asrethroat.b:have yu got a fve?a: _.my tempratue is a litl igb: hndi start?a: _.: iyoake ny meicine?: no, idnt. _?b: yushou


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