



1、Outli ne for self-studyReadi ngUnit 1 (Module 1)Difficult sentences in this text: Try to translate and analyse them: 1.This means I could get up an hour later than usuahs schools in China beg in before 8a.m.2.1 found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a

2、bit challe nging for me at first because all the homework was in En glish.3.1 felt lucky as all my teachers were very helpful and I enjoyed all my subjects.4. My English improved a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day read ing En glish books in the library.5. Cook ing was reall

3、y fun as I lear nt how to buy, prepare and cook food.探“ for引导并列句,表原因,它所引导的原因不是造成某种结果的直接原因。语气最弱。“ a引导原因状语从句,表示大家都知道的原因。“since引导原因状语从句,表示让别人做某事的理由,常常译成既然”。“ because气最强,它所引导的原因直接造成某种后果,常用来回答Why问句。用上面四个词填空:1) .every one is here, let s beg in our meet ing.2) .I didn t come to the meeting this morningI re

4、ally didn t know.3) .Why are you in such a hurry? I ll be late.4) . It rained yesterday, the ground is wet.5) . Let s take a rest both of us are tired.探as-as-原级比较和-一样”He runs as fast as a deer.The cover of this book is as old as that of mine.How do you tran slate the followi ng:My En glish is not as

5、/ so good as yours.=My English is than yours.This televisi on is not as/so expe nsive as that one.=This televisio n istha n that one.此外as也可表示时间,意为 一边一边”随着”As we walked, we talked.Tran slate the sen te nee随着年龄的增长,我们会越加聪明。二、than usual比平时as usual和平常一样三、what引起名词性从句,且在从句中作get的宾语。翻译成 所-的”。 What he said is

6、 true I still remember what he told me. He talked of what had happe ned on the way.相关高考试题made the school proud wasmore tha n 90%of the stude nts hadbeen admitted to key universities (2003上海春招)A. What; because B. What; that C. That; whatD. That; becauseChoos ing the right dict ionary depe nds onyou w

7、ant to use it for. (200江苏)A. what B. why C. how D. whether四、wh+to do sth的结构起名词作用,可以用作主语、表语、宾语。 we II go to the zoo tomorrow but I don t know when to staWw to get there and where to gather =when we shall star, how we shall get there and where we shall gather. Can you tell us which an swer to choose?=

8、which an swer we should choose? Whe n to go camp ing depe nds on the weather. Where to spe nd the weeke nd is still a problem.请思考:to do的逻辑主语是什么?相关高考试题(NMET 2000)I ve worked with children beforeso I know whatin my new job.A. expected B. to expect C. to be expectingD. expectsTran slate the followi ng

9、sen ten ces:我们必须决定是去还是留。我们正在讨论的是下一步该怎么做。五、spend-on sth. / (in) doing sth花费(时间、金钱、精力)做某事Fill in the bla nks with“ take / spe nd / cost / pay”:More money should be on education.This bike didn t much.It me quite a long time to expain this to them.They more than 200 yuan for the meal.六、a bit, a little(1

10、) a bit稍微,有点(意同a little),两者都用于修饰动词、形容词、副词的原级或 比较级I m a littja bit tired.Work a bit/a little harder and you ll earn higher grades.a little可直接修饰名词,a bit需加of:You know a little Fren ch, don = Ybyckriow a bit of French , dontyou?(3)not a bit意为 一点也不”,等于 not at a11;not a little相当于very 或very much,意为 很,非常”。(

11、4)a little bit 相当于a little 或 a bitFill in the blanks with a little ” a bit ” not a bit ” not a little1) .We may need of help.2) .Could you turn down the radio, please?3) .Are you tired? let go on.4) .Are you tired?. I can go any further.6. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because sc

12、hool starts around 9a.m. and ends about 3.30p.m.What is the meaning of around”?探school starts中school为抽象意义,不带冠词,表示具体意义时,需带冠词或 用复数。 There will be no school tomorrow. A new school is being built in my town.a class堂课/一个班级 bed床睡觉build a tow n 建一座城 at school在学校;在课堂 毕业 Many schools don t allow students to

13、wear long hair.go toafter class课后sit on the bed坐在床上go to town进城,寻欢作乐after schoo倣学后1eave schoo 毕业;退学out of schoo1 出校门;相关高考试题(2004天津)Whe n he 1eftco11ege, he got a job as reporter in a n ewspaper officeA./; aB. the ; aC. a; theD. the; the7. Stude nts at that school have to study Maths, En glish and Sc

14、ie nee, but can dropsome subjects if they dont likertheaim pie, History, French and Art.They can choose other subjects like Woodwork, Computer Scie nee or Lan guagessuch as Spa nish and Germa n.for example , such as, like都表示列举,区别如下:(1)for example:举例,作插入语,通常列举一个或两个典型事例(举例说明前面提 到的事实),前后用逗号隔开。其后可接句子。To

15、m, for example, is good at Chin ese.Many great men have rise n from poverty, for example, Li ncoln and Edis on.A lot of people, for example, Joh n, would rather have coffee.(2)such as:引起同位语,列举一个或多个事例(列举同类事项),后面不用逗号有时后可跟etc./ and so onMany of the programmes are well received, such as Follow Me, Follo

16、w Me to Scie nee.Sweet foods such as chocolate can make you fat.I ike与such a苗目同There are many problems in the world, like war, famine, and pollution.8. Though it didn t Iook Iike a tabIe when it was finished, I stiII Iiked it very much.f Which word can be used to replace“ though ”?Which word can t b

17、e used together with“ though ”?adv .可是,然而,不过;话虽这样说It s hard woIrke,njoy it, though.I wish you had told me, though.He said he would come, he didn t, though.I ve a bit of headache. Its nothing much, though.Try to translate the following sentences:I will try it, though I may fail.I will try it. I may fail, though.我感冒了,但是不要紧。虽然太晚了,我们还是决定立刻出发。9. Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and excitingexperience for me.“ Going to a British h


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