



1、新世纪版)五年级上册英语教案Unit 9 Weather Report教育目标:1鼓励学生养成良好的生活习惯,通过关心新信息,了解客观世界的变化及时调整自己的生 活安排。2引导学生运用科学的语言描述客观事物。 知识目标:基础目标:1. Words and expressionstouch feel smell taste sweet sour hot2. Sentence patternsHow does it smell/taste/feel?Language Lab根据课文内容回答Questions and answers中的问题,根据自己的实际情况回答 On your own中 的问题。

2、Music Box能掌握音标学习掌握辅音音标和元音音标,并能看音标读单词。Disneyland能用正确的语音、语调朗读Rhyme,节奏基本正确。Difficult Points1. 用英语作比较详细的天气预报。2. 能灵活使用表示将来的各种句式,如 will/shall, be going to及be to等。Developing Aims1. 能听懂现实生活中,电视中或广播里用英语播报的天气预报。2. 能用丰富的、科学的语言描述天气情况,并预报未来的天气。3. 能根据不同的天气情况及时安排和调整自己的学习与生活。教学资源:教学投影片、配套磁带、多媒体课件课时安排: 课时安排:建议本单元安排

3、5 教时。教材处理:Wonderland是单词版块,可以通过这个版块的教学解决大部分与天气现象有关的词汇, 在课文 版块Grand Theatre的教学时就可以侧重于教学有关天气预报的主要句型及表达,并关注于培养 学生的听说能力。在句型版块 Farmland 的教学中介绍给学生用于表示将来时的各种句式。Language Lab是 Grand Theatre的配套练习,可以结合在一起进行教学。Disneyland中的内容是 一首小诗,富有韵律且十分有趣,可以放在课前进行诵读,培养学生的语感。教法建议:词汇教学方法:1. 从讨论当日的天气入手引入主题,之后再讨论我们所居住城市的天气特征。当然,受地

4、区 限制,有的天气特征在我们所居住的地方不甚明显。教师可以适当地通过介绍全国范围内,或 世界各国的天气特征来引入有关天气特征的词汇。如:Summer holidays are coming. Where do you plan to go for your holidays? First, you must know the weather about different areas in August. In England, it s hot and it rains a lot. If you are in Eyou d better take an umbrella whe n you

5、 go out. It s win ter in Australia in August, but itcold. August is the best time to go there. Of course, please remember to take warm clothes. But in most parts of Chin a, it s hot in August. The sun shines in the morning. You n eed to wear sun glassesT-shirt and shorts. But in the after noon, some

6、times it rains sudde nly. And later, it may get fine aga in.In Kunming, China, the weather is always hot all year Iong. It s a good place to spend yo(1) 与学生讨论 What clothes do we wear in August? What kind of clothes should I take if I go to Sydney in August?(2) 借此话题,与学生讨论上海的天气特征与当天不同的时段的天气,使学生进一步体验 w

7、eather在情景中的应用。2. morning,afternoon在之前的单词版块中已经学习过,因此,本课的教学应当赋予他们新的内容,可以通过讨论不同时间段做的事情来达成这一目标。What did you do this morni ng? Whatwill you do tomorrow after noon?3. down和a little的引入可以巧妙地和课堂用语相结合,如dow n的教学T: Put dow n your han ds, please. Sit dow n, pleas通过给出情景,让学生判断应该 使用up或down。如,上楼梯的图片,请学生填空 He is walk

8、ingthe stairs./下山的图片,请学生填空 She walkedthe hill a nd turned right.如 a little 的教学 T: I have only a little paper, not enough for all of you(在分发练习纸时故意这样 说)。值得注意的是,a little用来修饰不可数名词,且与little的意义不同,教师可以通过给出 图片情景或例句情景让学生体验其中的区别。句型教学方法:1. 请学生用It will来预言近阶段的天气情况。并可以请学生谈谈,在周末或假日将怎样根据天气情况来安排自己的活动。如:If it is sunn

9、y, I will have a picnic with my parents等等。2. 给学生看一组云的图片,通过观察不同的形状的云,来判断未来的天气,以此结合It is to be 的句型。如:IThey are cirrus (卷云) clouds. You often see them up high in the sky. They are thin and made up of ice. Cirrus clouds are usually white. When you see cirrus clouds, it usually forecasts a change inSomet

10、imes they look like the see cirrocumulus clouds in the the fair but cold weather. In telling you that a hurricane (飓 词汇教学:1. Brainstorm:天气预报能提 temperature; wind directi on,the weather within 24 hours.nThe cirrocumulus clouds (卷积云) are small, rounded whitepuffs and usually in long rows. scales of a f

11、ish (鱼鳞).You can win ter. And they usually forecast tropical areas 热带地区),they are 风)is coming.供人们哪些信息? (如: weather, humidity, rain fall, etc)2. 给学生听课文录音,并请学生说出通过这则天气预报自己得到了什么信息。(根据学生情况,可结合提问或 Language Lab中的 Questions and answer进行。)3. 提炼出课文中新的知识点,并设计系列活动,使学生掌握相关内容。(1) It will be cloudy this after noo

12、n, and turni ng rai ny in the eve ning.给出一组简笔画,请学生模仿例句造句,如:morni ngafter nooneve ning温度拿出真实的温度计,请学生说出当时的实际温度,并由此教授温度的表达方法,可借助音 标学习degree的读音,并可以拓展摄氏读的表达法“基数词+degree(s) centigrade。在教学中要 突出比较特殊的几个数字,包括 C, 0C和-C。之后,可以引入最高温度、最低温度的表达 方法。(3) go dow n/up from to 出示一张图表(折线图较好),请学生根据图表用英语描述温度的变化。图表的内容可以 是几天来最

13、咼/底温度变化,也可以是几年来某月平均温度的变化。4. 请学生根据提供的信息作天气预报。如:CityWeatherTemperatureBeiji ngSunnyMinus 5 degreesSha nghaiRai nyEight degreesHong KongCloudyTwe nty-two degreesQin gdaoSunnyMinus 2 degrees5 背景资料:1) 有关天气的词汇temperature 气温 average temperatures 平均气温 frost 霜 hail 冰雹 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind mist 雾 cloud 云 haz

14、e 霾 rain 雨 shower 暴雨 storm 暴风雨 lightning 闪电 hurricane 飓风 typhoon台风 whirlwind 龙卷风breeze微风fog浓雾dew露水humidity潮湿freeze冰冻 snowflake 雪花 snowfall 降雪2) Different places, different weathersSydneyIn Sydn ey, summer is from December to February and wi nter from June to August. The average temperature is about

15、12 degrees cen tigrade in the win ter and 24 degrees cen tigrade in the summer. Sometimes (not often), the highest temperature reaches30 degreescentigrade. Even if in the hot weather, you can feel the cool breeze because the city is close to the ocea n. The rain fall is lowest in the spri ng at 74 m

16、illimeters per mon th and highest in the autu mn with 126 millimeters per mon th.Sin gaporeThe weather in Sin gapore is usually hot and humid all year long because it is in tropical area. The temperatureis usually around 30 degreesce ntigrade with 75 per cent humidity. Rain fall is a little higher d

17、uri ng the win ter with a mon thly average of 260 millimeters and summer mon ths averagi ng 170 millimetersParisThe average January temperature in Paris is about 3 degrees centigrade.lt is usually warm and comfortable in spring. The average temperature in July is about 26 degrees centigrade. There i

18、s more rain fall duri ng the win ter in Paris tha n in spri ng and summer. It ofte n snows in Paris in win ter. But you can also go there for a trip in wi nter. The win ter in Paris is also very beautiful.Tokyo in Tokyo, spring is from April to May. During spring you can enjoy very nice fruits, such as peach, plum and cherry. Summer is from June to August and in this seas on the city can be hot, humid and sometimes


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