马氏温灸法(Ma Wen moxibustion)_第1页
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1、马氏温灸法(Ma Wen moxibustion)Pursuing the significance of modern marketing concept to enterprises2. talk about the important function of market segmentation to small and medium-sized enterprises3. * * * product marketing mix (for a product you know well, design a marketing mix that describes product str

2、ategies, pricing strategies, distribution strategies, and promotion strategies)4. talk about the impact or influence of marketing on your job search5. learn the marketing gainsThe horse and the Ma less warming moxibustion1 、 teacher Ma Shaoquns life storyTianjin old Western Horse (1903 - 1992) less

3、teachers in 30s by correspondence from Zhejiang Ningbo Oriental Acupuncture Society of learning Japanese warm moxibustion moxibustion temperature improved the horse less in Japan, a self-contained Markov temperature moxibustion, after nine years, giving medical treatment is often given effect, knowo

4、f moxibustion to cure disease. To 1943, after suffering from Menieres disease, hypertension, mental health, stomach discomfort, seek treatment in traditional Chinese medicine, for twelve years, but lack of effect, can cure to lose. Sit in on the occasion, the lady again moxibustion to enlightenment,

5、 research autonomy, real last ditch, do not want to, only half a year to remove all diseases, body health, life at nine years. And in the current decade old ma in clinical cure won many attacks, lots of doubt cure diseases. In the earliest days, Mr. assist in publishing up Ma warm moxibustion.It is

6、worth mentioning that, in March 1976, Xie Jianying was suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, the Chinese medicine to cure the poor effect, called ma teacher linshaoqun moxibustion treatment, treatment of the first two months of second, six months after the rehabilitation cure di

7、sease, body complete rehabilitation, after life to 90 years.So far in the domestic Markov warming moxibustion has been spread for decades, due to various reasons, the treatments are only spread in the official, technology is only very few grasp, many years of medicine and Western medicine treatment

8、had never heard of. This method has a unique effect on cerebrovascular disease. The acute and chronic visceral disease, doubt miscellaneous diseases, senile diseases, gynecological diseases also have good cure effect.At the same time the number of Markov warming moxibustion Acupoint Moxibustion once

9、, the rescue process shall not be held at the point above, can sit to heal, can also side moxibustion while watching television, reading, even when patients moxibustion was able to walk around is very convenient, every time it can automatically adjust the moxibustion treatment process, the patient o

10、nly think warm and comfortable, and very safe, easy to bear.2, Markov decision moxibustion1) disease beginning moxibustion part, disease long heavy whole.During the early stage of disease, evil is still in conflict with the common part, the only part of acupoints, moxibustion, often iambic illness,

11、is a simple, rapid method. But chronic diseases cannot be treated purely. Because the disease is long low PI acerbity, Transfar, disharmony of yin and Yang, often was not limited to once a dirty one organs, so the treatment of chronic disease, must pay attention to the combination of acupoints, moxi

12、bustion on viscera, meridians, moxibustion through leveling height, yin and Yang, so as to achieve the eradication of diseases.2) moxibustion is expensive early than expensive, Yu Heng.Moxibustion is more important than early. Generally speaking, in the case of an acute disease. The chronic diseases

13、 treatment and should persevere.Some old problems, some in the months of the treatment side played the effect situation, so both to the temporary medical moxibustion thought preparation, there are some patients with chronic diseases, the treatment time when some condition, distinct improvement after

14、 thought no problem, then check the moxibustion, often recruit pathogenic form again. The teacher often told Ma linshaoqun patients want, in addition to the root cause, at least two or three months, half a year, and it takes a much longer time to go on. Symptoms have disappeared, still can not think

15、 that the disease has been cured, you must point to palpation, and then do textual research. If the disease is cured, if the body is still strong, should continue to use moxibustion, nurturing vitality. In a word, moxibustion is not only for relieving symptoms, but also for eliminating diseases and

16、fitness as the ultimate means, so we must persevere.3) moxibustion with expensive Tongfu qi.A variety of chronic diseases, the disease for a long time will lead to common Transfar viscera, Fu Qi stagnation, it is necessary to each treatment of Tongfu gas, this can make the stomach absorption functio

17、n tends to receive, in general, the body of Qi and blood stasis in active, and pathological products are easy to dissolve, discharge, various diseases can be improved therefore, Zhongwan, Zusanli for the treatment of various chronic diseases will use acupuncture point moxibustion.4) moxibustion expe

18、nsive, guidance, orderly.Chronic disease is long, often lead to ill fill empty, hot and cold, Sheng and hot and most patients suffering in this situation should lower first heavy moxibustion acupoint bingti. In the lower moxibustion, Sheng and hot evil self walking vent, illness will loose, the guid

19、ing function is the function of moxibustion. When the quantity of moxibustion moxibustion, then added upper hole, and both are low, this is what we call the moxibustion orderly. Heat Sheng, viscera stagnation heavy moxibustion cases similar to the limbs are advised to moxibustion acupoint, Acupoint

20、Moxibustion on the limbs, trunk and then add the acupuncture point moxibustion, moxibustion is so successful.5) long thin, with small fire as the first.In case of disease is long and thin, eat less, the body heat (cool evil heat, MA) teachers in general have the following five less the first day Ana

21、 Ji: 1 Zhongwan, Zusanli; two, Huantiao, Yanglingquan; three, wind, Shen Mai; four, Jianyu, Quchi; five, Fengchi, vast bone. After five days in its discretion in viscera, acupoint moxibustion. In case of disease is long and thin, eat less body cold (like cold chills), the teacher asked the following

22、 four days: 1 days moxibustion Zhongwan, Zusanli; 2, Xiawan, Tianshu, Qihai, Guanyuan and Sanyinjiao; 3, 4, Neiguan, zhaohai. 4 days after the disease according to where the viscera, acupoint moxibustion. For such patients, the first fifteen days of moxibustion volume: abdominal moxibustion every 20

23、 minutes, the back and limbs, each point moxibustion 15 minutes. When moxibustion is added to the patient, the volume of moxibustion is increased after the body is increased. This is due to weak lag, it should first small through small, otherwise the body can not be affected by the fire and AI can a

24、ppear dry mouth, dizziness, sore throat, and not eating response.6) both disease and treatment, urgent treatment first.A single patient, according to the practice of moxibustion moxibustion disease, but chronic disease and disease status is more common, such as hypertension and diabetes in patients

25、with asthma, at the same time, with cowhide moss and so on, so the different patients practice of moxibustion Acupoint Moxibustion group merger.Of course, such as disease and in a patient is now secondary disease moxibustion is also desirable, especially with exogenous (cold), constipation and other

26、 emergencies should take care of this, and according to the following moxibustion of moxibustion.Treatment of exogenous moxibustion damper (back); Yanglingquan (lower limbs) 25 minutes each day, moxibustion two or three times, with micro sweating degree.Treat constipation: moxibustion, Chengshan (ba

27、ck) 25 minutes, Zuo Daheng (abdomen) 30 minutes, two days of moxibustion, to defecate for the degree.3., grasp the amount of MoxibustionMa less teachers with its decades of experience for moxibustion according to, summed up the half quantity of moxibustion moxibustion Meixue every time is 20 minutes

28、, the head and face of acupuncture moxibustion; acupuncture moxibustion back and limbs for 25 minutes; 30 minutes of chest and abdomen acupuncture moxibustion.4. formula of MoxibustionMao Shaoqun teachers are accustomed to in the Moxa Moxibustion medicine mixed with a large number of green moxa, its

29、 preparation is as follows: students wulingzhi 24 grams, 15 grams of green salt, luminous sand (micro fried) 6 grams, 3 grams of frankincense, myrrh 3 grams, 6 grams of onion Gengandi (I often substitute equivalent, Akebia Guizhi) 9 grams, angelica 6 grams. The above ingredients were fine to use mox

30、ibustion medicine, can be matched with 500 grams of green moxa, if a day can use about moxibustion, a month time, moxibustion should be bottled moisture, preventing breath.5., moxibustion manipulation and related matters(1) before the preparation: remove the moxa box denee tube, into the mix of Moxa

31、 Moxibustion medicine, fingers quietly press the appearance of moxa (not in real), and then the inner tube into the outer tube, the center of the fire ignited moxa (not see flames), placed outside, 18-25 minutes after the moxibustion box bottom touch hot smoke and has less, at the top of the cover,

32、back by. Note that pre moxibustion is not enough, then when AI Huoyi out, using AI fire when pre transition is not durable.(2) applying Moxibustion: the moxibustion box (bottom facing downward) is placed on the moxibustion bit by a few layers of cloth, so that the moxibustion is comfortable, the hea

33、t is enough, and the skin is not scalded. If overheating, add cloth layer, multi-layer cloth has been separated if sleep still overheating, cloth cover in moxibustion tube below, so the smoke into the atmosphere and temperature can be increased, the moxibustion box is not hot enough to reduce, incre

34、ase or cover cloth, will instantly open (but be careful not to dump cylinder).(3) do not immediately after eating not fasting moxibustion, moxibustion, Moxibustion Moxibustion after other time can, to avoid the cold, it can prevent cold evil invasion and open by acupuncture. After moxibustion, but a

35、lso pay attention to clothing insulation.(4) side effects: side effects of moxibustion rarely, as long as the majority of the patients, to Moxibustion after the visible dizziness, dry mouth, dry throat, nose bleeding, anorexia, fatigue and other phenomenon occurrence, the state should increase the q

36、uantity of moxibustion. If the rescue process with some very repercussions, can belong to the improper rescue, as reflected intense, doctors shall timely discern appropriate disposal.6., Wen Wen moxibustion, secondary points, unique experience summary1) Baihui: Patients with chronic physical multi c

37、old heat, virtual real stroke, etc. the head Acupoint Moxibustion Baihui, some patients can appear dizziness, dry mouth, tinnitus and other repercussions, and will feel nervous mind, quantity of moxibustion for 20-25 minutes.2) Fengchi: Migraine facial pain, for lowering blood pressure better, cure

38、severe vertigo should be equipped with bell hanging moxibustion 20-25 minutes.3) Qu bone: cure all kinds of gynecological diseases,Such as uterine prolapse, uterine tumors and so on, should be treated by frequent urination, moxibustion amount of 30-60 minutes.4): the cerebral hemorrhage and Shenque

39、recovery recovery recovery in patients with cerebral thrombosis, long time to this point moxibustion. Chronic disease, no matter what disease, should be more moxibustion, the treatment of acute syndromes should be effective, to help protect the vitality of seoul. The amount of moxibustion is 30-60 m

40、inutes. Cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral thrombosis patients wake up, moxibustion can be used to awake check.5) Chapter gate: the treatment is very wide. Because of the spleen deficiency, stagnation caused by the disease should temper moxibustion, regardless of PI, abdominal mass, liver manure gas,

41、and various hepatobiliary diseases Xian Yi moxibustion. The amount of moxibustion is 30 minutes.6) gate: the treatment is very wide. Such as the liver, hepatitis, and liver cirrhosis, nephritis, pleurisy, splenomegaly, typhoid doubts. Fever into the blood chamber and wheezing. All the organs are req

42、uired to treat stasis and regulating liver, should the moxibustion with acupuncture point taichong. The amount of moxibustion is 30 minutes.7) Lingtai: asthma attack speed moxibustion, Lingtai body column, too creek. The amount of moxibustion is 30 minutes.8) with four door Yanglingquan cure colds,

43、began to feel different sharp sticks, often rudd-u; can cause back cold fever.9) according to the sea: hypertension, hemiplegia, arthritis, constipation, edema, epilepsy and hair were available day and night night. The amount of moxibustion is 25-30 minutes.10) Xuanzhong: hypertension and belongs to

44、 the hot and cold, next on Xu Zheng and moxibustion quantity 25-30 minutes.7. hypertension, hemiplegia and arthritis routine moxibustionOne day Zhongwan (Dan Xue) moxibustion Zusanli (30 minutes, 30 minutes each with double points).Two days ring jump (double hole) each moxibustion 25 minutes, two po

45、ints (double hole) moxibustion 30 minutes.Three, the wind city (double hole) each moxibustion 25 minutes, Shen pulse (double hole) moxibustion 25 minutes.Four, Jianyu (double hole) by moxibustion 25 minutes, Quchi (double hole) moxibustion 25 minutes each.The five day (two points), Fengchi moxibusti

46、on 25 minutes, Xuanzhong (two points) by moxibustion 25 minutes.Six body column (Dan Xue) moxibustion 30 minutes, Yaoyangguan (Dan Xue) on 30 minutes, Sanyinjiao (two points) by moxibustion 25 minutes.Seven, the Commission (double hole) each moxibustion 25 minutes, according to the sea (double hole)

47、 moxibustion 25 minutes.Eight, Baihui (single will) moxibustion 25 minutes, dumb door (Dan Xue) moxibustion 25 minutes, column missing (double hole), moxibustion 25 minutes.Note:1) high blood pressure, arthritis, hemiplegia can according to the method of moxibustion;2) in patients with hypertension

48、in 1-7 on acupoint acupuncture point moxibustion, moxibustion at the beginning of eighth, after 4 cycles of lowering blood pressure to moxibustion Baihui, dumb and exacerbation of dizziness and headache have a good effect, so early moxibustion, meridian will not fire, AI cannot prevail, gathered in

49、the head, and dizziness headache relief, so should first pass the acupuncture points lower Moxibustion plus moxibustion on the head. 3, the above points to the daily cycle of moxibustion, moxibustion at the navel (Shenque) 30 minutesTime flies, and the first semester of freshman year is coming to an

50、 end. In this semester, we have studied modern marketing.Marketing is a comprehensive application subject based on economic science, behavioral science and modern management theory. It studies the marketing activities of enterprises and their regularities that meet the needs of consumers.As a studen

51、t of marketing, it is very important to cultivate practical ability in addition to the theoretical knowledge of marketing.Not only do we have to know the customer, know the market, and more importantly, to sell our products. Meet customer requirements. Therefore, from now on, we must learn to contac

52、t different consumer groups, master certain communication skills, and lay a solid foundation for our future employment and development.I understand from the first definition of marketing, marketing is the enterprise to develop their own strategy based on the analysis of changes in the marketing envi

53、ronment, and through product, price, channels, promotions and other means to achieve their goals in a series of activities.Marketing activities, I think: market technology, capital is mutually dependent, indispensable. Owning the market has the power to produce, and the sales of the products depend

54、on the market finally. Technology is an advanced symbol of competition in modern enterprise production, and it plays an important role. Capital is the production of products, marketing activities. Technological improvements are playing a leading role. The extent of the market, technological innovati

55、on, capital investment are the basis of modern marketing.Modern marketing can be divided into different types, according to the basic attributes of commodities can be divided into general commodity markets and special commodity markets. The general commodity market to chivalrous commodity market, th

56、e goods market, including consumer market and industrial market; to meet consumer needs and service needs and the formation of capital market for second years including capital market, labor market and technology market, information, special commodity market, analysis of the above two kinds of marke

57、t research to general consumers market, industrial market and government market.Marketing environment analysis, commonly used SWOT analysis method, it is the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, threats mean. Analyzing the disadvantages from the internal environment, analyzing the opportunities

58、 and threats from the external environment.The enterprise formulates the marketing policy objective is: make your products more smoothly to customers, to ensure the distribution of low cost, but also to ensure customer delivery, delivery volume, assembly services, difficult consultation requirements

59、 such as the satisfaction.Above is my understanding of modern marketing, in this short few years, I learned a lot of knowledge about marketing. It really makes me benefit a lot! I will work harder to learn marketing, because marketing this stuffy subject is really very profound, it is worth our study and


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