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1、Language Learning Strategies for Chinese EFL Learners,An ancient Chinese saying,授人以鱼,不如授人以渔;然,授人以渔,不如令其自悟而会渔。 If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; if you teach a man how to fish, you feed him for a life time,Confucius (551B.C-479B.C) Laozi (571B.C-471B.C,Repeating words over and over ag

2、ain; Listening attentively to try to distinguish words; Trying to work out the rules of the language by forming hypotheses about how it works; Trying out these hypotheses to see if they work; Testing yourself to see if you remember words; Guessing the meaning of unknown words; Using your knowledge o

3、f language rules to try to make new sentences; Rehearsing in your head what you are about to say; Practising the sounds of the language to your self; Asking a speaker to repeat something; Pretending that you understand in order to keep the communication going,2021/1/25,5,Learning strategies,Research

4、 into language learning strategies began in the 1960s. Much of this has clearly been influenced by developments in cognitive psychology,2021/1/25,6,Good language learner studies,Rubin, Joan. 1975. What the good language learners can teach us? TESOL Quarterly. Result Process,Joan Rubin (Ph.D, Yale,Jo

5、an, Rubin 2) a concern for communication (functional practice), 3) an active task approach; 4) an awareness of the learning process, 5) a capacity to use strategies flexibly in accordance with task requirements. Ellis (2000:546,2021/1/25,10,1. Understanding Learning strategies,Learning strategies ar

6、e the particular approaches or techniques that learners employ to try to learn an L2. They can be behavioral or they can be mental. They are typically problem-oriented. To make their own learning as effective as possible,2021/1/25,11,Why important,1) All appropriate language learning strategies are

7、oriented toward the broad goal of communicative competence. 2) Development of communicative competence requires realistic interaction among learners using meaningful, contextualized language,2021/1/25,12,3) Learning strategies help learners participate actively in such authentic communication. 4) Su

8、ch strategies operate in both general and specific ways to encourage the development of communicative competence,How many language learning strategies,Over one hundred strategies have been identified by different language learning strategy researchers (Brown 2000; Rubin Chamot, 1995,Rebecca Oxford(1

9、990,Andrew D. Cohen,Cohen(2000:5,Second language learner strategies encompass both second language learning and second language use strategies. Taken together, they constitute the steps or actions consciously selected by learners either to improve the learning of a second language, the use of it, or

10、 both,英语学习策略体系(文秋芳2003,影响英语学习系统的其他因素(文秋芳2003,Learning Strategies (Oxford 1990,Direct strategies,Memory Strategies,Compensation Strategies,CognitiveStrategies,Indirect strategies,Metacognitive Strategies,SocialStrategies,AffectiveStrategies,高级中学英语课程标准,教育部2001年制定的全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)把学习策略规定为基础教育阶段

11、英语课程的主要课程目标之一。 研究英语学习策略并在英语教学中渗透学习策略的训练是当今英语教师面临的又一重要任务,高级中学英语课程标准,课程内容: 语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识。 认知与思维能力培养 高级中学英语课程标准学习策略分类:认知策略、调控策略、交际策略、资源策略,为什么要把学习策略列为英语课程目标之一,一、使用学习策略能够提高英语学习效果 二、发展学习策略有利于学生形成自主学习能力 三、学习策略与教学策略相互促进,Questions to Ponder,What are learning strategies? Can you share an example of

12、 one of the following strategies: memory, cognitive, compensation, metacognitive, affective or social strategies,Learning Strategies (Oxford 1990,Direct strategies,Memory Strategies,Compensation Strategies,CognitiveStrategies,Indirect strategies,Metacognitive Strategies,SocialStrategies,AffectiveStr

13、ategies,Types of Learning Strategies(Oxford 1990,Direct: strategies directly involve the target language Memory: strategies that helps us remember specific elements of language Applying images and sounds Cognitive: dealing with mental processing and manipulation of a new language Practicing (Repeati

14、ng) Receiving and sending messages (locating the main idea quickly through skimming) Analyzing and reasoning (translating) Compensation: strategies that allow us to communicate when we dont have the right language to do so Guessing Laughing,Memory Strategies,Direct: strategies directly involve the t

15、arget language Memory: strategies that helps us remember specific elements of language Using imagery: Creating a mental picture A good way to remember what has been heard or read in the new language Tax shelter (An investment selected mainly because it provides favorable tax treatment,2021/1/25,29,E

16、xamples of Memory,What are your favorite strategies for remembering information,2021/1/25,30,Examples of Memory,I keep going over the same word over and over again until it sticks. Other more efficient strategies,Examples of Memory,Group/Associating,Sun,Examples of Memory,Group/Associating,Sun,The a

17、rrangement and associations must be personally meaningful to the learner,Brainstorming: Memory of new words or pre-writing,Decision,talk,committee,director,mistake,discuss,parliament,judge,regret,sure,think,doubt,wonder,Examples of Cognitive Strategies,Cognitive: useful for understanding and recalli

18、ng new information Making connections between English and the students native language Highlighting important information while reading Making visual associations to aid in retention Creating graphic organizations, maps, charts, diagrams, time lines, and flow charts to organize information,Example:

19、Analyzing Expressions,Determine the meaning of a new expression by breaking it down into parts,Types of Learning Strategies(Oxford 1990,Indirect: strategies that relate indirectly to the subject material, but that are equally important Metacognitive Affective: strategies that help to regulate emotio

20、ns, motivations, and attitudes Social: strategies that help learners learn through interaction with others,2021/1/25,37,Metacognitive (beyond the cognitive,Metacognitive (beyond the cognitive) strategies help learners to regulate their own cognition and to focus, plan, and evaluate their progress as

21、 they move toward communicative competence,Examples of Metacognitive Strategies,Planning Set goals Dividing long-term assignments into shorter segments and tasks Predict (What do I think will happen?) Activate background knowledge (What do I already know about this?) Monitoring Checking up yourself

22、by frequently responding to the little voice inside your head that asks, “How am I doing?” Ask if it makes sense (Do I understand this?) Selectively attend (What parts should I pay attention to?) Self-talk (Its okay that I dont understand the whole thing.,Examples of Metacognitive Strategies,Problem

23、-solving Inference (Can I guess what this might mean?”) Substitute (Is there another word that might fit?) Evaluating Verify predictions and guesses (Were my predictions and guesses right? Why or why not?) Summarize (What is the gist of this? What is the main idea?) Evaluate your strategies (Did I c

24、hoose good strategies? What could I do differently next time,2021/1/25,40,Affective strategies,Affective strategies develop the self-confidence and perseverance needed for learners to involve themselves actively in language learning, a requirement for attaining communicative competence,Affective str

25、ategies,1) Lowering your anxiety Using progressive relaxation, deep breathing, or meditation; using music, using laughter 2) Encouraging yourself Making positive statements; taking risks wisely; rewarding yourself 3) Taking your emotional temperature Listening to your body; using a checklist; writin

26、g a language learning diary; discussing your feelings with someone else,2021/1/25,42,Social strategies,Social strategies provide increased interaction and more empathetic understanding, two qualities necessary to reach communicative competence,Social strategies,Asking questions Asking for clarificat

27、ion or verification; asking for correction 2) Cooperating with others Cooperating with others; cooperating with proficient users of the new language 3) Empathizing with others Developing cultural understanding; becoming aware of others thoughts and feelings,2021/1/25,44,What are the differences betw

28、een learning strategies and methods,An analogy of a football team Strategies: purposeful and goal-oriented. Macro-strategies and micro-strategies 如何区分两者真的那么重要,Strategy Combinations,Successful language learners rarely use a single learning strategy. They use strategies in combinations to complete a t

29、ask. They use different strategies in different contexts, and change them as they become more proficient,2021/1/25,46,Questions to Ponder,Why do we need to teach learning strategies,Why do we need to teach learning strategies,Students often have their own learning strategies based on their own learn

30、ing style, but they may not be using them in the most effective manner Students need to become better all-around learners by investing extra effort in underdeveloped or underutilized strategies Teach students how to learn Important to teach learners to be autonomous Teachers must be able to determin

31、e what makes learners successful and incorporate these strategies within the classroom,2021/1/25,48,2. Learner training in foreign language teaching,The notion of learner training (the explicit teaching of strategies) has received more and more attention in recent years; Identifying strategies that

32、are likely to promote acquisition and providing training in them; We can identify the strategies used by good language learners and then teach them to learners and increase their ability to learn,2021/1/25,49,1) Learners with differing kinds of ability may be able to achieve similar levels of succes

33、s providing that the type of instruction enables them to maximize their strengths. 2) Learners have different cognitive style. 3) The most widely used test of cognitive style in language learning studies is the Embedded Figures Test,2021/1/25,50,2021/1/25,51,2021/1/25,52,Types of Learning Styles,Fie

34、ld independent (FI) vs. dependent (FD) FI (analytic): concentrate on details of language such as grammar rules, and taking apart words and sentences FD (global): focus on the whole picture and do not care about details Left and Right Brain Functioning Left: logical, analytical, mathematical, linear

35、Right: visual, tactile, and auditory Ambiguity Tolerance open-mindedness vs. close-mindedness Reflectivity and Impulsivity Reflective: think about language and focus on accuracy Impulsive: risk-taking Visual, Auditory, Tactile, Kinesthetic Styles,An example for Visual Learners,1. 2. 3,4. 5,An exampl

36、e for Visual Learners: The Water Cycle,Concepts: Evaporation Condensation,Task: Use evaporate and condense to describe the water cycle,2021/1/25,56,Strategy training has focused on the following aspects,Teaching ways of learning vocabulary, using keywords, word chains and mnemonics; Teaching techniq

37、ues for listening, guessing, self-correction or directed attention; Teaching reading strategies such as semantic mapping; Teaching a variety of matecognitive strategies and self-awareness,OMalley and Chamot (1990,1) Helping learners to identify or become aware of strategies that are already using, 2

38、) Presenting and explaining a new strategy, with a rationale for using it, at this stage, the teacher might model the strategy. 3) This is followed by practising it, at first with substantial support or scaffolding, but gradually reducing this to encourage autonomous use. 4) Finally students are hel

39、ped to evaluate their success,Strategy Training: Teach Strategies Explicitly,1. Introduce it and label it as a new strategy 2. Identity it by name 3. Demonstrate how to use it 4. Give students time and opportunity for practice,Strategy Training: Compensation Strategies,Stalling for time Repeating th

40、e question or statement Using fillers like Well,or Hmmm Using expressions like “Thats a tough question” or” Thats a complicated issue” Coughing or clearing your throat Using any combination of the above Using circumlocutions Using the descriptive phrase the man who drives the airplane, instead of th

41、e unknown word pilot,Ek kum chuchu. Ek namas chuchu. Nek kum niva chuchu. Ek chuchu,The train is coming. Thy train is very big. The train isnt coming. Its a train,Learning strategies training: Creating a mental picture,T: Can someone pronounce this word? (valley) Yes, valley. What is the first lette

42、r of this word? Ok, its V. (Teacher writes a huge capital letter V on the board.) Look at the shape of this letter. Can someone describe this shape? Yes, its like a big hole. Yes, its a big angle going down. Can someone tell us the meaning of this word in English? Yes, it is the space between two mo

43、untains. (Teacher draws two big mountains, one on either side of the existing capital letter V.) When you try to remember this word, remember the first letter of this word looks just like what the word means.,alley,Learning strategies training: Creating a mental picture,alley,Strategy training: Iden

44、tifying the pattern,Verbpast tensepast participle bringbroughtbrought buybought bought thinkthoughtthought seek sought sought fightfoughtfought catchcaught caught teachtaughttaught,Learning strategies training: Using a graphic (vocabulary steps,cold,cool,warm,hot,elementary,cold,cool,warm,hot,freezi

45、ng,chilly,mild,Intermediate/advanced,Example of Strategy Training: How to Guess Word Meaning,What does what in a sentence? (Subject/Verb/Object) Look for any context clues Consider what the word sounds like Use your knowledge of word parts Look for punctuation clues Guess Check your guess in the dic

46、tionary,Example: Use Linguistic and World Knowledge to Guess Meaning,The snake slithered through the grass. He was hunting. You must discover what slithered means by using logic. Here are your choices, and the analysis: A) stopped moving the sentence above says THROUGH the grass. Through means there

47、 is some movement. INCORRECT Linguistic B) slept in the grass the sentence above says he is hunting. Snakes dont sleep when they hunt. INCORRECT World Knowledge C) ate something the sentence above says he is hunting. Snakes dont eat when they are hunting. They eat AFTER they hunt. INCORRECT World Kn

48、owledge D) moved or traveled the sentence above says THROUGH the grass. Through means that there is movement. CORRECT Linguistic,Use Linguistic and World Knowledge to Guess Meaning,If you have studied previously in the United States, you should avoid seeking affiliation at your U.S. alma mater. This

49、 is to ensure that you extend your contacts within the U.S. academic community,Example: Use Word Association to Guess Meaning,S: (reads aloud: but however hard the door is slammed or opened) if we opened doors to helplike slammed is destroy or something, not destroy, we can say the doors are like sh

50、ut in front of aid or something. T: How did you know its shut? S: Because it says (opened) there must be closure T: So you got to the meaning from the word (opened)? S: Yes, (opened) and (door) it is usually either opened or closed,Strategy Training: Teaching both content and vocabulary in context,E

51、xplaining destination in wave motion by a physics professor so that either two or three mediums, three dimensional mediums, waves taking different routes to the destination, different phase shifts, . So this is very important. Thats a crucial difference, . . You dont understand destination, . destin

52、ation means aim or goal explicit explanation . Got it? . When you want to have lunch right after these morning classes and you go to the dining room, the dinning room you go and have lunch, the dining room is a destination everyday example; activating background knowledge,Strategy Training,Teaching only a few new strategies at a time Providing strategies practice with different types of tasks Teacher modeling of the strategies Telling students why strategies are important Identifying ways in which students can transfer strategies to new tasks Encourage students to reflec


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