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1、编辑ppt,Write from memory,1.极其的(adj.) 2.强而有力的(adj.) 3.富裕的,富有的(adj.) 4.插嘴(vi. he was here alone yesterday. 这个玻璃杯破了。可能是谁把它掉在地上了? This glass is broken. Who could have dropped it? 没有他的帮忙,我不可能按时完成任务,Without his help, I couldnt have finished the task in time,钱不见了!会是谁拿走的呢,可能是汤姆拿走的;昨天只有他一个人在这儿,编辑ppt,could hav

2、e done 是虚拟语气,表示对过去事情的假设,意思是本来能够做某事而没有做。 本来他能够通过考试,但是他太粗心。 He could have passed the exam, but he was too careless. 你本可以做得更好,但是你没有尽力而为。 You could have done better, but you didnt try your best,编辑ppt,1. -There were already five people in the car, but they managed to take me as well. -It _a fortable jour

3、ney A. cant be B. shouldnt be C. mustnt have been D. couldnt have been 2. Where is my pen? I _it. A. might lose B. would have lost C. should have lost D. must have lost 3. I didnt hear the phone. I _asleep A. must be B. must have been C. should be D. should have been,表猜测,编辑ppt,3) no doubt 无疑, 确实 No

4、doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the way. 他确实想帮忙,然而事实上却只是帮倒忙。 台湾确实属于中国。 _ _Taiwan is part of China. (1) I doubt whether/ if/ There is some doubt whether/I have some doubt whether (2) There is no doubt that/ I have no doubt that/ I dont doubt that,No doubt,编辑ppt,1.毫无疑问他会赢。 Theres _

5、 _ _he will win. 2.对于她是否能通过驾照考试,我表示怀疑。 I _ _she will pass the driving test. 3.毋庸置疑,我一定能够成功。 I _ _/ I _ _ _ _I will succeed. 习惯用语: beyond doubt 毫无疑问 without doubt 无疑,doubt if / whether,dont doubt,have no doubt that,no doubt that,编辑ppt,2. (line 10) In 334 BC, he took his army, now with 42,000 men, int

6、o the Middle East and then Egypt, defeating every army that stood in his path,1).defeating every army在句中作伴随状语 (2).that stood in his path引导定语从句 (3).stand in ones path=stand in ones way意为“妨碍阻拦” He is quite optimistic and insists on carrying out the plan, so youd better not stand in his path. 他相当乐观,坚持要

7、实施这项计划,你最好别阻拦他,编辑ppt,3. (line 11)Then he turned his eye east, and marched all the way to India, finding victory wherever he went,finding victory wherever he went用作伴随状语,意为“所到之处攻无不克” wherever引导地点状语从句,编辑ppt,Important phrases,编辑ppt,line 7) rise up against起义反抗,Many Chinese ordinary people organized thems

8、elves and rose up against the Japanese invaders,编辑ppt,line 17)e down with 患(病,我想我得了流感。 I think Im ing down with flu. e down:流传 这首诗从上世纪开始流传。 The poem came down to us from the last century. *拓展: e up with 找到答案、想到解决方法 e about 发生 e out 发芽,出版,结果是 e across 偶尔遇见或发现 e along 快点,来吧,进展 e to 总计;达到,谈到,提及,编辑ppt,W

9、hen it es to,1._ _ _ _ German, I know nothing. 2.Some flowers have begun to_ _. 3.How did it _ _that he knew where we were? 4.Bob _ _ _a good idea to solve the problem . 5. We _ _an old man lying in the road. 6. The work was _ _quite well,ing along,came across,came up with,e about,e out,编辑ppt,New wo

10、rds,编辑ppt,1. march vi.可赞颂的事物,美丽的日落,adj. _,在全盛期,glorious,编辑ppt,3.(line 8) troop n. special troops engineer troops signal troops 特种部队 A troop of visitors arrived. 一群来访者抵达。 He was surrounded by troops of friends. 他被一群群朋友围住了。 The students trooped into the classroom,士兵;军队,部队(通常用复数,工程兵部队,通讯兵部队,vi. 成群结队地走,

11、编辑ppt,Useful expressions,1. 发生 2.一直以来 3. 在历史中起关键作用 3. 开始 4. 成了国王 5.带领某人做某事 6.长驱直入 7. 控制,take place all through time play key roles in history get started bee king lead sb. to do sth. march all the way to take control of,编辑ppt,the entire /whole world grow tired of divide among spread fromto for centu

12、ries to e,8. 整个世界 9. 对变得厌倦 10. 在中分割/分配 11.将从传播到 12. 在此后数个世纪中,编辑ppt,1. The best way _ these events and changes is to look at the people who played key roles in history,A. to understand B. to understanding C. of understanding,编辑ppt,1. The best way to understand these events and changes is to look at t

13、he people who played key roles in history,1. The students have _ to the school library during the summer holidays. approach B. access C. means D. method,编辑ppt,2. He came up with a new _ to the problem at yesterdays meeting. means approach way method,编辑ppt,3.The role he _in the pany is of great impor

14、tance,is playing takes had made had played,编辑ppt,Key sentences,编辑ppt,1.(line 19)He aways asked challenging questions to everyone he met, upsetting many people in Athens,现在分词作状语,表结果=which upsets. European football is played in 80 countries , _ it the most popular sport in the world . A. making B. mak

15、es C. make D. to make,A,编辑ppt,2. (line 20)Finallly, some people had had enough of him, so they took him to court for questioning the exixtence of the Greek gods and for corrupting the young people of Athens. have had enough of.受够了,对。感到厌烦 I have had enough of your stupid ideas. take sb. to court for

16、(doing) sth.因某人做了某事而将其告上法庭 He was taken to court for a murder. 他因一桩谋杀案而被送上法庭,编辑ppt,Important phrases and words,编辑ppt,The word philosophy means love of wisdom,1. He _ find a job in Shanghai, but finally he went to Hangzhou. 2. Accepting the job _(move) to another city. 3. -Why didnt you e to my birth

17、day party last night? -I , but I had an unexpected guest,Para one,meant to,means moving,meant to,编辑ppt,think of,1) What do you think of sb./sth. =How do you like sb./ sth,2) think of sb. as =regard / consider sb. as,We think of your head teacher as,3) think about think highly of,编辑ppt,earn vt. /vi,谋

18、生 赚大钱 赢得声誉,Para two,earnings,Their earnings _(be) enough to their needs. 他们挣的钱够用了,are,earn ones living earn money earn ones fame,编辑ppt,_how this can be true, we must understand how Socrates taught. To understand B. understanding C. Understood D. having understood,Para three,2. Through this, he challenged his students _(develop) and explain their own arguments,to develop,编辑ppt,3. Many stu


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