



1、安迪幼儿园师生一日英语指令入园Greetings In The Moring老师用语Teacher 幼儿用语Student早上好Good morning早上好Good morning很高兴见到你:Nice to see you我也很高兴见到你Nice to see you too欢迎来到幼儿园:Welcome to our kindergarten谢谢 Thank you你好吗?How are you? 我很好,不错,一般 I am fine,Not bad,just so-so今天星期几?What day is it today今天星期Today is Sunday,(Monday Tues

2、day Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday)我爱你I love you 我也爱你 I love you too午休、盥洗时间 Nap Time Using The Bathroom老师用语Teacher幼儿用语Student下午好Good afternoonGood afternoon请睡觉Please go to bedok请脱衣服Take off your clothes pleaseOk请脱裤子Take off your pants pleaseOk请脱鞋子Take off your shoes please Ok请起床Get up please好的,老

3、师Yes teacher请穿衣Put on your clothes pleaseOk请穿裤子Put on your pants pleaseOk请穿鞋子Put on your shoes pleaseOk请上厕所Go to the bathroom pleaseOk请洗脸Wash your face pleaseOk请喝水Drink some water pleaseok teacher锻炼口令Exercises排队 Line upOk立正Attentionone two看齐Look straight ok手放下Hands downone two准备好了吗Are you readyReady

4、跑步Run加油Come on我们做操吧Let is do some exercisesok谁是最好的Who is the best我是最好的,他她是最好的I am the best He She is the best用餐时间Meal Time老师用语Teacher幼儿用语Student请洗手Please wash your hands好的,老师Yes teacher你们在干什么?What are you doing我们正在吃早餐I am eating breakfast请吃早餐Have breakfast please谢谢 Thank you请不要大声说话Dont talk please好的

5、ok请保持清洁Be clean please好的ok你还想要吗Do you want some more是的,我还想要点米饭(猪肉、牛肉、蔬菜、汤)Yes please I want some more rice(meat beef vegetable soup)你喜欢喝汤吗?Do you like soup是的,我喜欢喝汤。/不,我不喜欢喝汤。Yes,Ilikesoup.No.Idontlikesoup.好吃吗?Is it delicious是的,好吃。不,不好吃。Yes it tastes good。No it tastes bad请擦嘴Wipe your mouth please好的ok

6、谢谢Thank you不用谢You are welcome课堂用语、激励语和指令Lesson Time Encouragement Commands老师用语Teacher幼儿用语Student坐直Sit up straight好的,老师Yes teacher看着我的眼睛Look at my eyes好的,老师Yes teacher听我说Listen to me 好的,老师Yes teacher打开书Open the book好的,老师Yes teacher合上书Close the book好的ok谁是最棒的Who is the best我是最棒的I am the best你今天真棒You were a good girl/boy today谢谢Thank you请安静Shh Be quiet please好的,老师Yes teacher请举手Hands up please手放下Hands down起立Stand up please请坐下Sit down please离园Farewells In The Evening老师用语Teacher幼儿用语S


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