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1、第一节 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。21. Jenny is in depe ndent. She always does many thing.A. myself B. yourself C. himself D. herself22. My gran dpare nts want to live on astreet in stead of a no isy one.A. crowded B. honest C. peaceful D. truthful23. -How are you feeli ng t

2、oday, Jim?-Im feeli ng evendont think the medic ine is good for me.A. worse B. better C. bad D. well24. My youn gerbrotherthe bus to school, but now he always walks to school.A. used to taking B. used to take C. is used to taking D. is used to take25. Betty will callmeupas soonas shein Sha nghai.A.

3、arive B. arrives C. arrived D. will arrive26. _We have n ever heard of the story. What about you?A. So have I B.So did I C. Me, too D. Me neither27. -I dont know where to go this holiday.-Why notKunming? Its beautiful all year round.A. to visit B. visit C. visited D. visit ing28. -have you played th

4、e pia no?-ive years ago.A. How long; For B. How ofte n; For C. How long; Since D. How soon; Since29. Icalled you last ni ght, but no one an sweredmeiOh, Ia shower. naaoareinA.have taken B. was taking C. took D. will take30. Hurry up. The moviefor ten mi nu tes.A. beg ins B. bega n C.has beg un D. ha

5、s bee n on31. China is one ofin the world.A. the oldest country B. the oldest countriesC. the old country D. the old countries32. -Look at the young lady in red over there. Is it Miss Chen?-No, it cant be her. Sheto America.A. have been B. has gone C. has been D. have gone33. ld like to help homeles

6、s people.-You couldood at the food bank to help feed them.A. give out B. run out C. work out D. come out34. -We cant be successfulwe keep work ing hard.-I agree with you.A. if B. uni ess C. because D. whe n35. Could you please go shopp ing with me?Sorry, I have to study for a test.A. I can B. I coul

7、dn C. I dont D. I didn 第二节 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)通读短文,理解其大意,然后从短文后面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。One day, a little boy went to a pet store. He wan ted to buy a dog.Sir, I want to buy_36of your dogs.He said to the store owner.Well, these dogs come from fine parents. But they are not cheap, said t

8、he owner.I have fty dollars. Is that_37 to buy one? asked the boy.Sure, said the store owner. Then he called, Here, Dolly!The lttle boy saw Dolly running out 38 the doghouse followed by four other dogs. Whe n hesaw all those 39, he felt very happy. But the Ittle boy also 40 a small dog in side thedo

9、ghouse. There was something wrong with one of its feet. And it was 41 than the others.I want that one. The lttle boy poin ted to the smallest dog.Oh, no. It will _42 beable to run and play with you like these other dogs. said thowner.When the boy 43 this, he took off one of his shoes. The store owne

10、r was . 44 to find that there was someth ing wrong with his foot.The lttle boy . 45 the store owner and said, You see, sir. I dont run too well myself,and the dog will n eed some one who un dersta nds.36.A.allB.oneC.mostD.some37.A.enoughB.freeC.fairD.rapid38.A.forB.withC.inD.of39.A.an imalsB.doghous

11、esC.peopleD.owners40.A.fou ndB.lostC.sharedD.refused41. A.cuterB.luckierC.smallerD.taller42.A. alwaysB.ofte nC.sometimesD.never43.A.allowedB.heardC.se ntD.touched44.A.angryB.excitedC.shameD. surprised45.A.cared forB.closed toC.looked atD.picked up第三部分阅读理解Several days ago, Iwe nt into a small restaur

12、a nt to have lunch after visit ing a sick frie nd in thehospital. WhileI was hav ing lun ch, I found an old woma n bought only some French fries.She sat there alone and ate the French fries. Then, she asked the salesg ini how much she would pay fora cup of drink. The salesgirl said the prices of the

13、 drinks were different, so it would depend on which one she bought.After hearing this, the woman walked to the drinks and chose one. When she turned back, to the cashier quickly and paid for her drink. Then I told her that and wished her a Happy New Year.After a while, when I was walking to the elev

14、ator , I met the woman again. She smiled at me and said hello to me.The drink was not expensive enough at all, but it made me feel warm andit also made theold woman know that there were a lot of friendly people around her.46. Where did the story happen?A. On the street. B. In a restaurant.47. What d

15、id the old woman buy?A. Some fried chicken. B. Some drinks.48. Who paid for the old womans drink?A. The old woman.B. The salesgirl.C. In a bank.D. In a hospital.D. Some bread.C. Some French fries.C. The old man.D. The writer.49. The underinedwordcashier means in Chinese.A.收银台B.更衣室C.阳台D.手术室50. what d

16、oes the writer want to tell us by writing this passage?A All the drinks in the restaurant were expensiveB. There are different drinks in the restaurant.C. We should be friendly to people around usD. The writer paid for the womans drink.Many young people are looking forward to getting their driving l

17、icense . How do you get it in different countries around the world?Lots of countries, such as India, China, Japan and Pakistan choose 18 years old as their legal driving age. In New Zealand, its younger. But in 2010, New Zealand changed its legal driving age from 15 to 16. It hopes to make roads saf

18、er. In severalEuropean countries,drivers below the legal driving age are allowed to drive if they have parental supervision .For example, in Germany and Norway, the legal drivingageis18 years old. But drivers about 16or 17 can drive with parental supervision. America has different legal driving ages

19、, although generally the legal driving age without supervision is 16 across the country.The legal driving age has a lot to do with the car culure of the county.Its geography also plays a role. In contries swith large arra and small populaton, the legal dvingage might be younger than you expect.Young

20、er driving ages give pople greater independent, because they are able to see larger countryside more freely.51. Howolddo youhaveto be 10 geta diving icene ifyou are in Japan?A. 15 years old.B.16 years old. C.17 years old. D. 18 years old.52. Whydid New Zealand change is legal diving age?A. Because i

21、t wants to make roads safer.B. Because the young are too busy to leam to dive.C. Because many parents cant buy a car for their children.D. Because it doesnt want young people to spend too much time in diving.53. A17-year -old boy can drive in Germanyif.A. he is in a quiet streetB. his mom or dad is

22、with himC. his mom or dad agreesD. he passes a specia! test54. What does the legal driving age in a country have to do with according to the passage?A.The countys weather and building.B. The countrys car culture. and weather.C. The countys buildings and geography.D. The countrys car culture and geog

23、raphy.55. Whats the passage mainly about?A. Driving rules for young drivers.B. Reasons for younger driving ages.C. Legal driving ages in different countries.D. Driving licenses in different countries.第四部分 口语运用(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从方框中选择恰当的句子将对话补全,使其通顺达意。请将方框中句子的番号A、B、C、D或E填涂在答题卡上。B. What about you?D. Ha

24、ve a good time.A. I havent decided yet.C. How long will you be away?E. When are you leaving?A: Have you made any holiday pla ns?B: Yes, Ive decided to go camp ing.A: Thats great!5 B: Fora week. I only have a five - day holiday.A:57B: Pl probably leave n ext week.A: And where are you going?B: 58 Perh

25、aps I will go to one of the forest parks.A: Forest parks? That sounds won derful.B:59Where do you plan to go?A: I will stay at home. A famous band will perfom in our city in a few days. They will play some famouscountry music.It is interesting. Then theyre going to go on a world tour.B: Wow! Fa ntas

26、tic!60A: Tha nk you!II卷(共30分)第五部分(共三节,满分30分)第一节单词拼写(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据句意及汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式,并将答案写在答题卡上指定的位置61. Last weeke nd I went to the forest park and saw two cute(狐狸).62. The con tyside is a(完美的)place to take a holiday.63. Whe n the rainstorm(突然)came, I was walki ng to the supermarket.64.Our En gl

27、ish teacher often(鼓励)us to study En glish hard.65. My friend Ted(借给)his new bike to me. I felt excited.第二节短文填空把所填单词的正的形式马在各题下上指定的生街文根据短文内容在方框内选择活当的单同井用其活当形式填空,使短文通顺enough, laugh, dream, save, all, however, hink, when, from, dive FollowYour Dream is a famous TV show in Amecica. It is mai nly for chil

28、dre n It helpes chidre n to follow their 66 : Many childre n came to join in the show.One day,a seve n-yer-old gir_ 67 Mary came t0 the show. During the show, the host James asked Mary, Hi May! Welcome! What would you like to be _ 68 you grow up?I want to be a pilot! said little Mary.Being a pilot is really cool. Lets imagi ne that one day you are 69 a pla ne over the Pacific, but your pla ne does nt have_ 70 fuel (燃料). What would you do? James contin ued.Every one there was wait ing for the little girls an swer. Mary_


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