



1、Section BI. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1. I cantstand _ ( 动画片 ). They are so boring.2. The small town is _( 著名的 ) for its beautiful mountains and lakes.3. David is interested in Chinese _ ( 文化 ).4. Friday is believed to be an _ ( 不吉利的 ) day.5. Don tplay a _ ( 玩笑 ). We are talking about a serious thing.6. When he

2、 was at the age of 17, he joined the _ ( 部队 ).7. The boy _ ( 期盼 ) to get a new bike on his birthday.8. Don tdo the _ ( 无意义的 ) things again. We don thave enough time.9. A _ ( 富有的 ) man built a school in this village.10. Ten years later, he _ (成为 ) an excellent lawyer.答案 : 1. cartoons 2. famous 3. cul

3、ture 4. unlucky 5. joke 6. army 7. expects 8. meaningless 9. rich 10. becameII. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 他总是准备着帮助别人。He is _ _ _ help others.2. 这些学生中的大多数都通过了这次考试。_ _ the students passed the exam.3. 我希望有一天能买一个带花园的房子。I _ _ buy a house _ a garden.4. 其中一个主要的原因是他太懒了。_ _ _ _ _ is that he is too lazy.5. 刚才谁打破了一个杯子 ?_

4、_ a glass just now?6. 为什么不和我共享这个蛋糕呢?_ _ _ the cake with me?7. 这个男孩试着找到他的父母 , 但是他没找到。The boy _ _ _ his parents, but he failed.8. 没有人知道这个高个子男人来自哪里。Nobody knows _ the tall man _ _.9. 他们的家庭生活和我们相似 , 喜欢的食品和爱好也相同。Their familylife_ _ _ ours, and they enjoy the same food andhobbies.10. 当你面临危险时 , 你必须保持冷静。You

5、 must keep calm when you _ _ _.答案 : 1. always ready to 2. Most of 3. hope to; with 4. One of the main reasons 5. Who breaks 6.Why not share 7. tried to find 8. where; comes from 9. is similar to 10. face any dangerIII. 完形填空。A few years ago, I worked in a school. It was Christmas Day. I _1_ withthe s

6、chool sChristmas party. I2as Father Christmas at the party. My fantastic( 极好的 )3reallyattracted(吸引 ) lots of children.I enjoyed4very much. I made so many young children5. Among the children therewas a special boy. He visited me for a(n)6time and then for a third. The presents werent第 1页really enough

7、,7I asked him why he was coming to see me so often. He answered, “ I 8love talking to you.”Then I learnt that, in many families, parents do not9their children to talk and really listento them. I learned a(n)10in my life. So, we should always ask family and friends to talkabout themselves and their f

8、eelings and really listen.() 1. A. agreedB. helpedC. stoppedD. forgot() 2. A. looked afterB. got upC. looked upD. dressed up() 3. A. lookB. voiceC. nameD. party() 4. A. meB. himC. myselfD. himself() 5. A. sadB. happyC. friendlyD. alive() 6.A. oneB. anotherC. firstD. second() 7.A. soB. butC. andD. if

9、() 8.A. neverB. alsoC. justD. still() 9.A. allowB. encourageC. buyD. let() 10. A. lessonB. adviceC. wayD. project答案: 1-5 BDACB6-10 DACBAIV. 阅读理解。Peggy was a good girl, but she didn t like talking to others. It changed when she and her familymoved to a new place.At the new place, Peggy found an old h

10、ouse near theirs. There were many old things in it. She found an old book. It could shine. Then Peggy took the book to her room. That night, she sat with her dog and started reading it. It was a storybook.Then her dog suddenly started speaking to her, “ What an interesting book!”Peggy couldn t belie

11、ve it, but the dog continued.It told her many things and asked her questions.Peggy was surprised and asked, How can“you speak?”“ I don t know,” answered theMaybedog. it was “the boo k that did it.”Peggy showed the book to some other animals. They all started talking, too. Soon Peggy talked with a do

12、g, three cats, two doves( 鸽子 ), a parrot, and five lizards( 蜥蜴 ). She found it was fun to talk to others. Then she began to talk with other children, trying to know more about their lives. Finally she had more friends and became happier.() 1. What kind of girl is Peggy?A. Lively.B. Bad.C. Quiet.D. D

13、eaf.() 2. The underlined word“ believe” means“ _ ” in Chinese.A. 相信B. 描述C. 找到D. 阅读() 3. Which of the following is RIGHT?A. Peggy found the old book at school.B. The dog knew why it could talk.C. At last Peggy still wouldn tlike to talk with others.D. Peggy started reading the book with her dog that night.() 4. How many kinds of animals did Peggy talk with?A. Four.B. Fiv


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