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1、雅思双语阅读材料之十大安全航空公司 今天给大家带来了雅思双语阅读材料之十大安全航空公司,希望能够帮助到大家在雅思阅读中拿高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思双语阅读材料之十大安全航空公司australian flag carrier qantas named worlds safest airline飞行安全哪家强?全球十大安全航空公司名单出炉australian flag carrier qantas has been named the worlds safest airline in a report published by airlineratings on wednesday

2、.国际独立航空评级网站airlineratings于本月6日发布了一份含(20xx年)全球十大最安全航空公司榜单的报告,澳大利亚航空蝉联榜首。using a system that takes into account audits from aviation governing bodies and governments, as well as fatality records, qantas was named as the safest and most experienced airline going into 20xx.根据美国联邦航空管理局、国际民航组织等航空监管机构和各国政府

3、的安全审计,以及各航空公司的失事纪录组成的评价体系,airlineratings分别评选出了20xx年最安全航空公司和最安全的廉价航空公司榜单。qantas, who is in its 95th year of operation, was hailed for“an extraordinary record of firsts”in terms of its safety history and ranked the best of 449 airlines, including low-cost carriers, assessed by the website.拥有94年运营经验的澳大

4、利亚航空从该网站监控的449家航空公司(含廉价航空)中脱颖而出,再次高居最安全航空公司榜首。它蝉联的理由是:在飞行安全史上“非凡的记录”。the website went on to marvel at qantas fatality-free record in the jet era, given the aforementioned statistics.该网站认为,根据统计数据,澳航最令人惊讶的成绩莫过于自喷气式飞机时代至今零死亡率的飞行记录。airlineratings praised qantas for the way in which it monitors the engin

5、es of its aircraft using satellite communications, saying“doing so allows the airline to detect problems before they become a major safety issue.”airlineratings还称赞了澳航使用卫星通信监控飞机发动机的技术,称其“可在出现严重安全事故之前及时监测到安全问题。”the remainder of the top 10 in terms of the worlds safest airlines was air new zealand, bri

6、tish airways, cathay pacific, emirates, etihad airways, eva air, finnair, lufthansa and singapore airlines.其余九大世界最安全航空公司为:新西兰航空、国泰航空、英国航空、阿联酋航空、阿提哈德航空、长荣航空、芬兰航空、汉莎航空和新加坡航空。the report follows the worst year for fatal air accidents over the last decade, with airlineratings mentioning the malaysian air

7、lines flights mh370 and mh17, in addition to the airasia flight qz8501, as the industrys worst incidents.该报告还表示,过去的一年无疑是近十年来航空史上最黑暗的一年:马航mh370(失踪)、mh17(被击落),以及亚航qz8501(失联)都是航空史上最悲惨的空难。however, despite the record amount of deaths, the overall number of accidents throughout 20xx was at an all-time low

8、. certainly, 21 fatal air accidents with 986 fatalities - higher than the 10-year average - is sickening,the report said. however, the worlds airlines carried a record 3.3 billion passengers on 27 million flights. two of the crashes last year - mh370 and mh17 - were unprecedented in modern times and

9、 claimed 537 lives. flashback 50 years and there were a staggering 87 crashes killing 1,597 when airlines carried only 141 million passengers - 5 percent of todays number.虽然20xx年全年的空难数量创下历史新低,但是空难死亡人数很高。报告称“21次空难, 986人遇难,这一高于过去十年的平均纪录无疑令人胆寒。去年一年共有航班2700万次,运送旅客33亿人次。仅马航mh370和mh17这两次空难就造成了537人遇难。即使回到

10、50年前,飞行旅客人数(1.41亿)只有今天的5%,空难数量高达87次,死亡人数才只有1597人。”雅思阅读倒装句使用解析1.down came the “white only” notices in buses, hotels, trains, restaurants, sporting events, rest rooms and on park benches that once could be found everywhere throughout the south.结构全句有2个谓语动词:came,could be。其中主句的是:came。按照正常语序句子主干应该是:the “w

11、hite only” notices came down. notices后面的介词短语,作为后置定语修饰notices。介词短语后面还有一个that引导的定语从句修饰notices。为了避免主语部分过于冗长,因而将主谓倒装。2.由否定词(not/never/little/no sooner/not until/hardly/rarely/scarcely/seldom/nowhere)开头的句子引起部分倒装.little did we expect that he would fulfill his task so rapidly.no sooner do i get one problem

12、 settled before another appears.3.splendid is the architecture of manhattan, the heart of the city, with its hundred and more skyscrapers.结构全句只有1个谓语动词:is。本句是一个完全倒装句。按照正常语序应该是:the architecture of manhattan, the heart of the city, with its hundred and more skyscrapers, is splendid.4.从属连接词 “no sooner.t

13、han, scarcely.when, hardly.when”等表示“一就”概念时,且“no sooner, scarcely,hardly置于旬首时,引起部分倒装。此结构中的谓语动词用“过去完成时(从句)+过去时(主句)hardly had he arrived when she heard the telephone ring.no sooner had we gone home than it began to rain heavily.5.worse perhaps was the idea of saturday afternoon cricket; most of my frie

14、nds would be enjoying leisure at that time.结构全句有2个谓语动词:was和would be。整句话由两个简单句构成,其中第一个简单句是一个完全倒装句,按照正常语序应该是:the idea of saturday afternoon cricket was perhaps worse。6.虚拟条件句中若有“were,should,had,”时。可省略“if,引起部分倒装.should it rain tomorrow, i shall stay at home.were i you,1 wouldnt buy this book.7.only when

15、 he has lost his way does he realize that he wasnt careful enough to make sure that he really did understand.结构全句有4个谓语动词:has,does realize,wasnt和did understand.。其中主句的是:does realize。本句话是以only开头的强调句,其所强调的是when引导的条件状语从句。第一个that引导的是realize的宾语从句。第一个that引导的是make sure的宾语从句。8.were it left to me to decide whe

16、ther we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without government, i should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.结构 全句有3个谓语动词:were,should have和should hesitate。其中主句的是:should hesitate。本句是一个条件式虚拟倒装句。前半部分是一个if引导的条件状语从句,按照正常语序为:if it were left to me to decide。whether引导的是decide的宾语

17、从句。9.当“sothat”中的“so”位于句首时,引起部分倒装;如果谓语为“be”,则引起全部倒装。其构成倒装的基本结构为“so+形容词/情态动词/to be十主语”so fast did he run that i couldnt keep up with him.so loudly did he speak that students at the back heard him clearly.提高雅思阅读速度的两个锦囊第一个锦囊:科学分布阅读做题时间很多烤鸭一拿到试卷就一头埋进了题海,其实这是不对的。大家不要着急,先花两三分钟时间扫描每篇雅思阅读*头一两个句子,定位*难易程度。虽然平均


19、考题,在此句停留无疑是白白浪费时间。所以,意味着以最快捷的方式了解雅思阅读*大意,从而正确引导下一步做具体的题,而不至于出现大方向的理解错误。雅思阅读之分词短语做后置定语相关介绍1. the most common procedure for doing this is negotiation, the act of communication intended to reach agreement.结构分析:过去分词短语intended to reach agreement是the act of communication的后置定语,the act of communication inte

20、nded to reach agreement是negotiation的同位语,对negotiation进行解释。中文译文:做这件事的最常用的方法是谈判一种想要达成一致的交流的行为。小窍门:过去分词短语做后置定语在ielts阅读中经常出现。因为形式相同.有时,容易理解为谓语(过去式).从而造成理解上的障碍。怎样区分动词加ed形式是谓语(过去式),还是后置定语(过去分词短语)呢?有两种方法:(1看它与前面的词是主动还是被动的关系。是主动,则是谓语,过去式。如果是被动的关系,则是后置定语,过去分词短语。如上面例句中,intended to reach agreement与communication

21、是被动的关系,所以是过去分词短语做后置定语。(2)看句子中,是否有其他的谓语成分。一个句子中,只能有一个谓语成分,所以,如果该句已有了一个确定无疑的谓语,那么这个ed只能是过去分词短语了。如上面的例句中,is肯定是谓语,所以intended不能再是谓语了。2. yet, a father accepting responsibility for behavior problems is linked with positive outcomes.结构分析:accepting responsibility for behavior problems是现在分词短语做father的后置定语。中文译文:一个接受行为问题责任的父亲是和正面的结果相联系的。3. expeditioners heading south were issued with pamphlets listing five-letter codes covering almost every conceivable situation so they could com


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