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1、威宁六中高三第二轮专题复习暨分层走班教学校本教材阅读技能与试题设计完形填空2003年颁布的普通高中英语课程标准(实验)明确提出 高中阶段要着重提高学生 用英语获取信息和处理信息,分析问题和解决问题的能力 ”,这就要求学生要不断地提高相 应的阅读技能。一般来说完形填空的体裁有记叙文、应用文、说明文、议论文、夹叙夹议等等,考查类型包括词义辨析、短语辨析、基本句型、基础语法、固定搭配、习惯表达、逻辑 推理等等。新课标规定的完形填空的阅读技能测试要点如下:.5.6.7.理解主旨大意;寻读具体信息; 理解细节;根据上下文提供语境推测生词词义,进而加深对文段的理解; 简单的判断和推理;理解文

2、段的基本逻辑结构; 理解作者的意图和态度; 理解文段的文化信息。8.测试方式共有11种,而其中的完形填空也是历届高考必有的题型之一,所占分值比例 较大,并且由于在试卷中所处的位置较前,因此如何能在短时间内更好的完成这类试题对考生的影响较大:完形填空做得好,则考生对后面的试题就越有信心。二.完形填空真题再现NMET 2008 (浙江卷)完形填空所给的短文是以作者的父亲给他童年生活带来的爱与 欢乐而展开的回忆与联想。试题原文如下:In the dep ths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These thi n

3、gs come torep rese nt, i n fact, what I call _21_and love.I don t remember my father ever getting into a swimming tool. But he did _22_the water.Any ki nd of _23_ride seemed to give him pl easure. _24_he loved to fish; sometimes he tookme along.But I n ever really liked being on the water, the way m

4、y father did. I liked being _25_thewater, moving through it, _26_it all around me. I was not a strong _27_, or one who lear ned to swim early, for I had my _28_. But I loved being in the swim ming pool close to my fatheroffice and _29_those summer days with my father, who _30_ come by on a break. I

5、n eededhim to see what I could do. My father would sta nd there in his suit, the _31_person not inswimsuit.After swim min g, I would go _32_ his office and sit on the woode n chair in front of his bigdesk, where he let me _33_anything I found in his top desk drawer. Sometimes, if I was leftalone at

6、his desk _34_ he worked in the lab, an assista nt or a stude nt might come in and tell me第30题B,由后面两句可得知父亲会在休息时过来看我”特别后面提到 “My fatherp erha ps I should nn0, it s _37A p oet once said,t be playing with his _35_. But my father always _36_and said easily,” Sometimes he han ded me coins and totefetne 38_

7、 an ice cream“ We look at life on ce, in childhood,; the rest is _39_.” And I thinnot only what wechildhood, look at us.21.A. desire B. joy C. an ger D. worry22.A. avoid B. refuse C. p raise D. love23.A. boat B. bus C. train D. bike24.A. But B. The n C. And D. Still25.A. on B. off C. by D. in26.A. h

8、av ing B. leavi ng C. making D. gett ing27.A. swimmer B. rider C. walker D. runner28.29.A. hopes B. faiths C. rights D. fearsA. spending B. savi ng C. wasti ng D. ruining30.A. should B. would C. had to D. ought to31.A. n ext B. only C. other D. last32.A. away from B. out of C. by D. in side33.A. put

9、 up B. break dow n C. p lay with D. work out34.A. the mome nt B. the first time C. while D. before35.A. fish ing net B. office things C. woode n chair D. lab equipment36.A. stood up B. set out C. showed up D. turned out37.A. fine B. stra nge C. terrible D. funny38.A. the stude nt B. the assista nt C

10、. myself D. himself39.A. memory B. wealth C. exp erie nee D. p ractice40.相对于科技类文章而言,这篇叙述性的完形填空是比较简单的,但由于考查的内容除对文章主旨的理解外还涉及到细节的判断和推理,这正是这类题型的难度所在之处。完形填空解题技巧A. which B. who C. what D. whose现以NMET 2008 (浙江卷)完形填空为例, 题技巧。笔者愿与大家一起探讨从中发现的一些解(一)前后呼应法做完形填空时,要始终抓住文章本身,联系 基调,小语境一一空格前后句子所构成的语境;全文中心和双语境”来判断,既大语境

11、再根据前有伏笔后有呼应的思路来做题。如:“look at once, in childhood” that determ ines our memories, but _40_, in that第21题B,根据后面作者所回忆的事情来判断,他的父亲带给他的应是爱与欢乐,所 以选B:joy,而其他选项都没有给出相应的事情来呼应。第22题D,由这一段的最后一句“he loved to fish;及第三段的第一句“But I never reallyliked be ing on the water, the way my father did. 可知父亲喜欢水及一些水上活动。因此第 23 题也就能很

12、快找到正确答案是A: boat。would stand there in his suit,同样这儿用 would 更合理。“sit on the第32题D,这一段是讲作者在游泳后到他父亲的办公室里玩耍。与后面的woode n chair in front of his big desk 相呼应。”第 33题 C,与 35题所在的句子 -perhaps I shouldn t be playing with his 35 相呼应,” 因此 35 题的答案也能从 33 题 “-where he let me _33_anything I found in his top desk drawer.

13、中推断出是C。第38题C,由文章大意可知道父亲应是十分爱我”的,所以有时还会给我”钱买冰淇淋吃。这是与文章的大语境相呼应的。第39题A,作者认为不仅是我们童年所看到的事物决定了我们的记忆,而且还包括那时关爱我们的人。所以诗人所说的“the rest就应该是 memory与下一句的“determines ourmemories相呼应。(二)But转折法在完形填空题中,but 一词前后通常会设题。文中一出现but,应该马上想到前后语意有转折,只要知道其中一方的语意,就可以推出另一方的意思,所以在做题时,遇到类似but的词,如:however, nevertheless, whereas, yet等

14、,也可以同样处理,以便于从文中找到 解题的依据。仍旧以 NMET 2008 (浙江卷)完形填空为例:第 25 题 D,由这一段的第一句 “But I never really liked being on the water, he way my father did 及后面的 “moving through it,可知 “I liked being in the water.”第37题A,当父亲的学生或助手认为我”不应该玩他办公室里的东西时,父亲却总是轻松地表示没有关系。所以第37题答案很明显是 A : fine。以下就笔者在2008年第一学期从事高一英语教学实践过程中遇到的完形填空为例,发

15、 现的其他一些解题技巧。(三)绝对矛盾法绝对矛盾法是从选项着手分析,若四个选项中有两个选项是绝对矛盾和对立,那么正确选项大多在这两个对立项之间产生。二者必居其一.至于究竟是两者中的哪一个,则需要进一步根据上下文的语境来判断。例如在浙江省湖州中学教学讲义高一英语模块一、二(2008,9)第120页,完形填空第二段:Most computers have a memory(存储器).They can work millions of times3thanman. That means in formati on can be put in4and be take n out any time wh

16、e n n eeded.第 3 题的选项分别是 A.slow B. slower C. fast D. faster据观察应选用比较级,所以先排除A和C,在根据后面的一句及我们的常识可知,电脑的工作效率要比人快,所以在B,D这两个对立项中,自然就可以很轻松地把正确答案选出来了。又如第90页的完形填空:The Great Wall, one of the greatest won ders of the world, was en listed in the World Heritage in 1987. Just1_ a drago n, it winds its way from east

17、to west of China. With a history of morethan 2000 years. Some sect ions are now in ruins or eve n entirely 2 .第 2 题的选项分别是 A.appeared B. missed C. went D. disappeared显然A和D是对立项,根据题意可知长城的一些部分已经破败不堪,甚至完全消失, 故答案就是D. disappeared。Jazz is America高中学习丛书英语高一(Book1,2 )第101页的完形填空中有一部分是这样的:s con tributio n to5mu

18、sic. Comp ared to classical music, which _6_ formal European traditi on s, jazz is a free form.第 5 题的选项分别是 A.classical B. scared C. popular D. light其中A与C相对立,通过后一句“Compared to classical music,可知正确选项为 C。(四)同义复现法同义复现是英语中常见的一种现象。为强调某一意思,但又不想重复使用某个词或短语。 在完形填空题中,同义词或同义短语的位置多半比较靠近,很容易找到,所以同义复现法是很好的解题技巧。无须过

19、多的推理,只需确定是哪里使用了同义复现,然后从选项中找出与之相符合的一项即可。如2007学年第一学期期末考试样卷(湖州市)高一英语完形填空的第三段:That ni ght he wrote a seve n-p age paper describ ing his 45 of someday owning a horse ran ch. He wrote his dream in great detail and _46_ drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch _47_ the locai on of everth ing imp orta nt there.第

20、45 题的选项分别是 A. mind B. chanee C. goal D. design正确答案C: goal与下一句中的dream同义,并且结合上下文得出他写了37页纸来描述他自己的目标,也就是他的梦想。I was worried and I sank in my thoughts. I did n_20_ Steven did n第19题的选项分别为第20题的选项分别为第20题的正确选项为t eve n19_ that the coffee was bad,高中学习丛书英语高一(Book1,2 )第82页的完形填空最后一段: t notice there was a person ne

21、xt to him.A. p rete nd B. un dersta nd C. in sist D. realizeA. as if B. just as C. just after D. even thoughB. just as。由此可知第19题的正确选项应与由“just as引导的从句中的谓语动词“notice同义,故选D. realize。四.解题指导无论是哪种形式的阅读技能检测,只有在平时的课堂教学中扎实学生的语言基础,才使学生稳步提高用英语获取信息,处理信息,发现问题和解决问题的能力。无法想象一位词汇贫乏,语法不通,句子结构不清的学生能在完形填空题中得高分。所以作为教师的我们有

22、义务从小处着手,从细节做起,逐渐地培养学生的解题能力。具体可以从以下几点做起:(一)词汇分类可以单元或模块为单位,把其中的近义词,反义词等归类,这样就能使学生在遇到有同义反复或绝对矛盾题型时,更快地找到正确的答案。如在Book 1里就有这样一些近义词或词组:opinion, view; destroy, damage; as if, as though; be concerned about, care about; right away, at once 等。反义词或词组有: generous, mean; selfish, selfless; equal, unfair; be fond

23、of, be tired of; thi nk highly of, thi nk little of 等。(二)句子衔接注意句子和句子之间的衔接,可应用不同的连接词连接相同的两个句子,观察其产生的意义有何不同。在平时的阅读中也可以指导学生善于发现句子和句子或段落和段落之间的连 接词,并适时对连接词进行总结和归类。例如:表示并歹y的有:and, too, what s more, in addition, as well等表示因果的有:beacause, since, so that, therefore, as a result等;表示转折或对比的有:while, however, on o

24、ne hand。n the other hald;表示总结的有:all in all, in a word, i n con clusi on 等。明白了句子与句子之间的关系,学生就能更快地理解文章的主旨,也能从细节中更有把握地推断出一些有用的信息。(三)讲究策略做完形填空的速度不能太慢,一般要在8分钟内完成,否则有可能会造成后面的试题来不及做。那些平时习惯于逐个单词阅读的学生,容易造成思维中断,不能快速把握文章的主旨,因此教师要帮助其纠正这种不良的阅读方法和习惯。良好的阅读习惯不仅要求学生快速把握文章大意,也要求其在阅读过程中注重细节,特别要正确把握反映作者观点和态度的细节。教师可以通过引导

25、学生对反映细节的文字加以理解与概括,培养学生分析、概括、演绎和归纳的能力,从而达到既不忽视文章细节,又能正确把握文章中心思想的能力。有了良好的阅读技能,学生不仅能在做完形填空时游刃有余,而且还能从整体上提高英语考试的成绩。完形填空的方法多种多样,题型也是千变万化,关键在于同学们在日常的生活中多练,在此小编跟大家分享多年完形填空高分的经验,希望能帮助各位同学。1、拿到题目以后先大概浏览一下题目是关于什么,如果是记叙文最好把里面的主人公当成自己或是最亲近的 人。2、试做。试做好比是将一篇有温度、有哲理、温暖人心的故事向别人一一到来,不会 做的往后跳,当然在做题目的过程中得学会瞻前顾后。3、检查、相

26、信第一感觉除非有百分之百的把握再改。当然,看懂文章的前提是要求大家一定要有一定的词汇量,而词汇量的累积在于平时的积累,在此建议大家一定要把一套试卷发挥到极致,比如完形填空做完一定不能扔,晚上睡觉之前将老师讲这篇文章的情形情景再现在大脑中像放电影一样过一篇。五、即时训练及答案第一篇In our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in life , a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory _(1) _course about 20 yea

27、rs ago.The professor _ (2) _the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans (豆),and invited the students to _ (3) _ how many beans the jar contained.After _ ( 4) _ shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin , dry smile , announced the (5) _ an swer, and wen

28、t on say ing ,“ You have just (6) _ an important less on about scie nce.Thatis: Never _ ( 7) _ your own senses.”Twenty years later, the _ (8) _ could guess what the professor had in mind.He _ (9) _himself, perhaps, as inviting his students to start an exciting _ (10) _ into an unknown world in visib

29、le (无形的) to the _(11), which can be discovered only through scie ntific _(12)_.But the seve ntee ny earold girl could not acce pt or even _ (13)_ the in vitati on .She was just _(14) to understand the world.And she _( 15) _ that her firsthand experienee could be the _(16).The professor,however,said

30、that it was _( 17)_.He was taking away her only _( 18)_ for knowing and was p rovidi ng her with no substitute(替代). I remember feeli ng small and(19), ” the woman says and I did the only thing I could do.I (20) _ the course that after noon , and I have nt gone n ear scie nee since.(1)A.artB . histor

31、y C. scieneeD. math(2)A.searched for B. looked atC . got through D . marched(3)A.countB. guessC.reportD.watch(4)A.warningB . givingC.turning away D . liste ning to(5)A.readyB . po ssibleC.correctD . difficult(6)A.IearnedB . prep aredC . taughtD. taken(7)A.loseB . trustC .sharpenD.show(8)A.lecturerB

32、. scie ntist C . sp eakerD . woman(9)A.describedB . resp ectedC . sawD . served(10)A.voyageB . moveme ntC. changeD . rush(11)A.pro fessorB . eyeC . kno wledgeD . light(12)A.modelB . sen sesC . sp iritD . methods(13)A.hearB . makeC.p rese ntD . refuse(14)A.suggestingB. beginningC . p rete ndingD . wa

33、it ing(15)A.believedB . doubtedC. p rovedD . explained(16)A.growthB . stre ngthC . faithD . truth(17)A.firmB . in terest ingC . wrongD . acce ptable(18)A.taskB . toolC .successD . conn ecti on(19)A.cruelB . proudC.frighte nedD . brave(20)A.dr oppedB . startedC. passedD . missed答案into(1) C根据第二段第 41空格

34、后面的 “an important lesson about scienee可知应选scienee,表示 理科,自然科学”。(2) Dsearch for意为 寻找”;look at意为 看”;get through意为 通过,穿过,接通”;march into 意为 走进”。根据上下文判断应选D项,表示 教授走进报告厅”。(3) B根据下文“wildly wrong guesses判断此处教授是让学生们猜猜坛子里有多少豆子。(4) Dwarn意为 提醒,警告”;give意为 给予”;turn away意为 转过去,驱逐”;listen to意 为 听”。根据当时的情景判断,教授听”了学生的胡

35、乱猜测。(5)C教授宣布的当然是 “正确 ”答案,所以选 correct。6)Alearn a lesson意为 获得教训”符合教授要表达的意思。teach sb.a lesson意为 教训某人”。7)Blose senses意为 失去感觉 ” trust senses意为 相信感觉 ” sharpen senses意为 强化意识 ” show senses意为 表现感觉”根据语境判断应选B项。句意:永远不要相信你自己的感觉。(8)D根据上下文可知, 20 年后这位 “妇女”猜出了教授的想法。(9)Cdescribe.as.意为 把描述成 ”;respect.as.意为 把尊为”;see.as

36、.意为 把看做”;serve.as.意为 把用于”。根据句意判断C项最佳,表示 把 自己看成是的人”10)Avoyage意为 航程,旅行” movement意为 运动” change意为 变化” rush意为 匆忙, 繁忙”。根据句意判断应选 A 项,表示 “开始进入未知世界的一次激动人心的旅程 ”。(11)B对眼睛来说是无形的 ”,也就是说用肉眼看不到的。根据上下文判断应选 B 项,表示12)Dmodel 意为 “模型,型号,模范 ”; 意为 “方法,方式 ”。根据句意判断应选senses意为 感觉,意识 ” spirit 意为 精神” methods D 项,表示 “只能通过科学的方法去发

37、现 ”。(13)A根据表示递进意义的副词even,并结合全文最后这位妇女说的话不难看出选hear,表示“没有听进教授所说的话 ”。14)Bsuggest意为 建议,表明” begin to do sth.意为 开始做某事” pretend to do sth.意为 假 装做某事”;wait to do sth.意为 等着做某事”根据上一句可知,当时这位姑娘只有17岁,说明她刚刚 开始”理解这个世界,所以选择B项。(15)Abelieve 意为 “相信 ”; doubt 意为“怀疑 ”; prove 意为 “证明 ”; explain 意为 “解释 ”。根据后 面的句子判断,应选 A 项,表示

38、“她相信最初的体验可能是真实的 ”。16)Dgrowth意为 成长” strength意为 力量” faith意为 信念” truth意为 事实”根据语 境可知选 D 项。(17)C根据表示转折意义的 however 判断应选 C 项,表示 “教授说(最初的体验)是错误的 ”。18)B根据句意判断应选 B项,表示认识(未知世界)的唯一工具 ”。(19) Ccruel意为 残忍的”;proud意为 自豪的”;frightened意为 害怕的”;brave意为 勇敢的”。 与感觉渺小”意义一致的应该是害怕的”,故选C项。(20) Adrop意为 放弃”;start意为 开始”;pass意为 通过”

39、;miss意为 错过”。根据上文的描 述看出,被教授伤害后,我放弃”了这门课程。第二篇I used to hate being called upon in class mainly because I did nt like attention drawn to myself.And (1) _ otherwise assigned (指定)a seat by the teacher; I always (2) _to sit at the back of the classroom.All this _ (3)_after I joined a sports team.It began w

40、hen a teacher suggested I try out forthe basketball team.At first I thought it was a crazy_ (4)_ because I did nt have a good sense of balanee, nor did I have the_ ( 5) _ to keep pace with the others on the team and they would tease me.But for the teacher who kept insisting on my ( 6) _ for it ; Two

41、uldnt have decided to give it a try.Getting up the courage to go to the tryouts was only the (7) _of it! When I firststarted( 8) _ the p ractice sessi ons, I did nt even know the rules of the game ; much (9)_what I was doin g.Sometimes rd get _ (10) _ and take a shot at the wrong direct ion whichmad

42、e me feel really stupid._( 11)_,I was nt the only one“ n ew” atsueIgaimiiided to_ (12) _ on learning the game, do my best at each practice session, and not be too hard on myself for the thi ngs I did nt _ (13) _ “ just yet”I practiced and practiced.Soon I knew the _ (14) _and the ; movetelng part of

43、 a teamwas fun and motivating.Very soon the competitive _ (15) _in me was winning over my lack of con fide nee. With time , I lear ned how to p lay and made friends in the _ (16) _ friends who resp ected my efforts to work hard and be a team p layern ever had so much fun!With my _ (17) selfc on fide

44、 nee comes more p raise from teachers and classmates.I havegone from “ 18) _” in the back of the classroom and not wanting to call attention to myself,(19)_ rais ing my hand even whe n I sometimes was nt 100 percent _(20)_ I had the right an swer.Now I have more selfc on fide nee in myself.(1) A.asB

45、 .un tilC.uni essD .though(2) A.hopedB. agreedC . meantD. chose(3) A.continuedB. changedC . settledD . started(4) A.ideaB. planC . beliefD . say ing(5) A.rightB. chaneeC . abilityD . p atie nee(6) A.goingB. lookingC . cheeri ngD . applying(7) A.pointB. halfC . restD . basis(8) A.enjoyingB. preparing

46、C . atte ndingD . watch in9)A.lessB laterC worseD fu rthe r10)A.committedBmotivatedCembarrassedD confused11)A.InterestinglyBFortunatelyCObviouslyD HoPefully12)A.focusBactC relyDtry13)A.wantBdoC suPPortD know14)A.stePsB ordersC rulesDgames15)A.roleBPartC mindD value16)A.ProcessBoPerationC movementD s

47、ituation17)A.exPressedB imProvedC PreservedDrecognized18)A.dreamingB PlayingC relaxingD hiding19)A.byBforC withDto20)A.luckyB haPPyC sureDsatisfied答案1)C前一句说我不喜欢被别人关注, 我一定总是坐在无人关注的角落,除非老师指派座位。故选 unless。(2)D前文提到除非是老师指定坐在哪儿,故此处指我总是选择坐在教室的后面。故选(3)B前文提到自己不喜欢被注意, 后文提到所有的这一切在参加了运动队后改变了。 项。(4)A 因为我平衡感差一些,又跟

48、不上别人的步伐,因此我认为参加篮球队这个想法很疯狂。idea 主意,想法; plan 计划; belief 信念,信仰; saying 格言。(5)C 与其他人保持同步是一种 “能力”的体现, 故选 ability 。 right 权利; chance 机会; 耐心。D 项。故选 Bpatience6)Ago for 参加。it 指代我参加篮球队这件事情,那么对这件事情老师坚持让我参加。(7)B鼓起勇气去参加选拔赛仅仅是成功的一半。Point点;rest剩余部分;basis基础;A、C、D 三项均不符合句意,故选 B 项。(8)C 当我开始参加训练的时候,我甚至都不懂运动规则。故选 受,喜欢;

49、 prepare 准备。C 项。 attend 参加; enjoy 享less更少,是和知(9)A 前文提到我不知道比赛的规则,这里说,我更不知道自己在做什么。 道比赛规则进行比较。(10)D有时候,我都糊涂地把球投进自己的篮筐。confused迷惑的,困惑的;committed作出承诺的;motivated有动机的;embarrassed尴尬的。(11) B根据后文 我不是唯一的一个新手”可知作者对此感到很庆幸,故选B项。fortunately幸运地;interestingly有趣地;obviously明显地;hopefully有希望地。(12) A行动;我决定集中精力训练。focus on

50、集中注意力于;act on对起作用,按照try on 试穿;rely on 依靠。(13)D前文提到要尽自己的努力练习。此处应用know,表示 知道”之意。(14)C前文提到我连规则都不知道,于是发奋练球的结果就是知道了规则并且已经知道了篮球 中的移动”(15) B此处指的是不久之后战胜我内心深处的不自信成了最有挑战性的部分。故选 角色;part部分;mind思维,想法;(16) A在我学习打球的过程中,我也交了一些朋友。value价值。B 项。rolep rocess 过程;op eratio n 工作,运转;movement 运动;situation 形势,情形。(17) B根据来自老师和

51、同学的赞扬可知我的自信心在不断增长,故此处用imp roved表示 提高,增长之意。express表达;preserve保存;recognize 辨认出。(18) D由前文除非是老师指定座位,我总是选择坐在教室的后面,可知我原来是藏”在教室的 后面不想被人注意,故选D项。(19)D前文提到自从加入一个运动队之后,所有的这一切都改变了,本段总结说明我的变化, 由原来的躲在教室后面不想被别人注意转变到举手回答问题。from.to 从到故选D项。(20) C句意:甚至在我对正确答案不是有百分之百的把握的时候。说明我的自信在不断增长。sure有把握的;lucky幸运的;happy高兴的;satisfi

52、ed满意的。 第三篇It has bee n argued by some that gifted childre n should be grouped in sp ecial classes.The _(1) is based on the belief that i n regular classes these childre n are held back in their intellectual (智力的) growth by _ ( 2) _ situations that are designed for the _ (3) _ children.There can be l

53、ittle doubt that _ (4) _ classes can help the gifted children to graduateearlier and take their place in life sooner.However , to take these(5) _ out of the regular classes may create serious p roblems.I observed a nu mber of(6)_ childre n who were take n out of a sp ecial class and p laced in a (7)

54、 _ class .In the sp ecial class,they showed little ability to use their own judgme nt ,relying (8) on their teachers directions.ln the regular class,having no worry about keepingup, they began to reflect( 9)on many problems,some of which were not on the school p rogram.Many are concerned that gifted children become (10) _ and lose interest inlearning.However,this (11) is more often from parents and teachers than from students, and some of these (12) simply con elude that sp ecial classes should be se


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