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1、英语课前演讲青春励志初中 英语课前演讲青春励志1i recently started a new job, in a small office, where four of us share a fridge。 in that fridge is a brita water filter pitcher。 one of my coworkers plained the water tasted dirty。 it went on for a few days, and she was stunned i could drink the water without any trouble。 i

2、started to doubt my taste buds, but the water really tasted fine。最近我找了份新工作,是在一间小办公室里,我们四个人共用一个冰箱。冰箱里有一个brita牌滤水壶,有一个同事抱怨说水喝起来感觉很“脏”,她连续抱怨了几天,还很震惊我喝这样的水竟然没事。我开始怀疑自我的味蕾出问题了,但我真觉着水喝着还不错。finally, she figured out the problem was actually her cup。 she simply forgot to clean it, and after awhile started to

3、 affect the water inside it。 she cleaned her cup, and drank the water with no problem。最终,她发现问题出在了她的杯子上,她只是忘了刷杯子,过一段时光就影响里面水的味道了。她把杯子洗干净了,水就没有异味了。i cant help but think about the world we live in。 too often we quickly blame other people, other things, anything else but ourselves。 youre racist。 youre i

4、ntolerant。 youre the problem。 the world isnt perfect, i know, but i think we should take a step back sometimes and ask ourselves some tough questions。我禁不住思考了我们生活的世界,我们总是急于责备其他人、其他事、除了自我之外的一切东西。“你有种族歧视”、“你太狭隘”、“是你的问题”,我明白世界并不完美,但我认为有时我们应当退一步,问自我几个很难回答的问题。can i be better? is my heart really pure? can

5、i help this situation with kindness?我能变得更好吗?我的心真的纯洁吗?我能带着善意解决问题吗?i want to tell you this; please clean your cup。 because when you do, the water will taste much better。 i promise you this。我想告诉你这个道理:请洗干净自我的杯子。因为仅有你把杯子洗干净了,里面的水味道才会好,我保证。英语课前演讲青春励志2in the flood of darkness, hope is the light。 it brings

6、fort, faith, and confidence。 it gives us guidance when we are lost, and gives support when we are afraid。 and the moment we give up hope, we give up our lives。 the world we live in is disintegrating into a place of malice and hatred, where we need hope and find it harder。 in this world of fear, hope

7、 to find better, but easier said than done, the more meaningful life of faith will make life meaningful。在潮水般的黑暗之中,期望是光。它带来舒适、信仰和信心。它在我们迷失时给予指引,在我们恐惧时给予支持。而在我们放下期望的那一刻,也就放下了生命。我们生活的世界正瓦解成一个充满恶意和仇恨的地方,在那里我们就更需要期望,却又难以寻得。在这充满恐惧的世界里,找到期望谈何容易,可是,对更好、更有意义的人生的信仰才会让生命有意义。英语课前演讲青春励志3if you could choose what

8、kind of world to live in, what kind of world would you choose? if you could decide what would happen tomorrow, with what kinds of things would you fill it?if you had the power to decide what types of opportunities would e your way, what opportunities would you select? if you knew that your experienc

9、es would match your expectations, what would your expectations be?in fact, you do have the power to choose your own way。 you do have the ability to decide what kinds of events, experiences, opportunities and circumstances e your way。the world you experience is the world that your dreams, your though

10、ts, your expectations and your actions most closely resonate。 the world you see and live in is the world you most sincerely expect to see。the universe is filled with endless possibilities, and those possibilities keep growing with every minute。 the way you live determines which of those possibilitie

11、s will e into your life。with your thoughts, your actions, your values, your dreams and expectations, you choose what kind of world you live in。 the way you live is closely mirrored in the world you see。如果你能够选择在什么样的世界里生活,那么你将会选择怎样的世界呢?如果你能够决定明日之事,你将会怎样充实它呢?倘若你有力量决定自我的机遇,你会怎样选择呢?倘若你明白你的经历会如你所愿,那么你会如何期

12、待呢?事实上,你有本事选择你要走的路。是你自我决定你将要做的事、英语短文你将获得的经历、你将得到的机会和你将置身其中的环境。你体验的这个世界和你的梦想、思维、期待甚至行为产生共鸣。你看到的世界和你时下生活的这个世界就是你真心期待见到的世界。这个宇宙充满了无限的可能,这些可能每一分钟都在增加。你的生活方式决定了何种可能性会来到你的世界。你所选择生活的世界取决于你的想法,你的作为,你秉持的价值理念,你的梦想还有对未来的期待。你有什么样的世界观就会有什么样的生活方式。英语课前演讲青春励志4there is actually a pie in the sky。 it was made especial

13、ly for you。 it is your favorite flavor。 you can eat as much of it as you want。 it is all yours and you dont have to share it with anyone。now, all you have to do to get your pie is build a set of stairs, climb up your stairs, and reach out your hand to take it。first, you must figure out what the desi

14、gn of your stairs will be。 if you dont know, find a person who has managed to build a set of stairs to reach his pie, and find out what needs to be done。next, you will need to prepare for your stairs。 you need to buy the wood and the tools。 you might need to replace some broken tools。finally, and th

15、is is the hardest step, you need to focus your mind on your work。 the actual work requires constructing the stairs。 you may find that youve worked really hard for days, weeks or even months, and then suddenly find that your stairs are not going to line up with your pie。 so you need to make sure that

16、 you still have money to buy new materials and rebuild your stairs in the right direction。with proper planning and careful pacing, you will be able to reach your pie。 your pie is right there, right above you。 all you need to do is get it。天空中真的有一块馅饼是专为你而做的,它贴合你的口味,你能够随心所欲地大吃特吃,它只属于你并且你无需与他人分享。此刻,你为了获


18、馅饼就触手可及了。它就在那儿,就在你的正上方,你所要做的只是伸手摘取它而已。英语课前演讲青春励志5enjoy that uniquenesss1. you do not have to pretend in order to seem more like someone else. you do not have to lie to hide the parts of you that are not like what you see in anyone else.you were meant to be different. nowhere, in all of history, will

19、 the same things be going on in anyones mind, soul and spirit as are going on in yours right now.if you did not exist, there would be a hole in creation, a gap2 in history, and something missing from the plan for humankind. treasure your uniqueness. it is a gift given only to you. enjoy it and share it!no one can reach out to others in the same way that you can. no one can speak your words.


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