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1、htt p: //htt p: /www.sdks.c n/ htt p: //htt p: //蔬菜培育技术问题及适用性充分利用土地,保护土壤结构滴灌既不破坏土壤的团粒结构,也不影响土壤含水量和存蓄空气的毛管数,保证了土壤疏松、通气性能良好,有效地解决了因长 期浇灌而造成的土壤板结问题,有利于作物根系生长发育。同时滴灌不需在地面 挖筑干渠、支渠及畦埂,可以充分利用土地。适应性广,适合国情由于抗堵塞性好, 工作压力低,因此该滴灌系统对水源的要求低,且系统中加有简便低廉的过滤器, 还适于泥沙含量较大的水源;无论其

2、控制面积大小,单位投资基本相同,连片及一 家一户小面积使用都很方便。另外,该穿孔式滴灌带的流量大,特别适合蔬菜、花 卉等需水量较大的喜水作物。灌溉一次需2h左右,所以在目前广大农村推广使用 薄壁软管滴灌技术更方便、更现实。affect theDrip irrigation did not make full use of land, protecting the soil structure destroy the soil granu lar structure, also does notsoil moisture content and air on the number of capi

3、llaryand its subsiste nee guara ntee loose soil, ven tilati on p erforma nee is good, can effectively solve the comp acti on p roblem caused by water for a long time, is con ducive to crop root growth and devel opment. Drip irrigati on does not n eed to dig in the ground at the same time build main

4、can al, lateral can al, and ridges, can make full use of land. Wide ada ptability, suitable for n ati onal con diti ons due to the block ing resista nee is good,work stress is low, so the low requirementfor water drip irrigation system, and add there is simple and chea p system filters, also suitabl

5、efor large sedime nt concen trati on ofwater; Regardless of its size, controlunit inv estme nt basic same, lam in ated p late and a one small area use isvery convenien t. In additi on, the p erforati on type drip irrigatio n belt oflarge flow, esp eciallysuitable for vegetables, flowers growingxi to

6、water crops. Irrigationtime should be 2 h or so, so in the vastruralthin-walled tubedripirrigati on tech no logy is more convenient, morerealistic.and薄壁软管滴灌系统的组成和安装Thin-walledtube comp ositi onof dripirrigati onsystemin stallati on组成部分主要由滴灌系统、施肥滤清系统构成。其中,滴灌系统包括准40mm薄壁软管、准25mm穿孔式双上孔滴灌带、塑料专用接头;施肥滤清系统包

7、括文丘里施肥器、过滤器及与之配套的(式略)安装方法先将水源用准40mm塑料管引至日光温室内山墙处,距地面30cm高处安装准40mm阀门,连接施肥滤清系统,把薄壁软管(主管)接在过滤器出水端。根据垄距在主管上打孔,固定好接头,再把比畦稍长的滴管一端接到接头上,然后平铺在垄背上、地膜下,最末端堵死。蔬菜定植后需水时,菜农只要打开阀门,水肥就自动滴渗到每株蔬菜的根际部。Part mai niy con sists of drip irrigatio n system, fertilizatio n filtrati onsystem. Among them, the drip irrigati on

8、 system, in cludi ng 40 mm thinof awall tube, quasi 25 mm p erforated on the double holes drip irrigati onbelt,plastic special joint;Fertilizationfiltration system consists ven turi fertilizer device, filter and the associated (abbreviated) using 40 mm p lastic pipe in stallatio n method will first

9、water led to gable in side solar gree nhouse, 30 cm high from ground 40 mm valve in stallati on and conn ecti on fertilizatio n filtrati on system, the thi n-walled tube (director) in the filter outlet en ds. Accordi ng to the ridge from the punch in the head, fixed joint, put a little Ion ger tha n

10、 stri p dropper at one end to the conn ector, the n tile un der the ridge back, mulch, the most closed at theend. The vegetables plan ti ng and water requireme nt, vegetable farmersas long as open the valve, automatic drops ofwater in filtrati on intoeachvegetables of rhizos phere.and日光温室黄瓜膜下滴灌与沟灌效果

11、比较Effect of sun light gree nhouse cucumber film drip irrigatio n furrow irrigati on2002年一2003年冬春季在城区牛山村、东上庄村等村栽种黄瓜日光温室布点观察,具体记载数据整理如下。用水量比较滴灌把低压水和肥料通过滴灌系统同时直接滴在黄瓜根际,用水量明显减少。两种灌水方式水量比较(表略),据观察统计,黄瓜生长各个阶段每个日光温室滴灌用水比沟灌节水50%以上。对温度湿度及其病害的影响在上午阳光充足的情况下浇水 ,下午2时一3时观察,两种灌水方式对温度、湿度及病害的影响(表略)。定植水滴灌比沟灌 5cm深地温高

12、3.1 r ,气温高4.1 C,相对湿度下降16%。结瓜水和成株水对气温、地温及相对湿度的影响基本与定植水相同,沟灌先后发生立枯病、沤根、枯萎病等病害,而滴灌基本控制了病害发生。产量及效益分析滴灌改善了黄瓜生长环境,在管理水平相同的条件下,每0.067hm2 日光温室平均增产黄瓜1615kg,增幅27.3%,产值 增加2920元左右。每0.067hm2 日光温室内滴灌投资仅千元,当季即可还本。两种灌水方式测完产量效益此外,滴灌省去了输水渠道,每行可多栽1株黄瓜,每0.067hm2多栽100多株,可扩大有效种植面积6%。沟灌需由2人看水道和冲施肥料,费工且浪费肥料,而滴灌只需开关阀门,水肥并施,

13、综合分析可省工50%以 上。综上测验结果,采用薄壁软管滴灌技术,矿车可明显改善日光温室蔬菜生产的 生态环境,取得可喜的经济效益和社会效益。主要经济指标如下:节水50%,省工50%,省肥20%30%,降低湿度10%16%;明显减轻病害发生,发病期推迟10d,病情指数下降 50%100%,平均减少打药二三次,节约农药开支100200 元/0.067hm2; 节省土地 6%10%, 土壤密度降低 0.080.15g/cm3,空隙度增加0.44%2.53%;510cm 深地温可提高 1.5 C 3.1 r ,气温提高 1.5 C 4.0 r ,促使蔬菜优质稳产高产,增产增收达15%28%。据测算,晋城

14、市日光温室采用该项 滴灌新技术,十多年累计节水20 X 104m3,节省开支100余万元,增产蔬菜超过 20 X 104t,增加收入5000多万元。链条2002-2003 win ter in bovine city village, east village grow sun light gree nhouse cucumber points such as Shan gZhua ngCu n to observe, data recorded in the specific arrangement is as follows. Water drip thelow-p ressure wat

15、er and fertilizer through drip irrigati on systems at the same time direct drop in cucumber rhizos phere, less waterconsumption.Two types of irrigation water(table), according to theobservati onstatistics, cucumber growth stages each gree nhouse dripirrigation comparedto furrow irrigation water by m

16、ore than 50%. For temperature, humidity and the impact of diseases on sunny morningobservatio n, two kinds oftheun der the con diti on of water, at 2 PM - 3 whe nirrigati onmode for temp erature, humidity, and the in flue neeofdisease (table). En graftme nt of water drip irrigati on comp ared to fur

17、rowirrigati on depthof 5 cm high groundtemperature3.1 C ,thetemp erature is 4.1C , relative humidity 16% decline. Knot melon waterand water into astrain of air temperature,groundtemp eratureandrelative humidityen graftme ntwater and basicallythe same,thein flue neeof furrow irrigatio n occurri ngove

18、r dampingoff and rett ingoccurs and driproot, blight disease, basic controlof the diseaseirrigati on. Dripirrigati onimp roved yield andben efitan alysisof cucumber growth en vir onment, the man ageme nt level un der the same con diti ons, every 0.067 hm2 sun light gree nhouse cucumber yield 1615 kg

19、 on average, growth of 27.3%, the out put value 2920 yua n. Every0.067 hm2 in sun lightgree nhousedrip irrigati oninv estme ntonethousandyuan, only in the repayment of capital. After two types of irrigati on test yield ben efits in additi on, the drip irrigati on saves watercha nn els, each row can

20、be plan ted more one of cucumber, every 0.067hm2 plan tedmore tha n 100 stra ins,can enl arge plan ti ngarea 6%.Furrow irrigati on by 2 people see waterways and flush fertilizer, workand the waste of fertilizer, and only switch to drip irrigationvalves,water and fertilizer, save work comprehensive a

21、nalysis canbe morethan 50%. Based on test results, the thin-walled tube drip irrigati on, canobviously improve the ecological en vir onment of gree nhouse vegetablep roduct ion, obtai n great econo mic and social ben efits. Save work mainecono mic in dicators are as follows: sav ing water by 50%, 50

22、%, save 20%-30% fat, reduce humidity 10% - 10%; Time delay sig nifica ntly reducedisease occurs, 10 d, disease in dex fell by 50% - 100%, average two orthree times to reduce spray in secticide, p esticide sav ing spending 100 -200 yuan / 0.067 hm2; Save 6% - 10% of land, soil den sity decreased by0.

23、08 - 0.15 g/cm3, voidage in creases 0.44% - 2.53%; 5 - 10 cm deepgroundtemp eraturecan be in creasedby 1.5 C3.1 r ,thehightotemp eraturein creasedby 1.5 C - 4.0 C , the vegetables ofquality out put, in creasep roducti onwas 15% - 28%. Accordi ngcalculati on, jin che nggree nhouse using the drip irri

24、gatio n tech no logy, ten years accumulated 20 x 104 m3 to con serve water, save more tha n 100 ten thousa nd yua n, the p roduct ion of vegetables more tha n 20 x 104 t, i ncrease their in come more tha n 5000 ten thousa nd yua n.存在问题和注意事项There is a p roblem and the matters n eed ing atte nti on安装管

25、理滴灌系统要规范,装配要严密,以防止漏水。要经常检查滴管是否破 损、漏水,尽量保持水源清洁,要经常清洗过滤器和打开堵头清洗输水滴灌设备。滴灌过程中要掌握好水压。压力太小,滴水慢,灌溉范围小;压力太大,滴管易破损 漏水。若因管理粗放或水压过高造成滴管破损,泰山奇石不及时修补,不但影响施 肥浇水,时间一长,易造成大面积破损,致使滴灌系统报废,所以一般水压应保持9.829.4pa。蔬菜生育期每次灌水时间一般为 12h。施肥时,将肥料溶解成液体,放入容器中,调节控制阀,将肥料均匀带入滴管中,施肥浓度应控制在0.3%0.4%蔬菜生育期每次灌水时间一般为 12h。施肥时,将肥料溶解成液体,放入容器中,泰安

26、车库门调节控制阀,将肥料均匀带入滴管中,施肥浓度应控制在0.3%0.4%Installingdrip irrigationsystem to standardizemanagement,the assembly is tight, in order to p reve nt leakage. Regularly check whether the dropper is breakage, leakage, try to kee p the water clea n, want to often clean the filter and open the plug cleaning water drip irrigationequipment. Drip irrigationprocess to master good water pressure.Pressure is too small, slow drop water, irrigation range is small;P ressure is


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