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1、有关野性呼唤英文读后感(19页)有关野性呼唤英文读后感(19页) 关于野性的呼唤的英文读后感篇一:野性的呼唤读后感 英文The Call Of The Wild reviewThe Gold Rush in the Yukon and Alaska has promptedthe need for big, strong dogs who will be able to pullsleds over icy trails. Buck, a large animal living inthe home of Judge Miller in Santa Clara, California,isex

2、actlywhat the explorerswant. He isan animalwithhuman-liketendencies,intelligence,strengthanddignity.Thus farhe has enjoyed his civilizedlifewiththe occasional nature stroll or hunting trip. Manuel,a gardeners helper with a penchant for gambling and aneed for money, manages to kidnap Buck and sell hi

3、m onthe black market. He is given to a saloon-keeper andtransportedviatraintotheNorthland.Throughouttheordeal,Buck is kept ina cage and becomes increasinglyangry. He manages to badly bite one of his kidnappers.By thetimehe arrivesathisdestination,he has workedhimself into a rage.The meeting with the

4、 Red Sweater and the painfulencounterswithhis clubpush Buck intosubmission.Heisnotbroken,butheknows betterthantokeepxxxx 全新精品资料 - 全新公文 -全程指导写作独家原创1 / 10resisting, which can only result in his death. Once heisbehaving correctly,Buck,alongwithDave and Curly,two other dogs, is sold to Francois and Perr

5、ault, twoagents oftheCanadian government.They must bringthemailbetween Skaquay and Dawson, Alaska.While incamp,Curly is killed for trying to make friendly advancestoanotherhusky.Buck understandsthatthisisthelawof club and fang which dominates this new world. Heresolves never to go down in that manne

6、r.Buck and Dave join a preexisting dog team led bySpitz, abullying husky dog.The trailworkbegimmediately. Buck learns fast from the other dogs. Intimehestartstobecomemorewild,losingthedomesticityimposedupon himintheJudgeshome.Tensions develop between him and Spitz. Buck is readyto be a leader, and l

7、ooks to usurp Spitzs power. Whilehunting a rabbit one night, the two end up in a fighttothedeath.Buckachievesmastery.When Francoisattemptsto placeSol-lek atthehead oftheteam,Buckrefusestoallowit.Even theappearanceofa clubdoesnot faze him, for he has learned how to avoid it. When Francois allows him

8、to take the position, he is amazedxxxx 全新精品资料 - 全新公文 -全程指导写作独家原创2 / 10by Bucks abilities. Buck beg to dream of an ancientworld in which man and dog foughtside by side to survive.After two round trips between towns, the dogs areexhausted and overworked. Francois and Perrault are very proud of their t

9、eam, having just set a record fortheirrun.But theyreceivenew ordersand must bid thedogs goodby. Several Scottish half-breeds take charge of Buck and his other dogs. He does not have strong feelings for them, but they are good men and they care for the dogs. Bucks dreams of the ancient world growmore

10、 vivid. The path is very difficult and men and dogs alike are growing weak. One day Dave shows so much painthat one of the men tries to get him to run behind the sled. He refuses so adamantly that the men give in and allow him to run himself out. The next morning they drive the sled away, then one m

11、an returns and shoots Dave.After this last trip, the Scottish men are told to sell the dogs and buy fresher ones. The team is soldto a group of tenderfoots - Hal, Charles, and Mercedes - looking to strike it rich. Theyhave no idea how to work with a dog team. In Halsxxxx 全新精品资料 - 全新公文 -全程指导写作独家原创3 /

12、 10eagernesstocompletethe trail,he terriblymistreatsthe dogs. His quiet brother-in-law Charles and weepysisterMercedesonlyincreasethedifficulty.Halsincompetent handling of the rations leads them to runout of food for the dogs half-way through the trip.Starving and overworked, one by one the dogs sta

13、rt todie. The remnants pull into the camp of John Thornton.Buck refuses to rise when Hal wants to leave. Afterwatchingthecruelyoung man beat Buck repeatedly,Johnsteps inand saves him by cuttinghim outoftheharness.The rest of the team continues. Only a quarter-away,the sledfallsthroughtheice,thinnedb

14、ythesun, anddogs and humans perish together.Buck falls wildly in love with John Thornton, whoimmediatelyrecognizesthatBuck isone ofa kind.UnderJohns influence,comfortedby his two other dogs Skeetand Nig, Buck beg to heal. He accomplishes a numberof miraculous things for John, saving his life twicean

15、d winning a bet that allows him to pay off all his debts. He does not forget his visions of the primitive world, but he is happy at Johns side. Along with Hans and Pete, Johns partners, the dogs go on an expeditionxxxx 全新精品资料 - 全新公文 -全程指导写作独家原创4 / 10fora lostmine. The work on the trail,the dailyhunt

16、ing,are absolutely delightful for Buck. Though they dontfind the mind, they do find gold, and so there is nomore work for the dogs to do. Buck ruminates once moreon the call that he hears nightly in the forest.Eventually he starts to sleep away from the camp.He embraces histinctsand wildtendencies,k

17、illinghis own food and watching out for himself. Buck meetsa wolfwho befriendshim and isquitesad when he returnsto thecamp. This patterncontinues,untilone day Buckreturns to the camp to find everyone killed by theYeehats, a Native American tribe. He flies into a rageat thedeath ofbelovedJohn,and kil

18、ls allthemen whodo notrunaway fromhim. There isno more tietomankind,so Buck returns to the forest and rema with a packof wolves.Each yearhe visitstothevalleywhere JohnThornton died, mourning his lost, dearest friend.篇二:野性的呼唤 ( 英文读后感300-400词 )The self-awakening of a dog reading The Call Of The WildBe

19、fore being trafficked by a deceitful gardener to the extremely cold Northland, Buck had everything thatxxxx 全新精品资料 - 全新公文 -全程指导写作独家原创5 / 10was provided by his cultured and wealthy owner. He wasmore a petthanan independentcreature.To some extend,his unfortunate experience benefits him a lot becauseit

20、 shows what the real face of nature looks like andwhere hisplaceshouldbe. Situationsare justthesamewhen it comes to the teenagers nowadays.Living under other peoples will tead of theirown , teenagers feel something missing from heart attimes and they either turn to virtual world ,dreamingaway their

21、time, or they are driven by the eagernessfor profit and fame, always in a rush. To fill theemptiness, what we actually need is a desire for life.But If we havent struggled agat unfair fate as Buckdid, how will we value what we possess at present That iswhere teenagerstroublelies.And Buck showed us a

22、 greatmethod.After a seemingly tough struggle, Buck managed to survive the bloody fight agat wolves and return to embrace nature with complete freedom he won from thexxxx 全新精品资料 - 全新公文 -全程指导写作独家原创6 / 10war. With hissense sharpened,Buck experiencedmore,and learned something else about nature s way.As

23、 a matter of fact, for animals, its quite easyto make the change. For us human beings, although weare far more intelligent than any dog , it is also farmore difficult for us to achieve self awakening as aconsequence of internal and external obstacles. Nowthatwe cannotbreakawayfromsociety,absolutefre

24、edom keeps a distant dream. Now we are far fromnature and have only limited freedom both physicallyand mentally.Forone thing,we arelosingwildnature.Unlike Buck, we are no longer able to run and jump aswe wish .Bothoursenses and skillsaredeclining,whichholdsus from scrabblingfortheamazing beauty ofna

25、ture. For another, we are abusing violence as wellas suffering from it at the same time. We force peopleto accept ourown conceptionsunconsciouslyeven thoughthey are unwilling to. We set every potential enemyup whole day and all night while in nature, even wolfand deer live in peace most of the time.

26、Butone thingis forsure .Thatis,whichevermeanswe take, we will eventually find out what our naturalxxxx 全新精品资料 - 全新公文 -全程指导写作独家原创7 / 10state of mind is and have a good balance between humanity and wild nature. Then, we will be guaranteed much bigger happiness than Buck was.篇三:野性的呼唤英文读后感The call of the wildIttellsa storyabouta giganticdog who was calledBuck. It was stolen from a rich and comfortable homeby theman who was indebt.Then buck was forcedtolearntosurviveas an Alaskansleddog( 阿拉斯加雪橇犬 ).Buckencountered his true owner John Thornton who is veryfriendly and kind


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