



1、(完整)危险化学品使用量的数量标准(完整)危险化学品使用量的数量标准 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望((完整)危险化学品使用量的数量标准)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为(完整)危险化学品使用量的数量标准的全部内容。社会关注的重要事项,全部实行三公开,保证了人民群众的知情权、参与权和监督权认真

2、落实党风廉政建设责任制,积极参与廉政教育,自觉杜绝腐败现象发生,全力维护机关干部的正派形象。development work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborhood offices approved, change, urban and rural communities (center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as integrated management of urban and rural sanitation in order. (d) m

3、aintain social harmony and stability. in the case of tight financial situation, continue to increase the input of people, happy people battle. urban central heating and upgrade rural power grids, rural reconstruction of shabby housing ten major projects being delivered, has been overfulfilled ahead.

4、 strengthening of social programs, college entrance examination to record heights; new rural insurance coverage rate of the citys first, launched in new rural cooperative medical clinic co-ordination; . perfect park catering, accommodation, education, recreation and other tertiary industries support

5、ing, improving socialization service level, for industries, businesses and create a good environment for development. 3, flexible investment, enhance the industry. construction of industrial parks, just set up a platform for the development of only attract more projects into the district, to form ag

6、glomeration advantages. a innovation project. to be purposeful, targeted investment, will have a basis of the countys industrial packaged bundles, overall publicity and promotion. initiative going, please come in and carry out all-round, multi-level and wide-range of investment activities. the towns

7、hip industrial projects, in principle, to put to the west industrial parks. what town project, is that the output value of the township. second, we must grasp the standards selected items. full account of extend the industry chain and the integration of factors of production, not only efforts to int

8、roduce a number of scientific and technological content and high added value, growth and strong driving force of large projects and large enterprises, but also on domestic-funded enterprises and in accordance with the direction of industrial development of small and medium projects, project man, sma

9、ll project overwhelming. meet the area of the countys new industrial projects and city back into rural enterprises, in principle, all stationed in industrial parks. meanwhile, strict control of excess capacity and high energy consumption, high emission enterprises to enter. thirdly, increased incent

10、ives on the project. investment of the whole society, the township and county units go out and draft project. to establish investment incentives for successful introduction of significant project gives awards to units and individuals, the introduction of tax for the implementation of the project, to

11、 introduce organization into rewards. 4, preferential policies, and security industries. in terms of project examination and approval, by area administrative committee in conjunction with the development, planning, land, industry and commerce, quality control and other departments, one-stop receptio

12、n, one-stop service, the simplified procedures, the time limit originally. in the management of eia in accordance with the5首批危险化学品使用量的数量标准序号化学品名称别名最低设计使用量(吨/年)cas号1氯液氯、氯气1807782-5052氨液氨、氨气3607664-4173液化石油气1800684768574硫化氢180778306-45甲烷、天然气18007482-8(甲烷)6原油7汽油(含甲醇汽油、乙醇汽油)、石脑油73008006-61-9(汽油)8氢氢气1801




16、醛36075-07-060氯甲酸三氯甲酯双光气1800503-38-8612,2偶氮二-(2,4-二甲基戊腈)偶氮二异庚腈180004419-118622,2-偶氮二异丁腈180007867-1说明:1。 最低设计使用量,是指企业需要取得安全使用许可的化学品的最低年使用量.2。 化学品品种选取了国家安全监管总局关于公布首批重点监管的危险化学品名录的通知(安监总管三201195号)公布的首批重点监管的危险化学品名录60种化学品,另加2,2-偶氮二-(2,4二甲基戊腈)、2,2-偶氮二异丁腈两种易发生燃爆事故的化学品,共62种。3。 最低设计使用量的确定方法:根据危险化学品重大危险源辨识(gb 182182009),将其中化学品的临界量假定为10天用量,折算成年度用量而得到最低设计使用量。由此得到氯、氨等54种化学品的最低设计使用量。硝基苯、苯胺


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