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1、(完整)演讲与辩论实训(完整)演讲与辩论实训 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望((完整)演讲与辩论实训)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为(完整)演讲与辩论实训的全部内容。英语演讲与辩论实训报告 现代社会是一个合作的社会,合作自然离不开思想、情感的交流,而口语交际是所有交际手段中最广泛、最直接、最

2、重要的交际形式。朗诵,演讲与辩论已成为我们生活中必不可少的部分,作为一名英语系的学子来说,这三者缺一不可。“演讲是科学,演讲是艺术,演讲是武器。但至今仍普遍存在一种偏见:讲话,谁不会啊?只要经常登台讲,天长日久,自然而然就“出口不凡了,没有什么高深的学问可钻研;即使作为一门技艺,也只不过是雕虫小技而已.“言为心声”,口才是脑才的外在表现,笨嘴笨舌者大部分也笨头笨脑,只有极少数症结在口舌。比赛必然把语音纯、音色美、形象佳等看得重,重实用必然把知识面广、知识结构新、思维周密又敏锐等看得重。究竟哪个更重要呢? 广义的口语表达能力还应包括方言、外语、社交口才等方面.随着市场经济的发展,对外开放的扩大,

3、对口语表达能力的要求日益更高、更全面。至于社交口才,“讲什么”远不如“怎么讲”重要。同样一个内容,在不同的时间、地点、面对不同的交流者,“怎么讲”变化多端,需要临场应变,准确把握对方的心理,措辞讲究分寸,把话讲到对方的心坎上,能得心应口、应对自如的了。 首先,我要感谢学校开设这次实训,我要感谢王老师的精心指导.虽然这次实训的时间不长,只进行了短短的两个星期,但是在王老师的指导下,我学到了很多,特别是听了王老师给我们介绍的基本的演讲辩论技巧和规则后,受益匪浅.按演讲内容分类,以思想教育为主要目的的演讲所占比重最大,无论作为社会实践的各种规格、类型的演讲报告会,还是作为竞赛性的演讲社会活动,内容大



6、篇大论,这样只会浪费时间。 辩论,让我的思维更敏捷,大脑更灵活,提高了我的语言表达能力,以前我常常偏离主题,现在,我学会了紧扣主题。辩论,我学会了谈古论今,既丰富了课外知识,又增长了见闻,使我受益匪浅啊! 辩论还让我懂得了:只有更加努力学习,充实自己,才能有所提高。总而言之,本次实训提供了一个展示自我风采,丰富了我们的生活,培养了自我能力与团队协作意识,与同组同学分工合作,群策群力,一起驳辩我们的对手。这种合作与团结的精神是难能可贵的,我们不仅锻炼了自身的辩论能力,又为提升自己积累了一次宝贵的经验。同时,在辩论中也发现很多不足之处,首先是语言组织能力有待提升,在辩论中,如果语言不流利,即使论据

7、充分也没有什么气势。其次是辩论的仪态有待规范,比如说说话的表情,姿势,衣着等方面都是不可忽视的。另外就是逻辑四遍能力的提升,每一次回答或者提出问题都是逻辑思辨的一个过程,只有逻辑思维清晰,才能立于不败之地。这次辩论赛让我们意识到团结写作的重要性,活跃了校园文化,培养了当代大学生的团结,竞争,进取的素质,体现了当代大学生的精神面貌,锻炼了我们的口才与应变能力,增强了同学们的集体荣誉感,让我们有了更好的发展与实践经验,我觉得我又在生活上多了一份快乐,同时更多这样的活动。准备内容our side insists on that hard working is the key to success。

8、its true that hard working and the opportunity are the important factors to success。 but we are discussing which is more important. first,seeing from the side of philosophy, the inside factor is the most importance to everything developing。 the hard working is the inside factor。 second, seeing from

9、the way to success, we must set up a goal in the first instance, and through the personal hard working, we can hold the opportunity and achieve to success. so we believe the hard working is the key to success. thats all, thank you. we believe that success should be the combination of strong spirit a

10、nd ability. the people without ability even have the best opportunities, he still can not succeed. we can see from the difficult hardships that”. super girls” also are not fame overnight。 they cant be inseparable with their efforts。 to look at the students who failed in the college entrance examinat

11、ion, dont they have the opportunity? thank you。 no pains,no gains”。 i think everyone can understand this simple truth! the people without ability even have the best opportunities, he still can not succeed. if newton is a farmer, and he has no knowledge, when the apple fall on his head, he may just e

12、at it, what the effect of this opportunity? thank you seen from the normal personal relationships, the opportunities and luck is only result created by people. if we do not fight, the only result is failure instead of the success。 einstein once said: opportunity only prefers the mind prepared。” the

13、countless scientists of the success in history have told us, the people who hard work is easier to success than that who only wants to wait for the opportunity and luck. as we all know shang zhongyong is very intelligent when he was young,but why did he turn out to be an ordinary person? could you t

14、ell us what makes our country so powerful now ? isnt it hardworking of 130 million people? we can see from the difficult hardships that xiao shenyang also is not famous overnight. they cant be inseparable with their efforts。 we believe that success should be the combination of hard working and oppor

15、tunity.but hard working is more important. if the people without strong ability even have the best opportunities, he still can not succeed. negative:many people put a lot of hard work into learning english but very few people like us get the chance and luck to stand on this stage。 if we dont work ha

16、rd, can we achieve success through luck alone? for example, there may be birds everywhere in a forest, but if the hunter doesnt know how to hunt or doesnt work on his hunting skills, is he going to get any birds? it is ones efforts, not luck, that bring success. success is not something we can run i

17、nto by accident. it needs much preparation, patience and hard work。 and luck only favors those who help themselves. positive summary: luck is very necessary but it doesnt mean that it is more important than hard work。 likewise, you couldnt live without food, for food is very necessary. but can you s

18、ay that food is more important than air? opportunities are everywhere, but if we dont work hard, even when our chance comes to us, how can we succeed?luck is something very uncertain。 you cannot grasp it. but hard work is something personal and practical that you can control。 and luck only comes to

19、those who have prepared well。 when luck comes and you have prepared well, you succeed; if you havent, you have no alternative but to let your opportunity slip away。辩论记录do you think luck and opportunity are more important than hard work?good morning, everyone we are the positive part。 i am debater 1

20、。 i am debater 2we are the negative part。 i am debater 1 。 i am debater 2 . positive statement:our side insists on that hard working is the key to success。 its true that hard working and the opportunity are the important factors to success. but we are discussing which is more important. first,seeing

21、 from the side of philosophy, the inside factor is the most importance to everything developing. the hard working is the inside factor。 second, seeing from the way to success, we must set up a goal in the first instance, and through the personal hard working, we can hold the opportunity and achieve

22、to success。 so we believe the hard working is the key to success. thats all, thank you. negative statement:we both sides have to seize this opportunity,to pursue our desires for success. our opinion - the opportunity and luck is the key to success。 if there is no opportunity, even though you have ta

23、lent you have not demonstrated vision and the opportunity to stage. mrs。 courier said: the weak waits for the opportunity the strong creates opportunity”. we think: opportunity and luck are the keys to success! thats all, thank you。 debate processpositive: we believe that success should be the combi

24、nation of strong spirit and ability. the people without ability even have the best opportunities, he still can not succeed。 we can see from the difficult hardships that”. super girls also are not fame overnight。 they cant be inseparable with their efforts。 to look at the students who failed in the c

25、ollege entrance examination, dont they have the opportunity? thank you. negative:the hard work can not lead to success。 “super girls become famous overnight. they all have strength and work hard during this pried。 but if there is no this opportunity ”super girls” competition, they certainly are stil

26、l unknown to hard work. can you say that the opportunity and luck is not the key to success? thank you positive:no pains,no gains”。 i think everyone can understand this simple truth! the people without ability even have the best opportunities, he still can not succeed. if newton is a farmer, and he

27、has no knowledge, when the apple fall on his head, he may just eat it, what the effect of this opportunity? thank you negative:if a person does the meaningless favor without any opportunity and luck, he also is the failure。 opportunity and luck can bring hope of success. every famous people are succ

28、essful by opportunity and luck. how can you successful by efforts alone. if you no chance to perform, you will be a very ordinary person for you all lifetime. so the opportunity and luck is the key to success. positive: seen from the normal personal relationships, the opportunities and luck is only

29、result created by people。 if we do not fight, the only result is failure instead of the success. negative: bole and horses are our familiar example. opportunity and luck are the premise of all the other factors. if there are no opportunity and luck, even if you have talent, you cant get a stage to s

30、how yourself. positive: einstein once said: ”opportunity only prefers the mind prepared。” the countless scientists of the success in history have told us, the people who hard work is easier to success than that who only wants to wait for the opportunity and luck. negative: it is clear that success a

31、fter opportunity and luck。 success is a result, opportunities and luck is the conditions. since you are successful, the opportunity and luck is indispensable。 positive:as we all know shang zhongyong is very intelligent when he was young,but why did he turn out to be an ordinary person? negative:that

32、s because he as a child didnt have good teachers to lead him to keep progress,and he lost his way.so he failed in the end.so opportunity is more important. positive:could you tell us what makes our country so powerful now ? isnt it hardworking of 130 million people? negative:its reform and opening u

33、p contribute to chinese development。in other words,its opportunity that matters. positive:we can see from the difficult hardships that xiao shenyang also is not famous overnight。 they cant be inseparable with their efforts。 we believe that success should be the combination of hard working and opport

34、unity。but hard working is more important。 if the people without strong ability even have the best opportunities, he still can not succeed. negative:many people put a lot of hard work into learning english but very few people like us get the chance and luck to stand on this stage. positive:if we dont

35、 work hard, can we achieve success through luck alone? for example, there may be birds everywhere in a forest, but if the hunter doesnt know how to hunt or doesnt work on his hunting skills, is he going to get any birds? it is ones efforts, not luck, that bring success. success is not something we c

36、an run into by accident。 it needs much preparation, patience and hard work。 and luck only favors those who help themselves。 negative summary:thank for the well debating of the positive part。 we insist on our view that the luck and opportunity is more important than hard working. the hard working is

37、important, but not the key to succeed. when the opportunity is coming, the hard working man or other may catch it and succeed。 hard working can improve the personal ability. it can help us catch the opportunity. so hard working is for getting the opportunity。 it means that there is no opportunity an

38、d there will be no success。 so our side insist that the luck and opportunity is more important than hard working for success. its true that many factors.account for success. such as hard working ,opportunity , intelligence and wealth .but we insist firmly on the opinion that one has to study and work before one has a chance of success 。the following three aspects can help demonstrate it。 firstly ,inside factor governs outside factor .obviously,hard working is the inside factor. thats to say ,hard


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