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1、Unit 3 and Unit 4,?,Government and Politics,Government and politics,?,Warm-up Questions,?,Useful Words and Expressions,?,The Monarchy,?,The Parliament,?,The Government,?,The General Election,?,The Political Parties,Questions,?,1. For how many years is a general election,held once in the UK?,?,2. Nam

2、e the three major parties in U.K.,?,3. Which party is the one that spent the,longest time in power?,Words and Expressions,?,sovereign ,legally head of the executive,行政部门,;,an integral part of the legislature,立法,机关,;,head of the judiciary,司法部门,;,commander in chief of the armed,forces;,“supreme govern

3、or” of the Church of,England,Her Majesty and Prime Minister Trudeau,(Canada) react to a play during a football,game at Lansdowne Park. 1977 Ottawa,Britons felt the Queens important jobs,were:,1.,Represent Britain at home and abroad,2.,Set standards of good citizenship and,family life,3.,a confidante

4、,知己的女友,to the Prime,Minister, offering valuable observations on,the running of government,The Parliament,?,The United Kingdom is a,unitary,not a federal state. Parliament,consists of the,Sovereign,the House of Lords,and the,House of,Commons.,Functions,(1) to pass laws; (2) to provide, by voting for

5、taxation, the,means of carrying on the work of government; (3) to examine,government policy and administrations, including proposal for,expenditure; and (4) to debate the major issues of the day.,Power,: Parliament is supreme in the British State because,1) It alone has the power to change the terms

6、 of the Constitution.,2) There are no legal restraints upon Parliament. It can make or,change laws,change or overturn established conventions or even,prolong its own life without consulting the electorate.,The House of Lords,Consists of the,Lords Spiritual,(,上议,院的神职议员,), who are the,Archbishops and

7、most prominent,bishops of the Church of England;,and the,Lords Temporal,(,上议院的世俗,议员,), which refers to those lords,who either have inherited the seat,from their forefathers (called,hereditary peers,) or they have been,appointed (by the sovereign, at the,suggestion of the Prime Minister and,were call

8、ed,life peers,(,终身贵族,).,The Queen delivers her speech,in the House of Lords.,The lords mainly represent themselves instead of the,interests of the public.,House of Lords,The House of Commons,The real center of British political,life which consists of about,650,Members of Parliament (MPs),elected by

9、the people to,represent them. These MPs are,elected in the,General Elections,and should make and debate,policy in the interests of the,people who vote for them.,Most MPs belong to political,parties-,Labour, the,Conservatives the Liberal,Democrats,The chancellor, Gordon Brown, delivers his ninth,budg

10、et speech in the House of Commons.,The Prime Minister,-,King George I was “imported”,from Germany in 1714 and was not,interested in politics, so he left the,job of chairing cabinet meetings to,one of his,cabinet ministers, called,the prime minister. Later in 1832,elections replaced appointment. The,

11、party with the most supporters in the,Commons forms the government,and the leader of that party becomes,Prime Minister.,King George I,The Government,The Government today,-,a,parliamentary democracy,and a,constitutional,monarchy,代议民主制和君主立宪制,.,-,The System of parliamentary government is not based,on a

12、 written constitution, the British,constitution,is not,set out in any single document. It is made up of,statute,law,common law,and,conventions,.,成文法,普通法,,习惯法,-,Australia, Canada, New Zealand and India have the,same government. All but India recognize the Queen as,their head of state, and have the,Go

13、vernor-General,(,总督,),as a representative of the Crown.,General Elections,The importance of general elections,Held every,5,years,It is very important in the western democracy. For it,provides opportunities for people to influence future,government policies and to replace those incompetent,political

14、leaders.,The formation of the government,650members,of parliament are elected in the general,election representing 650,constituencies,in the UK. The,party which holds a majority of those “seats” in parliament,forms the government, with its party leader as the Prime,Minister. A government can be in p

15、ower for 5 years.,Procedure,?,第一,,register,选民登记。,第二,,nominate the candidates,候选人提名,。,?,第三,组织竞选班子,。,?,第四,开展竞选活动,。,The electoral campaigns,Before a general election, the political parties would start their,electoral campaigns in order to make their ideologies and policies,known to the public. The camp

16、aign involves advertisements in,newspapers, door-to-door campaigning, postal deliveries of leaflets,and “party electoral broadcasts” on the televisions(,政党选举电视讲,话,). The parties also try to attack and criticize the opponents policies.,Therefore, these campaigns sometime can be quite aggressive and,c

17、ritical.,?,第五,,vote,投票。,?,出席投票,即选民本人直接到投票站投票;,?,委托投票,根据英国法律的规定,在军队或军舰上服务的选民可委,托别人代为投票;,?,通讯投票,一般是军队或军舰上服务的选民以及在海外服务的选民,,才采用这种方法投票。,?,在大选时,全国有统一的投票日;在补缺选举时,该选区也有统一,的投票日。各选区设若干投票站,一般都设在教堂、学校等场所。,?,第六,,count and announce the result,选票统计和公布选,举结果,。,V,ote of no confidence,不信任动议,a statement put forward by

18、an MP,usually a member,of an opposition party,for the House of Commons to,vote on saying that “ This house no longer has,confidence in the Government”. An example of this,happened in 1979 with the Labor government,Labour wins first leadership in 18 years. May 2, 1997,2010 General Election,?,Result,布

19、朗前往白金汉宫向女王正式递交辞呈,布朗谢幕!,英国新首相卡梅伦与新任副首相克莱格,The Political Parties,The Labor party,工党,-,One of the 2 biggest parties in the UK. It is also the newest,party, created by the,trade union,movement at the end of the,19th century. It is a socialist party, believing that a society,should be relatively equal in

20、 economic terms, and that the,government should redistribute the wealth between the rich and,the poor. It also thinks that the government should provide a,range of public services for all the people.,The Conservative party,保守党,(,1979-1997),-,one of the 2 biggest parties in the UK. It is basically,th

21、e party of the individual, protecting the individual s,right to acquire wealth and to spend it as he/she wants. It,advocates economic policies which are favourable to,businessmen, such as low taxes. From 1979 to 1997, the,Conservative party won 4 consecutive elections and was,in power for quite a lo

22、ng period of time.,Conservative Prime Minister John Major,The Liberal Democrats,自由民主党,-,the 3rd biggest party and often seen as a,party of the “middle”, occupying the ideological,ground between the two major parties. They are,comparatively flexible and pragmatic in their,balance of the individual an

23、d the social. They,emphasize the need to change the Britains,constitutional arrangements to make the,government more democratic and accountable.,“,壮志未酬”的英国首相,?,布莱尔被舆论普遍认为是英国最成功的当代政治家之一,他带领工党首次,连续赢得三届大选的胜利,但受伊拉克战争和政治丑闻的影响,他本人没,能完成第三个任期便黯然离去,这给他的政治生涯留下了巨大的缺憾。然,而,布莱尔并非英国历史上唯一“壮志未酬”的首相,还有多位和他命运,相似的前任。,?



26、四次从大选中胜出,是赢得大选,次数最多的英国首相之一。他曾在,1974,年就英国是否继续留在欧共体内举行,了全民公决,并经历了英镑的大幅贬值。威尔逊辞职后私下对朋友表示,军,情五处曾试图拖垮他的政府,他感到无法控制国家的局势。,?,遭遇“逼宫”的“铁娘子”,?,玛格丽特,撒切尔是保守党政治家,也是英国历史上唯一的女首相。她从,1979,年到,1990,年在任,11,年,因作风强硬而得名“铁娘子”。她在任内派遣皇,家海军,从阿根廷手中夺回福克兰群岛,至今被英国人看成是明智的决定。,但因持续奉行高税收政策,她逐渐失去了民心,特别是她排斥欧洲的立场在,党内造成日益严重的分歧,导致内阁成员迈克尔,赫塞尔廷向她的领导地位,提出挑战,迫使保守党在,1990,年,11,月,20,日举行了领导人选举。撒切尔夫人向,内阁宣布,她决定退出投票,并支持约翰,梅杰继任首相。,Margaret Thatcher,(ruled 1979-1990),-,Came into power as Brit


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