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1、2013年高考英语真题完形填空汇总(含答案)2013年高考英语真题完形填空汇总(含答案) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(2013年高考英语真题完形填空汇总(含答案))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为2013年高考英语真题完形填空汇总(含答案)的全部内容。20 2013年高考英语真题完型填空汇

2、总1、安徽卷if you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why. do you need it for a _36_ reason, such as your job or your studies?_37_ perhaps youre interested in the _38_ ,films or music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a _39_ of the language

3、.most people learn best using a variety of _40_, but traditional classes are an ideal(理想的)start for many people. they _41_ an environment where you can practice under the _42_ of someone whos good at the language. we all lead _43_ lives and learning a language takes _44_。 you will have more success

4、if you study regularly, so try to develop a _45_。 it doesnt matter if you havent got long。 becoming fluent in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes _46_。many people start learning a language and soon give up. “im too _47_,” they say. yes, children do learn languages more _48_ than

5、 adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at any _49_。 and learning is good for the health of your brain, too。 ive also heard people _50_ about the mistakes they make when _51_。 well, relax and laugh about your mistakes _52_ youre much less likely to make them again.learning a ne

6、w language is never _53_。 but with some work and devotion, youll make progress. and youll be _54_ by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in _55_ own language. good luck!36. a. technical b。 political c。 practical d. physical37。 a. after b. so c. though d. or38。 a litera

7、ture b。 transport c。 agriculture d. medicine39。 a view b。 knowledge c。 form d. database40. a paintings b. regulations c. methods d. computers41。 a. protect b. change c。 respect d。 provide42. a。 control b。 command c。 guidance d。 pressure43。 a。 busy b. happy c。 simple d. normal44。 a。 courage b。 time c

8、。 energy d。 place45. a。 theory b. business c. routine d. project46. a。 some risks b。 a lot less c。 some notes d。 a lot more47。 a. old b。 nervous c. weak d。 tired48。 a. closely b. quickly c。 privately d。 quietly49。 a。 age b. speed c。 distance d. school50. a。 worry b. hesitate c。 think d. quarrel51. a

9、. singing b。 working c. bargaining d. learning52. a。 if b。 and c。 but d。 before53。 a。 tiresome b. hard c. interesting d。 easy54. a. blamed b。 amazed c。 interrupted d. informed55. a. their b. his c。 our d。 your36-40cdabc 4145 dcabc 46-50 babaa 5155 dbdba 2、北京卷a leap(跳跃)to honorleaping on a narrow bal

10、ance beam(平衡木) is not easy。 but lola walter, a 13-year-old gymnast, is an expert at it。to perfect her skills, lola 36 for four hours a day, five days a week。 at the state championships in march, she finished seventh out of 16 girls。thats especially impressive。 37 she is legally blind, born with a ra

11、re condition that causes her eyes to shift constantly。 she often sees double and cant 38 how far away things are.when she was little, her mom 39 that even though she couldnt see 40 , she was fearless。 so her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three。 she loved the 41 right away and gymnast

12、ics became her favorite.though learning gymnastics has been more 42 for her than for some of her tournaments, she has never quit。 she doesnt let her 43 stop her from doing anything that she wants to.she likes the determination it takes to do the sport. her biggest 44 is the balance beam。 because she

13、 has double vision, she often sees to beams. she must use her sense of touch to help her during her routine. sometimes she even closes her eyes。 “you have to 45 your mind that itll take you where you want to go.” says lola。to be a toplevel gymnast, one must be brave。 the beam is probably the most 46

14、 for anyone because its four inches wide。 at the state competition, lola didnt fall 47 the beam. in fact, she got an 8.1 out of 10-her highest score yet.lola doesnt want to be 48 differently from the other girls on her team. at the competitions, the judges dont know about her vision 49 . she doesnt

15、tell them, because she doesnt think they need to know. her mom is amazed by her 50 attitude。lola never thinks about 51 . she is presently at level 7 while the highest is level 10 in gymnastics. her 52 is to reach level 9。 she says she wants to be a gymnastics coach to pass down what shes learned to

16、other kids 53 she grew up.lola is 54 of all her hard work and success。 she says its helped her overcome problems in her life outside gymnastics, too. her 55 for others is “just believe yourself.36。 a. runsb。 teachesc. trainsd。 dances37。 a. sinceb。 unlessc. afterd. though38. a。 tellb. guessc。 assumed

17、。 predict39. a。 suspectedb。 rememberedc. imaginedd。 noticed40。 a. deeplyb. wellc。 aheadd。 closely41。 a。 taskb. sportc. eventd. show42. a. boringb。 enjoyablec. differentd。 unsatisfactory43. a。 talentb。 qualityc. natured. condition44. a。 doubtb. advantagec. challenged。 program45. a。 examineb. expressc

18、. opend。 trust46。 a. fearfulb。 harmfulc. unfaird。 inconvenient47. a。 tob. onc. offd。 against48. a。 greetedb。 treatedc。 servedd. paid49。 a。 painsb. stressesc. injuriesd。 problems50。 a。 positiveb. friendlyc。 flexibled. caution51. a。 defendingb。 quittingc. winningd. bargaining52. a. standardb。 rangec.

19、viewd。 goal53. a。 untilb。 asc. whend。 before54。 a. proudb. tiredc. ashamedd. confident55。 a。 planb. advicec. rewardd. responsibility36-40:caadb 41-45: bcdcd 4650: acbda 5155: bdcab3、重庆卷when joe was about to start school, all signs pointed to success. yet things turned out to be quite 36 。 the fourth

20、 grade even found him at the 37 of the class。 joe struggled day and night, but it did not 38 until one stormy afternoon。on that afternoon, 39 the math teacher started to introduce difficult concepts, dark clouds covered the sky, and the stone ad in。 hard thou she tried to make the kids, 40 , the thu

21、nder won the battle for their attention。 no one 41 the concepts。 except joe. he understood them and answered all the questions correctly。 the teacher patted him on the back and told him to go around to the others and explain how he had managed it. 42 by his newfound success. joe moved quickly throug

22、hout the room。 soon math time was followed by the time for 43 . all children naturally drew 44 pictures on such a day. except for joe。since then, joe started 45 。 though he never made it to the top, his math teacher was always 46 and curious about the change: why had that stormy day changed joe?on t

23、he day joe graduated, he presented the teacher with his moat 47 possession-the picture of bright yellow sun。 on the picture joe had written: this is the day i 48 my brightness。36。 a。 unfair b. boring c. disappointing d. dangerous37. a。 center b. top c。 beginning d。 bottom38. a. happen b。 work c。 fin

24、ish d。 last 39. a。 until b. since c. because d。 as 40。 a。 concentrate b。 change c。 hide d。 sit41。 a. challenged b。 grasped c。 doubted d。 admitted42. a. relieved b. surprised c。 encouraged d。 puzzled 43. a. class b. sports c。 art d。 tea 44。 a 。great b。 dark c. different d。 strange 45. a .improving b。

25、 painting c。 recovering d. studying46. a. worried b。 amazed c。 friendly d. cautious 47。 a .familiar b. expensive c. admirable d. precious48。 a. familiar b. expensive c. admirable d. precious49. a. woke up to b。 put up with c。 got on with d. looked down upon 36-40cdbda41-45bccba46-50bdacd5155acbad4、福

26、建卷we have been driving in fog all morning, but the fog is lifting now. the little seaside villages are 36 , one by one. there is my grandmothers house, i say, 37 across the bay to a shabby old house.i am in nova scotia on a pilgrimage (朝圣) with lise, my granddaughter, seeking roots for her, retracin

27、g (追溯) 38 memory for me. lise was one of the mobile children, 39 from house to house in childhood. she longs for a sense of 40 , and so we have come to nova scotia where my husband and i were born and where our ancestors 41 for 200 years。we soon 42 by the house and i tell her what it was like here,

28、the memories 43 back, swift as the tide (潮水)。suddenly, i long to walk again in the 44 where i was once so gloriously a child。 it still 45 a member of the family, but has not been lived in for a while。 we cannot go into the house, but i can still walk 46 the rooms in memory。 here, my mother 47 in her

29、 bedroom window and wrote in her diary. i can still see the enthusiastic family 48 into and out of the house. i could never have enough of being 49 them。 however, that was long after those childhood days. lise 50 attentively as i talk and then says, so this is where i 51 ; where i belong。 she has 52

30、 her roots. to know where i come from is one of the great longings of the human 53 。 to be rooted is to have an origin. we need 54 origin。 looking backward, we discover what is unique in us; learn the 55 of ”i。 we must all go home again-in reality or memory.36。 a。 appearingb。 movingc. exposingd。 exp

31、anding37。 a。 referringb。 travellingc. pointingd。 coming38. a. sharedb. short c. freshd。 treasured39。 a. passedb。 raisedc。 movedd. sent40。 a。 homeb。 dutyc. realityd。 relief41。 a。 builtb。 livedc。 remainedd. explored42. a。 catch upb。 pull upc. step downd. come down43. a. fallingb. turningc。 rushingd。 b

32、ringing44. a。 yardb。 villagec。 roomd. house45。 a。 adapts tob。 appeals toc. belongs tod。 occurs to46. a. acrossb. throughc。 alongd. past47。 a. layb。 playedc。 stoodd。 sat48. a. marchingb。 lookingc。 breakingd. pouring49。 a. betweenb。 withc. neard。 behind50。 a. wondersb。 listensc. reactsd。 agrees51。 a。

33、beganb. grewc。 studiedd。 stayed52。 a. deepenedb。 recognizedc. acceptedd. found53. a。 heart b. rights c. interestd. behaviors54。 a。 one b. its c。 that d. every55。 a. meaning b. expressionc。 connectiond。 background3640。 acdca 4145. bbcdc 4650。 bddbb 5155。 adaca5、湖北卷zigfried, a little mouse, blew his b

34、reath on the frosty window of the farmhouse and rubbed it to see the outside. still nobody came. maybe today, he thought 31 . it was only a few days before christmas and he was watching for a miracle (奇迹)。this farmhouse had been 32 too long. it needed a family. zigfrieds 33 made a noise. he realized

35、 that he hadnt eaten anything since yesterday。 he jumped from the windowsill (窗沿), grabbed a 34 from his home, and went next door to farmer mikes。farmer mikes house had been a great place for the little mouse 35 the farmer married a wife who had a cat。 zigfried 36 when he thought of it。 he looked ar

36、ound cautiously as he 37 into the room where grain was stored and was quite 38 as he filled his bag with wheat. he was turning to leave when suddenly he 39 a hot breath about his ear. his heart beat 40 , and without thinking he started to run and luckily 41 the cats paws (爪子)。the next afternoon zigf

37、ried heard some good news: a 42 family would be moving into the farmhouse soon. zigfrieds granny would arrive on christmas eve to 43 with him。 he hoped that the family would come before his granny came. before long, a car came 44 the road leading to the house, with butter sandwiches, cheese and choc

38、olate。zigfrieds christmas miracle did arrive!the house came 45 the next few days。 zigfried 46 every single hour of them。 47 , the day before christmas when he was drinking hot chocolate with a 48 smile at the door of his home, he heard the 49 of the children of the family about what they might get f

39、or christmas. what? a cat? the 50 froze on his face; his mouth fell wide open. after a long while, he at last found his voice: “hey! whose christmas miracle is this?31。 a. carefully b. excitedly c. hopefully d。 proudly32. a。 shabby b。 noisy c. messy d。 empty33. a. mouth b. nose c。 stomach d. throat3

40、4。 a. bag b。 stick c。 bowl d。 coat35。 a。 although b. until c. whereas d。 unless36。 a. leapt b. sniffed c. trembled d. withdrew37. a。 broke b。 marched c。 paced d. stole38。 a. curious b. nervous c。 pitiful d。 sensible39. a. took b. released c。 felt d. drew40。 a. strongly b。 irregularly c。 slowly d. wi

41、ldly41. a。 escaped b. seized c. rubbed d. scratched42. a. close b。 happy c. new d. young43。 a。 celebrate b. communicate c。 compete d。 compromise44. a. across b. from c. off d。 up45. a. alive b. loose c。 open d. still46。 a. counted b。 enjoyed c. missed d. wasted47. a。 however b. instead c。 moreover d

42、。 therefore48. a。 bitter b. forced c。 polite d。 satisfied49。 a。 introduction b。 discussion c。 comment d。 debate50. a. blood b. smile c. tear d。 sweat3135. cdcab 3640。 cdbcd 41-45. acada 4650。 badbb6、湖南卷when i was 8 years old, i once decided to run away from home。 with my suitcase 36 and some sandwic

43、hes in a bag, i started for the front door and said to mom, “im leaving。“if you want to 37 , thats all right, she said. “but you came into this home without anything and you can leave the same way.” i 38 my suitcase and sandwiches on the floor heavily and started for the door again。“wait a minute, m

44、om said. “i want your 39 back. you didnt wear anything when you arrived.” this really angered me。 i tore my clothes offshoes, socks, underwear and alland 40 , “can i go now?” “yes,” mom answered, “but once you close that door, dont expect to come back.”i was so 41 that i slammed (砰地关上) the door and

45、stepped out on the front porch。 42 i realized that i was outside, with nothing on. then i noticed that down the street, two neighbor girls were walking toward our house. i ran to 43 behind a big tree in our yard at once. after a while, i was 44 the girls had passed by。 i dashed to the front door and

46、 banged on it loudly.“whos there? i heard。 “its billy! let me in!”the voice behind the 45 answered, “billy doesnt live here anymore。 he ran away from home. glancing behind me to see if anyone else was coming, i begged, “aw, cmon, mom! im 46 your son。 let me in!”the door inched open and moms smiling

47、face appeared. “did you change your 47 about running away? she asked.“whats for supper? i answered. (277 words)36。 a. packedb。 returnedc。 cleanedd。 repaired37。 a。 drop outb。 go byc。 move aroundd. run away38. a. pressedb. shookc。 threwd. pulled39。 a。 bag b. clothesc。 sandwichesd。 suitcase40。 a. expla

48、inedb。 suggestedc. continuedd. shouted41。 a. angryb. sorryc. frightenedd. ashamed42. a. certainlyb。 naturallyc。 suddenlyd. possibly43. a。 playb。 bidec. restd。 wave44. a。 sureb。 proudc。 eagerd. curious45。 a。 houseb. treec。 doord. yard46。 a。 alsob。 stillc。 evend。 already47。 a。 conclusionb. promisec。 c

49、oncernd。 decision36-40 adcbd 4145 acbac 46-47 bd7、江西卷diane ray was completely self-centered and very spoilt. her parents gave her 36 she wanted, knowing that she would throw a temper tantrum(耍小孩脾气)if they did not。 she would scream and kick and 37 on the floor drumming her heels. her parents always 3

50、8 。that was why she was alone on the 39 , wearing an expensive swimsuit。 it had taken a massive tantrum to 40 her parents to buy it。 they were back at the beach-house, 41 from the tantrum she had thrown when they told her that it was too dangerous to go diving 42 . “dangerous ? she had said. “you ju

51、st dont want me to have 43 . im going and if you try to stop me, ill scream。”“what are you doing ?” a voice asked。 diane jumped。 she did not know that the man was there 44 he spoke .“im going diving, she answered.“you shouldnt swim that day, the man 45 。 “there is a storm coming up。”“you should mind your own 46 !” diane replied and walked into the gent


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