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1、(一)ford abandons electric vehicles(福特放弃电动汽车)1.what have the ford motor company, general motors and honda done concerning electric cars?c they have given up producing electric cars.2. according to tim holmes of ford europe, battery-powered carsb will not be the main transportation vehicles in the fut

2、ure. 3.which auto manufacturers are still producing electric vehicles? a toyota and nissan.4.according to the eighth paragraph, hybrid cars c run more miles than petrol driven cars. 5.which of the following is true about the hope of car manufacturers according to the last paragraph? d the legislatio

3、n will allow more low-emission to be produced.(二)world crude oil production may peak a decade earlier than some predict(世界原油产量可能提前十年达到峰值)1. which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “sparked” appearing in paragraph 2?”b stimulated2.the term “a bell shaped curve” appearing in paragraph

4、 2 indicates that global oil production willd start to decline after global oil production peaks.3.which of the following is not true of the hubbert model?d it provides a very realistic and accurate oil production.4.what is the major achievement of the new study mentioned in the last paragraph?a it

5、predicts global oil production will peak in 2014.5.who develop the new version of the hubbert model?b kuwaiti scientists.(三)citizen scientists(公民科学家)1. ecologists turn to non-scientist citizens for help because they need themc to collect data of the life cycle of living things.2.what are citizen sci

6、entists asked to do? b to send their research observations to a professional database.3.in “all thats needed to become one . (paragraph2)” , what does the word “one” stands forb a citizen scientist.4.what is not true of project budburst?a only experts can participate in it.5 .what is the final purpo

7、se of project budburst?d to investigate how plants and animals will respond as the climate changes.(四)motoring technology(汽车技术)1.what are researchers interested in doing as the road accidents worldwide increase to a shocking rate? c they focus their research on safety and new fuels. 2.according to t

8、he second paragraph, most road accidents happen b because drivers make mistakes.3.which of the safety developments is not mentioned in the passage?d windscreens that can help drivers to improve their vision.4.what is not the purpose of innovations that use satellite tracking and remote communication

9、s?c to call for help when the car gets jammed in the traffic. 5.what is true of robotic drivers?a it will take some time before robotic drivers can be put to practical use. (五)late-night drinking(在深夜饮咖啡)1.the author mentions pick-me-up to indicate that c coffee is a stimulant. 2.which of the followi

10、ng tells us how caffeine affects sleep?c caffeine halves the bodys levels of sleep hormone.3.what does paragraph 3 mainly discuss? a different effects of caffeinated coffee and decaf on sleep. 4.what does the experiment mentioned in paragraph 4 prove? d caffeine drinkers produce less sleep hormone.5

11、.the author of this passage probably agrees that b we should not drink coffee after supper. (六)making light of sleep(不要太在意睡眠)2012新增1 .the clock located inside our brains is similar to our bedside alarm clock becauseb it has a cycle of 24 hours.2. what is implied in the second paragraph?c children be

12、fore puberty tend to fall asleep earlier at night than adolescents.3. in the third paragraph the author wants to tell the reader thatb staying up late has a bad effect on teenagers ability to think and learn.4. which of the following statements is not true according to the fourth and fifth paragraph

13、s?c our internal clock as well as the alarm clock can be reset automatically.5. according to the last two paragraphs, what did the previous researchers think about the human eyes light-sensing system?b the human eye had one light-sensing system.(七)sugar power for cell phones(用糖为手机发电)1. according to

14、the first paragraph, when can we share our sweet drinks with our cell phones?c when the technology of a new type of fuel cell is suitable for mass production.2.what trouble did minteer and klotzbach have in their research? a they had trouble keeping enzymes in fuel cells active. 3. according to para

15、graph 5, electrons are releasedc when the enzyme oxidizes the glucose from a sugary liquid that goes through a pocket.4.what is exciting about the new fuel cells?b their limited power generation capacity is a good beginning. 5.according to the last paragraph, what is not true of the new fuel cells?

16、d it will take some time before the new fuel cells can be used in popular products.(八)eiffel is an eyeful(引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔)1. why does the author think the eiffel tower is transformed into symbol of a world on the move?b tourists of all nationalities come- to, scribble on the cold iron of the tower. 2.wha

17、t seems strange to the author? a visitors prefer wasting time scribbling to enjoying the view.3.which statement is not true of hugues richard? c he climbed 747 steps up ,the tower in 19 minutes and 4 seconds4.what did the builder use the eiffel tower for? b conducting research in various fields. 5.w

18、hich of the following is neatest in meaning to (the eiffel tower is like) a blank canvas for visitors to make of it what they will ? c visitors can imagine freely what the tower represents. (九)egypt felled by famine(埃及饱受饥荒折磨)1.why does the author mention pyramid builders? d because even they were un

19、able to rescue their civilisation.2.which of the following factors was ultimately responsible for the fall of the civilisation of ancient egypt? a change of climate. 3.which of the following statements is true?d the white nile and the blue nile are branches of the river nile.4.according to krom, egy

20、pts old kingdom fella immediately after a period of drought.5.the word “devastating” in the last paragraph could be best replaced byb “damaging”.(十)young female chimps outlearn their brothers(年轻雌猩猩学习优于她们的弟兄)1.why do young female chimps learn faster than young male chimps at -fishing for termites?b b

21、ecause young female chimps begin to study their mothers earlier.2.what are the tools with which chimps fish, for termites?b vegetation.3.which of the following is .true about chimps fishing for termites according to paragraph 6?c females could get out more termites with every dip.4.how did the resea

22、rchers explain the fact that boy chimps spent more time on playing d it will make them good fighters and hunters in the future.5.according to the last paragraph, which of the following is not true?a adult chimps hunt monkeys while young chimps fish for termites. (十一)the net cost of making a name for

23、 yourself(网上申请个人域名的费用)1.the domain name “. edu” is operated byb the company network solutions. 2.the .firm, .shop, .web, .arts, .rec, .info and .nom domains are not run byb the us government. 3.global names of singapore isb a registrar. 4.how can a company. successfully register a name with the inte

24、rnet? a it must pay up to $10,000 or a nonrefundable deposit. 5.what is the meaning of the phrase net cost in the title?b the registration fee for a domain name on the internet. (十二)florida hit by cold air mass(佛罗里达遭受冷气团袭击)1.which of the following statements is not meant in the first two paragraphs?

25、 b the temperature in the united states except the south dropped below the freezing mark.2. according to the second paragraph, in which area( s) did.the temperature fall below zero?b parts of interior south florida. 3.kings statement that we brought shorts, t-shirt, and 1 had to go out and buy anoth

26、er coat.shows thata he was caught by the sudden cold. 4.governor jeb issue the emergency order because he c wanted to encourage trucks to transport as much fruit to market as possible.5.which statement is not true according to the last paragraph?d florida citrus mutual sprayed trees with sprinklers

27、for citrus growers.(十三)invisibility ring(隐形环)1.harry potter is mentioned in the passage, because scientistsc try to invent a device similar in idea to the invisible cloak he uses. 2.what is true of microwaves? b their wavelengths are longer than those of visible light. 3.what is not true of the invi

28、sibility device? b microwaves bounce off it when they, strike it. 4.what does the word coaster mean in the passage? a disk or plate placed under a drinking glass to protect a table top. 5.harry potters invisibility cloak doesnt have any real competition yet, because c the cloaking device works only

29、for, microwaves. (十四)japanese car keeps match for drunk drivers(日本用来监视醉酒司机的新型概念车)1.which of the following statements is not true of the japanese concepts car?c it has sensors locked up in the ignition system.2.what has volvo developed?b a breathalyzer attached to a cars seat belt.3.what is the. func

30、tion of .the. camera. mentioned in paragraph 4?a it monitors the drivers eyes-to see ,if he needs a rest. 4.according to doi, d nissan aims to improve the detection technology to reduce the fatality rate.5.which of the following is not mentioned in paragraph 6? b the car will automatically keep to i

31、ts lane. (十五)winged robot learns to fly(肋生双翅机器人学飞行)1.which of the following is not true of what is mentioned about the winged robot in the second paragraph?c the two professors of cut programmed the data on how the robot flapped its wings.2.how did the robot behave at the beginning of the test? b it

32、 twitched but gradually gained height.3.which of the following is nearest to peter, bentleys view on the winged robot?a the winged robot- could never really fly4.what measured how much lift the robot produced? b a movement detector.5.what does “the process” appearing in the last paragraph refer to?d

33、 all the above.(十六)japanese drilling into core of earth(日本人的地心旅行)1.according to the passage, mount unzen b erupted in 1991. 2.according to the passage, the study of the mount unzen volcano may benefit japan in all the following aspects exceptd predicting volcano eruptions. 3.why is- this research pr

34、oject so important to japan?a because japan has many living volcanos. 4.the drilling site on mount unzen is c about half way up the mountain. 5.the title of this passage japanese drilling into core of earth actually means that theya drill a hole into the core of a volcano.(十七)a sunshade for the plan

35、et(地球防晒霜)1.according to the first two paragraphs, the author thinks that c despite the difficulty, scientists have some options to prevent global warming.2.scientists resist talking about their options because they dont want people toc think the problem has been solved. 3.what does stephen schneider

36、 say about a heroin addict and methadone?a methadone is an effective way to treat a hard heroin addict.4.what is stephen schneiders idea of preventing global warming?c to apply sunscreen to the earth: 5.what is not true of the effectiveness of sunscreen , according to the last paragraph?d it decreas

37、es greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.(十八)thirst for oil(石油匮乏)1.”will need to cure our addiction to oil.” why does the author say so?d oil supply is decreasing.2.which of the following statements is not meant by the author, according to the second paragraph?c coal is the most environmentally unfrien

38、dly fuel next-to oil.3.which country is the biggest consumer of petroleum?a the united states 4.what do experts say about: the earths fuel reserves?b there will soon be an energy crisis.5.what is not, the result of consuming fossil fuels according to the last paragraph?d the sea level will go up.(十九

39、)2012版教材改为graphenes superstrength(2012年4月真题)(二十)explorer of the extreme deep(深海探索器)l .what is alvin? c a submersible. 2.which of the following statements is not a fact about alvin? a it can carry explorers as deep as 6,500 meters.3.“. a world that is still full of mysteries” refers to c the ocean 4.

40、in what aspects are the new hov and alvin similar?d shape.5.in what aspects are he new hov and alvin different.d both a and b. (二十一)plant gas(植物,沼气的又一来源)1.what was scientists understanding of methane?c it was produced in oxygen-free environments.2.to test whether plants are a source of methane, the

41、scientists created b an environment with the same concentration of oxygen as the earth has.3.which statement is true of the methane emissions of plants in the experiment?d the higher the temperature, the greater the amount of methane emissions.4.which of the following about methane is not mentioned

42、in the passage? d microbes in plants produce methane.5.what is the beneficial point of some microbes lconsuming, plant-produced methane?c less methane reaches the atmosphere(二十二)snowflakes(雪花)1.what does professor libbrecht believe to be true?a no two snowflakes are exactly the same in shape. 2.what

43、 do the simplest snow crystals look like? d they are six-sided.3.what are the factors that affect the shape and growth rate, of a snow crystal?a humidity and temperature.4.it can be felt from the description in the 2nd paragraph that the author a admires the beauty of the snowflakes.5.libbrecht is n

44、ot able to c create snowflakes that are exactly alike.(二十三)powering a city? its a breeze(风力发电,轻而易举)1.what are the symbols of the netherlands according to the first paragraph? b wooden shoes and wooden windmills. 2.which statement best describes the urban turbine mentioned in the second paragraph?b i

45、t is a high-tech machine designed to generate energy for urban people.3.the smallest models of an urban turbinec can be carried up to the rooftop without a crane. 4.netherlands leads in the urban turbine technology becaused the netherlands is a small country with a large population.5.according to th

46、e last paragraph, what are the advantages of wind power technology?d both a and c.(二十四)underground coal firesa looming catastrophe(地下煤着火即将来临的灾难)l.according to the first paragraph, one of the warnings given by the scientists is thatc poisonous elements released by the underground fires can pollute wa

47、ter sources. 2.according to the third paragraph, what will happen when the underground heat does not disappear?a coal heats up on its own and catches ire and burns. 3.what did stracher analyze in his article published in the international journal of coal ecology?d coal fires can have an impact on th

48、e environment.4.which of the following statements about paul van dijk is not true? b he has detected and monitored underground fires in the netherlands.5.according to the fifth paragraph, what is the suggested method to control underground fires?d cutting off the oxygen supply. (二十五)eat to live(为生存而

49、食)1.according to the passage, which of the following is not true?d we have to begin dieting since childhood.2.why does the author mention an elderly mouse in paragraph 2?b to illustrate the effect of meager food on mice3.what can be inferred about completely normally fed mice mentioned in the passag

50、e?d they are more likely to suffer from inflammation4.according to the author, which of the following most interested the researchers? a the mice that started dieting in old age.5.according to the, last two paragraphs, spindler believes thatc dieting is not a good method to give us health and long l

51、ife.(二十六)male and female pilots cause accidents differently(男女飞行员引起飞行事故的差异)1.what is the research at johns hopkins university about?b gender difference in relation to types of aircraft crashes2.which of the statements is not true according to the second paragraph?d only mature pilots are studied to

52、determine the gender differences in the reasons for aircraft crash.3.how did the researchers carry out their study?a they studied the findings of several previous research projects.4.what is the most common circumstance of crash with female pilots?b loss of control on landing or takeoff and stalling

53、. 5.in the comparison of female and male pilotsd male pilots are found to make more errors in decision-making.(二十七)driven to distraction()分散注意力驾驶1.which statement is true of the description in the first two paragraphs?c coyne is not really driving so it is impossible for him to have hit the woman. 2

54、.what do researchers want to find out, according to the third and fourth paragraphs?d all of the above.3.what are the preliminary results given in the fifth paragraph?c in challenging driving situations, drivers do not have any additional mental energy to deal with something else. 4.the sixth paragr

55、aph mainly state that the researchersd want to determine the best ways of giving navigational information system.5.what kind of directions do men and women prefer? b men prefer more general directions and women prefer route directions. (二十八)sleep lets brain file memories(睡眠促使记忆归档存储)1.which of the fo

56、llowing statements-is nearest in meaning to the sentence “to sleep. perchance to file”?a does brain arrange memories in useful order during sleep?2.what is the result of the experiment with rats and mice carried out at rutgers university?c somatosensory neocortex and hippocampus work together in memory consolidation.3.what is the relation of memory to glucose tolerance, as is indicated by a research mentioned in paragraph 4?d the poorer the memory, the poorer glucose tolerance.4.in what way is memory related to hippocampus shrinkage?b the more hippo


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