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1、2012年6月英语四级作文预测热点话题作文必背topic: on students quitting school1. 近年来,许多大学生退学2. 大学生退学的原因3. 我的看法on students quitting schoolmany college students have quit school in recent years. they do it for different reasons. some students quit school because of their poor health. a serious disease or a traffic acciden

2、t may have made it impossible for them to continue their schooling. other students may be forced to do it because their family couldnt afford the tuition. however, there are some students who quit school out of their own choice. some embrace a good job offer and leave school. others may find that th

3、ey cannot afford to lose the good opportunity to start their own business,so they quit school to start their career just like bill gates. whatever the reason, i think college students should think twice before deciding to quit school. after all, graduates are normally better prepared for their futur

4、e than those who quit school. college education pays off in the long run. topic:rich second generation1. 现在富裕家庭越来越多,富二代成为社会关注的焦点2. 富二代可以从富裕中受益,也可能由于娇生惯养而养成许多陋习3. 我对富二代的看法rich second generationthe past decades have witnessed an increase in the number of rich families, which gradually draws more publi

5、c attention to the issue of rich second generation.there has been a widespread public debate over this issue. some people believe that the rich second generation can benefit from being affluent. with the abundant resources and chances provided by their wealthy parents, the rich second generation are

6、 usually well educated and trained. they are more likely to make important contributions to our country. on the contrary, others hold that being rich has a negative effect on the rich second generation. it is quite common for a rich kid to fall into some bad habits, including flaunting their wealth

7、and feeling too proud.from my point of view, the rich second generation do have the potential to be leading figures. however, they should remain modest and make efforts for that.topic:should english classes be compulsory for students?1. 目前,英语课是大学生的必修课之一2. 有人认为英语课不应该被设为必修课,有人却不这样认为3. 我对此所持的看法及理由shoul

8、d english classes be compulsory for students?most universities in china have made english a compulsory course, which has aroused many complaints among students. many students wish that english could be removed from the list of compulsory courses.however, i think it is of great significance for all u

9、niversity students to study english. to begin with, as an international language, english is widely used. today, university students must master the language if they are to communicate with foreigners and to participate in the fierce international competition in the future. in addition, studying eng

10、lish as a foreign language does not only provide students with the useful tool for communication but also open a door to cultures different from our own. as is universally acknowledged, mutual understanding among different cultures is vital for keeping the world safe and peaceful. therefore, i stron

11、gly recommend that all students should take advantage of the compulsory course, and try to study english well. topic:does electronic equipment promote education?1.很多大学投入大量的财力为教室添置电子设备2.有人赞同使用电子设备辅助教学,有人认为回到粉笔时代更有助于课堂教学3.我的看法does electronic equipment promote education?lately a number of colleges are

12、spending large quantity of money on electronic equipment, which is supposed to promote education.this event has aroused a heated discussion. some people believe that electronic equipment is a good supplement to traditional teaching. it enables teachers to demonstrate things in a more vivid way by sh

13、owing pictures or videos. to some extent, students are more involved in the class. in contrast, others are against electronic equipment, which they think will inevitably distract students from study. in their view, teaching with the aid of traditional chalk can make students focus more on study.as f

14、ar as i am concerned, electronic equipment is quite beneficial to education. however, we should keep in mind that electronic equipment is just a means of teaching, which will never overshadow the significance of qualified teachers.topic:grades and ability1. 有些人认为分数体现能力2. 有些人则认为分数不一定体现能力3. 我的看法grades

15、 and abilitydo high grades imply excellent ability? opinions vary from person to person. some agree that high grades reflect high intelligence and are thus indicative of ones ability. students who do well in exams are therefore always favored in class. others hold that grades have little to do with

16、ones ability. they point out that some students who do not well enough in school may also make great achievements. they take edison for example, saying that edison was considered not clever by his primary school teacher, but became a very famous inventor later. in my view, grades are important for u

17、s students. when people have no other ways to assess our ability, they can decide whether we are qualified for a school place or a position only from our grades. therefore, we must try to achieve high grades in school, even though they are not the only standard for our abilities. topic:creating a ha

18、rmonious family1. 建设和谐的家庭环境非常重要2. 家庭和谐不仅有益于家庭成员的身心健康,也有益于社会健康3. 呼吁大家为营造和谐家庭而努力creating a harmonious familythe significance of harmony in a family has long been acknowledged. as the saying goes, if the family lives in harmony, all affairs will prosper.it is widely accepted that a harmonious family ha

19、s many advantages. to start with, a harmonious family is good for the development of a childs personality, while children usually have mental problems if raised in a family full of quarrels. moreover, all family members can get a lot of benefits. for example, those who live peacefully and happily of

20、ten keep a good mood; hence they can achieve success more easily at work or at school. lastly, the increase in the number of harmonious families will lead to a more harmonious society.to sum up, a harmonious family is worth all our efforts. lets work for that, and eventually, a harmonious society. t

21、opic:should free music downloads be ban?1. 越来越多的人开始在网上下载免费歌曲2. 有人认为这会严重影响唱片业的发展,应该予以禁止,有些人则不以为然3. 我的观点should free music downloads be ban?with the development of technology, more and more people are making use of the internet and are enjoying downloading all types of materials. some are especially fo

22、nd of downloading free music. they argue that free music downloads not only enrich our life but also are good for the music industry, because they help increase the popularity of music.however, from my point of view, it is not advisable to allow free music downloads. for one thing, they violate the

23、intellectual property right of musicians. for another, they have a negative impact on the sales of musical products, such as cds, which may do harm to the whole music industry. without good returns, who would like to invest in the music industry? in order that music industry can develop healthily, we had better ban free music downloads. lets all start to do so with ourselves. topic: should parents send their kids to study abroad1. 现在很多家长在孩子还小的时候就送他们到国外读书2. 对此人们看法不一3. 我认为should parents send their kids to stu


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