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1、二 xx 届 毕 业 设 计 外文文献翻译学 院:建筑学院专 业:城乡规划姓 名:xxx学 号:xxxxxxxxx指导教师:xx完成时间:20xx年x月绿地,城市持续发展最重要的指标:城市规划效用研究francisco gmez;jos jabaloyes;luis montero;vicente de vicente;and manuel valcuende 摘要:本篇文章总结了在西班牙城市巴伦西亚开展的一次非常广泛的研究,即绿地在城市舒适度中起到的作用。之前,已经研究出了组成城市环境的环境参数。根据这些值,一系列的舒适指数被分析并被证实,这些指数证明了之前作出的决定中的最佳的行为。同样被研

2、究的还有绿地在公共城市空间中的作用:对太阳辐射的保留度和污染滞留容量。根据绿地的总量,这在公式上达到了舒适指数的极限值,即通过统计相关性,测定出城市达到理论上的舒适所需的绿地的表面积。本篇文章对城市量度的公式进行了更宽泛的分析,通过对空间和环境以更广泛的视角和更丰富的多样性的研究。这三个舒适指数已经被巴伦西亚以最佳的运作状态表现出来了,即达到了统计学上的最确定性。这篇文章最后研究了早前在巴伦西亚进行的绿色规划实验。最终结果考虑到巴伦西亚的学术权威提出的保护许尔塔的建议,正是这个天然商品花园开始了巴伦西亚的形成,接着形成了欧洲地区的战略哲学和欧洲景观风俗。doi: 10.1061/(asce)u

3、p.1943-5444.0000060. 2011 美国土木工程师协会关键词:城市规划,植物,树木,应用研究,可持续规划引言:全球人口城市化速度的增长在最近几年值得注意,这一现象的发生根本上是由于城市为居民提供了更优的基本生活条件,极大地增加了他们的自由度。现实情况是,城市地区表现出越来越多的矛盾、不健康、难管理,其中最主要的是巨大的压力在环境方面。因此,在城市首先思考环境问题并将它从根本上的处理和解决掉才是合乎情理的。 最近几年,数以千计的人们每当周末便涌向城市周边,探索还未被发现的动物栖息地和自然空间。这在根本上是因为现代文明,尤其是在西方社会,对“基本生活条件”进行了清楚的定义,涉及到的


5、的应用,和监测这些指标增长的勘测方法的需要。从2000年开始,关于欧洲可持续水平的监测倡议已经被发展成为一项自下向上的策略的运用,它由城市环境专家团和遍及欧洲的地方当局密切磋商而成。简而言之,回到一个全面的立场,一些如今重要的研究员麦克哈格, 霍夫,里格斯特,斯坦纳, 恰林基,和吉拉德特明确地意识到最初的课题表明可持续性是环境和景观限制的证据,尤其是在城市,同时意识到城市不能孤立地存在,城市地域这一概念是真实存在的。本文的第二部分内容介绍了更广泛方面的研究,绿地在西班牙巴伦西亚城市规划的扮演了一个怎样的角色。第一部分已经于之前发表过了,第二部分认可了其更具统计学上准确性的结论,即先前关于绿地在






11、用空间中的实际温度的联系是确定的,建立于下面的公式:平均年气温 t(c)= -2.64486 log绿地率+10.75701。在第二部作品中,金教授通过一项在整个首尔市具有强烈影响的研究,确定了第一次中舒适度与绿地之间的关系。这一科技著作使用了气候资料,分析热岛的存在,并通过不安指数(di)的方法将绿地与舒适度相联系。虽然绿地与气象参数的相互作用可以 加以分析,但得到的结果只具有较低的统计显著性(r2 =0.35224)。这是因为在研究中采取得采样点数量较少。尽管如此,作者认为这类研究对城市规划还是很重要的,虽然他指出,研究应该对每个城市进行,不同气候的城市的结果可能有很大差别。本文中提到的工

12、作开始于几年前, 而一部分得到的结果已经公布。在此情况下,舒适指数可以根据城市中每个地区的绿地和每个城市最适用的植物类型所计算出:辐射滞留,污染滞留,以及其他。本研究已经从统计学和地理上在城市巴伦西亚展开,从而使一个清晰的路径和解决方案有效地为城市规划负责。在巴伦西亚是绿色规划起草的过程中,展开了以下的积极合作,这项研究的成果已经被着手实施:绿地的区划和规划,也就是观察那些应该在各地区实施,作为研究的辅助条件的绿地的数量和质量,使他们正确地被市民使用。方法论在这项工作中,气象变量在作为研究对象的城市地区被采样,并被应用到众多的舒适指数中。用间隔取值的方差分析对各项指数进行最小显著差的统计分析。

13、这得出了最显著成果的指标,按照城市先前的生物气候特征,列于表1。在表1中,td =干球温度(); tw =湿球温度(); tg =截止温度();v=风速(m/ s)表1 研究中使用的舒适指数指数公式汤姆的不适感id=0.4(td+tw)+4.8温耶的冷却pe = 0.57 v0.42 (36.5 td) 36辐射湿球wbgt=0.7tg+0.2tw+0.1td奥格亚图表特尔勇图表采样的瓦伦西亚市的气象分析的区域是八个最重要的地区(图1)。在这项研究中,在瓦伦西亚市的八个地区以这样的方式被选择,即所有的城市和环境特性是具有代表性的:两个人口最稠密的地区(eixample和pla del real

14、),两个与城市及其环境具有特殊性的边远地区(campanar和quatre carreres),三个处于城乡结合处的地区(lolivereta,pobles del nord和pobles del sud),以及一个与海滨接壤的地区(poblats maritims)。图1 巴伦西亚市地图及被研究地区标志图测得的气象参数如下: 空气温度,环境温度(地表),风速, 相对湿度,以及水平面上的太阳辐射。这些参数作为指数是必须的,比如奥格亚图, 一些必须的的数据需要从瓦伦西亚气象局申请获得。增加在每个采样点的测量次数的必要性,是因为做出的尝试将两个指数与第一系列的五次测量值用公式表示出来(表2)。表2

15、 根据城市的每个地区相应的绿地面积制定di和wbgt指数指数配比相关系数(r)及决定系数(r2)di线性方程: 68.3513 - 32.1545 (m2 绿地面积/总用地)r = -0.8262r2= 0.6827指数方程:e(4.2246-0.48)(m2 绿地面积/总用地)r = -0.8306r2= 0.6901wbgt线性方程:72.5075 - 47.1822(m2 绿地面积/总用地)r = -0.8337r2= 0.6952指数方程:e(4.2837-0.6693)(m2 绿地面积/总用地)r = -0.8401r2= 0.7059注:m2 绿地面积/总用地=平方米绿地面积/10

16、00平方米各地区土地面积di即不安指数,wbgt即黑湿球温度(译者注)这一计算方法是令人满意的,因为其决定系数远优于其他作者得出的结果(表3)。表3 基于绿色空间的不安指数值(数据来自金1989)不安指数(夏季)年份绿地面积(km2)夏季不安指数减少(-)或增加(+)1986360.5273.83957098+0:999999092001359.7972.83957189这些公式通过使用下面的统计条件获得:di不安指数(夏季,首尔)=-1.1910-6(绿地面积)+72.84标准差=1.21363 r2=0.35224 显著性 f=0.0419这个公式非常重要,因为它根据其绿化面积表达出相应的

17、空间,地区或城市的舒适和幸福。这一假说将被证实,在地区层面,绿地表面积的增大使得计算出的舒适性也相应增加。从这项研究中获得的数据示于图2。这个图表显示了每个地区获得的值没有与较大的绿化面积相吻合(考虑到每一指数的最大值:di=20.5,湿球黑球温度wbgt=73.58)。具体来说,pal del real地区有最大的绿化面积,但它的di值却远低于20.5的该指数最大值。为了搞清楚是何造成了这种明显的内在不连贯性,对通常活动的“软”和“硬”两种地面进行了分析,以证实这一假设上中幸福感和绿地之间的关系(在此条件下,不论何种情形在软质区域)。软质区域被看作是沙质土壤或草,绿树成荫或灌木成荫的街道,具

18、有良好方向的微风,和反射值较低的一般地区。硬质区域是那些由混凝土或石头铺装的路面,硬质地面,朝向不佳的街道,或者没有树木的街道(图3和4)。图2 每个地区 di和wbgt舒适值与绿地总面积的关系 图3 软区的典例:图里亚公园(巴伦西亚)图4 硬区的典例:瓦伦西亚边远地区借助这个条件重新对选定的三个指标进行了分析并证实,在各个季节中,软质区域有更好的行为表现,因为其结果接近舒适区域。因此,一些关于软质或硬质地面、测量所在时间的指标在逻辑上被重新定义(此信息是重要的,因为气象参数取每个地区在一天于早上9:30至下午2:30之间的时间),一些参数由于被采样的时间不同而又很大的变化。这一公式的结果列于

19、表4。表4中,软质区域时b=1,硬质区域时b=0;软质区域时d=0,硬质区域时d=1;夏季和春季时h=格林尼治标准时长+2,秋季和冬季时h=格林尼治标准时长+1。表4 根据巴伦西亚地面类型制定di和wbgt舒适指数:软质(b)或硬质(d)和白昼时长(h)季节舒适度公式(di和wbgt)决定系数冬季di=6.7809b+6.938d+0.648h(r2=0.993)夏季di=20.57b+20.7277d+0.33h(r2=0.997)春季di=15.60b+15.48d+0.44h(r2=0.990)秋季di=18.33b+9.13d+0.59h(r2=0.980)冬季wbgt=36.66b+

20、37.39d+1.73h(r2=0.992)夏季wbgt=67.98b+68.73d+1.03h(r2=0.998)春季wbgt=59.07b+58.99d+1.16h(r2=0.992)秋季wbgt=38.29b+39.07d+1.81h(r2=0.990)为了证实这一假设,对该指标之一的行为,根据绿地面积的量(平方米,每1000平方米该地区土地上的绿地面积)进行季节与地区的分析。本研究提出了图 5。在图5中,区域6 pal del real里拥有最大面积的绿地(108.3),也是最应被定位在全年舒适范围的地区,第四行代表季节。图5 年内不同季节的di舒适度指数(最高的舒适度值为20.28)

21、 (x轴的值对应于区域19,10,4,11,2,7和6的绿地面积)图5还显示,在区域6,夏季的舒适曲线下跌时,春季的舒适曲线会轻微上扬,而秋季和冬季舒适曲线则会朝着舒适范围值上升。也就是说,在一年四季中,绿色区域对热状况具有平滑效果(降低夏季的温度并增加秋季和冬季的温度)。此图证实了舒适度和绿化面积间存在关系的新假说,因为只有绿地面积最大的地区会在四季中倾向于最佳舒适度的点。因此,其余的20个测量值被均摊到每一个取样点,按照统计所建议的去设计。通过这种方式获得了更准确的数据,这就导致了三个选定的指标理论根据软土的新概念而重新形成:di不安指数,wbgt黑湿球温度及pe冷却势能。 其结果示于表5

22、-7。表5 di舒适指数公式(改编自戈麦兹)地面类型硬质(m2绿地/1000m2表面积)软质(m2绿地/1000m2表面积)春季0.3294;r2=0.54640.3235;r2=0.5464夏季0.3972;r2=0.55280.3825;r2=0.5285秋季0.2699;r2=0.56460.2579;r2=0.5393冬季0.2402;r2=0.56440.2307;r2=0.5455表6 wbgt舒适指数公式(改编自戈麦兹)地面类型硬质(m2绿地/1000m2表面积)软质(m2绿地/1000m2表面积)春季0.1644;r2=0.55571.1369;r2=0.5348夏季0.298

23、7;r2=0.54441.2503;r2=0.5423秋季0.9969;r2=0.56450.9586;r2=0.5409冬季0.9499;r2=0.56740.9121;r2=0.5471表7 温耶舒适指数公式(改编自戈麦兹)地面类型硬质(m2绿地/1000m2表面积)软质(m2绿地/1000m2表面积)春季0.1334;r2=0.56500.1181;r2=0.4453夏季0.0758;r2=0.48790.0721;r2=0.4452秋季0.1255;r2=0.58440.1124;r2=0.5239冬季0.1610;r2=0.48030.1488;r2=0.4691在这些公式中,统计测

24、定在所有的情况下,都以超过50的比率持续优于在汉城的工作,使这些公式被认为是可靠的工具,以获得绿地和舒适性指标之间关系的一个相当精确的理念。有了这些公式,就可以计算代入b或d为该地区内软或硬质区域的百分比,以及给定的该指数的最大值以获取每1000平方米城市地区内需要的绿化面积。从研究的第一部分成果提供了一些信息:为街道或公园提供了最佳阴影,哪些物种可以滞留最多的污染,以及他们在城市热岛扮演的角色。这些图表的公式是以地面类型为根据的:地区中的软质地面,硬质地面,和绿地覆盖的表面。green areas, the most significant indicator of the sustaina

25、bility of cities: research on their utility for urban planningfrancisco gmez; jos jabaloyes; luis montero; vicente de vicente; and manuel valcuende abstract: this work summarizes a very extensive study conducted in the city of valencia, spain, on the role of green areas in the comfort ofthe city. pr

26、eviously, the environmental parameters that make up the urban environment were studied. with these values, a very large series ofcomfort indexes was analyzed and validated, and the indexes that exhibited the best behavior were determined. the role of green areas in public city spaces was also studie

27、d: the retention of solar radiation and pollution retention capability. this culminated in the formulation of the comfort indexes according to the amount of green areas, which, through statistical correlation, allowed the determination of the surface area of green areas required for the city to be c

28、onsidered theoretically comfortable. this work completes the analysis of these formulations for a wider spectrum of measurements in the city with a greater scope and greater variety of spaces and situations. the three comfort indexes that performed best, i.e., those with greatest statistical certain

29、ty, have been reformulated for valencia. the work concludes with research fromthe previous experimentation applied to the green plan of valencia. the final solution takes into account the proposals put forward by the valencian authority on the plan for protection of the huerta, the natural market ga

30、rden setting on which the city of valencia stands, following the philosophy of the european territorial strategy and the european landscape convention. doi: 10.1061/(asce)up.1943-5444 .0000060. 2011 american society of civil engineers.ce database subject headings: urban development; planning; vegeta

31、tion; trees; sustainable development; spain.author keywords: urban planning; vegetation; trees; applied investigation; sustainable planning. introductionthe urbanization rate of the world population has grown significantly in recent years. this phenomenon is occurring primarily because cities provid

32、e a greater quality of life for the citizens and considerably increase their levels of freedom. the reality is that urban areas are increasingly conflictive, unhealthy, unmanageable, and, above all, an enormous pressure on the environment. therefore, it seems reasonable to think that the environment

33、al problems must first and primarily be tackled and solved in cities.in recent years, thousands of people rush each weekend to explore the habitats and natural spaces in their immediate surroundings that are not found in the city.this is fundamentally because modern civilization, especially the west

34、ern world, has made a clear commitment to the “quality of life.” by referring to quality of life as a complex reference to well-being, this unfailingly results in the same definition of health as proposed by the world health organization: “not only the absence of disease or infirmity, but also a sta

35、te of physical, mental and social well-being.”some examples of the initiatives developed from the subject of the quality of life in urban environments include the dob assessment, which considers the use of an experimental set of environmental indicators from a series of european cities; the sustaina

36、ble seattle report, a volunteer network and civic forum committed to the long-term environmental health and vitality of its region; the aalborg charter, a political commitment to the advance toward sustainability; the lisbon action plan, a commitment to action, promoting the use of sustainability in

37、dicators that enable the fulfillment of the aalborg charter; and an intervention framework for the sustainable urban development of the european union, which highlights the importance of the use of comparative indicators to evaluate urban performance and the need to explore methods for the monitorin

38、g of the advances. since the year 2000, the initiative for the monitoring of sustainability on a european level has been developed through the application of a bottom-up strategy by a group of urban environment experts in close consultation with local authorities throughout europe.in short, returnin

39、g to a generalist standpoint, some of todays important researchersmcharg, hough, register , steiner, tjallingii, and girardet clearly understand that the first issue brought up by sustainability, above all in cities, is the evidence of the environment and landscapes limits and the realization that t

40、he city does not stand alone,the city-region concept is a reality.this work presents the second part of a more extensive piece of research performed in the city of valencia, spain, on the role of green zones in city planning. the first part was published previously. this second part ratifies with gr

41、eater statistical certainty the conclusions of the first regarding the amount of green zone necessary in the city for it to be considered comfortable. it reaches a precise formulation of three of the comfort indexes used in the research for valencia.the second part of the research focuses on applyin

42、g the first parts knowledge to proposed green planning for the city. this second part starts by analyzing the updated international bibliography on city environment and sustainability, the present concept represented by green zones and comfort in todays cities, the relationship of both concepts, and

43、 concludes by explaining the latest conclusions of research in these fields.role of vegetation in the citythe green infrastructure of cities is the only infrastructure that responds to certain needs for the coexistence, gathering, and socialization of different human groups. it fulfills an important

44、 social function that is also of interest with regard to the reaffirmation of personal integrity because it helps to maintain ties with the past (historic gardens, green accompaniment in monumental areas), that is, it facilitates the positioning of people not only on a cultural level, but also on a

45、natural level, as a result of the connection with the temporal succession of biological aspects (changing of the seasons, temperatures, amount of daylight) in these live spaces.in summary, the system of green spaces in the city and their planning interact with the urban microclimate system and with

46、psychological environmental aspects of great importance for the inhabitants of the city, such as the urban environment, comfort, and quality of life. the vegetation in a city not only has a decorative function, but it also has a regulating role in environmental aggression: retaining atmospheric wate

47、rs, contributing to evapotranspiration, filtering out pollution, and representing an excellent regulator for the exchange of air, heat, and moisture with the urban environment. city inhabitants also have a psychological need to be close to nature for its well-known therapeutic effects: decrease in s

48、tress, fatigue, and other aspects pointed out by the who and many other authors. urban vegetation is especially beneficial because it improves urban comfort in hot climates and reduces heat islands.proof of the extremely important role of green areas in cities is the support from the european union

49、and the world meteorological organization to increase the green areas per inhabitant and the incentive to develop green plans in all cities.thermal comfort in the citysince ancient times, researchers have linked climatic conditions towell-being and the health of man. throughout history, the differen

50、tviews and theories on these effects have done nothing but formulate hypotheses, more or less elaborate, attempting to explain the evolution or justify the development of different civilizations.nonetheless, during the twentieth century, systematic studies were undertaken regarding the relationships

51、 among man, the city, and climate. perhaps it was the geographer max sorre who first and most accurately tackled the study of climatic comfort, and that which is of the most interest, who was the first to associate it with the microclimate of cities and artificial modifications. in addition, in the

52、united states, geographers from the department of geography at the university of california established a comfort index by using a graphic application similar to olgyays bioclimatic chart, whose author was a professor of the school of architecture at the university of princeton. he also led, to a gr

53、eat extent, the important group of researchers from berkeley, where different approaches were used in the studies of climate and urban comfort, significantly emphasizing the study of urban ecology.recent studies on bioclimatic comfort continue to use the two basic approaches pointed out by morgan an

54、d baskett: the analytical or rational approach, which is based on the human energetic balance, and the synthetic or empirical approach, which is based on combinations of diverse meteorological variables. the empirical indexes ignore the decisive role of human physiology, activity, clothing, and othe

55、r personal data (height, weight, age, sex). the rational indexes are more recent and tend to be developed through computer-aided techniques and depend on the human energy balance.at present, rational indexes are more related to urban planning interests and, on a worldwide level, highlight the work c

56、arried out during the seville world exhibition; the rediscovering the urban realm and open spaces (ruros) project, of special interest, developed for the european union ; and the rayman model, which has had a great impact, designed by meteorologists from the university of freiburg based on the assoc

57、iation of german engineers (vdi) guideline 3787, published by vdi and the working group from the university of sonora on the basis of the work by brown and guillespie. the international society of biometeorology has made a decisive contribution to this research with its publications and the creation of a special commission for t


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