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1、1 The Rite of Spring Author Miller 2 Text Analysis Warm-up Discussion u How do you understand the title “The Rite of Spring”?- What does “The Rite of spring” refer to in this text? u Does it carry any symbolic meaning? u What is the authors attitude towards gardening? 3 Reinforcement Discussion Iron

2、y What is irony? 4 Background His Life Arthur Miller 1915-2005 5 Text Analysis Structure 6 Text Analysis Part I: Main Idea u What do you know about the facts of the authors gardening? u Why did they keep the garden? u Why cant he resist the temptation to plant despite the seeming unwillingness? Why

3、“inevitably”? u What do you think is the tone of para. 1? uWhat do you think of the last few descriptive sentences in para. 2? 2021-4-217 1. I have never understood why we keep a garden and why over 36 years ago when I bought my first house in the country, I started digging up a patch for vegetables

4、 before doing anything else. (para. 1) 7 Does it mean Does it mean “countryside”?“countryside”? Detailed Analysis(part I) 2021-4-218 1. I have never understood why we keep a garden and why over 36 years ago when I bought my first house in the country, I started digging up a patch for vegetables befo

5、re doing anything else. (para. 1) 8 Detailed Analysis(part I) 2021-4-219 2. When you think how easy and cheap, relatively, it is to buy a bunch of carrots or beets, why raise them? (para. 1) 9 Detailed Analysis(part I) 2021-4-2110 3. And root crops especially are hard to tell apart, when store-bough

6、, from our own. (para. 1) 10 Detailed Analysis(part I) 2021-4-2111 3. And root crops especially are hardto tell apart, when store-bough (para. 1) tell sb/sth apart:tell sb/sth apart: 11 Detailed Analysis(part I) e.g.e.g. 2021-4-2112 12 Words study Note how the word “crop” is translated into Chinese:

7、 1. The crops are coming up beautifully this year. 2. What kind of crops are grown here? 3. We had a very good crop of strawberries this year. Detailed Analysis(part I) 13 Text Analysis . 4. There is a human instinct at work here, a kind of back-breaking make-believe that has no reality. (para.1) Pl

8、ease paraphrase this sentence. Detailed Analysis(part I) 2021-4-2114 5. As it is, though, I cannot deny that then April comes I find myself going out to lean on the fence and . (para. 2) 14 Detailed Analysis(part I) 2021-4-2115 6. But inevitably a morning arrives when, just as I am awakening, a scen

9、t wafts through the window, something like earth-as-air, a scent that seems to come up from the very center of this planet. (para. 2) 15 Detailed Analysis(part I) 16 Text Analysis 6. And the sun means business(para.2) Please paraphrase this sentence? Detailed Analysis(part I) 2021-4-2117 7. The bird

10、s begin screaming hysterically, thinking what I am thinking the worms are deliciously worming their way through the melting soil. (para. 2) 17 Detailed Analysis(part I) 2021-4-2118 18 Words study “worm” Detailed Analysis(part I) 19 Text Analysis Detailed Analysis Part I: Exercise 1. A bunch of _/_/_

11、/_/ 2. _/_/_/_/ ones way 3. 尽管意识形态上仍有不同,近年来两国间的合作不断加强。 4. 他这次似乎是认真的,还制定了一个详细的五年计划。 5. 一个难民小心地、慢慢地从铁丝网的下面钻了过去。 20 Text Analysis Part II: Main Idea u What does the author mean by saying that “conflict” sends him back to garden? u Why does the author use fertilizers sparingly? Why does he say “Im not s

12、ure”? u How do you understand his claim that gardening is “neurotic” and “moral”? Do you agree? u What do you make of the parent-children metaphor in para. 6? u What do you think of the mother-in-law story? Why such a story? 21 Text Analysis Part II: Main Idea uWhy does the author say “I garden beca

13、use I must”? u How do you understand “A garden is an extension of oneself”? u Where did gardening get Adam? What does this indicate? u What is the general tone in this part? Does Arthur Miller love gardening or not? 22 Text Analysis Detailed Analysis(part II) 8. Im not sure why I do this beyond the

14、saving in fertilizer and my unwillingness to aid the weeds. (para.5) Please paraphrase this sentence? 2021-4-2123 9. The attractions of gardening are neurotic and moral. Whenever life seems pointless and difficult to grasp, you can always (para. 6) 23 Detailed Analysis(part II) 2021-4-2124 9. The at

15、tractions of gardening are neurotic and moral. Whenever life seems pointless and difficult to grasp, you can always (para. 6) 24 What does the author mean by “attractions of gardening” being “neurotic”? Detailed Analysis(part II) 2021-4-2125 10. Also, you paternal or maternal instincts come into pla

16、y because helpless living things are depending on you, require training and encouragement and protection from enemies.(para. 6) 25 Detailed Analysis(part II) 2021-4-2126 10. Also, you paternal or maternal instincts come into play because helpless living things are depending on you, require training

17、and encouragement and protection from enemies.(para. 6) Please paraphrase this sentence? 26 Detailed Analysis(part II) 2021-4-2127 11. In some cases, as with beans and cucumbers, your children as it were, begin to turn upon you in massive numbers.(para. 6) 27 Detailed Analysis(part II) 2021-4-2128 1

18、1. In some cases, as with beans and cucumbers, your children as it were, begin to turn upon you in massive numbers.(para. 6) Please translate the Please translate the sentence.sentence. 28 Detailed Analysis(part II) 2021-4-2129 12. Gardening is a moral occupation, as well, because you always start i

19、n spring resolved to keep it looking neat this year,.(para. 7) 29 Detailed Analysis(part II) 2021-4-2130 13. She looks about skeptically. Her favorite task is blinding the tomato plants to stakes. (para. 8) 30 Detailed Analysis(part II) 2021-4-2131 31 Words study Notice the word “stake that can have

20、 many different meanings: 32 Text Analysis . 14. She is an outspoken, truthful woman, or she was until she learned better. (para.8) Please paraphrase this sentence? Detailed Analysis(part II) 33 Text Analysis 15. In some pocket of the mind there might even be the tendency to change this vision into

21、a personal assurance that all this healthy growth, this orderliness and thrusting life must somehow reflect movements in ones own spirit. (para.9) Please paraphrase this sentence. Detailed Analysis(part II) 34 Text Analysis . 16. A garden in an extension of oneself or selves and so it has to be an a

22、rena where striving does not cease, but continues by other means. (para. 10) Please paraphrase this sentence. Detailed Analysis(part II) 35 Text Analysis Part II: Words & Expressions . 36 Text Analysis Part II: Exercise All that_ is not gold. The grass_ in the early morning dew. Shakespeares literary legacy is_compare. She dyed her hair a very unusual _of red. 37 Text Analysis Part II: Exercise 1.任何适用于本地学生的校规也适用于留学生。 2.在朝鲜发射导弹问题上有多方力量参与。 3.他们是最好的朋友,却在利益面前像死敌一样互相攻击。 38 Text Analysis Part III: Main Idea u According to the author, why is gardener a proper occupation for the fathe


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