



1、转型时期大学生网络社团研究 转型时期大学生网络社团研究 a study on network associations of campus in social transition period【中文摘要】 20世纪80年代以来,中国社会进入转型时期,随着经济、政治、文化等领域改革的深入和发展,政府职能开始转变,民间组织在承接政府转移出的职能并提供公共物品方面开始发挥重大的作用,获得了更多的发展空间。社团组织在此过程中,经历了80年代快速增长和90年代整合调整两个时期,现在已经进入良性平稳的发展阶段,但也因一些法规制度的冲突、自身运行机制欠缺等因素遭遇了不同程度的困难。近些年,随着互联网的迅猛


3、期的特点和生存情况,在此基础上探讨网络社团的发展路径问题。【英文摘要】 since the 1980s, the chinese community into the transition period, as the economic, political, cultural and other fields the deepening of reform and development functions of the government started to change, civil society organizations in for government to transfe

4、r the functions and provide public goods started to play a significant, was more room for development. organizations in this process, has experienced rapid growth in the 1980s and 1990s, integration of the two adjustment period, has now entered a smooth development stage of benign, but also because

5、some of the laws and systems of conflict, their operating mechanisms such factors as lack of experienced varying degrees of difficulties. in recent years, with the rapid development of the internet, the surge in the number of internet users and the network application form continued expansion of the

6、 social reality of the impact of growing, community organizations are also on the internet has opened up a new space for development, to some extent, circumvent the law system of certain provisions of the convention and in the recruitment of volunteers, activity, building their own system to explore

7、 a new development model. freecity bbs among college students is a mature network-based society, in its 10 years of the development process, from bbs, web forums, networks of community networks and to change the typical characteristics of societies, but also as an entity of community organizations o

8、rganizations and their activities in the exploration and operating difficulties, but also has a group of college students as the main topic of public concern in orientation, sense of participation and role of the features. based on case studies of piaomiao shui-yun, with the focus on application of

9、the theory analysis, combined with more than a year to collect important data and information, research network community college students in the transition period the characteristics and survival, on the basis of this network of associations development of the problem. 【中文关键词】 转型时期; 大学生; 网络社团; 飘渺水云

10、间 【英文关键词】 social transition period ; college students ; network association ; freecity 【毕业论文目录】致谢 4-5 摘要 5-6 abstract 6 1 序言 9-11 1.1 选题 9 1.2 研究现状 9-11 2 基本概念 11-19 2.1 社会转型 11-12 2.2 公民社会理论 12-13 2.3 民间组织 13-16 2.3.1 民间组织的功能 14-16 2.3.2 民间组织在我国的发展形态 16 2.4 社团组织 16-19 3 网络社团 19-25 3.1 网络概述 19-20 3.

11、2 网络的特点 20-21 3.3 网络论坛与网络社区 21-23 3.4 网络社会群体 23-25 4 网络社团-以飘渺水云间为例 25-32 4.1 飘渺水云间发展历史概述 25-27 4.2 发展中的博弈 27-28 4.3 飘渺水云间的组织结构 28-32 5 飘渺水云间的网络社团化 32-36 5.1 群体事件的推动 32-33 5.2 网络的群体事件 33-35 5.3 以网络为中介的群体事件 35-36 6 网络社团的特征和属性 36-45 6.1 网络社团的概括特征 36-39 6.1.1 互益性 36-37 6.1.2 公益性 37-38 6.1.3 政治性 38-39 6.2 网络社团的角色属性 39-45 6.2.1 角色分析 39 6.2.2 飘渺水云间网络社团管理者的角色 39-41 6.2.3 网络论坛普通参与者的角色分析 41-44 6.2.4 关于网民角色分析的思考 44-45 7 网络社团的生存状态 45-52 7.1 自身优势 45-46 7.2 生存的困境 46-50 7.2.1 规章制度障碍 46 7.


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