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1、1. adjus To cha nge so as to match or fit; cause to correspond 变以 适应二alter To adjust (a garment) for a better fi修改 2. adjoi ning Neighbori ng; con tiguous 接临的=n eighbori ng 3. adaptation Something, such as a device or mechanism, that is changed or changes so as to become suitable to a new or special

2、 application or situation 改装=modification 4. acuteExtremely sharp or severe; in te ns强烈的二intense Keenly perceptive or discer ning; pen etrati n聪明的=sharp 5. accustome Being in the habit of 习惯的二used to 6. accumulate- To gather or pile up; amas收集,堆集;积累=collect 7. accompa ny- To be or go with as a compa

3、 nio 陪伴=travel with 8. accompanimenSomething, such as a situation, that accompanies something else; a concomitan伴随状况;伴随发生的事物=attendant An accompa nying thi ng or circumsta nee; a con comita nt 伴随物;伴随 的事物/情况 9. accommodate- To provide for; supply with 供应=lodge To provide with temporary quarters, espe

4、cially for sleepin提 供住处 10. acclaimed To be praised enthusiastically and often publicly; applauded喝彩地,赞赏地二praised 11. accelerate-To cause to develop or progress more quickly 使加快 二in creased 12. abundanc Full ness to overflow ing 丰富=profusi on. The state of being profuse丰富;大量 13. absurdCo ntrary to n

5、 ature, reas on, or com mon sen荒谬的 Ridiculously incon gruous or un reas on able 荒诞的,荒唐的 =preposterous 14. aba ndor To give up by leav ing or ceas ing to operate or in habit, especially as a result of dan ger or other impe nding thre离弃=give up 15. aware neshav ing kno wledge or cog nizan ce意识; 认识=rea

6、lizati on 16. available Prese nt and ready for use; at hand; accessible现实)可用 的;手边的;可获得的=accessible 17. attribute A quality or characteristic in here nt in or ascribed to some one or somethi ng品质、属性 二characteristic, trait 18. attireClothi ng or array; appare服 装、盛装;服饰=clothi ng 19. attach To fasten, s

7、ecure, or join系,贴或连接=fasten, stick to 20. assortme nA collecti on of various kin ds; a variety 多种多样 =variety 21. astonishing Filling with sudden wonder or amazement惊奇的,奇怪 的=startli ng 22. asto unding To be ast oni shi ng and bewilderi ng 震惊的,迷惑不解的 二surpris ing 23. assemblTo bring or call together in

8、to a group or whole召集;集合 =gatheri ng 24. ascenTo slope upward爬坡倾斜而上 二climb of 25. ascribe to assume to be tru认为是 26. arduous Dema nding great effort or labor; difficult 困难的=difficult Testi ng severely the powers of en dura nee; stre nu ous 艰苦的 =stre nu ous Requiri ng great effort, en ergy, or exerti

9、on艮巨的 27. arid Lack ing moisture, especially hav ing in sufficie nt rain fall to support trees or woody plant干旱的;缺乏水分的 二dry 28. aptly Exactly suitable; appropriately合 适的=appropriately 29. approach To come near or nearer, as in space or tir接e近靠近 二near 30. appeaThe power of attracting or of arousing i

10、nterest 吸弓丨力 =attracti on 31. apart from With the excepti on of; besides除 夕卜;除外还=except for 32. anonymo usshav ing an unknown or un ack no wledged n ame匿 名的 二unknown 33. annually Recurring, done, or performed every year; yearly 每年的 =yearly 34. anni hilate To defeat decisively; vanq uish战胜二conq uer T

11、o defeat or subdue by force, especially by force of arn征 服 35. alloy To comb ine; mix 融合;混合=ble nd, mix 36. altitude The height of a thing above a reference level, especially above sea level or above the earths surface度 =elevati on 37. afflue nt Gen erously supplied with mon ey, property, or possess

12、i ons; prosperous or rich 富裕的=wealthy 38. afflict To inflict grievous physical or mental suffering on 折磨 =problem 39. affect To have or show a lik ing for 喜欢二fondn ess 40. aesthetically Artistically 有艺术的,在艺术上的=artistically 41. adverse- Act ing or serv ing to oppose; an tag oni stic 敌对的=oppose, ill 4

13、2. adverselyMarked by or exhibiting features, such as hostility, that cannot be deemed positive or con structiv反 面的 Harmfully or unfav orable 有害 / 不利的=n egatively 43. advocate-To speak, plead, or argue in favor of 拥护演说=urge, preach One that argues for a cause; a supporter or defenc支持者或保护者 =prop onen

14、t 44. adorn To lend beauty to; decorate 使美观为增添美;装饰 =decorate 45. adop To take on or assumed取采用或接受 二take on 46. brillianee The state or quality of being brilliant光辉=radiant 47. boun dary Somethi ng that in dicates a border or limit 边界=divid ing line 48. breach A violatio n or in fracti on, as of a la

15、w, a legal obligati on, or a promise 破坏,违犯=violati on 49. boos To in crease; raise增加;拔高 To raise or lift by push ing up from beh ind or beloW推、举=raise 50. blend To combine (varieties or grades) to obtain a mixture of a particular character, quality, or con siste nc把掺在一起混合=comb ine, mix 51. bizarre S

16、trikingly unconventional and far-fetched in style or appeara nee古怪的=odd 52. bias A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgme nt 偏见=prejudice 53. beam A ray or shaft of light 光柱,光束=ray 54. be characterized bdistinguish 以为特征 55. barren Lacking vegetation, especially u

17、seful vegetation 不毛的 =in fertile 56. balmy Mild and pleasa nt 温和的二mild 57. comprise To con sist of; be composed o 由 构成二con sist of, make up 58. conception Something conceived in the mind; a concept, plan, design, idea, or though概念、计划、设计或思想二notion A men tal image or represe ntatio n; an idea or con c

18、eptic心、理形象 /象 征;想法/构思 59. composed of To create or produce (a literary/musical piec创)作 /制 作=create 60. componen A constituent element, as of a syste组成要素=element, part 61. comparable Similar or equivale nt 相似的;相当的 二similar 62. compileTo put together or compose from materials gathered from several sou

19、rceg 匚编=put together 63. com muni tyA group of pla nts and ani mals liv ing and in teract ing with one another in a specific region under relatively similar environmental conditions共生动物群的一群植物和动物 =settlement, society Society as a whole; the publid乍为整体的社会;大众 64. commoditySomething useful that can be t

20、urned to commercial or other adva ntage商品=goods 65. coincideTo happen at the same time or during the same peri同时 发生=occur at the same time 66. cohesion The act, process, or condition of cohering结合二unity The comb in ati on or arran geme nt of parts into a whole; uni ficatio 统 67. cluster To gather or

21、 grow into bun che丛生二concen trate 68. classify To arrange or orga nize accord ing to class or categor分类 二categorize 69. cling to v.依附,依靠,坚持=stick to 70. cite To mention or bring forward as support, illustration, or prof 证把作为支持、说明或证明而提及或提出二me ntion 71. check To check the quality or content of (an ele

22、ctronic audio or visual sig nal) by means of a receive监听,收听=mon itor To check by means of an electr onic receiver for sig nifica nt content, such as military, political, or illegal activity 窃听 72. celestiaOf or relat ing to the sky or the heave ns 天空的 =astr ono mical 73. cease- To put an end to; dis

23、c ontinu 使停止;中止=stop 74. capability The quality of being capable; ability能力 =ability 75. crawlTo move slowly on the hands and kn ees or by draggi ng the body along the ground; creep爬行=creep 76. crisscross- To move back and forth through or ove交叉移动 77. core The basic or most importa nt part; the esse

24、 nee 核心,本质 =ce nter 78. con ceaTo keep from being see n, found, observed, or discoverer 藏=hide 79. coun terparA copy or duplicate of a legal pape 复制品=vers ion An adaptation of a work of art or literature into another medium or style版本 80. coun teracTo oppose and mitigate the effects of by con trary

25、acti on; check 抵制,抵消=n egate 81. conventionaConforming to established practice or accepted sta ndards传统的=traditi onal 82. con tribute toTo prese nt as a gift to a fund or cause; con tribu捐赠曾; 捐献二don ate 83. con sumption The act or process of consumin消耗=eati ng 84. con strain To keep withi n close bo

26、un ds; confin束缚=bo und To set a limit to; confine 限制 85. constitute To found (an institution, for example创建=make up 86. constituentServing as part of a whole; component 组成的 =comp onent 87. constantly Continually occurring; persistently持续的二continuously 88. con spicuous- Attracti ng atte nti on, as by

27、 being unu sual or remarkable; no ticeable 值得注意的二no ticeable 89. consort withTo keep compa nyl陪伴=associate 81. con serve To protect from loss or harm; preserve保存,保护=reta in 留住;保住 82. con seque nc Somethi ng that logically or n aturally follows from an acti on or con diti on 结果=result 83. conjecture

28、A statement, an opinion, or a conclusion based on guesswork 猜想二based on guess ing 84. congestionTo be overfilled or overcrowded 堵塞=overcrowded, crowded 85. conflicting To be opposing; different 对立的,不同的=opposing, con trary 86. confront To come face to face with, especially with defiance or hostility(

29、与)面对面的二face To confront with complete aware nes 面对 87. confine to To keep within bounds; restrict限制=limit, cramp Restrict; n arrow 受限制;只限于 88. confederacy A union of persons, parties, or states; a league联盟 =ally One that is allied with ano ther, especially by treat同 盟者 89. cumbersome Troublesome or

30、on erous麻烦的=burde nsome 90. dramatically Arresting or forceful in appearance or effect引人注目 的=strik ing 91. durable Lasti ng; stable 持久的;稳定的=lasti ng 92. domains计域二fields 考试用书 93. domestic Tame or domesticated. Used of ani ma驯 I 养的=tame 94. domin ate To enjoy a comma nding, con trolli ng positi on in

31、 占支配地 位=be prevale nt in 95. diverge nee Differe nee, as of op in ion 意见分歧 differe nee 96. diverse Made up of distinct characteristics, qualities, or element多 种多样的二various 97. dogma An authoritative principle, belief, or statementof ideas or opinion, especially one con sidered to be absolutely tre(信

32、 条=belief 98. distinctionThe condition or fact of being dissimilar or distinct 差另U =differe nee 99. distinet Readily distinguishable from all others; discrete 有区别的, 不同的二different, separate, definite 100. dispute To argue about; debate 就 进 行争论=argument, disagreeme nt 101. dissem in ate- To spread abr

33、oad; promulgat散 布=spread, distribute 102. disposal The act or process of getting rid of something 除掉=get rid of 103. discrete Constituting a separate thing; distinc分离的 二separate Existi ng as an in depe ndent en tit单独的 104. discard To throw away; reject丢弃,抛弃=get rid of 105. diffuse To become widely d

34、ispersed; spread oi散布=travel To be tran smitted, as light or sound; move or pa传送 106. differe ntiate To eon stitute the dist in eti on betwee 区分=disti nguish To perceive as being differe nt or disti ne区分 107. dictate To prescribe with authority; impose命令 To issue orders or comma nd# 令二determ ine To

35、reach a decisi on; resolve军决,决定,二prescribe To set dow n as a rule or guide; enjoi指 定,规定 108. devastatTo lay waste; destroy变成废墟,荒芜;破坏=ruin 109. device A contrivance or an invention serving a particular purpose, especially a mach ine used to perform one or more relatively simple tasks 机器=i nstrume nt

36、A device for record ing, measuri ng, or con troll ing, especially such a device fun cti oning as part of a con trol systen仪表 110. devoid offree of无的,免于的;摆脱了的 111. destruction The act or process of wrecking or destroying, especially destructi on by explosive摧毁破坏 The act of destro ying 毁灭=demolitio n

37、112. detecTo discover or ascerta in the existe nce, prese nce, or fac查f 明;发现=discover, sense To become aware of; perceived 觉意识至 U 113. detectabl Can be discovered or ascerta ined the existe nce, prese nce, or fact 可查明;可发现 apparent, measurable, sizable 114. deriveTo obta in or receive from a source#

38、至 U =obtai n, To issue from a source; origi nat起源于=stem from 115. depression- An area that is sunk below its surro undin gs; a hollo下 陷处=low 116. depresseLow in spirits; dejected情绪低落的;沮丧的二saddened 117. depositTo put or set dow n; place放置二place, lay 118. depleteTo decrease the full ness of; use up or

39、 empty o消 灭,用完, 用光二exhaust, run out 119. dens Hard to pen etrate; thick浓厚的=thick, heavy 120. delicate Marked by sen sitivity of discrimi natio n 敏锐的=se nsitive Easily broken or damage(脆弱的 二fragile 121. delicate Con siderate of the feeli ngs of others 体贴的 二careful, inten ti on ally 122. deft Quick an

40、d skillful; adroit 灵巧的=skilled 123. extract To remove for separate consideration or publication; excerpt 摘录=remove 124. exte nc To stretch or spread(somethi ng) out to greater or fullest len gth 延伸二in crease, stretch, outspread 125. exte nsive Large in exte nt, ran ge, or amour广 大的二wide, far from re

41、achi ng 126. exp onen tiaC ontaining, involving, or expressed as an exp oner指 数的二rapid, in crease 127. exer To bring to bear; exercise对施力口 =apply To put into acti on 使用,运用,二cause 128. exhibition The act or an instance of exhibiting展览=display 129. exorbitant Exceeding all bounds, as of custom or fair

42、ness过高的, 昂贵的二expensive 130. expa nd To in crease the size, volume, qua ntity, or scope of; enl arge 扩大二in crease 131. excessive- Exte nding far bey ond the norn过分的 Exceed ing a no rmal, usual, reason able, or proper limit 过量的 =extreme 132. exclusion The condition or fact of being excluded.排除或被排除 的状态

43、 Keep out of躲开;置身于之外 133. execution制作=create 134. exalted Lofty; sublime; noble 高的,崇高的;高贵的 二superior Of great value or excellenee; extraordinar价值巨大或品质优越的; 突出的 135. exceed To be greater tha n; surpasl比 更好;超过=surpass 136. exce To show superiority; surpass other胜过=be superior 137. exceptionaWell above

44、average; extraordinary 杰出的 =extraord inary 138. excepti on ally Deviat ing widely from a n orm, as of physical or mental ability 特殊的=abnormally, Bei ng an excepti on; un comm or例外的=extremely 139. evidenEasily seen or understood; obviou显然的=apparent Readily un derstood; clear or obvio u显然的 140. evolve

45、 To un dergo gradual cha nge; develo发展二develop 141. erode To wear (something) away by or as if by abrasio腐蚀,侵蚀 142. equivalen Equal, as in value, force, or meaning 相等的 二in tercha ngeable That can be in tercha nge可以相互交换的 143. entitySomething that exists as a particular and discrete unit实体 =object Som

46、ethi ng perceptible by one or more of the sen ses, especially by vision or touch; a material thing物体 144. enormous Very great in size, exte nt, nu mber, or degree 巨大的 =treme ndous, huge 145. emit To give or send out matter/energy发射=give off 发出,放出 (蒸汽、气味等) 146. employ To put to use or service投入使用 二us

47、e 147. en actme nTo act (somethi ng) out, as on a stagj扮演=performa nee, pass 148. emerge- To come into existe nee发生使出现=appear, spri ng up 149. embed To cause to be an in tegral part of a surro unding who包 埋 二encase To en close in or as if in a cas把 装箱 150. elaborate- To become elaborated 得复杂=complic

48、ate To make or become complex or perplexi n使复杂或令人困惑 151. elaborately Planned or executed with painstaking attention to numerous parts or details精心制作的二done in great detail 152. fuse To mix (constituent elements) together by or as if by melting; ble nd 熔合二comb ine 153. fur nishTo supply; give 供应;提供=pr

49、ovide 154. fragme nA small part broke n off or detached卒片=piece A porti on or part that has bee n separated from a whole 155. forbidTo comma nd aga inst the doing or use of (somethi ng); prohibit 严禁=ban 156. forage To wan der in search of food or provisi on搜索粮食=feed To give food to; supply with no u

50、rishme nt给予食物 157. float To move from place to place, especially at ran do漂移=drift along 158. fertile Rich in material needed to sustain plant growt肥沃的二rich Abo unding, especially in n atural resource肥 沃的;丰富的 159. faction A group of pers ons formi ng a cohesive, usually con ten tious mi no rity with

51、in a larger group 小集团二side One of two or more oppos ing in dividuals, groups, teams, or sets of opinions 派 160. graze To feed on (herbage) in a field or on pasturelan放牧=feed 161. gorgeous- Dazzli ngly beautiful or mag nifice nt 耀眼的;美丽的舷目 艳丽的=mag nifice nt, beautiful 162. globa Of, relati ng to, or i

52、n volvi ng the en tire earth; worldwide全球 的=worldwide 163. give way to 让路,让步=be replaced by=tur n into 164. gen etic Affecti ng or affected by genes 影响基因的或被基因影响 的二heredity The gen etic tran smissi on of characteristics from pare nt to offspri ng 遣传 165. gapA n ope ning in a solid structure or surfac

53、e; a cleft or breach豁 口 =ope ning A breach or an aperture缺 口 166. house A structure serving as a dwelling for one or more persons, especially for a family 房屋=dwelli ng, To contain; harbor收容;隐藏二contain. To have within; hold 包含;容 纳 167. homogeneous-Uniform in structure or composition throughout 同 质的二u

54、n iform Unv aried in texture, color, or desigr均 质的 168. herald To proclaim; announ ce公布 宣布二announce 169. heritage Somethi ng that is passed dow n from precedi ng gen erati ons; a tradition遗留物,传统=traditi on 170. harshnesBeing extremely severe or exacting; stern 严厉=acid Biti ng, sarcastic, or scor nfu

55、l 尖刻的 171. har nesTo bring un der con trol and direct the force c统治,管理,支 配二utilize To put to use, especially to find a profitable or practical use fd利用 172. hailTo greet or acclaim en thusiasticall喝彩 =acclaim 173. integrate To make into a whole by bringing all parts together使结 合二unify 174. i ntegral

56、 Esse ntial or n ecessary for complete ness; con stituen必 须 的;应有的 二essential Basic or indispensable; necessaiy本的,必须的 175. institutionAn established organization or foundation, especially one dedicated to education, public service, or cultu机构=establishment A public or private institution, such as a h

57、ospital or schoo私人或公 共机构 176. in sight The capacity to discer n the true n ature of a situatio n; penetration洞察力二understanding The faculty by which one understands; intelligenc理解力 177. in spire To affect, guide, or arouse by divine in flue nc使受神灵的; 感召的=fire the imagi nati on of 178. i ngredie nt An

58、eleme nt in a mixture or compo und; a con stitue nt成 份=comp onent A con stitue nt eleme nt, as of a syste 成分系统的组成要素 179. in habitTo live or reside in 居住=occupy. To dwell or reside in 居 住 180 .in habita nt One that in habits a place, especially as a perma nent reside nt 居民二reside nt 181. i nhibitTo h

59、old back; restraint抑 制;限制=hi nder To in terfere with acti on or progress阻碍,=curb To check, restrai n, or con trol as if with a curb; rein i抑制 182. innumerable Too numerous to be counted; numberless 无数的 =co un tless 183. i nflux A mass arrival or in comi ng 汇集=arrival 184. i nevitably Impossible to a

60、void or preve n必然的,不能规避或避免 的二un avoidably 185. inclination A characteristic disposition to do, prefer, or favor one thi ng rather tha n ano ther; a prope nsity爱好去做=prefere nee The state of being preferred 偏爱 186. i nadequate- Not adequate to fulfill a n eed or meet a requireme n 不 足的=deficie nt, i n


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