已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 1 Lesson 1()月()日情境题Unit 1 Lesson 3一看问句选答语()月()日()1.见到同学汤姆时,你主动和他打招呼:A. Hello! Im Tom.B. Hi, Tom!()2.高伟向朋友作自我介绍时,他应说:A. Hello! Im Gao Wei.B. Hello, Gao Wei.()3.陌生人向你问好,你应该说:A. Im Gao Wei. B. Hello!二连词组句1. gao, wei,rm(.)()1. Goodbye!A. Morni ng!()2. Good morning!B. Hello! Im Peter.()3. Hello! Im

2、Li Yan.C. My n ame is Gao Wei.()4. Whats your name?D. Bye!二连词组句1. n ame,whats, your ( ?)2. hi,mon key ( !)Unit 1 Lesson 2()月(单选题()1. -Hello! -A. Goodbye! B. Hello!()2. -Hi! My n ame is Tom!-A. Hello! Im Peter. B. Goodbye!()3. -Goodbye, Peter! -A. Hi! B. Bye!()4. -Hello! Whats your name?-_A. My n ame

3、s Duck.B. Goodbye!二补全对话A: Hello! Im Lily.B: My n ames Peter.A:a. Whats your n ame?b. Goodbye!B: Bye!2. duck,n ame,my,is(.)3. boys,morni ng,and,good,girls4. am,peter,11 (.)Unit 1Lesson 4(.)一单选题()1. Hello! Im Li Ya n. Im a.A. boys B. girl()2. Hi! My n ame is Tutu. Im a.A. apple B. rabbit()3. Good morn

4、ing, Cat! Im a. My n ame is Panpan.A. Bear B.panda二情境题)月()1.刘老师向大家作自我介绍时说:A. Hello! Im Miss Liu.B. Goodbye, Miss Liu.()2.下午,你遇到刘老师,你这样打招呼:A. Good morning, Miss Liu!B. Good after noon, Miss Liu!-1 -Unit 1Less on 5()月()日Unit 1()月()日-3 -情境题选择听到的单词()1.晚上睡觉前,你和妈妈这样问候:A. Good evening. Mum!B. Good ni ght.

5、Mum!()2.你和彼得玩扮演小动物的游戏,你想让他扮演一只熊,应这样说:A. Act like a bear, Peter! B. Goodbye, Bear!()3.晚上客人和我们见面时,可以说:A. Good eve ning! B. Good ni ght!二排序题1. Great!2. Hello, Miss Li!3. OK, a mo nkey!4. Hello, boys and girls!5. Lets act.6. Act like a mon key!()1. A. bird()2. A. panda()3. A. mo nkey()4. A. eveningB. do

6、g C. duckB. rabbit C. bearB. mouse C. morningB. after noonC. ni ght()5. A. hello B. hi二选择听到的句子()1. A. Hello! Im Mouse.()2. A. Good morni ng!()3. A. Act like a bird.()4. A. Good evening!()5. A. Hi! Im Peter.三听句子选择正确答语()1. A. Hello, Peter!()2. A. Good morni ng!C. byeB. Hello! Im Duck.B. Good after noo

7、n!B. Act like a bear.B. Good ni ght!B. Hi! Im Lisa.B. My n ame is Peter.B. Good after noon!Unit 1 Lesson 6一单选题()1. -Act like a dog. -A. OK, a dog.B. Tha nk you.()2. -Who are you? -A. Hello, Mon key!B. Im Mo nkey.二补全对话A: Good!B: Good after noon,Liu!A:your n ame?B: Myis Lucy.A:()月()3. A. Bye! B. Good

8、n ight!a. Mrb. Goodbye!c. n amed. Whatse. after noon()1. Goodbye!A. Good eve ning, Peter!()2. Good evening, Dad!B. Bye!()3. Good ni ght, Mum!C. Good ni ght, Lisa!()4. Whats your name?D. Good after noon!()5. Good morning!E. Morni ng!()6. Hello! Im Wang Lin.F. Hello! Im Peter.()7. Good after noon!G. M

9、y n ame is Liu Ming.()8. Who are you?H. Im Li Yan.()4. A. Hello! Im Li Yan.B. Hi! Whats your name?()5. A. OK, a mon key.B. Hello, Mo nkey!四看问句选答语Unit 2 Less on 7()月()日Unit 2 Less on 9()月()日a. This is Kate.b. Glad to meet you, too.c. Morning!()月(A. Glad to meet you, Li Yan.B. Good after noon!C. My n

10、ame is Kate.D. Good ni ght, Lisa!E. Nice to meet you, too.连词组句1. is,this,peter(.)2.a,is,this,book(.)3.to,glad,and,you,meet(.)4.like,a,act,duck(.)-.情境题()1.我们见到外国友人时这样主动打招呼:A. Hello! Whats your name? B. Hello! Glad to meet you!()2.老师把新同学莉萨介绍给大家,应说:A. Hello! Im Lisa!B. Hi! This is Lisa.Unit 2 Lesson 8(

11、)月(一单选题()1.This ispen.A.amB. is()2.your n ame?A.WhatsB. What()3.Nicemeet you.A.tooB. to连词组句情境题()1.对别人表示欢迎,应说A. Tha nk you. B. Welcome!()2 .你想看看小丽的钢笔,你会说:A. Show me your pen. B. Show me your pen cil.()3.老师想让你把彼得介绍给大家,你应说:A. Im Peter. B. This is Peter.二补全对话A: Good morning, Li Yan!B:A: Li Ya n, look!C:

12、 Glad to meet you!B:Unit 2 Lesson 10一看问句选答语()1.Good afternoo n!()2. Hello! This is Li Yan.()3.Good ni ght, Mum!()4.Whats your name?()5.Nice to meet you.二连词组句1. are, who, you ( ?)-5 -1. too,meet,glad,you,to(.)2. me,your,show,pe ncil(.)2. you,here,are(.)3. at,pen,your,poi nt(.)Unit 2 Lesson 11()月()日Un

13、it 2()月()日-7 -()1. Gladmeet you.A. toB. tooC.two()2. Ope npen cil-box.A. meB.yourC. you()3. Thismy pen.A. amB. haveC. is单选题补全对话Miss Zhang:, boys and girls!Boys and girls: Good morning. Miss Zhang!Miss Zhang: This is Wang Hua.Boys and girls:Wang Hua:Unit 2 Lesson 12一将单词按提示分类a. Good morningb. Thank yo

14、u.c. Welcome!()月()日pencilrabbitpenpigsharpe nerdogeraserbirdmarkerpandagluemouseruler:bear:排序题1. Miss Zhan g, look at my bag.2. Mum, this is Miss Zha ng.3. Thank you.4. Glad to meet you.5. Glad to meet you, too.6. Wow! Its nice!一选择听到的单词()1. A. duckB. bookC. bag()2. A. catB. pigC. bear()3. A. glueB.

15、rulerC. eraser()4. A. sharpe nerB.markerC. pen cil-box-二二选择听到的句子()1. A. Im Micky.B.This is Micky.()2. A. Good morni ng!B. Good evening!()3. A. Look at my book.B. This is my book.()4. A. Good evening!B. Good night!()5. A. Glad to meet you.B. Nice to meet you.三听句子选择正确答语()1. A. Hello, Gao Wei!B. My nam

16、e is Gao Wei.()2. A. Good morni ng!B. Good after noon!()3. A. Bye!B. Good night!()4. A. Welcome!B. Tha nk you.()5. A. Oh! Its nice!B. Oh! Sorry!四补全对话Peter: Hello! ThisYang Ming. This is Kate.Yang Ming: Hello, Kate.Kate: Gladmeet you.Yang Ming: Glad to meet you,.Kate: Look, Yang Ming. This isbag.Ya n

17、g Ming: Wow!nice!Kate: Thank you.a. to b. my c. is d. Its e. tooUnit 3 Lesson 13()月()日Unit 3 Lesson 15()月()日-9 -一单选题()1. Showyour ruler.A. atB. myC. me()2. Touchno se.A. youB. yourC. me-二二连词组句1. iis,small,it(.)单选题()1. -Touch your eyes. -A. OK, my eyes. B. Tha nk you.()2. -How are you? -A. Good! And

18、you? B. How are you?()3. -Look at my no se.-2. your, touch,noseA. Hello! B. Oh! Its big.()4. -Look! This is my sharpe ner.A. Welcome! B. Wow! Its nice!二补全对话3. ruler, at, look, my (.)Unit 3 Lesson 14()月(一情境题()1.你和朋友做游戏说:“摸摸你的脸。”你应这样说:A. Look at my face. B. Touch your face.()2.你想让别人看看你的书,你应说:A. Look a

19、t my book.B. Show me your book.()3.当你询问朋友身体状况时应说:A. How are you? B. Glad to meet you!二补全对话A: Good morning, Kate.B:, Joh n.A:B: Fine, tha nk you.A: Look at my pen cil-box.B:Mr Zha ng: Hello, Miss Liu.Miss Liu: Good!Mr Zhang: rm fine.Unit 3 Lesson 16一连词组句1. not, well,very (.)a. Oh, its nice!b. How are

20、 you?c. Good morning2. you, how, are ( ?)二排序题1. Good afternoon, Li Yan.2. Not very well.3. How are you?4. Good after noon.5. Oh, Im sorry.6. Look at my hand.a. Than ks.b. How are you?c. And you?()月(Unit 3 Lesson 17()月()日Unit 3()月()日-11 -情境题)1你想让对方看看你的大手,你应这样说:A. Look at my big hands.B. Look at my sm

21、all hands.)2.别人询问你How are you? ”,而你感觉不太好,你应说:A. Im fine.B. Not so well.)3.当你触及到别人的伤痛时,向别人表示歉意你应说:A. Excuse me.B. Im sorry.看问句选答语A. Bye-bye!)1. Touch your n eck.B. OK, my neck.)2. How are you?C. Nice to meet you, too.)3. Goodbye!D. Not so well.)4. Nice to meet you.E. This is my arm.)5. Show me your a

22、rm.Unit 3 Lesson 18)月(1. bagrulerbeararm2.bookkneegluerabbit3. facedogpeneraser4. handpigbirdpan da5. mousemarkerbirdmouth二连词组句1. very,rm.not,well(.圈出属于身体部位的单词一选择听到的单词()1. A. headB. handC. bird()2. A. mon keyB. mouthC. morning()3. A. faceB. footC. nose()4. A. earB. kneeC. eye()5. A. legB. armC. neck

23、-二二选择听到的句子()1. A. Look at my leg.B. Show me your leg.()2. A. How are you?B. Glad to meet you.()3. A. Fine, thank you.B. Not very well.()4. A. Clap your han ds.B. Nod your head.()5. A. Open your mouth.B. Close your eyes三听句子选择正确答语()1. A. Im fine, tha nk you.B. Thank you.()2. A. Glad to meet you.B. How

24、 are you?()3. A. Goodbye.B.Oh, Im sorry.()4. A. Its a book.B.My n ames Peter.()5. A. Good eve ning.B. Good morning.单选题四)1.A. Andare you?B. HereC. How2.at,my,look,eyes,small(.:3.has,a,he,no se,big(.)()2. Lookmy kn ee.A. to B. at C. in()3. Gladmeet you.A. to B. too C. at()4. My n osesmall.A. are B. ha

25、ve C. amUnit 4 Lesson 19()月()日Unit 4 Lesson 21()月()日-13 -一单选题()1. Ia big ball.A. hasB. haveC. are()2. Lucya little doll.A. haveB. areC. has()3. Itbig.A. isB. hasC.am二情境题一情境题()1.你旁边有一只小猫,你想让彼得看看,应说:A. Look here, Peter. B. Good morning, Peter.()2.你过生日时,爸爸送你一辆玩具汽车,你高兴地说:A. This is a cat. B. Wow! Its su

26、per!()3.你想告诉大家你有一个新铅笔盒,可以这样说:()1.你看到同学的新书包很漂亮,你会说:A. How nice!B. Hello!()2.你想告诉妈妈玛丽有一只小猫,可以这样说:A. This is a little cat. Mum.B. Mum, Mary has a little cat.Unit 4 Lesson 20()月(一连词组句1.have,I,ballo on,a(.)2.has,she,doll,a,little(.)3.foot,look,my,at(.)二排序题1. Morni ng!2. Good morning, Tom!3. Look! I have

27、a toy bus.4. Wow! Its cool!A. I have a new pen cil-box. 二补全对话A: Hi, Li Yan.B:A:B: Really?A: OK. This is my new bag.B: Wow! Its cool!Unit 4 Lesson 22一连词组句1. is, super, it (.)B. Wow! Its a new pen cil-box.a. I have a new bag.b. Hello, Peter.c. Show me your bag.()月(2. it, I, can, see ( ?)3. n ew,bike,

28、has, tom, a (.)二看问句选答语()1. Can I see it?()2. Look at my new train.()3. Show me your car.()4. How are you, Peter?A. OK. This is my car.B. Sure. Here you are.C. Not very well.D. Wow! Its cool.Unit 4 Lesson 23()月()日Unit 4()月()日()月()日连词组句1. welcome,you,are(.)2. here,are,you(.)3. pla ne.n ew,have,I,a(.)二

29、情境题()1.当别人帮助你时,你应说:A. Thank you. B. Good eve ning!()2.当别人感谢你时,你应这样回答:A. Thank you. B. Youre welcome.()3. “你出局了!”可以用英语这样说:A. Youre out! B. Youre welcome!Unit 4 Lesson 24一单选题()1. -I have a new ship. -A. Super! B. Here you are.()2. -Here you are. -A. OK. Here you are. B. Thank you. 二排序题1. Sure. Here yo

30、u are.2. Hi, Peter. I have a toy boat.3. Youre welcome.4. Thank you very much.5. Can I see it?选择听到的单词()1. A. handB. catC. head()2. A. pla neB. bikeC. ball()3. A. taxiB. shipC. boat()4. A. superB. coolC. nice()5. A. pandaB. dogC. bear二听句子判断对错()1.1 have a new toy boat.()2.You are welcome.()3.Show me y

31、our eraser.()4.Good evening!()5.That is my bike.()6.Look! Its great.三听句子选择正确答语()1. A. Hello! Ya ng Mi ng.B. My name is Yang Ming.()2. A. Tha nk you. B. Sure. Here you are.()3. A. Im fine. Tha nk you. B. Good night!()4. A. Oh, its cool. B. Here you are.()5. A. OK. B. Youre welcome.四读短文判断对错Hi, Im Anna

32、. Im an En glish girl. I have a new toy. Its n ame is Hai Bao. The toy is very cool. I like it very much. And I have a big kite. I like the kite, too.()1. My n ame is Anna.()2. I have a new toy pla ne.()3. The toy Hai Bao is very cool.()4. I like the kite.()5. My kite is big.-# -Unit 5 Less on 25()月

33、()日Unit 5 Less on 27()月()日2. purple,have,a,I,sharpe ner(.)Unit 5 Lesson 28()月()日一情境题()1.你想和彼得一起画一只熊猫,你会说:一单选题()1. The apple is.A. blue B. red C. colour()2. What colourthe sharpe ner?A. have B. is C. are二补全对话A: Hi, Li Yan. I have a new.B: Really? Whatis it?A:.B: Red?A: No! Its.Unit 5 Lesson 26()月(一情境

34、题()1 .你想知道物品的颜色,应说:A. What colour is it? B. How are you?()2.你想看看Peter的蓝色的书包,你应说:A. I have a blue bag. B. Show me your blue bag.()3 .你想知道今天谁穿着绿色的衣服,你可以这样问:A. Who is weari ng gree n today?B. Who is weari ng yellow today?二排序题1. Red and yellow.2. What colour is it?3. Lucy, I have a new ruler.4. Thank yo

35、u.5. Can I see it?6. Sure. Here you are.一单选题()1. -What colour is it? -A. Oh. Its very nice. B. Its yellow and gree n.()2. -Look at my red apple.-A. Tha nk you.B. Oh, its nice.()3. -Ca n I see your eraser?-A. Sure. Here you are. B. Youre welcome.二连词组句1. me, a, book, show, brow n (.)A. What colour is

36、the pan da?B. Lets draw a pan da.()2 .你想把画涂成黑白的,你会说:A. Colour it blue and white.B. Colour it black and white.()3.如果你想知道高伟的自行车的颜色,你会这样问他:A. Whats colour is your bike?B. What colour is your bike?二看答句选上句()1. - -Great!A. Lets draw a duck. B. Thank you.()2. - -OK.A. Good morning. B. Colour it yellow and

37、white.()3. - -Its black.-15 -A. What is this?B. What colour is it?Unit 6 Lesson 31()月()日Unit 6 Lesson 33()月()日-19 -一连词组句1. yellow, colour,pla ne,the (.)2. colour,pan da,is, what,the ( ?)补全对话A: Hello! Gao Wei.B: Hi.A: Really?B: Guess!A:B: No, its gree n.Unit 5 Lesson 30一单选题a. Is it black?b. I have a

38、new bike.c. What colour is it?()月()1.A. trainB. taxiC. bike()2.A.headB. handC. knee()3.A.bookB. rulerC. glue()4. A. reallyB. newC. nice()5.A. kiteB. balloonC. doll-二二听句子判断对错()1.I have a white boat.选择听到的单词)2. Whats your name?()3. Look ar my schoolbag.)4. Colour it black.)5. Is it gree n?)6. Lets draw

39、 a dog.听句子选择正确答语()1. Itsorange oran ge.A. anB. aC. to()2.it yellow.A. ColourB. LookC. Lets()3. Letsa rabbit.A. flyB. ope nC. draw)1. A. No, its yellow.B. All right.)2. A. Colour it black.)3. A. Im fine. Tha nk you.)4. A. OK. Here you are.)5. A. Nice to meet you, too.排序题B. Its black and white.B. Sure

40、. Here you are.B. All right.B. Youre welcome.看问句选答语()1. What colour is it?A. OK. Here you are.()2. Tha nk you.B. Thank you.()3. Here you are.C. Its white.()4. Lets draw a cat.D. All right.()5. Can I see it?E. Youre welcome.1. Wow, how nice!2. Kate, look! This is my pink bear.3. Can I see it?4. Youre

41、 welcome.5. Thank you.6. Sure. Here you are.一情境题()1.李艳喜欢喝果汁,如果你也喜欢,你应这样说:A. Me too.B. I dont like Coke.()2.你对同学说你喜欢汉堡,你想问他喜欢什么,你应该说:A. I have a hamburger. B. How about you?二连词组句1. you, how, about ( ?)2. like,I,dogs,hot(.)3. new,I,a,have,bike(.)Unit 6 Lesson 32()月(一单选题()1. -I like hot dogs. -A. Me to

42、o. B. Oh, its cool.()2. -Happy birthday to you. -A. Tha nk you.B. Its nice.()3. -Heres a cake for you. -A. Youre welcome. B. Thank you.二排序题1. Thank you.2. Heres a cake for you!3. Hello, Sam!4. Youre welcome.5. Hello!一情境题()1.A. Have some Coke, please.()2.妈妈对你说你想请客人喝可乐,你可以这样说:B. I have some Coke.Have

43、a pear”你不想吃,你可以这样说:B. No, tha nks.A. I dont like apples.二补全对话A: Hello, Kate!B: Nice to meet you, too.A:B: No, tha nks. I like banan as.A:B: Thank you very much.Unit 6 Lesson 34一单选题()1. Heres a cakeyou.A. inB. forC. at()2. Happy birthdayyou.A. toB. forC. at()3. I haveapple.A. a B. an C. for二看问句选答语()1.Here you are.()2.I like juice.()3.Have an oran ge, please.()4.Tha nk you!a. Have a pear, please.b. OK. Here you are.c. Nice to meet you.()月(A. Me, too.B. Sure. Here you are.C. Thank you.D. No, tha nks. I like bananas.E. Thats OK.()5. Can I have some milk?1. chicke n,I,lik


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