(江西专用)2019中考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材同步复习 Grade 7 Book 2 Units 7-9课件_第1页
(江西专用)2019中考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材同步复习 Grade 7 Book 2 Units 7-9课件_第2页
(江西专用)2019中考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材同步复习 Grade 7 Book 2 Units 7-9课件_第3页
(江西专用)2019中考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材同步复习 Grade 7 Book 2 Units 7-9课件_第4页
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1、教材同步复习教材同步复习 第一部分第一部分 Grade 7Grade 7Book 1Book 1 UnitsUnits7 79 9 2 中考考中考考 点点 精讲精讲 3 拓 展 4 活学巧练 单项填空 1 _ was the weather last Sunday? It was sunny. The sky was blue. AHow BWhat CWhenDWhere 2What will the weather be like tomorrow? _ . AYes,I like it BIt will be cloudy CI dont mind it DThats it A B 5

2、3How is the weather in Canada these days? Its _ . We can make snowmen. Arainy Bfoggy Csnowy Dwindy 4What was the weather like yesterday? It was _ . Unluckily,I left my umbrella in the office. Afoggy Bsnowy Cwindy Drainy C D 6 7 8 活学巧练 单项填空 5Look! The birds are flying _ the river. AcrossBthrough Cacr

3、ossDover 6The blind man walked _ the street with the help of a kind boy. Aacross Bover Ccross Dthrough D A 9 7The sunshine gets into the room _ the window. And my room becomes bright and comfortable. Aover Bthrough Cacross Dcross B 10 over across through 11 12 活学巧练 单项填空 11Mona doesnt like making spe

4、eches. She feels nervous while speaking _ her classmates. Ain front Bin front of Cin the end Din the front of 12Jenny is so shy that she is afraid of speaking _ so many people. Ain front of Bat the top of Cin the front of Dat the end of B A 13 14 15 活学巧练 单项填空 13How much did the phone _ ? ? The same

5、as you said,eight hundred dollars. Aspend Bcost Cpay Dtake 14Before stamps,people didnt _ for the letters they sent,but for the letter they received. Apay Btake Cspend Dcost B A 16 15What did you do last Sunday morning? I _ two hours _ books. Atook; to read Bspend; to read Ccost; read Dspent; readin

6、g 16It takes me half an hour _ playing the piano. How about you? I usually spend 20 minutes _ it. Apracticing; on Bto practice; in Cto practice; on Dpracticing; in D C 17 18 易混句型: What be(am/is/are) sb. like?则常用于询问某人的性格或人品等。 答语常为kind,friendly,strict及shy等表示性格或人品的形容词。eg.eg. Whatss he likelike?他是个什么样的人

7、? Hes friendly and kind.他既友好又善良。 拓 展 19 活学巧练 单项填空 17What does your cousin look like? _ . AHe wears a pair of blue shoes BHe is very friendly to others CHe is tall and thin DHe is from Canada C 20 18Can you tell me _ ? Sure,hes tall and of medium build,and has curly blond hair. Awhat Tom looks like B

8、what does your brother look like Cwhos your brother Dwhat Mr. Green likes 19 _ ? Hes warmhearted and helpful. AWhat does Peter looks like BWhat does Peter like CWhos Peter DWhat is Peter like A D 21 22 活学巧练 单项填空 20Hurry up! The movie is beginning. Dont worry. There is still _ time left. AlittleBa li

9、ttle Cfew Da few B 23 21The girl in purple is new here,so _ people know her. Afew Ba few Clittle Da little 22I dont understand the story because there are _ new words in it. Aa few Bfew Clittle Da little A A 24 25 26 活学巧练 单项填空 23I dont like this bag. Please show me _ one. Aothers Bthe others CanotherDthe other 24Which of the two Tshirts would you like to choose? Both. I can give one to my brother and leave _ to myself. Athe other Bothers Cthe others Danother C A 27 25Some people like to stay at home on Sundays,but _ like to


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