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1、高一英语第二学期英语作文复习实例讲评: 假设你最近参加了由某电视台举办的中考生英语演讲比赛并获奖,该台准备组织获奖者去北京参加一次英语夏令营活动,下表是这次活动的时间安排和活动内容。活动时间7月15日-22日或8月15日-22日活动内容参加英语角 学唱英语歌曲听英语讲座 表演英语短剧看英语电影 教外宾学中文【写作内容】电视台现就活动时间和活动内容征求你的意见。请按照以下要求用英语以书信形式给予答复。1. 选择适合你的时间并说明理由;2. 解释你只能参加其中的两项活动(听英语讲座和教外宾学中文),虽然你认为所有的活动都很有意义;3. 说明你选择的理由:听英语讲座了解英美文化的信息;教外宾学中文因

2、为2008北京奥运让越来越多的外宾想了解中国。【写作要求】必须使用5个句子表达全部的内容信的开头和结尾已给出。dear sir or madame, im glad to be invited to the english summer camp. thank you very much. yours truly, li ping【评分标准】句子结构的准确性和复杂度;信息内容的完整性和连贯性。由此我们可以看出,信息点的数量与往年的书面表达题相比并没有减少,要想用5个句子把所有的信息都表达出来,考生必须从以下三个方面进行备考:1. 养成重视审题的习惯。虽然基础写作题是半封闭性的,但审题仍然十分重

3、要。现以样题为例,谈谈如何审题:思考的问题样题分析要写的文章主题是什么?(topic)参加夏令营。为什么要写这篇文章?(purpose)电视台邀请参加夏令营,写信回复要写文章的信息点有哪些?(information items)选择的时间、参加活动的内容、解释为什么。怎样安排信息点的逻辑顺序?(order)说明要参加的活动并解释原因说明要参加的时间并解释原因。动作是什么时候发生的(时态)?(when)夏令营还没有开始,文章主要用一般将来时。2. 提高组织信息的能力。组织信息的过程包括信息分类、信息排列和信息表达三个环节。这些步骤看起来好像很繁琐,但对于中下成绩的考生来说,一步一步地思考这些问题

4、是很有必要的。现以样题为例,说明该怎样组织信息。信息分类信息排列信息表达时间信息:两个时间段。内容信息:6项活动。选择信息:其中的两个活动及其理由。夏令营的内容信息点排列:可以将自己要参加的两项活动放在前面,其它信息点可以略写。作者的选择信息点排列:依照自己所参与的活动顺序逐项表述,紧接着给出选择的理由。结合已经给出的头和尾,写作的顺序可安排如下:很高兴被邀请(已给出)感谢安排这么多的活动说明活动的意义表达自己只能参加两项活动的遗憾和原因说明参加的活动内容及原因(两项活动用两句话)说明自己选择的时间及原因。3. 夯实基础,掌握基本的句子结构及其用法。对于大多数考生来说,用词不准和句子结构错误是


6、行编号),仅供参考:dear sir or madam,im glad to be invited to the english summer camp. thank you very much for arranging so many activities, such as english corner, english lectures, english films, english songs, english plays and helping foreigners learn chinese. i am sure all the activities will do a lot o

7、f good to us students. but its a pity that i can only take part in two of them, because i will have to spend some time in doing my research project. i would like to listen to the lectures, by which i will learn more about western culture, and help foreigners learn chinese, as more and more foreigner

8、s want to know about china and the 2008 beijing olympic games. i want to see my grandparents in the country right after our school finishes in mid-july, so i am going to attend the camp from august 15th to 22nd. thank you very much. yours truly, li ping第句顺应已给出的句中的glad心情,表示感谢安排这么多的活动,具有较好的连贯性。同时很自然地将

9、活动内容做一介绍。第句用简单句表达活动的意义,语意上连贯,句式上没有继续用“长”句,有变化。第句用but转折并用its a pity 句型表示委婉的歉意,然后解释原因。第句用一个长句子表达自己要参加的两个项目,并解释原因,解释原因的第一句用定语从句,第二句用状语从句,使句子结构富于变化。第句解释参加的时间并给出解释。之所以把时间放在后面,主要是考虑它与题目已经给出的句子之间在语意上的连贯性不够。实战演练1. 请根据以下的情景说明,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。情景说明请用英语简单描写你的好友刘聪。你的描写必须包括:1. 年龄16岁,身材不高,衣着朴实;2. 学习情况:学习用功,

10、独立完成作业,各科成绩优良;3. 品质:待人谦虚,乐意助人。耐心帮助我学习英语;4. 业余爱好:喜欢音乐,爱好体育。 写作要求1. 短文的标题为:my best friend;2. 短文必须包括以上全部内容,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯;3. 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容, 其中三个句子必须为复合句;4. 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。2. 请根据以下的情景说明,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。情景说明假设有一批加拿大中学生将来你校就读,校方要求你在开学典礼上介绍一下学校的有关规则。请按以下要点写一篇发言稿。1.上学要穿戴整洁;2.上课不迟到、早退;3.保持校园清洁;4.走路

11、靠右行;5.若要骑车上学,请办理自行车许可证(许可证:permit)。写作要求1. 短文必须包括以上全部内容,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯;2. 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容, 其中三个句子必须为复合句;3. 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。4.开头和结尾已为你写好(不记句数)good morning, dear friends. welcome to our school.-thanks. 3. 请根据以下的情景说明,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。情景说明张华昨晚做了一个梦。他梦见自己为北京奥运会做一名志愿者,他努力帮助来自世界各国的外国朋友。在交谈中, 张华让外国朋友更多

12、地了解北京。外国朋友感谢张华,并且认为张华的英语说得很好。 写作要求1. 短文必须使用5个句子介绍包括以上要点的全部内容,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯;2. 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。3. 短文的标题为:张华的一个梦。 4. 假设你是吴东,拾到电子词典一部,请失主前来认领。写作内容时间:2006年10月10日晚。地点:学校运动场。特征:新,灰色,比名片稍大,杂志般厚。联系地址:本校学生宿舍d座502房.联系电话;22221368. ,写作要求 1标题:lost and found2必须用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容;3将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。5. 请根据以下的情景说明,使用5个规范的英语句

13、子描述全部所给的信息内容。情景说明假如你叫孙军,是某市一所中学的学生,要给市长写一封信,反映学校门前交通拥挤现象,信须包括以下要点: 问 题 建 议学校和一所小学毗邻,对着大街,高峰期交通繁忙;加之孩子小,家长接送,交通更拥挤;学生过街在车辆中穿行危险等。政府应采取措施,如修天桥等; 参考词汇:穿行 thread ones way; 天桥 overpass写作要求1. 短文必须使用5个句子介绍包括以上表格中的全部内容,其中三个句子必须为复合句,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯;2.要以书信的格式写这篇反应情况的短文;3.书信的开头及结尾已经写好,但不记句数。dear mayor, i am a s

14、tudent of no. 5 middle school. here i have something to tell you. _. i am looking forward to your reply. yours sun jun6. 请根据以下的情景说明,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。情景说明 根据图示,以“air pollution in big cities” 为题,写一篇有关大城市的空气污染报道方面的短文。写作要求1. 短文必须使用5个句子介绍包括以上图片中的全部内容,其中三个句子必须为复合句,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯;2. 短文以“air pollution

15、 in big cities” 为标题;3. 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。7. 西山镇是一个依山傍水的小镇。过去,这里的人们生活极其贫困。解放后,人们的生活各个方面都发生了很大变化。请根据下面表格里的提示,写一篇短文,介绍该镇的变化情况。人 口约10万面 积约26平方公里地理概况坐落在太行山脚下,面临一条大河。新建有许多工厂,商店,医院,学校等教育状况解放前只有一所学校。只有富家子弟可以上学。现在有10所学校,每个孩子都可以上学。 生活状况丰富多彩。人们工作之余,可以逛商店,看电影,跳舞,参加体育活动等。写作要求1. 短文的标题自拟;2. 短文必须包括以上表格中的全部内容,可以适当增减细节,使

16、内容连贯;3. 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容, 其中三个句子必须为复合句;4. 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。8. 请根据以下的情景说明,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。情景说明目前,大部分中国家庭只有一个孩子,他们是家庭的希望,所以父母对他们寄予厚望,要求也很高。请简要叙述下面这幅图片的内容,并谈谈你的看法。 写作要求1. 短文的标题自拟;2. 短文必须包括以上这幅图片中的全部内容,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯;3. 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容, 其中三个句子必须为复合句;4. 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。9. 请根据以下的情景说明,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所

17、给的信息内容。情景说明请按照下面6幅图片的提示和所给的主题句,写一篇题为“changes in our life” 的英语短文。写作要求1. 标题:changes in our life2. 短文必须使用5个句子介绍包括以上六幅图片的全部内容,其中三个句子必须为复合句,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯;3. 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。10. 请根据以下的情景说明,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容情景说明假设你是周琳,新西兰一所学校将于今年暑假组织学生来你校参观访问。其间,david将借住你家。请你代表全家写信给david,欢迎他的到来,并告知有关事宜,信的要点如下:上午:学校活动-

18、举行欢迎仪式,参观校园。下午:游览市区的名胜古迹。晚上:歌舞晚会。 写作要求1. 信件必须包括以上三个方面的内容,书信格式已经给你写好,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯;2. 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容, 其中三个句子必须为复合句;3. 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文 dear david, yours sincerelyzhou lin高一英语第二学期英语作文复习参考答案1. my best friendthis is my best friend, whose name is liu cong; he is sixteen years old and he is not tall. he

19、has many spare hobbies but his favorites are music and sports. although his family is a wealthy one, he is usually simply dressed. he works hard at his lessons and he always tries his best to finish his homework by himself so he gets good marks in all subjects. he is modest and ready to help others

20、and he has ever also helped me with my english.2. good morning, dear friends. welcome to our school. now please allow me to introduce some of our school rules to you here. as high school students, firstly, we are expected to be neatly dressed when at school. secondly, it must be made clear that we s

21、hould never be late for class or leave school before it is over. the school is a place for us to live and study in, so we must keep it clean. lastly, when you are walking on the road, please remember to keep the right, and if you want to go to school by bike, you must have a bicycle-permit. thanks.3

22、. one dream of zhang huaszhang hua had a sweet dream last nightin his dream, he volunteered to serve the beijing olympics. he tried his best to help the foreign friends from different countries. zhang hua talked with tom, who was an athlete from american and made tom know more about beijing. tom tha

23、nked zhang hua very much and thought zhang huas english was very good.4. lost and foundon the evening of october 10th, 2006, i picked up an electronic dictionary on the playground of our school. it is new, grey, bigger than a card and as thick as a magazine. the owner of the dictionary may phone me.

24、 my name is wu dong and my telephone number is 22221368. i live in room502 of building d of the student dormitory of our school.5. dear mayor, i am a student of no. 5 middle school. here i have something to tellyou. beside my school there is a primary school and the gates of the two schools both fac

25、e the main road. in rush hours, there are so many cars, buses and bikes on the main road that the students have to cross the road to school. crowds of people often thread their way through the moving cars and buses. whats worse, some pupils are too young to go to school by themselves, so many parent

26、s have to go along with them to make sure that their children are safe. i think the government should build an overpass over the road so that we can pass through it safely; otherwise accidents are sure to happen from time to time. i am looking forward to your reply. yours, sun jun6. air pollution in

27、 big citiesin the picture, there are a lot of cars in the street that are giving out a great deal of waste gases. also, more and more chimneys of factories are sending out black smoke into the sky. that means that air pollution in big cities now is turning more and more serious. these poisonous gase

28、s do harm to health and people have to wear masks to protect themselves from being harmed. the situation is so terrible that the government must do something or pass laws to change it.7. great changes in xishan town xishan town is a small town, which is at the foot of taihang mountain, in front of t

29、he town flows a big river. it has a population of about 100 thousand and an area of 26 square kilometers. before liberation, people there lived a hard life but great changes have taken place there since liberation and now they have built many factories, shops, hospitals and schools. the school educa

30、tion has also improved, for example, before liberation there was only one school, but now there are 10 schools and every child can go to school. their lives are colorful, such as, after work they go shopping, see films, go dancing and have sports and they are all living a happy life.8. the eager hop

31、e of the parentsin the picture, the boy who scored 80 in his exam is being scolded by his mother, because she thinks his grade isnt good enough. as we all know, each family is encouraged to have only one child in china. on one hand, parents take care of every thing for them; on the other hand, they

32、expect them to get good marks at school. some of them are pushed so hard that they even lose interest in their lessons. in my opinion, children should be encouraged to study instead of just being forced to do that,at the same time, i also hope all parents can understand their children and let them fly by themselves.9. changes in our lifeover the past twenty years or so,great changes have taken place in t


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