pep五年级下册Unit 5 Whose dog is it单元教案含练习题_第1页
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1、unit 5 whose dog is it?一、单元整体分析本单元是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级下册的第五单元。主要围绕话题 whose dog isit?引出 a 、b 、c 三个板块的内容。a 、b 部分呈现新知识点,c 部分是以 讲故事形式巩固或延展知识面。本单元是在以前学过的形容词词性物主代词的基础上,继续学习名词词性物主代词,温故知新,是学习本单元的主要教学策略。a 部分先以对话情景呈现本单元核心词汇与核心句型的适用语境,在集中呈现重点词汇短语(即名词词性物主代词及短语)和重点句型,分为两个课时进行教学活动。b 部分先以情景对话形式呈现有关正在进行时态的核心词汇和核

2、心句型,然后集中呈现六个表示正在进行时的常用动词形式,再以读写和检查形式呈现经典巩固训练题,分三个课时。我把 a 部分的拼读规则、b 部分的收集归纳以及 c 部分的趣味故事拼凑成一课时,培养学生在学习过程中养成分类归纳的好习惯,也养成学以致用的好风格。在教学 a 部分的名词此行物主代词的时候,我准备采用借助于图画、ppt 课件等进行多功能训练,在教学 b 部分动词正在进行时态形式时,我准备采用动画展示、图卡多种方式进行学习与巩固,鼓励学生积极参与砸金蛋、表演等多种活动,帮助学生培养好的学习心 态,提高学习兴趣和学习质量。二、 单元教学目标1.知识目标(1) 能够听、说、读、写本单元出现的 mi

3、ne,yours,his,hers,theirs,ours,climbing, eating,playing,jumping,drinking,sleeping等 12 个重点单词。(2) 能够听说认读本单元出现的 each,each other,excited,like等词汇。(3) 能够听说读写本单元出现重点句型 look! thats my dog! yes! sityour dog. the dog isyours. oh, fido is sleeping. yes.ssohecute!are these rabbits eating? reno.playingtheywith ea

4、ch other.(4 )能够掌握主要功能句型。例如: whose is it?its whose are these/ those?they rewhat is / aredoing?is / are v.-ing能够在实际生活中熟练运用这些句型,完 成询问以及回答他人物品归属情况。(5)能够掌握字母组合 ng / nk 的发音规则,能够读出符合 ng / nk 发音规则的单词,能够 根据发音品写出符合 ng / nk发音规则的单词。2.能力目标(1) 通过对本单元新知识的学习,能够正确掌握重点词汇和重点句型,能够灵活运用于真 实交际语言环境中。(2) 能够表演对话情景和趣味故事内容。(3)

5、 能够在单线上正确抄写句子,能够做到书写规范不错格。3.情感目标(1) 能够积极主动参与各种学习训练活动,乐于合作,积极交流,踊跃表演。(2) 能够加强学习英语的自信心,提高交际能力。三、教学重难点1.教学重点(1)能够听、说、读、写本单元出现的 mine,yours,his,hers,theirs,ours,climbing,eating,playing,jumping,drinking,sleeping等 12 个重点单词。(2)能够听说读写本单元出现重点句型 look! thats my dog! yes! sityour dog. the dog isyours. oh, fido i

6、s sleeping. yes.ssohecute!are these rabbits eating? reno.playingtheywith each other.2.教学难点(1 )能够掌握主要功能句型。例如: whose is it?its whose are these/ those?they rewhat is / aredoing?is / are v.-ing能够在实际生活中熟练运用这些句型,完 成询问以及回答他人物品归属情况。(2)能够表演对话情景和趣味故事内容。四、教学方法充分运用多媒体进行教学活动,充分展示网络相关的教学资源、自制 ppt 课件、歌曲、录 音,鼓励学生积极

7、参与各种游戏训练活动,激励学生积极参与表演活动。五、教学时间本单元共分六个课时第一课时:a. lets trylets talk第二课时:a. lets learnlook, say and complete.第三课时:b. lets trylets talk第四课时:b. lets learnlets play.第五课时:b. read and writelets check第六课时:a. lets spellb. lets wrap it upc. story time六、知识点拨名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的用法比较物主代词实际上是人称代词的所有格形式,根据其句法作用,物主代词可以分

8、为形容词性和名词性两种。形容词性物主代词一定要后接名词(如:this is my bed.这是我的床。),名词 性物主代词可以独立使用,无需后接名词(如:this bed is mine.这张床是我的。)物主代词的形式请见下表:人 称单 数复 数第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性myyourhis名词性mineyourshis形容词性ouryourtheir名词性oursyourstheirshhhiiihersits1.形容词性物主代词的基本用法形容词性物主代词一般位于名词前,用作定语,限定该名词的意义。例如:my name is mike.我叫迈克。.his grandparents are

9、 in beijing.他的爷爷奶奶在北京。2.名词性物主代词的基本用法 名词性物主代词在句中独立使用,即其后不接名词,其句法作用相当于一个名词。例如:ours is a clean and so big bedroom.我们的卧室是一个干净并且很大的卧室。(用作主语,一般 用于正式文体)my bike cantwork. could i use yours?我的自行车坏了,我可以用一下你的吗?(用作动词的 宾语)whose bag is this? its hers.这是谁的书包?是她的.(用作表语)joe is a classmate of mine.乔是我的一个同班同学。(用于双重所有格

10、) 名词性物主代词用作主语时,谓语动词的数应随所指者的数而定。例如:is this magazine yours orhis?itshis.mine is on my desk. (mine = my magazine)这本杂志 是你的还是他的?是他的。我的杂志在我的课桌上面。whose clothes are these?they are toms. yours are on your bed. (yours =your clothes)这些 是谁的衣服?是汤姆的。你的衣服在你的床上。第一课时课时内容a lets try letstalk课时分析本课时是人教版五年级下册第五单元的第一课时,围

11、绕“学校画展”这个话题展开。主要是通过对话的情景学会询问和回答某物属于某人的句型 the yellow pictureis mine. arethese all ours? whose issit?zhangitpengs.。培养学生学习英语的兴趣和树立学好英语的信心。本课时是整个单元的首课时,在本单元中起引领与铺垫作用 .本课时的重点是核心句型的灵活运用。本课时包括 letstry 和 letstalk两个板块。letstry是听力训练,通过陈杰和 mike在参观学校美术展时的问答,帮助学生初步理解 a 部分 lets talk的核心句型。lets talk通过呈现陈杰和 mike 参观学校

12、画展的情景,引出句型 the yellow picture is mine. are these all ours? whose is it?sitzhangpengs.此版块的话题贴近学生的生活,学生们都非常感兴趣,很能激发学生求知的欲望。在课堂教学中,首先要整体把握本单元教学内容,教学重点和教学难点,借助师生照片、 图片等多种方式呈现,采用猜一猜、找一找等多种教学活动,全面调动学生的积极性,培养学生灵活运用语言的能力。本课时的教学内容是四年级下册第五单元教学内容的延续, its/theyre.sarethese yours?的句型学生们在四年

13、级已经接触过,为本单元的教学打下了很好的基础。课时目标1. 能够听、说、读、写句型:the yellow picture is mine. are these all ours? whose is it? itszhang pengs.2. 能够在教师和图片的帮助下理解对话大意。3. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。4. 能够在情景中运用 the yellow picture is mine. are these all ours? whose is it?itszhang pengs.5. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣和树立学好英语的信心。课时重难点1.重点(1) 能够听、说、读、写句型:the

14、yellow picture is mine. are these all ours? whose is it? itszhang pengs.(2) 能够在教师和图片的帮助下理解对话大意。(3) 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。2.难点句型 the yellow picture is mine. are these all ours? whoseszhangisit?pengits.的灵活运用。教学准备多媒体课件、词卡、录音机和磁带step 1 warm up1. greetingt: good morning, boys and girls.s s: good morning, ms/mi

15、ss.t : how are you today?s s: imfine, thank you. and you?t : imfine, too. do you like listening to music? enjoynowletasong together. if you can sing, follow the tape please.(教师播放歌曲 my weekend 。)设计意图:歌曲的运用提高学生的兴趣,使学生尽快融入到课堂中。step 2 lead inlets tryt: good, boys and girls. look at the three pictures. t

16、hey are pictures of the school art show. mand chen jie are talking about them. whichsispicture?johnletslistenandtick.a. listen to the tape and choose the right picture.b. 呈现听力文本,学生朗读。t: mikes picture is blue. the blue one is his.教学资源:课件、录音机设计意图:听力的练习,使学生初步感知本课核心句型,为学习正式的对话做好铺垫。step 3 presentation1.

17、learn“whose is it?”(1)t: now letsplay a game. i have many of baby photos. can you guess whose(教they are? 师呈现班里三到四名学生的宝宝照图片。)t: look at the first photo. whose(板is书it?句子。)s1: i thinksit.s.(引导学生回答。)t: no, it isnt.s2: i thinksit.s.t: yes, it is.shis/板.书yes,itshis/hers.)(2) t: look at the las

18、t picture. whose is it?s 1: i thinksit.s.t : no, it isnt.(学生猜不出,教师引导学生大声问老师 whose is it? .)s s: whose is it?t : itsmine.(3)教学板书句子,理解句子,带读句子。教学资源:照片设计意图:通过猜一猜,让学生在愉快的氛围中学会了知识。2. learn“the picture is mine. are these all”ours?(1) t: look! the picture is mine. which picture is yours?s1: the . picture is

19、(mine.引导照片的主人说句子。板书句子,理解句子。)(2) t: these pictures are (all教师ours.指着屏幕照片说,然后用肢体语言帮助学生理解句子。) (3)课件呈现 lets try中 mike 和 john 的图片。t: look at the pictures. are these(all板书ours?句子,理解句子,带读句子。)ss: no, they arent.thatpicture of the seas.isthemikepictureof the treess.isjohn 设计意图:用自己的照片引出所学的句子,很能吸引学生的兴趣。3. lear

20、n the text(1) 课件呈现教学插图。t: chen jieand mike areattheartshow and talkingaboutthepictures. whose picturesare these? letslearn the text.(2)read the text and discuss the questions in a group.whose is the picture of beijing?whose is the picture of shanghai?which picture is chens?jie(3) listen to the tape

21、and follow the tape.(4) 两人一组分角色朗读课文。指几个组朗读,教师评价。教学资源:课件、录音机、磁带设计意图:通过自读、跟读、模仿朗读,层层递进,给学生联系的时间。step 4 practiceask and find out桌子上摆放一些学习物品或衣物等,两人一组进行问答练习。参考句型:whose book/. is this?its.s.its/his/hers.itsmine.whose storybooks are these?they are.s.theyrehis/hers.they are mine.设计意图:创设情境,帮助学生巩固和运用核心句型。s te

22、p 5 summaryt : what did you learn about this lesson?学生自由说,教师总结。t: 学习了询问和回答某物属于某人的句型:the yellow picture is mine. are these all ours?whose is this?s.its.设计意图:帮助学生整理和归纳知识点,便于学生的理解和记忆。课堂作业一、将打乱的字母重新排列,组合成单词。1. i, m, e, n 2. i, h, s 3. o, w, s, e, h_ _ _ 二、单项选择。( )1. _ book is this?a. who b. who s c. who

23、se( )2. the picture _ beijing is beautiful.a. of b. in c. at( )3. look at the pen.s_.ita. hes b. his c. her( )4.are these all _?yes, they are.a. our b. ours c. your三、改错。( ) 1. the yellow picture is my. _a b c( ) 2. this is a _a b c( ) 3.whose storybooks are these?aitsmiss whites. _ b

24、canswers:1、 1. mine 2. his 3. whose2、 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. b3、 1. c, mine 2. c, mikes3.b, theyre板书设计unit 5 whose dog is it?whose is it? the yellow picture is mine. its.s/his/hers. are these all ours?第二课时课时内容a lets learnlook, say and complete课时分析本课时是人教版五年级下册第五单元第二课时。围绕“dog show ”这一话题展开,主要通过对话学习词汇 mine,

25、yours, his, hers, theirs,,培养ours学生爱护动物的意识。第一课时 为本课时打下了一定的基础,本课时的重点是四会单词的掌握以及灵活运用。本课时包括 lets learn和look, say and complete两个板块。lets learn通过呈现zoom和 zip 谈论报刊墙展出的 dog show 的场景,体现了单词的词形和意义。此版块设计的学生们比较感兴趣的动物的话题,非常符合学生的心理,贴近学生的生活,更能激发学生学习的兴趣。look, say and complete版块是一个综合性的语用活动,通过这个活动操练 a 部分 lets learn所学的词汇和

26、句型,做到学以致用。本课时虽然是新授课,但是四会单词 mine, his,yours,ours 在第一课时已经接触过,所以在设计教学过程时,遵循以学生为主体的原则,采用听、说、读、 写、玩等多种方法调动全体学生的积极参与。通过任务型教学法、合作探究教学法等引导学生自主学习。 课时目标(1) 能够听、说、读、写单词:mine, yours, his, hers, theirs,。 ours(2) 能够在语境中正确运用这六个单词。(3) 能够对物主代词进行总结归纳。(4) 培养学生爱护动物的意识。课时重难点1.重点(1)能够听、说、读、写单词:mine, yours, his, hers, the

27、irs,。 ours (2)能够在语境中正确运用这六个单词。(3)能够引导学生对物主代词进行总结归纳。2.难点(1)能够在语境中正确运用 mine, yours, his, hers, theirs,这六个ours单词。 (2)物主代词的归纳。教学准备多媒体课件、录音机、磁带教学过程step 1 warm up1. greetingt: good morning, everyone.s s: good morning, teacher.t : how are you today?s s:im fine, thank you. and you?t : very well, thanks. are

28、 you ready for english class?ss: yes.2.ask and answert: whose english book is this?s 1: its.s.t : yes, sithis.s1: whose . is this?t: its.s.s1: yes, sithers.(利用学生手里的物品,进行问答练习。)教学资源:学习物品设计意图:问答操练复习了上节课的词汇和句型,为学习新知做好铺垫。s tep 2 lead int : boys and girls, do you like animals?s s: yes.t : which animal do

29、you like best?s1: i like. best.s 4: i like dogs best.t : why do you like dogs?s4: they are cute /.设计意图:通过和学生们谈论熟悉的动物,既拉近与学生之间的距离,又很自然的引出正文。 step 3 presentation1.课件呈现 zoom 和 zip 在观看赛狗大会的场景t: look at the picture. this is a dog show. there are kinds of dogs on show. zoom and zip are atthe dog show. who

30、se dogs are on show?shaveleta look.设计意图:出示图片,将学生带入情境,然后整体感知。2. teaching the new words“his,hers, yours, mine, ours,”.theirs(1) teaching“his, hers”a.呈现 mike 的图片t: look at picture 1. whose dog is that?s 1: itsmikes.t : yes. that is his dog. the dog(板is书 his,领读,指名读,齐读。用红色 标注 his。)his dog is big.b

31、. 呈现陈杰的图片t: look at picture 2. is that schendog?jies 1: yes. sither dog.t : we can say another “waythedog is hers.”(板书her dog hers,领读,跟读,指名 读,齐读。用红色标注结尾的 s。)her dog is cute.(2) teaching“yours, mine”a. t: now letshave a look at zoomsandzipsdog. how do you like zoomsdog?s 1: itsbig/cute.t : how do you

32、 like zipsdog?s2: its.b. listen to the tape and follow the tape.c. act zoom and zip.学生表演,教师板书 your dogyours,领读,跟读,齐读,用红色标注结尾的 s。 d. t: now mizip. who wants to be zoom?(请一名学生与教师对话。)示例:zip: is this your dog?zoom: yes, itsmydog. the dog is itssocute.zoom: thank you.e.学生两人一组模仿示例练习。(教师板书 my dog

33、mine, 指名读,齐读,联系单词 nine,记 住音、形。)(3) teaching“theirs, ours”a. 呈现两人与狗在一起的图片。t: look at the picture they are introducing 播放录音,学生跟读。itsour dog. the dog is (ours.板书ourdogours,带读,指名读,用红色标注结尾的 s。) c. t: yes,sittheir dog. the dog theirs.(板书 their dogtheirs,带读,指名读,齐读,拼读,用红色标注结尾的

34、s,强 调同音词 there。)(4)听录音,跟读录音。his dog his her dog hersmy dogmine your dogyoursour dogours their dogtheirs(5)小组认读,然后讨论名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的用法,教师适时补充。名词性物主代词= 形容词性物主代词+ 名词教学资源:课件、录音机、磁带设计意图:图文结合学习词汇,更好的帮助学生理解。4.step 4 practice1.快速认读男女生比赛,快速抢读单词。设计意图:比赛激起学生的兴趣,巩固单词的音义形。look, say and complete呈现表格,学生仿照例句写句子,然后

35、问答操练。参考句型:a: whose. is that?b: its.s.a: the . is hers/his/mine/yours/ours/theirs.设计意图:巩固本课的六个名词性物主代词,做到活学活用。s tep 5 summaryt : what did you learn about this class?学生自由说,教师小结。t :1. 学习了六个名词性物主代词:mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours 2. 名词性物主代词= 形容词性物主代词+ 名词设计意图:总结的环节帮助学生归纳知识点,有助于学生对知识的记忆。 课堂作业一、按要求写单词。

36、1.his名词性物主代词2.their同音词3.反义词yours amy名词所有格二、选词填空。1. her hersthis is _ jacket.the jacket is _.2.our oursthese are _ books.the books minelook! it isnt_ picture._ is yellow.三、按要求完成句子。1. itsmikesbook.(对画线部分提问。)_ _ is this?2. this is their(dog.改同义句。)this dog is _.answers:一、1. his 2. there 3. min

37、e 4.samy 二、1. her, hers 2. our, ours 3. my, mine 三、1. whose book 2. theirs板书设计unit 5 whose dog is it?his dog hisher dog hersmy dogmineyour dogyoursour dogourstheir dogtheirs形容词性物主代词+ 名词= 名词性物主代词第三课时课时内容b letstry letstalk课时分析本课时是人教版五年级下册第五单元第三课时。围绕“小狗 fido”这一话题展开,主要通过对话学习句型 is he drinking water? no,

38、het.isnheseating.的表达。增强学生热爱动物的美好情感,激发学生学习英语的热情,保持对英语学习的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心。本课时在 b 部分中起到了引领的作用。本课时的重点是能够在情景中运用询问并回答某人正在做某事的句型。本课时包括 letstry和 lets talk两个版块。letstry呈现了 sam 到陈杰家做客时所发生的问答的场景,使学生初步感知核心句型。letstalk呈现了 sam 在陈杰家做客,两人讨论小狗 fido 的情景,引出核心句型 is he drinking water? no, het.isnheseating.情景的设 置,很贴近学生的实际生活,更能

39、激起学生学习的兴趣。本课时的新授知识学生比较容易理解,教师在教学中充分利用教材已设定的情境展开 教学,引导学生在合作学习中和任务学习中正确表达所学句型。课时目标1. 能够听、说、认读、运用句型:is he drinking water? no, het.isnheseating.2. 能够理解对话大意。3. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读课文。4. 增强学生热爱动物的美好情感。课时重难点1. 重点(1)能够听、说、认读、运用句型:is he drinking water? no, het.isnheseating. (2)能够理解对话大意。(3)能够用正确的语音、语调朗读课文。2. 难点句型 is

40、 he/she v-ing? yes, he/she is./sheno,isnt.hehe/sheisv-ing.的灵活运用。教学准备课件、图片、词卡、录音机、磁带教学过程step 1 warm up1. greetingt: how are you, everybody?s s: imfine, thanks. and you?t : very well, thanks.2. letschant.t: boys and girls, i have a chant for you.课件呈look!(现自编儿歌。)areyouready? ss: yes,miready.t: ok. lets

41、chant, dog, dog,sither dog.sithers, hers,, cat, cat,shisitcat.sithis,his, his.pig, pig, pig,stheiritpig.stheirs,ittheirs.look at that cute duck.smyitduck.sitmine.教学资源:课件设计意图:美妙的旋律,朗朗上口的儿歌,既活跃了课堂气氛,吸引了学生的注意力,又 巩固了上节课所学的知识。s tep 2 lead int : good. look at the ppt. whose cat is th

42、at?s s: itsjohns.t : whose dog is that?ss: itschen jies.t: the dogsname is fido. how do you like this dog?s1: itssmall/cute/.s 2: its.t : do you like her dog?s s: yes.t : sam likes fido, too. today he is atschenhome.jiehewants to play with fido. where is the dog? (呈现教材中 letstry的三幅图片。)guess!s1: in th

43、e kitchen.s2: in the bedroom.s 3: in the living room.t : now letslisten and tick the right(picture.播放录音。)教学资源:课件、录音机、磁带设计意图:用儿歌中的图片很自然的引出主人公 fido,然后课件呈现教材中 letstry的三幅 图片,让学生猜测 fido 在哪,引起学生的求知欲望,并为引出正文做准备。step 3 presentation1. 呈现完整对话(1) t: fido is sleeping in the living room. fido is drinking water i

44、n the kitchen. fido is sittthe bedroom.(教师依次介绍 lets try图中内容,学生跟读,初步感知现在进行时的表达,板书 sleeping, drinking water, ,sitting红色着重于-ing。)(2)t: fido is so cute. sam wants to play with him. but where is he? what is he doing? guess! s1: is he.?(引导学生用is he v-ing猜测,板书句子,教学句子,理解句子。)t: no, he isnt.(板书回答。)s2: is he.?.

45、(3)t:now letslisten to the tape and find out the answers.设计意图:猜测 fido 在干什么,初步理解现在进行时的表达。 2. 教学对话(1)呈现 lets talk的图片t: where is fido now?s s: in the kitchen.t : what is he doing?s s: heseating.(板书句子,教学句子。)t : is fido drinking water?ss: no, he isnt.(2)listen to the tape again.t: then what is sam going

46、to do with fido?ss: hesgoing to take fido to the park.(3)read aloud.理解 can you take him to the park?(4) listen to the tape and follow the tape.(4) 分角色朗读。同桌两人分角色读。男女生分角色读。师生分角色读。(6)表演对话。教学资源:课件、录音机、磁带设计意图:表演对话,展示了学生们的语言才能,表演才能,提高学生运用语言的能力。 step 4 practicelets play a game(1)教师事先准备好小猫 mimi 做不同事情的图片,请一名

47、学生到讲台前,面向黑板,教师随意抽出一张,学生用句型 is the cat v-ing?猜测,其他学生给出相应的回答 yes, she is. / no, she isnt.(2)两人一组,拿出事先自己准备好的动物的图片,进行猜测问答。教学资源:图片设计意图:通过游戏的活动,让学生在玩中巩固所学知识。s tep 5 summaryt : what did you learn about this lesson?学生自由说,教师总结。1. 学习了词汇:drinking water, sleeping, eating2. 学习了句型:is he /she +v-ing?yes, he /she i

48、s. no, he/shet.isn设计意图:将本节课所学的主要内容,知识结构进行归纳,帮助学生理解和记忆本课时所学 的知识。课堂作业一、英汉连线。 with a. 和玩 e here b. 喝茶 3.drink tea c. 当然可以 4.of course d. 过来二、单项选择。( ) sarah _ water?yes, she is.a. drink b. drinking c. drinks( ) 2.can you take _ to the park? sure.a. he b. him c. his ( ) 3._is tom?he s at home.

49、a. whose b. where c. who三、选择合适的句子补全对话。mary: where is mimi?l ily: 1._m ary: 2. _l ily: no, she t.isn3._m ary: 4. _lily: of course.a. she is eating.b. shes in the garden.c. can i play with her?d. is she sleeping?answers:1、 1.a2.d3.b4.c2、 1.b2.b3.b 三、1.b 2. d3.a4.c板书设计unit 5 whose dog is it?is he/she +

50、 drinking water?v-ingyes, he/she is.drinking watereatingsitingsleepingno, he/she isnt.heseating第四课时课时内容b letslearn letsplay课时分析本课时是人教版五年级下册第五单元第四课时。围绕“小动物在干什么”这一话题展开,主要通过对话学习六个动词的现在分词 climbing,eating,playing,jumping,drinking,sleeping以及能够在语境中正确的使用。引导学生产生热爱小动物的美好情感,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心。第三课时 is he/she v-ing? yes. he/she is./no, he/shet.句型isn 的学习为本课时做了很好的铺垫。本课时的重点是四会单词的掌握和运用。本课时包括 lets learn和letsplay两个版块。lets learn通过呈现mike 和陈杰歇息时交谈小动物的场景,呈现了单词的词形和意义。此话题是学生们非常感兴趣的,很能激起学生强烈的求知欲。lets play版块是用于操练 b lets learn版块中六个动


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