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1、荆州市高中英语参评试题一, 多项选择(10分)21. There are some _when we have to change our mind just before doing it.A .situations B. occasions C. circumstances D. conditions22. We all dont know why Tom can tell whats written on the paper in another room without looking at it. It really _ explanation. A. prevents B. cha

2、llenges C. interrupts D. confuses23. A great number of people will walk away from buying goods in a shop because they are so _queuing. A .fed up with B. put up with C. caught up with D. teamed up with 24. A dog in London has been taking a bus regularly. The driver even knows where to _ this special

3、passenger. A. drop out B. pick out C. leave behind D. put down 25. The Japanese governments so called purchase of the Diaoyu Island will inevitably have a(n)_impact on China-Japan economic and trade ties. A. effective B .productive C. negative D. creative 26. You may as well go an outing all by your

4、self; _I may keep you company. A. differently B. alternatively C. accordingly D. automatically27. What astonished us was that the murder case had been dismissed _any definite proof. A. in the charge of B. in the absence of C. in the possession of D. in the name of28. _ students are from the south an

5、d they like having sweet food. A. Many a B. More than one C. A great deal of D. A number of 29. - Do you have a few minutes? I have got something important to tell you. -Ok, _ you make it short. A. now that B. if only C. so long as D. every time30. Not only _, but we should also put what we have lea

6、rnt into good use. A. we should study hard B. we study hard C. should we study hard D. we shouldnt study hard二,完形填空(20分) Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and _31_ to let the angels stay in the mansions guest room. _32_ the angels we

7、re given a small space in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and _33_ it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied, “Things arent always what they seem.” The next night the pair came to _34_ at the house of a very poor

8、, but very 1 _35 farmer and his wife. After _36_ what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good nights rest. When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife _37_.Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income,

9、 lay _38_ in the field, The younger angels was _39_ and asked the older angel _40_ could you have let this happen? “The first man had everything, yet you _41_ him, she accused. The second family had little but was _42_ to share everything, and you let the cow die.”“Things arent always what they seem

10、,” the older angel replied. “When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold _43_ in that hole in the wall. _44_ the owner was so obsessed with _45_ and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldnt _46_ it.”“Then last night as we slept in the farmers b

11、ed, the angel of _47_ came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things arent always what they seem.”Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things dont _48_ the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to _49_ that every outcome is always to your _50_. You might not know it until s

12、ome time later 31. A .permitted B. refused C. objected D. preferred32. A .So B. Still C. Instead D. Therefore33. A filled B. neglected C. repaired D. protected34. A. eat B. visit C. play D rest35. A. easy-going B. hard-working C. kind-hearted D. hospitable36. A. eating B. sharing C cooking D. prepar

13、ing37. A in delight B. in astonishment C. in detail D. in tears38. A .dead B death C. silent D. wide39. A puzzled B. sad C. angry D. scared40. A what B. where C. how D. when41. A hurt B. bore C. helped D. protected42. A. willing B. afraid C. supposed D. sure43. A. appeared B. stored C. thrown D. pac

14、ked44. A .Though B. Even if C. As if D. Since45. A. hatred B. greed C. death D. goodness46. A. waste B. find C. cheat D. stored47. A .love B .victory C. sorrow D. death48. A .break out B. turn out C. get out D. carry out49. A. think B. accept C. trust D. follow50. A. advantage B. amazement C. side D

15、. disappointment 2三,阅读理解 (40分) A Between 1300 and 1600, the Western World was transformed. An extraordinary wave of artistic and cultural innovation (革新) shattered medieval society and brought European culture reluctantly into the modern era. This was the Renaissance. In art: Artists discovered how

16、to paint in three dimensions, bringing new life and realism to their subjects. Breaking away from the religious traditions of the medieval world, they created entirely new genres of art, rich in drama and emotion. Radical new techniques were invented, like painting with oils, and perspective. In arc

17、hitecture and science: Buildings were constructed that were bigger and better than ever before. Taking inspiration from the classical past, new rules were invented governing proportion and perspective. Magnificent temples to wealth were designed across Florence and the largest dome in the world was

18、built by the brilliant engineer. Men no longer accepted at face value the teachings of the Church. Now they wanted to study the natural world, to discover for themselves the secrets of the universe. Leonardo Da Vinci pioneered the study of human anatomy and Galileo Galilei rocked the Catholic establ

19、ishment by announcing that the earth revolved around the sun. In politics: Liberated from the exclusive grasp of the Catholic Church, education filtered down to the upwardly mobile middle classes. Ancient texts, unread for more than 1,000 years, were devoured and debated. With the invention of print

20、ing, ideas swept across Europe faster than ever before, and thinkers and writers shared their opinion with the general public. Machiavelli wrote the first modern manual for leadership, “The Prince”. Visualizing a pragmatic world in which the end always justified the means. Throughout Italy, republic

21、s and duchies blossomed under the glow of creative achievement. Around Europe, kings and princes turned their sights on the jewels of Italy and era of total war was soon unleashed. In religion; In this new world of communication and debate, the corruption and decadence of the Catholic Church was alm

22、ost intolerable. Martin Luther becomes the first heretic(异教徒) to publish his theories worldwide. This German monk shattered centuries of reverence and assumption, paved the way for a revolution in faith and forever divided the Christian world prompting the Counter-Reformation. People still argue abo

23、ut what the Renaissance meant, when it began and if it even existed. What is undeniable is that something extraordinary happened at the heart of the last millennium. It changed the face of western culture and left no doubt that the Medici were the patrons, the catalyst of genius.51. Which of the fol

24、lowings is not the three dimensions in painting? A. New life and realism to their subjects. B. New genres of art, rich in drama and emotion. C. The religious traditions of the medieval world. D. Painting with oils, and perspective.52. Leonardo da Vinci was famous for his paintings and he also did so

25、mething in_. A. the study of human anatomy. B. the theory of art.C. the study of architecture. D. the study of religion.53. What helped the spread of ideas according to the text? A. The revolution of industry. B. The new genres of art. C. The religious traditions of the medieval world. D. The invent

26、ion of printing.54. What was the most important effect of the Renaissance? A. It was a period of transform in history. B. It changed the face of western culture. C. It brought Europe into the modern era in many fields. D. It helped the people seek for the secrets of the universe. B As we grow up, we

27、 gradually develop a set of our own values or beliefs. These are influenced by society, our family, the education we receive and so on. Once this value System is set up, its not easy to change later in life. Financial experts say that every one also has their own belief of how to manage their money.

28、 According to our different values, experts put us in three categories. They are; the ant, the cricket and the snail. The ant-work firstJust like ants who work heart and soul in summer in order to store food for winter, these people dont care about enjoying the moment. They work very hard and save m

29、oney they earn so that they can enjoy life when they get old and retire. The ant loves to save but they could make more out of their money if they were willing to invest in some funds and stocks with low risk. The cricketfun first The cricket wants to enjoy everything now and doesnt think too much a

30、bout the future. They even borrow money when they really want something. Many young people now belong to this group. These people have little savings. When they get old, they might have problems. They should learn to save and buy insurance. The snaillife under pressure The snail refers to people who

31、 make life difficult for themselves. They take big long-term loans from the bank in order to buy things such as luxury houses. They are happy to take big loans even though they are not sure they can afford it. This can cause problems in the future. They should plan more carefully.55. Ones values may

32、 _. A. be his ways of managing money B. be his beliefs about society C. determine his family and education D. influence his behavior56. Mr. Smith always enjoys spending a weekend with his friend, fishing, hunting and playing cards. Moreover, he spends money in a very luxurious way. So, _. A. Mr. Smi

33、th belongs to the ant type B. Mr. Smith belongs to the cricket type C. Mr. Smith belongs to the snail type D. Its hard to tell which kind of person Mr. Smith is57. The writer of the passage seems to be in favor of _. A. the ant B. the cricket C. the snail D. none of them58. According to the passage,

34、 the most suitable title would be “_”. A. Spending nature B. What Comes First C. How to Understand Your Values D. Work and Fun CResearches have suggested that your game-playing habits and TV watching inspire you to act out, but those who enjoy killing people on screen disagree with the result. “I ha

35、ve played the most violent games available on the market today,” write Mateo, 15. “I dont go killing people or stealing cars because I see it in a game. My parents say that, as long as I remember its a game, I can play whatever I want.”Despite what they say, many scientific studies clearly show that

36、 violent video games make kids more likely to yell, push and punch, says Brad Bushman, a psychologist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Bushman and his colleagues recently reviewed more than 300 studies of video media effects and said “We included every single study we could find on the to

37、pic. Regardless of what kids say, violent video games are harmful.”TV has been around a lot longer than video games, so researchers have more data on the long-term effects of violent TV shows on people than they do on the effects of violent video games. Scientists at the University of Michigan recor

38、ded the TV-watching habits of hundreds of first and third graders in 1977. Fifteen years later, the researchers looked at what kind of adults these kids had become. By the time they were in their early twenties, women who had watched violent shows as kids were four times as likely to have punched, c

39、hoked, or beaten other people as were women who didnt watch such programs as kids. Boys who watched violent TV grew up to be three times as likely to commit crimes as boys who didnt watch such programs. But that doesnt mean that everyone who watched violent programs ended up being violent themselves

40、. It was just more likely to happen for some people.59. Which of the following about Mateo is right? A. He doesnt go killing people or stealing cars in a game. B. He works in a market. C. His parents allow him to play violent games as long as he regards it as a game. D. He agrees that games-playing

41、habits and TV watching inspire one to act out.60. Researches show _. A. violent TV shows have more bad effects on people than violent video games. B. women are more likely to punch, choke or beat other people C. boys who watched violent programs ended up being violent themselves D. both violent TV s

42、hows and violent games are harmful61. The underlined word “punched” in the third paragraph must mean “_”. A. to strike hard with fist B. to make a hole on a metal or paper C. to act gently D. to act in boxing62. According to the passage, we students _. A. had better watch violent TV shows than play

43、violent games B. try to control our behaviors after playing violent games C. should give up the habits of watching violent shows and playing violent games D. should keep away from those watching violent programs in case they commit crimes D Something big is happening to the human race, something tha

44、t could be called Great Transformation. The transformation consists of all the changes that are occurring in human life due to advancing technology. For thousands of years such progress occurred slowly. Now everything is changing so fast that you may find yourself wondering where all this progress i

45、s really leading.Nobody knows what all these changes will really mean in the long run. But this mysterious Transformation is the biggest story of all times. It is the story of the human race itself.Some people worry about what will happen when the deposits(蕴藏) of petroleum are gone, but already rese

46、archers are finding all kinds of new ways to get energy. Someday, solar power collected by satellites circling the earth or fission(裂变) power produced by mankind may gives us all the energy we need for an expanding civilization. Space exploration promises to open up much new land for human settlemen

47、t, as well as leading to the harvest of mineral resources.Like it or not, our advancing technology has made U. S. masters of the earth. We not only control all the other animals, but we are reshaping the worlds plant life and even its soil and rocks, its waters and surrounding air.Technology gives u

48、s the power to build a great new civilization, if we can just agree on what we want it to be. But today, there is little global agreement on goals and how we should achieve them.So it remains to be been what will happen as a result of our technology. Pessimists worry that we will use the technology

49、eventually to blow ourselves up. But they have been saying that for decades, and so far we have escaped, Whether we will continue to do so remains unknown, but we can continue to hope.63. The Great Transformation is caused by _.A. changes in human lifeB. the development of science and technologyC. s

50、pace explorationD. unknown reasons64. Today it is impossible for people to build a remarkable new civilization because _. A. nobody is optimistic about the future B. human beings are unable to do so C. people are worried too much D. people disagree with each other in many ways65. According to the pa

51、ssage, pessimists believe that _. A. the future of the world will remain unknown B. technological advances help little in peoples life C. technological advances will destroy the human race at last D. there is no need to develop technology66. Advancing technology could possibly make us _. A. hesitate

52、 B. decisive C. powerless D. mysteriousE We can achieve knowledge either actively or passively. We achieve it actively by direct experience, by testing and proving an idea, or by reasoning. We achieve knowledge passively by being told by someone else. Most of the learning that takes place in the cla

53、ssroom and the kind that happens when we watch TV or read newspapers or magazines is passive. Conditioned as we are to passive learning, its not surprising that we depend on it in our everyday communication with friends and co-workers,Unfortunately, passive learning has a serious problem. It makes u

54、s tend to accept what we are told even when it is little more than hearsay and rumor.Did you ever play the game Rumor? It begins when one person writes down a message but doesnt show it to anyone. Then the person whispers it, word for word, to another person. That person, in turn, whispers it to still another, and so on, through all the people playing the game


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