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1、精品教学教案设计| excellent teaching plan教师学科教案20 -20学年度第一学期任教学科:任教年级:任教老师:xx市实验学校精品教学教案设计| excellent teaching plan备课时间上课时间课型新授课教学内容unit 4 whenis easter?period1 section a let s learn ask and an教材分析本单兀学习的主题是中西方节日及个人的生日,主情景图通过学生教室中谈论母亲节、中秋节和生日的情景,呈现出本单元要学习的核心词 和句型,及其语用环境。学情分析学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意, 并能进行角色表演够在情景

2、中运用句型。教师可以帮助学生成立学习合作小组,引导学生彳 各种音像资料进行自学或合作学习。、1教学目标21.够听、说、读、与序数词:first(1st), second(2nd), third(3rd), fourth(4th), fifth(5th).、初步了解各序数词的用法及在句子中的读法、写法 .3.让学生能说出一些关于序数词的规律。、教学重点first(1st),second(2nd), third(3rd), fourth(4th),fifth(5th). 与2.sentences : when is the sports meet? it s on april 4th.的t教学难点

3、初步了解各序数词的用法及在句子中的读法、写法 .。教学方法情景教学法,图片教学法教学用具vords cards教学过程教学环 节教学 手段教学活动学生活动设计意图step1.预习温1) greetings: sing a song together.2) revision : go oversing a song together唱歌进入英语学习氛围故the old wordsstep21)板书:the title “unit 4when iseaster? ”并教读.2) t: do you know when easter is? ss: it susually in aprilt: do

4、you know whenapril fool s day is? ss: 4.1t: do you know how to say 4.1 in english?learn the new words : first(1st), second(2nd), third(3rd), fourth(4th), fifth(5th) t: first .first spell itplease. s : read after teacher and spell theword.(类似方法教读单词)3) t: makea sentence: first .first april fool sday i

5、s on april 1 st. s read after teacher(同样的方法巩固其他单,my birthday is on may2nd.明确告知学生在月份的第几日要用序数词,读时 前面要加上定冠 the”, 同时在某月某日前要用介词 on)。4)师生互译序数词、基 数词及短语5)句子操练6) listen to the tapeand read after it.step3合作交流小组合作交流通过小组合作的方式, 学生都充分的参与到学习中 来。step41 .完成 first(1st), , fifth(5th) 在四线三格上 的写法。2 .说一句今天才学会最 感兴趣的句子。uni

6、t 4 when is easter?first (1st), second (2nd), third(3rd), fourth(4th),: my birthday is in january:it,s on april 4 th板书设计fifth(5th)when is your birthday? swhen is the sport meeting? s备课时间上课时间课型新授课教学内容unit 4 when is easter?period 2 section a let s talk教材分析本单兀学习的主题是中西方节日及个人的生日, 主情景图通过学生4 教室中谈论母亲节、中秋节和生

7、日的情景,呈现出本单元要学习的核心词 和句型,及其语用环境。学情分析学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意, 并能进行角色表演够在情景中运用句型。教师可以帮助学生成立学习合作小组,引导学生彳 各种音像资料进行自学或合作学习。教学目标1、能询问及回答节日所在月份及日期。2、能用理解let s talk 的大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。3、能在语境中运用 when is april fo ol s day? it s on april类似句型来交流相关节日月份及日期。教学重点句型:when is ? it s on 的掌握及回答。教学难点句型:when is?it s on 的掌握及回答。教

8、学方法情景教学法,图片教学法教学用具vords cards教学过程教学环 节教学 手段教学活动学生活动设计意图step11) 、review the words p 39互译单词短语:singing contest,math s testschool trip ,2)、t: whenis english test? /math test. s s: it s on.step21) listen to the tape and finish the let s try ”2)学习重点单词及句 型:special days, wow! i love april.3) ss翻译重点句子,并 对重点短

9、语做好笔记。4) listen to tape and read let s talk.(分角色 多读几遍)t: how many festivals have you heard?s : two. they are april fool s day and easter .(学生可看到书自己 寻找答案)t : when is aprilfool s day /easter ?ss: it s on .step31) role play: 两人小组对话,轮流模仿以上对话。2) talk about theholidayswithyourpartner.板书设计unit 4 when is ea

10、ster?what are they?a: when is the april fool s day?b: it s on april 1st.a: when is easter?b: it s on april 5 th.备课时间上课时间课型新授课教学内容unit 4 whenis easter?period 3 section b let s learn look and w教材分析本单兀学习的主题是中西方节日及个人的生日, 主情景图通过学生4 教室中谈论母亲节、中秋节和生日的情景,呈现出本单元要学习的核心词 和句型,及其语用环境。学情分析学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意, 并能进

11、行角色表演够在情景中运用句型。教师可以帮助学生成立学习合作小组,引导学生彳 各种音像资料进行自学或合作学习。教学目标1.能够听、说、读、写序数词及简写形式:twelfth(12th),twentieth(20th), twenty-first(21st),twenty-third(23rd),thirtieth(30th)2 .初步了解一个月份中日期的表达方式。3 .让学生能自己总结出序数词表达的基本规律。教学重点1.words:twelfth(12th),twentieth(20th),twenty-first(21twenty-third(23rd), thirtieth(30th)的学习

12、。2.sentences : when is your birthday?/ when is grandpa s birthdit s on october 12th.的学习。教学难点whenis your birthday? whenis grandpa s birthday? it s on oct 12th.的学习。教学方法情景教学法,图片教学法教学用具words cards教学过程教学 环节教学 手段教学活动学生活动设计意图step11) revision : go over the old words: one . first,two ,second , three third,.(

13、 可教师说基数词学生说序数词 1-5)t: whenis math test?. s:it s on oct. 4 th(类似练习)t: how to say 4.12?教师板书出12,20,21,23,30的序数词及简写形式,同学们找出具有关序数词简写的规律(凡是在有1的后面用st, 2的后面用nd.3的后面加rd)step21) teach the new words : twelfth(12th),twentieth(20th),twenty-first(21st), twenty-third(23rd),thirtieth(30th)(同学们可试着自己拼读,然后再跟读录音)2) t:

14、twelfth(12th)、.twenty-first(21st), twenty-third(23rd)spell the word.(同样的方法教其他单词,注意先 学单词,再让学生看书引导学生自 己说出句子如:dad s birthday is on nov. 30 th.)。3)巩固新词及句子认读4)引导学生说出自己及家人的 生日5) listen to the tape(let s learn)step3合作交流step41.完成twelfth(12th)-thirtieth(30th)在四线三格上的写法。2.说一句自己今天才学会最感兴趣的句子板书设计unit4when iseaste

15、r?twelfth(12th)twentieth(2twenty-first(21st) twenty-third(23rd) thirtieth(30th)when is your birthday? s: my birthday is in januar备课时间上课时间课型新授课教学内容unit 4 when is easter?period 4 section b let s talk 、role-教材分析本单元学习的主题是中西方节日及个人的生日, 主情景图通过学生4 教室中谈论母亲节、中秋节和生日的情景,呈现出本单元要学习的核心词 和句型,及其语用环境。学情分析学生能够在图片和教师的帮

16、助下理解对话大意, 并能进行角色表演够在情景中运用句型。教师可以帮助学生成立学习合作小组,引导学生彳各种音像资料进行自学或合作学习教学目标1.能用理解let s talk的大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。2 .能在语境中运用 when is your birthday?it s on april 4 th.3 .理解书上重点句子,如: what will you do for your mum? i ll noodles for her.教学重点句型:when is your birthday.?的掌握及回答。教学难点句型:when is your birthday.?的掌握及回答。教学方法

17、情景教学法,图片教学法教学用具vords cards教学过程教学 环节教学 手段教学活动学生活动设计意图step11) review the numbers: one, first five, fifth(师生互说互说基数词与序数词,可说几个有代表性的)。2)t:when is yourmother sbirthday?/father s dayss:it son( 可用42页的图片)step21)学习本课重难点短语及句 型:i ll cook noodles for her. please come then. we can have a birthday party for both of

18、 you!2) listen to the tape and read let s talk fivetimes.3) t: do you know when is mike s birthday? ss: it s.t: what will chen jie do forhermother sbirthday?s : she will cook noodles for her.( 学生可看 到书自己寻找答案)4)请学生翻译重难点句子,做 好短语笔记step 3.合作交流:(用时6分钟)1) role play:两人小组对话,轮流模仿 chen jie和john的对话。2)灵活运用所学短语及句

19、型造句。when is yourbirthday ? it s 板书设计unit 4 when is easter?a: when is your birthday? b: my birthday is on 备课时间上课时间课型新授课教学内容unit 4 when is easter?period 5 let s spell read and write教材分析本单兀学习的主题是中西方节日及个人的生日, 主情景图通过学生4 教室中谈论母亲节、中秋节和生日的情景,呈现出本单元要学习的核心词 和句型,及其语用环境。学情分析学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意, 并能进行角色表演够在情景中运用

20、句型。教师可以帮助学生成立学习合作小组,引导学生彳 各种音像资料进行自学或合作学习教学目标1 .能了解及会发字母组合th在单词中的不同发音。2 .能听出字母组合th的音并写出有关的单词。3 .理解书上重点句子某月某日做了什么事情,如 their eyes are openapril 26 th.教学重点句型:their eyes are open on april 26.的掌握及强调在明确的日要用介词on。教学难点句型:their eyes are open on april 26.的掌握及强调在明确的日要用介词on。教学方法情景教学法,图片教学法教学用具vords cards教学过程教学环

21、节教学 手段教学活动学生活动设计意图stepl1.review these words:one ,first (基数词与序数词教师可与同学们分开说)育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰2.read let/s talk p41step2(一) learn let s spell ” .1. read listen and chant.: th( 注息让学生听 懂不同的发音)2. listen , circle and say.mother maths fatherthin brother fifththisbirthdaythere threethatthirdcan you read the

22、words by yourself?3. choose, write and say.(可选上)step 3.合作交流,师生共建 (用时8分钟)read and write: two new kittensstep31 . ss: readthe passagetry to translate the sentences and finish read and match2 .老师讲评并反复重复 句型 they have white fur on april 21st. 一step4背诵并默写本课所学句型。unit 4 when is easter?板书设计th: mother mathsfather thin brother fiftth: this birthdaythere three that thirdstthey have white fur on april 21备课时间上课时间课型新授课教学内容unit 4 when is easter? sect


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