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1、青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水美好生活的相关文章推荐 篇一:美好的生活作文 美好的生活作文 美好的生活作文(一) 我们的生活是美好的,美好是朴实,美好是自信,美好是宽容,美好是给予,美好更是健康、勇敢和坚强,更是分享。 有一周上学时,妈妈让我把她昨天带回来的一大包意大利原装进口的巧克力带到学校去分给同学们,大家一起吃,放在家里面我一个人也吃不完。我可不愿意呢!这巧克力可是我的最爱呢!我曾经创下两天吃完一箱的纪录!后来还是被数落了一顿:“一次吃那么多!”我想抗议。没办法,我还是乖乖听了妈妈的话,带去了巧克力。下课铃响了,我凝视着课桌里的巧克力足足3分钟,突然蹦出来一个想法:可以自己吃完

2、啊!只有你自己知道!这是你的巧克力!这时,另一个想法站出来:不行不行!妈妈说了要分享的!不能出尔反尔!我可是答应了妈妈的。我脑子里一片混乱。最终,我撕开了那一层漂亮的包装,分给了伸出手来要的同学,看着空空的包装盒和他们脸上的笑容,我第一次感受到了分享的美。 又是一次。我在读六年级,学校田径队正好要来招收选手。我在校运会里刚刚跑了两个第一名,便被选进了田径队。经过长达两个月的训练,我和其他同学一起,代表学校去参加区上的比赛。到了比赛那天上午,我浑身不自在,脸绷得紧紧的,心里像揣着一直小兔子似的,砰砰直跳。“我跑到最后一名怎么办?那岂不是丢了学校的脸,我回到班上又该怎么给同学们说?我的人气指数不是

3、就要哗哗哗直线下降?啊啊啊,不要!万一?最后在老师的鼓励,同学的帮助下,我的心情好多了,奋发完成了比赛,取得了小组第一名的好成绩,还把可怜的第二名甩了100多米!在同学们的夸耀声中,我第一次体会到了自信的美。 其实,生活中的美远远不止这么多,只要我们善于去尝试,善于去挑战和观察。 美好的生活作文(二) 谁都知道,正常人的生活十分的美好,而残疾人的生活却苦不堪言。自然,人们也都是憧憬于美好的生活。人有尊严,正常人会被人尊重,而残疾人只会被人看不起,不论生活,还是在其他的方面上正常人往往胜于残疾人。 盲人看不见世界的五彩缤纷,他的世界永远是黑暗万分的;聋子听不见世间的好听声音,他的世界永远是安静的

4、;哑巴说不出自己的委屈,他的世界又是无比委屈;没手的人不能像正常人一样用右手写字;没脚的人行走是十分困难的,可以说是一辈子做在轮椅上。残疾人生活不便,就更别说残疾人有多痛苦了。 我真不明白,那些身体健全的人比残疾人的生活好上几十倍,为什么还会有些人不好好读书,这也就算了,有些正常人甚至走弯道实行偷盗、吸毒、沉迷电脑游戏等等,使家长操心、难受。难道他们没有想过他妈妈怎么的疼他们、爱他们。他们为什么不少 走弯道、好好读书来回报他们呢! 就在今天下午,我乘坐1路车去学英语,突然,我从窗户外面看见了一位被截肢的老奶奶无比艰难的向车走来,她上一个阶梯都十分困难,并且也要十多秒。有一位阿姨走到老奶奶的身旁

5、,搀着老奶奶,亲切地说:”阿姨,慢点!“我亲眼目睹了老奶奶一步步艰难的步子,就连做在座位上都需要费力。我顿时领悟到了残疾人的生活是多么的艰苦! 美好的生活作文(三) 所谓“低碳生活”,就是指在我们的生活中耗用的能量尽量减少,减低资源的流失。我觉得,我们作为新一代的小学生,应该积极提倡它,也要自己去实用,应该从生活的各个方面加强节能和环保的意识。“低碳生活”,要从娃娃抓起,从我做起,从一点一滴开始积累,我们的天空才能永远那般的湛蓝;我们的湖泊才能永远那般的清纯;我们可爱的家地球,它才能从昏迷中苏醒,我们才能创造和谐、美好的明天。 大家知道么吗?我们每天在学校里尽情玩,却没注意,脚下的小草,正在痛

6、苦的挣扎着;远在北极的冰川,正一分一秒地融化?地球我们赖以生存的地方,它一定是被人类欺负得没有力气了。我们应该拍醒自己,用我们心灵深处能够的博爱、善良、仁慈和道德去拯救我们可爱的家地球。我们还要用实际行动来拯救地球:少食肉,多食蔬果;少用塑料袋,多用环保袋;少采花,少砍伐树木森林,多植树绿化;少浪费纸张,多利用它们;洗过衣服的水可以用来冲坐便器;少制造噪音;少开车;多放些音乐,动植物也会有好心情;多走路锻炼,多骑自行车,啊?生活中这样的例子有很多呢!其实,我们每个人都能做到。 我期盼你回来清清的小河;我期盼你回来清香的小草;我期盼你回来严寒的冰川;我期盼你回来地球的原生态;没有战争,和平共处;

7、我也希望人类用身体里那颗赤热的心,那颗真诚的心来拯救地球,用我们的行动来挽救地球,同样我们也要忏悔自己,用行动来请求大自然的原谅。 让我们与大自然和谐相处,“低碳”让我们的生活更加美好! 篇二:关于家的优美文章 嗅着熟悉的气息,凝视久违的布置,感到我的魂灵正在一步步归位,也许在外浪游的久了,心中对家的感触有一种渴慕的企盼,也许身经风雨,才知道有那么一个温馨的港湾值得去眷留,只有在这一刹那才感觉到欢悦的天伦之乐,飘香的柴米油盐,还有那么多真诚无间的笑意,舒心温暖的话语,也许我所追求的美好生活、圆满结局都是无知的抉择,唯却从身边溜走被抛弃的那些点点滴滴的幸福才应该最值得我去珍惜,值得我去呵护,值得




11、着熟悉且久违的嗓音飘过深沉的重门,假如一个人没有一个完整的家,那将是一份无法言诉的疼痛,也是一种无法释怀的悲凉,当然造成这样的结果,原因是林林总总的,我不想一一列陈,因为那样好像是在抠揭皮肤上一块尚未褪去的疤痕,总会鲜血淋漓,我能做的只是奉劝芸芸众生,请维护你的家庭,善待你的家人,珍惜那份幸福。 篇三:我选择美好的生活(拥有美好生活的10种方法 i chose the amazing day 我选择美好的生活。 伟大的一天,都来自于一些看似简单,但却令世界不同的事情。你必须按部就班的去做以下这些事情吗?不一定。你可以找到你自己的方法,或者从中选择几点建议。关键的是,采取一些措施让你拥有更美好的

12、生活。 i realized: while my mind is elsewhere, im missing some prime moments with my kids. and not really enjoying my day. and so i changed the moment, and in doing so changed my day: we began singing some of our favorite childrens songs. itsy-bitsy spider, twinkle twinkle, wheels on the bus, abcds, iv

13、e been working on the railroad, the ants go marching two by two all of the oldies. instead of thinking about all the things i had to do today, i brought myself into the present moment. and when we got to school, i took a few minutes to spend time with them. be present with them. it was truly lovely.

14、 this little incident not only brought warmth and joy into my heart it brought a realization into my mind: i can either have a stressed, difficult day or i can have an amazing, wonderful day. i chose the amazing day. the rest of the day, i did things to ensure that my day was the best ever. and it w

15、as. i had the greatest day all from simple little things that dont seem like much, but make all the difference in the world. do you have to follow these things step-by-step? not at all. find your own methods, or pick and choose a few of these. main thing, though: take steps to make today your best d

16、ay ever. 1. be present. instead of having your mind elsewhere, bring yourself back to now, in this moment, focused on where you are and what youre doing and who youre with. we cannot change things that have already happened, and obsessing over them does nothing to help us now. we cannot predict the

17、future, so worrying about it does nothing to help you either. instead, focus on now if something is worrying you, take action but even better, just be in the moment, and live as if now is all there is. because it is. 2. do less. have a full schedule today? cut it in half. you dont need to do everyth

18、ing on that list. i took a few items on my list and moved them to next week. do less (but focus on the important not urgent stuff) and youll be less stressed out. if you cut your list down and do only half the things you want to do for today, youll have a much better day. youll thank me. 3. get one

19、important thing done. as i said in the previous point, do less but do more important things. when i say important, i mean things that will have a huge impact on your life (personally or career wise) over the long run. not things that need to be done today or else. heres why: if you get something imp

20、ortant done, something that will help you in the long run (even if its only a step towards a major accomplishment, its important), you will feel great! youll feel a sense of accomplishment. that makes any day a great day. 4. plan your perfect life. what would your life be like if you had no restrict

21、ions? im not talking about living in a mcmansion or flying around in jet planes, but what would make you happy. a good step: pick the 4-5 most important things in your life, and build your perfect life around those things, eliminating most of the rest if possible. plan that perfect life, and then pl

22、an the first few steps you need to take to get there. now schedule those first steps over the next week, including one today. it feels amazing to start taking action on making your life the way you want it to be. 5. declutter. even if its just a little space say a drawer or a shelf decluttering an a

23、rea of your life can have a wonderful effect on your mood and happiness level. i know it gives my day a boost. when things start to get cluttered (and lets face it, even the best declutterers among us face clutter creep), i take a few minutes to clear it out. clearing your desk (at least the surface

24、 of it) can be a great way to start. 6. go for a walk. i was going to write “exercise” but im afraid that many readers will just skip over this one. so instead, just go for a walk. that movement, and the fresh outdoor air, will have a great effect on your day. and even better: take a few minutes to

25、enjoy the nature around you as you go for your walk. clear your head. calm yourself during a busy time of your day. think to yourself: “how lucky i am to be alive! how wonderful a world im in! what opportunities and possibilities lie before me!” 7. focus on 3 projects. i wrote about this recently, b

26、ut youll probably hear me repeat it a few times just because of the terrific effect it can have on your productivity and your life: choose only your three most important projects, and focus on them exclusively. focus on getting them to completion, to the exclusion of all other projects. do that toda

27、y. youll be amazed at how much youll accomplish. i only started doing it recently, but im getting so much done that i feel like i was sitting on my hands before this. it feels wonder-tastic! 8. listen to great music. when i was in the car, after i dropped the kids, an oldie came on the radio: tommy

28、james and the shondells singing hanky panky. “i saw her walking on down the line (yeah) you know i saw her for the very first time ” well, i love songs like that (call me old if you like) and i started dancing in my seat. you might be turned on by hipper songs (or is “hipper” not a trendy word anymo

29、re?) but whatever music gets you going, jam it on your ipod or car radio. or while you work. its a great time! “hey, pretty baby, can i take you home!” 9. watch a suise or sunset. trite? yes, definitely. but does it work? yes, definitely. i took the time to enjoy the sunset on my way home today. mmm

30、mm. it was lovely. it just fills me with warmth. suises are even more beautifuller! 10. spend time with a loved one. another obvious one, perhaps, but theres nothing better, really. when i spent even just a few minutes with my two babies this morning, it filled me with a joy unequaled anywhere else

31、in life. then i spent some time with my wife, after work, and let me just say thats about as good as it gets too. even if you dont have a spouse or kids, theres someone in your life that you value make time out of your day today to spend time with them and not just to watch tv, but to actually be wi

32、th them, talk with them, bond with them. it works. 1、活在当下。不要让你的思维飘忽在别处,回到现在,这一刻,聚焦在自己身上,你在哪里?你正在做什么?你和谁在一起?我们不能改变已经发生的事情,而被它们困然对我们毫无益处;我们不能预测未来,所以担心对我们毫无用处。相反,关注现在。如果一件事情正困扰着你,马上行动。 2、减少工作量。今天日程是否已经过多?减少一半。你不需要做清单上的所有事情。我挑选一些清单上的项目安排到下周进行。少做一些(但是关注那些重要但不紧急),会让你感到压力少一些。如果你减半清单上今天要处理的事项,你会拥有更美好的一天。你就会感谢我了。 3、处理一件重要的事情。正如我上一条建议所说的,少做一些但是要处理更重要的事情。重要是指那些最终会影响你生活(个人或职业发展)的事情。并不是需要今天就处理,因为,如果你完成了那些最终会影响你的事情(即使仅仅是通往成功的一个阶段,也非常重要),你会有成就感,将会令你拥有美好的一天。 4、计划一个完美的生活。如果没有限制


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